To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 107: Duel (2)

Chapter 107: Duel (2)


Ray wasnt fully aware of the effectiveness of the Imperial Swordsmanship of the Lesian Empire.

However, he could discern that the practitioners skill level was extremely low.

It was so insignificant that he could counter it with his eyes closed, relying solely on his senses.

Perhaps its adequate for a student?

To Ray, Minos appeared to be a novice aura user.

Given that he was a student, this level of skill was relatively impressive compared to his peers.

Minos persistently unleashed the imperial swordsmanship on Ray.

Although not flashy, it was a technique of unpredictable strikes, utilizing body weight in attacks.

However, no matter how unconventional the attacks, they were effortlessly blocked by the branch.


Minos suppressed a groan.

At this rate, he wouldnt be able to defeat the parasite before him.

He had instigated the duel, and now it was turning into a disgraceful scene!

Additionally, his opponent wasnt even exerting his full effort, as evidenced by his casual use of a branch.

Ultimately, Minos decided to activate his sword aura.

Taking a step back, he faced Ray, who also turned to look at him.

Whats wrong? Tired already?

Shut up. Now, Ill show you my true capabilities.

As he spoke, he started to infuse mana into his bastard sword.


He struggled to generate a simple sword aura.

To an observer, it might appear as if he was forging an aura blade.

The spectators murmured in admiration.

Sword aura! Thats typical of Minos, right?

Even so, hes ranked within the top 30 of our year. It might be challenging with just a branch.

Handsome one, hold on!

Ray replied,

The handsome one is justice!



Im betting on the handsome one too!

Was this turning into a gambling game? What were they wagering on?

As a professor, he should responsibly put an end to such gambling games and seize the money involved.

Minos, unhappy with the current atmosphere, glared around him.

Several chattering students promptly averted their eyes.

These insolents!

They were the ones who hadnt dared to make eye contact with him at the academy.

And now they dared to mock him? Preposterous!

Minos attacked Ray with his mana-filled sword.

But for Ray, it was no different than before.

It was merely a crude sword aura made of shabby mana.


If Zik had heard Minoss behavior now, he would have immediately inserted the blade into Minoss mouth.

Minos screamed, almost like a cry, as he swung his sword down.

Ray smirked at the sword slicing at a difficult angle to avoid.

Certainly, such an attack would have been considered impressive among students, tricky to block and scary to dodge the follow-up.

But if one could completely block it, it was a different story.


Ray effortlessly blocked Minoss mana-infused sword.

Then, he smoothly wrapped the branch around Minoss sword.

Shocked that his sword wouldnt move, as if caught by something firm, Minos stared in disbelief.

What kind of strength does this branch have

Eventually, the entangled sword was flicked away by the branch.

The shock sent the aura-imbued bastard sword flying into the air.


Minos, who had dropped his sword, felt his numb hand tremble.

Overwhelmed by the power difference, he looked at Ray.

Then Ray quickly closed in.

In an instant, the branch touched Minoss neck.

Ray looked at Minos and said,

So, Ive won, havent I?

Minos didnt want to admit it.

But with a blade at his throat, denying defeat would have meant death.

He clenched his teeth.

Kuh I lost.

Really? Then now you get hit.

Ray infused mana into the branch.

While looking down at Minos with eyes filled with malice, he said,

No, wait! I said I lost!

If you lost, you have to take the hits. Dont you know that the defeated in war have to bear the costs and resources?

Whats the connection between war and duels!

Minos wanted to say that, but he couldnt with the branch showering down on him like lightning.


With a clear sound, Minos rolled on the ground.

Masterfully trained from battling orcs and trolls, Rays technique had reached its peak.

He struck precisely at the most painful spots without inflicting injury, his hands demonstrating the skill of a master.

Minos howled in agony from the intense pain in his buttocks.

Kaaaak! Summon a professor!

Heres the professor you asked for, you scoundrel!

Puhuk- Puhuk-

What was this sound!

What do you mean, professor?

Ah Well

Some of the spectators, confused by Rays words, were enlightened by a few who knew Ray.

They had been eager to speak up.

He was a guest lecturer at the Magic Academy and a professor at the Medical Academy.

Furthermore, his role at the Magic Academy was significant.

Having heard continual praises about Professor Ray from her academy friends, she naturally knew about him.

That person is actually a professor.

What! So young!?

Hohoho. But whats even more surprising is hes a magic professor.


No way!

How could a magic professor outdo Minos in swordsmanship!

And with just a branch, no less.

Minos, realizing this truth, looked quite distressed.

Although Minos had initiated the quarrel, he would have apologized and greeted Ray respectfully if he had known he was a professor.

However, Ray just provoked him further with a cunning smile.

So, he just wanted to thrash me!

Ray, as if deciphering Minoss thoughts, continued to pummel him, stating, Ive disliked you from the start!


Griaia also stifled her laughter and enjoyed the scene.

The situation unfolded like a well-scripted drama, naturally inducing laughter.

In the end, there was no serious incident, and the tale concluded with the Minotaur being thrashed by the hero.

After punishing Minos for a while, Ray discarded the branch on the ground and said,

Hey, Minotaur.

Not replying?


Dont misbehave just because you believe youre part of the elite guard. Even Gria seems quite bothered by you.

No, Im fine!

Her insistence that she was fine actually meant she was annoyed.

Kobolds, the same goes for you.

Ah, understood.

After settling the situation, Ray looked around and said,

Everyone who was betting, come forward!

Ugh caught.

Those who had been watching the entertaining scene sheepishly came forward.

Ray cleared his throat and said,

You guys can go. But this money is confiscated.

He jingled the money container.


You dont really want this money, do you?

The students couldnt finish their sentences.

If you have complaints, well adhere to the school rules.

Well be leaving now.

Thank you for your generous decision.

The onlookers chuckled.

Unlike the other more rigid professors, this one was quite entertaining.

He joked and chatted with the students and casually ended what could have been a serious issue between a professor and a student with a beating, making it seem like nothing.

Griaia looked at Ray and smiled softly.

Youre kind.

Kind? Well

Ray, looking embarrassed, scratched his head as Griaia said,

Were you a professor at the Medical Academy?

Yeah. I actually came to the central garden to see if I could help the students.

Hohoho. Im looking forward to your free lecture.

Griaia said this, then bowed and walked away.

The students around laughed and said,

Professor! Ill attend your free lecture too!

If hes handsome, Ive got to attend!

Ray smirked at the unexpected promotional effect.

He hadnt expected to reap such benefits. All thanks to the Minotaur who had challenged him to a duel.

Of course, Minos was now lying on the ground, unable to move.

Ray shouted to those around him.

The lecture will be in room 3-D! Dont forget and make sure to come!

Hahaha! Got it!

Looking forward to it!

They responded and gradually dispersed.

Well, that should be enough attendees for the lecture now, whats left is

What remained was to fill the student quota at the Medical Academy.

He couldnt rely on free lectures forever. Next, he needed students from the Medical Academy.

To achieve this, his only option was to target freshmen or exchange students.

Coincidentally, new students were due to arrive in a month, and exchange students would follow.

Promoting to nobles and citizens is crucial.

By lowering the entrance criteria for new students, he was confident he could meet the required numbers.

Ray hurriedly began to organize the content for the first lecture.

Since it was a free lecture, it seemed best to focus on practical medical knowledge rather than general information.

To do that, he needed to refine the content.

Ray quickly returned to his dormitory.


Whats put you in such a good mood?

Since her return, Griaia had been chuckling to herself, prompting a short-haired girl to inquire.

I met a really interesting professor.

Oh, are you referring to Professor Ray?

Surprisingly, she seemed to already know, her expression indicating familiarity with the rumor.

Griaia covered her mouth with her hand, laughing again.

Puhuhut. The idea of someone like that being a professor it makes me envious of the Magic Academy.

What about him exactly?

The girl asked, seemingly unable to understand, to which Griaia responded without hesitation.

Hes fun. And also kind.

Kind? Didnt he beat up Minos? How is that kind?

Ien, you dont understand. Its kind to let such an unprecedented incident, where a student challenged a professor, pass like that!

Haah So, you like this professor?

Yes. Hes about our age but hes different from us.

Well, of course. Someone his age being a professor at the Academy must be different. Plus, he defeated Minos with the same swordsmanship, right? Magic, swordsmanship, medicine wow, hes a real jack of all trades.

No, its not just that. Hes simply different.

As Griaia shook her head, Ien smirked mischievously.

What, what? Did you fall in love in the central garden or something?

Normally, Griaia would have blushed and denied it, but she just smiled and said,



Ien was the one who was surprised now.

Had she really fallen in love?

The object of her affection was a professor!

But regardless of what Ien thought, Griaia simply smiled gently.

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