Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 39

B2 - Chapter 39

Senior Yang.

Lan Yang held a drink in his hand as he stared at the empty stage. It stood out when most others on the Red Floor mingled in small groups.

So, you found that your friend couldnt help. I wasnt joking, Wei Liang. I recommend that you keep away from me. Ill tell Elder Yu to replace me as a mentor if youre concerned about that.

William frowned at the dead tone and noticed how Lan Yang refused to look at him. Perhaps to avoid looking at the person who stole an emperors ransom yes, that was likely the reason.

Words would likely just serve to enrage Lan Yang, so he let the money do the talking. Literally.

William positioned himself to block the view of others. He wordlessly passed the folded notes to Lan Yang, a slight grin appearing when the man froze as he stared at them.

Yes, my friend was able to help. He would rather have said something that passed as a joke to break Lan Yang out of his shock, but that felt highly inappropriate.

William had to step back with Lan Yang shot to his feet.

I have to add these to the deposit. Stay here.

[Quest Completed | Recover Lan Yangs Spirit Stones]

[+3000 XP]

[Reputation with Lan Yang increased]

A tension that he didnt even know existed within him was gone. It was like the problem still existed until the system told him it was over.

Of course, the rewards helped too. The experience points were a nice bonus, but it wasnt much for him at his level. The reputation increase was far more interesting.

Only if there was a number the system could use to quantify this reputation. Instead of knowing exactly where he stood with someone, it was necessary to be human and figure that out himself.

[Karmic Information not available. Understanding of Karma Dao required.]

Williams mind blanked for a fraction of a second, and that also let Lan Yang walk away from him.

Senior Yang, hold on, William stopped him from rushing off, pushing away thoughts of the system message. My friend wanted to meet you, and I told her yes. I can deposit them for you while you do that.

Lan Yang seemed to have a hard time trusting him with the bank notes, which was completely understandable, but William still felt insulted. He had just handed him the notes. It wasnt like he would run away to spend them.

And you know where to go to make the deposit? Lan Yang asked with a raised brow.

You could tell me, Senior Yang. Now youre just being difficult.

Isnt that deserved? Lan Yang finally smiled. Theres no rush anyway. The Soul Binding Bracelets wont be auctioned till the end of the day. Ill just speak with her first.

That works, William shrugged, but be honest, you dont want to hand that back to me.

No, I dont, Lan Yang admitted readily. So this friend, Im guessing she wants to confirm with me that you really need that many Spirit Stones?

No! He shook his head firmly. In fact, I would prefer it if you didnt talk about the Spirit Stones at all.

Lan Yang looked at him strangely before nodding. I suppose this is your business, but this makes me suspicious, Junior Wei. You are sure she really is your friend?

Theres no doubt, William confirmed. The way Lan Yang asked that question, it reminded him of what Wang Xiaoling told him about the people who lend substantial amounts of Spirit Stones, and how willing they were to take drastic measures to recoup funds.

Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

Hm, if you say so, Lan Yang didnt seem convinced. Come, lets meet this friend.

William followed him back to the room, confused as to why there was so much concern all of a sudden. Maybe to make up for the fact that Lan Yang very recently threatened to take his life.

Whatever it was, he wasnt too concerned about it. Karma Dao, which the system revealed out of nowhere, occupied most of his mind.

They entered the room to see Wang Xiaoling studying the Spirit Stones that Xu Feng placed on the chair. At least, thats what Lan Yang would have thought. William could see that she could barely keep herself from taking the Spirit Stones.

He didnt feel the amusement that he usually would have. It would probably take until he fully paid her back for saving him when she really didnt need to, especially when she barely asked for anything.

The request to help establish Rising Merchant House was nothing. It was basically helping himself, so it didnt count in his view.

Junior Wei didnt tell me that you were so beautiful. Lan Yang seemed to stand taller as he walked towards Wang Xiaoling, every movement much more controlled than usual, and his voice just the slightest bit deeper.

William stared incredulously as Lan Yang seemed to be trying to flirt with Wang Xiaoling. So much for his theory that the man would get furious at the thought of any other woman than his mystery beloved. Maybe Lan Yang getting angry at the suggestion of Xia Qing had more to do with her specifically.

Honestly, it was disappointing. He never liked how shallow the romances were in most cultivation stories, and Lan Yangs tunnel vision for his mystery love was refreshing.

William even felt sorry for Li Jie. If the choice was between him and Lan Yang, the latter would win almost every time, at least on a shallow level.

And Little Liang didnt tell me his mentor was so handsome, Wang Xiaoling smirked.

She had never called him an affectionate name before. Unless brat counted as affectionate. There was a possibility that she was reciprocating Lan Yangs flirting.

He winced but couldnt look away. It was like watching an inevitable wreck, horrific and eye-catching at the same time.

Im Lan Yang, but you can call me Yang.

William thought he might have gagged at seeing the shining smile Lan Yang had plastered on his lips.

Pleasure, Wang Xiaoling loosely clasped her hands together in her front as she nodded slightly. Im Wang Xiaoling, and you may call me Merchant Wang.

He blinked in surprise, and from the odd, choked sound coming out of Lan Yangs mouth, he wasnt alone in feeling that way.

Excuse me? Lan Yang sounded taken aback.

Im not interested, Wang Xiaoling was blunt. I originally wanted to meet you to see if we could do business, but that changed when Liang told me how many Spirit Stones he borrowed. You, his mentor, allowed someone like that to get close to him.

Lan Yang shot him a look, and William tried to put everything in that short glance to tell the man to keep it quiet. At this point, it wasnt the worry of Wang Xiaoling taking back her offer of the Spirit Stones but the disappointment he would face.

It was funny how quickly his perspective changed about Wang Xiaoling. From a short-tempered, miserly, opportunistic woman who drove William mad half the time, she seemed to have depths that never had the chance to be discovered.

Wang Xiaoling was surprisingly caring, which, in hindsight, was hinted at by her actions. Even the very first thing she said about Li Jie when they were entering Xuanjing City, something about not using friends as connections, was telling.

Of course, that didnt mean the negative traits about her werent valid. Just that William thought Wang Xiaoling was a short-tempered, miserly, opportunistic woman who was also capable of stunning kindness.

Youre right. It was my mistake, Lan Yang shot William another look, silently telling him that a favor was required for taking fault. He nodded discreetly in agreement.

Oh, well, good. It seemed that Wang Xiaoling expected far more pushback.

And I apologize for my actions. While you are indeed beautiful, I already hold another in my heart.

William cleared his throat lightly to stop his laugh from escaping. Lan Yang was still speaking in that strange lower pitch.

Is that so? Wang Xiaoling looked doubtful. How convenient for you to only remember that when I rejected you.

Lan Yang shot William another look. He wasnt sure how these glances would help, but whatever was necessary.

Looks like we both expected far different people, Lan Yang said as a peace offering. Let me treat you to lunch. I can tell you what I have planned for Junior Wei over the meal to calm your worries.

Wang Xiaoling narrowed her eyes before smiling. I have a better idea. I know someone who is an unmatched cook, and I have been looking forward to his dishes all day. Why dont you join me?

Sure, that works, Lan Yang shrugged before turning to William. Junior Wei, you can use the Qi Refining room while we're gone. The auction ends tonight, so use it wisely.

Nonsense! Wang Xiaoling cut in. Little Liang can use something like that any time he wishes. He will regret it if he doesnt come with us.

Sister Xiaoling is right, Willam spoke for the first time. For many reasons, he wasn't keen on leaving Lan Yang alone with her. Besides, I want to spend more time with her before we have to part ways again.

Then its settled! Wang Xiaoling smiled, Come, Fatty Xus cooking waits for us!

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