Transcending Dreams

Transcending Dreams Book 1 now on Kindle Unlimited!

Transcending Dreams Book 1 now on Kindle Unlimited!

It's time.

I've said this at the end of Book 1, and I feel I can't say it too much. Thank you for reading Transcending Dreams.

None of this would have been possible without the readers on Royal Road, Scribblehub, and Spacebattles.

I seriously love all of you... in a writer-reader sort of way lolol

Let me tell you what has changed in the Amazon version of Book 1.

  1. It has been professionally edited. You know, the usual stuff. Grammar, spelling, structure, blah blah blah. It's a better read.
  2. Chapters are longer. They average around 4000 words on Amazon. The book totals about 216,000 words.
  3. Plotholes fixed.
  4. All action scenes were given a massive overhaul, with some entirely rewritten. Almost all the rewrites are in the Shard arc.

If you want to help the novel get visibility on Amazon to give it a better chance of success, please consider reading and rating the book there. If buying/reading it on Amazon isn't doable, submitting a review is possible without buying it, and it would help massively.

This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

Click here to check it out! And thank you again!

Blurb on Amazon:

Monsters, both human and beast, surrounded him. He needed power to survive this new world... but he arrived as a mortal.

One moment William was at work. The next, he was captured by lunatics.

He had never believed in the fantastical, but he had no choice after finding himself in another world surrounded by demonic cultivators trying to extract his soul. If he couldn't find an escape, his journey would end just as abruptly as it started.

William was inches from death when a benevolent cultivator saved him from that fate. Seeing his pitiful state, the cultivator decided to give him an opportunity in the form of a tool: A system to guide him on the path of cultivation.

William would use it to claw his way to the peak of the cultivation world.

Don't miss this weak-to-strong LitRPG Isekai! Enter a world where powerful sects and empires control the land, with even higher powers lurking in the background. Expect action, slice-of-life, a dash of comedy, and punching! Lots of punching.

A popular serial on Royal Road with over 3 million views, entirely revised and edited for Amazon! Buy a copy of the definitive edition or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.