Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 136: Tit for Tat (1)

Chapter 136: Tit for Tat (1)

Chapter 136 – Tit for Tat (1)

“I’ll show you my skills now.”

After saying so, Chen Yu grabbed the husky by its scruff and dragged it toward the kitchen.


The husky widened its eyes in fright, and it started struggling desperately. “Awoo... Awoooo...”

“Brother! What are you doing?!”

Chen Yike and Chen Erke immediately rushed forward upon seeing Chen Yu’s actions, each of them grabbing one of the husky’s hind legs.

Meanwhile, Chen Sanke still remained seated on the sofa and was earnestly fiddling with her fingers. “Three plus four is seven, seven plus three is fifteen, fifteen butter biscuits have...have...thirty-two holes...”

“What are you doing?” Turning around, Chen Yu looked at his two little sisters in confusion. “Let go of my dog.”

“It’s not your dog!” Chen Erke shouted angrily. “You can’t eat it!”

“Didn’t you say it’s my dog?”

“It’s not yours! It’s my dog! Let go of it!”

Hearing this, Chen Yu loosened his grip and looked toward his parents. Shrugging, he said, “Second Dummy admitted it.”

“Hmph!” Chen Erke tightly hugged the husky and pouted.

“Chen Yu, you shouldn’t scare your sister,” Mother Chen berated after a moment of silence. “Your little sisters are just afraid you’ll harm the little animal. In my opinion, this dog is yours!”


Chen Yu’s expression gradually became subtle. “Oh... I see. I understand. Is your investment doing well? Do you need more funds? Is an extra 10,000 enough?”

“Yes!” Mother Chen stood up decisively. Rolling up her sleeves, she walked into the kitchen while saying, “You can’t just feed dog food to a dog; it’s not healthy. I’ll cook some proper food for it now. Send that 10,000 to my WeChat. Oh, right, since you all don’t have school tomorrow, take the dog out to get a vaccine shot now.”

Chen Yu: “...”


Ten minutes later, the Chen family’s four young masters left home.

With Chen Sanke’s hand in his right hand and the husky’s leash in his left hand, Chen Yu walked into the elevator.

“Big Brother, I’m sorry,” Chen Yike fawningly apologized to Chen Yu while pulling Chen Erke into the elevator. “Big Brother, your standing at home is high now. To avoid getting scolded, we had no choice but to say that you were the one raising the dog. I’m sorry!”

While apologizing, Chen Yike also stretched out her hands to massage Chen Yu’s shoulders, her movements extremely gentle.

As for Chen Erke, she hugged onto Chen Yu’s legs and rubbed her face against his thighs, “Big Brother is the best. I love Big Brother...”

“It’s useless, I tell you! I’ll have my revenge for this!”

Chen Yu remained unfazed at his little sisters’ apologies. Sneering, he tossed the leash to Chen Erke and said, “Take it! It’s your dog!”

At this time, Chen Sanke finally snapped out of her daze. Realizing that her hand was being grabbed, she tilted her head in confusion.

Meanwhile, after receiving the leash, Chen Erke stretched her finger into her mouth and stirred it around. Afterward, she rubbed her saliva-covered finger on the corner of her eyes and sobbed, saying, “Uu... I’m sorry, please forgive me...”

“Can you at least put some effort into it?”


As the elevator arrived at the bottom floor, the four walked out of the apartment complex and arrived at the roadside.

Just as Chen Yu was about to hail for a taxi, Chen Yike advised him, “The vet isn’t that far away. Let’s just walk. It’ll be too crowded if we take a taxi.”

“I agree,” Chen Erke said, raising her hand. “It’s snowing as well. We can have a snowball fight when we pass by the park.”

“Snow is fun!” Chen Erke’s eyes glowed at Chen Erke’s words, and she brandished her hands around in excitement. “War!”

“Aren’t you guys cold?” Chen Yu also could not help but grow a little eager upon hearing the words ‘snowball fight.’

“Third Eldest, are you cold?” Yike and Erke asked Sanke simultaneously.

“I’m not cold,” Chen Sanke replied as she patted her plump down jacket. “I’m wearing a hat as well. I’m not cold.”

“Okay, let’s walk, then,” Chen Yu decided.

At this time, a taxi stopped near them, and the driver lowered the window, asking, “You waved just now? Where are you headed?”

Turning to look at the driver, Chen Yu asked, “I called you for a snowball fight. Want to join?”

“...Are you crazy?!” The driver cursed as he stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

“Let’s go!”

Chen Yu waved his hand and led his three little sisters to the nearby park with a majestic air. However, after walking a short distance, he suddenly felt a sense of discomfort. Turning around, he looked toward the direction of his home.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Yike asked puzzled.

“...Mm, I’m going back to grab something. Wait for me.” After giving some thought, Chen Yu left Chen Sanke to Chen Yike and ran back toward the apartment.

He ran into the house in less than five minutes, greeted his parents, and entered his bedroom while panting.

“Mr. Chen?” When Little Peach, who was currently sitting before the study table and writing codes, heard the noise, she immediately turned to look at Chen Yu. “What’s wrong?”

“Huff...” Panting, Chen Yu leaned against the wall to catch his breath. He then scanned Little Peach for a moment before smiling and asking, “Are you afraid of the cold?”

“I’m not.”

“Stop coding. I’ll give you a holiday and take you out to play.”

“Play?” Little Peach was delightfully surprised.

“Yeah.” Chen Yu nodded. He then manipulated the Interstellar Portal’s console and established a spatial link with a hidden grove inside Jinzhou City Park. After opening the door, he said, “Go in. Wait for me in the park’s small square. We’ll pretend as if we don’t know each other, and I’ll ask you to join in our snowball fight.”

“Wah! (*^▽^*)” Little Peach cheered and rushed in. “Long live Mr. Chen!”

“Wait. Put on a jacket and a pair of shoes first. There are some beneath the bed.”


After getting Little Peach ready, Chen Yu went downstairs and caught up with his three little sisters. Grabbing Chen Sanke’s hand again, he said, “Let’s go to the park. However, you can only play for an hour. Otherwise, the vet’s going to close.”

“Brother, what did you bring?”

“I brought my conscience.”


After the Chen family’s four young masters walked for 10 minutes or so, they arrived at Jinzhou City’s People’s Park.

Many children and adults could already be seen building snowmen and having snowball fights inside the park.


Exploding with joy, Chen Sanke promptly dashed toward a small snowman with her chubby legs. However, as she was too thickly dressed, she ended up tripping herself and falling into the densely packed snow.

“Let’s build a snowman!” Chen Yike cheered.

“No! Let’s have a snowball fight!” Chen Erke suggested.

“Building snowmen is boring. Let’s have a snowball fight first.” Chen Yu agreed with Erke’s suggestion.

“Let’s all attack Big Brother!” Chen Erke bent down, grabbed a lump of soft snow, kneaded it into a ball, and threw it at Chen Yu’s head.


The ball of snow shattered after hitting its target.

Meanwhile, Chen Sanke pulled herself out of the snow and licked the snow stuck to her lips. She then held up a small snowball and threw it at Chen Yu with all her strength. However, as she used too much strength, she ended up falling back into the snow once more...

Chen Sanke: “Hahaha! This is fun!”

“It’s my turn.” Chen Yu also bent down, grabbed a “big” bundle of snow, kneaded it into a snowball, and aimed it at Chen Erke.

Seeing this, Chen Erke immediately turned around and fled. “W-Wait! Yours is too big...”


The giant snowball hit Chen Erke’s back and sent her faceplanting into the ground.

“I win.”

“N-Not fair!” Chen Erker complained as she stood back up. “Your hands are too big! Let’s both stockpile ammunition for now and fight to the death in a moment.”

“No problem!”

“Big Sis, Third Eldest, come help me.”

Quickly, the four siblings split into two teams and started busily making snowballs.

Three minutes later, Chen Erke raised a basketball-sized snowball, and delightfully said, “Let’s begin!”


Chen Yu also raised the snowball he prepared.

Unlike Chen Erke’s, however, his snowball had at least a one-meter diameter...

“W-Wait... N-No...” Chen Erke immediately turned around in a panic and tried to run. “Y-You’re cheati-Ah!”


The gigantic snowball flew through the air and thoroughly drowned Chen Erke in snow...


At the same time, inside a multi-story building several dozen meters away, an Asian man slowly put down his binoculars and blankly said, “The suspect actually came here, but there are too many people nearby. I’m not sure if there are any plainclothes. This is a little tricky.”

“Are you sure it’s him?” the Asian woman sitting beside the man asked.

“I’m not sure, but he is one of the several dozen suspected targets. I’m going to probe him. Remain hidden here.”

“Shouldn’t we go according to plan and take action when he goes to school tomorrow?”

“Let’s not wait any longer. We’ll go now,” the Asian man said as he stood up without hesitation. “If I fall into danger, ignore me. Your priority is to get the information out.”

“We...” Clenching her fists, the woman muttered, “Once the mission is over...”


“N-Nothing... Be careful.”


The man then turned around and left...

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