Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 1 (3/7)

Book 2: Chapter 1 (3/7)

After Kain saw Jaane remained silent and starting to blush, Kain thought to himself, Oh shit! I didnt mean it that way. I have been making stupid decisions and said stupid shit lately. Is the Watcher of this realm messing with me or something? (Kain wont blame himself for anything.)

Jaane Almos, please leave us for a moment. Sofia coolly told Jaane as she pushed her away while sitting down next to Kain.

Jaane wasnt the type of girl that would like to make a big deal out of something like this. She nodded and sadly walked away. Kain was confusing, isnt Sofia afraid of him already and had been avoiding eye contact with him since last night? Why is she still playing the jealous girlfriend?

Kain, I wanted to ask you a question.

Go ahead.

You said you no longer had any feelings for me, why would you threaten to kill everyone if something bad would have happened to me?

No comment. Kain couldnt think of a good answer this time, so he decided to give Sofia no answer.

Is it because of Jaane?

What about Jaane?

Is she the reason why the feeling you have for me is fading?

You have thought too much. Leave Jaane out of this. She had nothing to do with my feelings.

If you promised me not to speak with Jaane again, I will give you another chance.

Another chance for what? Kain chortled as he asked Sofia.

Fine! Kain Almos, from this moment on, you are no longer my boyfriend. I'm hereby breaking up with you! Sofia screamed out loud then walked away and got back to her group.

I see Kain smirked as he understood. Sofia didnt want Kain to be the one that broke up with her. She wanted everyone to know that she was the person who broke up with him. If this made Sofia feel better when their relationship ended, Kain is fine with it.

After the breakfast was over, Cade escorted the groups a little deeper into the magical forest before picking up another good spot to set up camp. After the camp was set up, Cade called all Student Mages to come toward her, and said, Make sure to use the firecrackers the moment you stumble into a Master-tier magical creature. Dont wait until the last minute, understand?

After hearing confirmation answers from the group leaders, Cade permitted them to split up again. This time Kains group goes West. Arthurs group goes North. And Sofias group goes East. Eight hours later, the third day of hunting was over. Things seem to be great for them for the past three days because they didnt wander into any Master-tier or even Intermediate-tier magical creature. Arthurs group found two Magical Black Stones after killing over thirty Black Ravens that could transform themselves into human-side demons using [Demon Anatomy I]. Sofias group also found a Magical Thunder Stone after killing over twenty Thunder Snakes. Kains group only found a Magical Wind Stone despite killing more than fifty Wind Wolves.

After they got back to the camp, they gave the Magical Stones they have collected today to Professor Lawson. After dinner, all Intermediate Student Mages went to sleep as usual while Sofia took the first watch. Things seemed to be normal until Kain went to relieve Sofia for the second watch but she wasnt there.

Kain thought to himself, Is Sofia playing hide and seek again like she did last night? No. She already broke up with me today in front of everybody. There is no reason for her to hide again to make me worry anymore.

Sofia! Kain yelled out loud. No answer. Sofia! Sofia! Sofia! Kain continued to scream out Sofias name. Still receiving no response from Sofia but Kain had woken up all Student Mages including Professor Lawson.

Cade asked, Kain, what now?

Sofia isnt here.

Okay? What is wrong with the two of you? Please stop playing in the middle of a night like this. Cade complained.

Kain leered at Cade and said, Professor Lawson, isnt Sofia your student? Arent you worried that something may have happened to her? Sofia is not an idiot who would hide twice to mess with my head. Especially after Sofia already broke up with me this morning. Please use your head to think, Professor Lawson.

Kain was being disrespectful toward a professor, but he wasnt wrong about it. Cade casted [Summon Angel Warrior] and commanded the Angel to fly around looking for Sofia. Kain and Arthur casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle] spells and commanded the Eagles to fly around to look for Sofia as well.

Six minutes later, Kain could feel one of his Thunder Eagles was trying to communicate with him through the abyss link. The Thunder Eagle couldnt speak the human language but it can share the feeling it has with its conjurer. Kain knew that Thunder Eagle had located Sofia or at least found out her whereabouts. Kain said, Three miles to the East. Arthur, come with me. Professor Lawson, stay and protect other Students while we are gone.

Arthur knew exactly what Kain was about to do. Arthur casted [Summon Skeleton Warrior] then commanded it to stay at the camp. Arthur then came closer to Kain and touched him on the shoulder. After giving the command for the Thunder Eagle to fly close to the ground through the abyss link connected between him and the Eagle, Kain casted [Warp Infusion] to switch places with his Thunder Eagle. Appeared in front of Kain and Arthur was a Black Panther carrying Sofia using his jaw. It seems like Sofia was already dead and this Black Panther was bringing her back to his lair to eat her later.

The Black Panther wasnt happy to see two idiots blocking its path, it dropped Sofias corpse on the ground and said, Leave now and I will let you live until tomorrow.

Both Arthur and Kain were surprised to hear the Black Panther could speak, Arthur said, Kain, this panther has to be at least ten thousand years old. To defeat and kill Sofia without a sound, he had to be at least level 30 of Master-tier.

Who cares about that right now? We dont know how long Sofia has been dead. I needed you to carry her back to Professor Lawson so she can revive her.

What about you?

I dont need a weakling to worry about me, now go.

Stupid humans. I let you live tonight. Instead of thanking me, you dared to ignore me? The Black Panther got upset and roared out loud. Then it casted [Demon Anatomy V] to transform itself into a demon that has a pair of demon wings on its back allowing it to fly. The demon had a flaming aura surrounding it, wore full platinum plate armor covered from head to toe while carrying two battle axes in his hands.

Kain! This Black Panther is a Legend-tier magical creature. Flying Demon with flaming aura, isnt that [Demon Anatomy V] spell? It had to be at least level 45! Arthur yelled out loud while slapping Kain on the back like Kain didnt know about it.

Then grab Sofia and get the hell out of here while I stall it! Tell everyone back at the camp not to pack anything and just leave immediately! Kain yelled back.

None of you can leave now. I dont mind having three meals in one night. The Black Panther confidently said.

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