Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 908 The Black Calamity

Chapter 908 The Black Calamity

Eating Lakius triggered the regeneration capabilities of the Black Dog Barghest. Not only that but its name also changed and its HP bar display has turned from a normal HP bar for bosses to a Raid Boss HP bar. Normal Boss HP bars appear much bigger than normal HP bars but raid bosses have their HP bars appear twice as big and have a stylized border depending on what kind of monsters they are, whether they are monsters from fiery lands or if they are monsters that control nature.

The Black Dog Barghest, now turned to its new name "The Black Calamity" has a misty black HP bar border. It's kind of similar to what the monster is in right now.

Despite the name and its transformation to a Raid Boss, it isn't getting bigger. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that it had just transformed that it hadn't turned big. But that doesn't change the fact that it has turned into a raid boss. Now, we have to kill it before it gets more troublesome to eradicate.

"Quick, although it just transformed into a stronger boss, it hasn't been that long since it did. Let's go!"

I rushed forward holding the Versatile Weapon in its gun form and holding the Pain Delivery on the other hand and started blasting them both to it.


However, I saw most of my bullets just phase through the body of the Black Calamity. They all hit the nearby wall made of wood.

Lucia also rushes forward while using her remaining hand to fire blasts after blasts of magic. Still, those attacks seem to barely or not even affect the boss at all. It was like all of our attacks just phased in and out from its body and then got absorbed.

Riko also did the same thing with Lucia and even added some other elements but like what happened to Lucia's attacks, they don't seem to connect to the monster at all. More like all of it just entered its body and that's it.

Lucia who was sensitive to the fluctuations of power in the surroundings experiences a headache and falls on her knees as she clutches her head in pain.

"E-everyone... B-be careful... it be up to s-something!" Lucia grits her teeth, fighting off the pain in her head.

I also stopped since the pressure was also getting strong as well. As Lucia said, it's not worth getting too close. The others stopped moving as well and we observed the Black Calamity.

Its body phases back and forth like a fading smoke but it's clear it's not fading like I thought it would. It is just like it's his body turning into one.? Just then, it started to howl into the air and dead body parts of demons that had been scattered around floated and started to gather into the mouth of the Black Calamity. Even the remaining severed half of the demon that was once known as Lakius also floated and they soon got sucked into its mouth.

Lucia and Riko started firing their magic spells to interrupt what the Black Calamity was about to do but everything was useless as all of them didn't do anything to stop the Black Calamity.

The moment it swallowed everything that floated into its mouth, the Black Calamity snapped its mouth, and its body grew a little bigger. Along with that, a few black auras from its body separated from it, forming multiple demonic wolves that we have fought before but with more prominent, and menacing looks accompanied by their bodies also made like they are made of aura.

All of them appeared one by one and they soon populated the area where the Black Calamity is currently standing.

"This is really bad..." I frowned.

Rika keeps her sword ready but she is clearly faltering. "What now, Manato? This is clearly too troublesome for us to do and the boss is very dangerous as well. Are we going to give up here?"

"To hell with giving up. If we let this thing remain alive, we will have to deal with it sooner or later and we will still suffer as a result. If this guy is trying to overwhelm us in number, then we will also overwhelm this f*cker as well!"

I faced the Black Calamity who seemed like smirking and gloating at our helplessness.

"If you think you have won because of sheer numbers, then we will also compete in sheer numbers as well!"

Raising my fingers into the air, I snapped it and the surroundings seemed to have gone quiet. Before everyone can react, multiple glows of light appear beneath the surrounding area as skeletons wearing armor and weapons emerge from them.

"I may not be using this ability much, but since this f*cker thinks that it's already won, then we will make sure this guy will regret trying to f*ck with us!"

Snapping my fingers again, the skeletons immediately got covered in aura. Being led by the skeleton that has grown stronger over the past years, we face against the Black Calamity with my army of skeletons.

"Get ready, boys and





Back in the mansion, everyone also felt the strange aura of the surroundings. Manato's mother seems to have noticed something and she felt a bit nervous all of a sudden.

"What's wrong madam? You seem to be out of it?" Lina asked as she grabbed the pizza being cooked in the oven.

"I don't know. Something felt wrong and ominous. It just suddenly happened and I don't know what is causing it."

"Are you alright, madam? Perhaps you needed some rest?"

"Must be."

They continue their work and although she feels something is about to happen, she has no idea what it is to begin with.





The clash between the two forces started and although the skeleton had massive numbers, the dogs were tearing through the pile of bones like bits of paper.

"Manato, this is not looking good. Even if you keep summoning those skeletons, they are clearly no match against the boss and the minions at all!" Riko wipes off her sweat as she drinks all the contents of the bottle of MP Potion.

"No, this is fine. As long as we can keep them busy, we will use this chance to break the boss and attack it. We are not just going to keep this boss linger anymore."

The Black Calamity supplies the demonic dogs every time one dies, it creates another and the cycle repeats. It's troublesome but this time around, I have to use the assurance skills that my weapon had. If I want to bring this monster down and kill it, we will have to use all of our all to defeat it. As for me, I have to use the limited use skills I possess.

"Everyone, back me up. I will have to sacrifice a bit of my health to increase every stats I have. I will be totally vulnerable at this time so give me support and defend me from attackers while I duel the boss."

"Are you going to use the skill you used before? The one that turns your weapon into blood red? That one?" Rika asked. She saw me use that one before.

"Yes. I will be easily killed if I don't get careful."

"Don't worry, Manato. Bring that monster down and make sure it will no longer move after!"

I nodded and ready my weapon. I control all of the skeletons to deal with the demonic dogs and make way for me. As soon as I did, they immediately isolated all of the demonic dogs away from me and my team. Once the demonic dogs were out of the picture, I started to add all the buffs I could use in myself. I know one of my skills can do that, but I needed more than just that. I needed to ensure this boss is going down once and for all or else, we will be in big danger.

"[Haste]! [Attack Up]! [Defense Up]! [Concentration]! [Critical Chance]!"

I chanted multiple buffs and kept them active as I continued to run toward the Black Calamity. Seeing my charge, the Black Calamity stood up and howled. Although it does not see me as a potential threat, it seems to hate the fact that I am still challenging it.

"[FIRE!]" Lucia released multiple fireballs into the Black Calamity, followed by Riko who also continued to fire off multiple blue blasts that I don't know what was.

Rika and Zena are just behind me, making sure that there are no demonic dogs that get close. After my last buff cast on myself, I read the Versatile Weapon and wake the Shadow Dragon up.

"Hey, you awake?"

"I have always been awake. What is it?"

"We will have to power up big time today, so please, don't mess this up."

"Ha, is that all, partner? Of course, let's do this thing then!"

Gripping the Versatile Weapon, I leap into the air and raise the Versatile Weapon up pointing the sharp point of the weapon down to the Black Calamity.

"[Blood Weapon]!"

My health rapidly decreased and I felt pain all over my body. However, I persevered and kept going even if it pains me a lot. As the Black Calamity opened its massive mouth, I also initiated one of the skills I have. I have only one use left of it and this is the time I will have to use it.

"Let's see which of you two are the symbol of Gluttony! [Devouring Hunger]!"

The Versatile Weapon changed into a black being and a massive mouth opened up as I closed into the Black Calamity.



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