Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 911 It’s Turning Into An Arm

Chapter 911 It's Turning Into An Arm

With extreme effort from everyone, they managed to return to the camp. The Desert wolves were waiting and when they saw their Master currently unconscious, they started to flock around them. Ragga and the others followed behind after seeing the wolves run towards them.

"What happened?" Ragga frowned seeing the state of everyone, especially Lucia and Manato who were both unconscious.

"We will explain later, are there still any spare beds available in the clinic?" Riko asked.

"There's no available bed for both of them, but come to my house, I have free beds there, please bring them there."

The Desert Wolves barked a few times and Zena who could understand their words immediately nodded and handed them their master and Lucia.

"Please lead the way," Rika nodded at Ragga and he led everyone to his house. Inside the house is a normal cabin made of wood that can shield anyone living inside the weather outside. It is pretty spacious and everything is organized.

"Here put her there, while put him over there," Ragga pointed at two beds made of simple materials that can be found around their surroundings. It's not as soft and comfortable as the beds they usually use, but since it is made of wool from a sheep, the bed is still pretty smooth.

"Alright, now that they are already secured, can you explain what happened? Why are they collapsed? Why are you people so ragged and full of injuries?"

"It's a bit of a long story but would you like a compressed one or should we tell everything?"

"Tell me in detail. I want to hear everything. We have all the time today anyway. Let's talk outside, let's not disturb them."

Everyone went back out and Ragga gave them their wooden chairs to sit on.

"Here is the story..." Riko then began her story about the battle. She didn't leave out every detail and during the time when she blanked out, Rika and Zena were the ones who pitched in to narrate. The more the story progresses, the more Ragga's face frowns.

"So you mean, the so-called Symbol of Gluttony was actually a monster that wiped out the demons who attacked and it was also the cause of the appearances of the demonic dogs? No wonder their dead bodies disappeared all of a sudden and faded into white orbs. We still didn't understand what happened but hearing what happened, I can take a guess on why it was gone already now that the monster is dead. But what do you mean by some remnant has now attached to that demon girl?"

"Just like what we said. That thing is attached to her and we don't have any means of removing it. We hope the healer or even someone can remove it from her severed arm."

Ragga scratches his head. "Can you let me see it first? I needed to know whether we can remove it by force or we have to resort to doing mystics."

Everyone returned to the room where Lucia was sleeping. Lucia remained calm and collected, still looking peaceful even after the pain that caused her to collapse might still be in her arm, only she is not conscious due to her losing consciousness. Rika helped keep a slow movement on her arm and revealed it to Ragga who leaned in closer to inspect the substance.

On closer inspection, the thing is color black, pitch black to be more accurate. It's a bit soft and looks like a black slime. It is currently wriggling from time to time but there is no sign that it will detach from Lucia's severed arm anytime soon.

"Can I try pulling that thing off? Maybe it needed more grip and strength to do so?" Ragga asked.

"Go ahead. We would be more than glad if this thing is removed. I mean, it is from a demonic monster boss, we wouldn't want anything from it unless we have confirmed to do the kill," Rika is more determined to remove the remnant than ever.

"Indeed. I still can't forgive that monster for almost turning me into a dinner meal. If I can at least take advantage of this small thing and beat it up, perhaps my frustration might disappear," Riko is also determined.

On the other hand, Zena watches in the corner. She just wanted to see whether the process would be successful or not.

"Alright. You guys just said this might be hot to touch right? Let me grab a leather to wrap it on, then we try to pull it out."

Ragga went out of the room and grabbed something from the outside, then returned with a piece of cloth that seemed to be processed leather. He wrapped it on the black matter on Lucia's severed arm with Rika assisting him and helping put the leather cloth.

"Alright, support her arm so that I don't accidentally injure her or wake her up. We just needed to remove this and not increase her injuries."

"Alright, ready when you are good to go."

"Okay, I will pull it in HUPPPP!"

Ragga immediately tried pulling the stuff off Lucia's arm. He is clearly using all of his strength as the veins in both hands and forehead are now appearing and he is also gritting his teeth as he pulls his best to remove the black substance.

But even after pulling so hard, it didn't budge and the leather was pulled out instead. Nothing was changed and the black matter continues to be attached to Lucia.

"Damn, even with Ragga pulling it, it just doesn't have any way to be pulled off?"

Ragga wiped off the sweat on his forehead and tried to catch his breath. He shook his head as he looked at the remnant.

"There's no other way for us to even remove this thing by brute force. It seems we have to rely on mystics to remove it."

"But do they have a chance to remove this when we can't even do that?" Riko asked.

"I am not familiar with the mystics but we still can only hope that is the case. If not, then this thing will have to remain here until it is removed. Unless you all would have to resort to a more violent way to remove it."

"Violent way?" Rika looked curious.

"Yep. Her arm has been severed right? Then, to remove this arm attachment, we will have to remove her arm up to the part where this thing has not occupied for us to totally remove it."

"What? No way. She already suffered losing her arm earlier and now we have to shorten her remaining arm once more just to remove it?" Riko is totally against it.

"Although I am just listening from the sidelines, even I agree that it is excessive to do that just to remove this thing. It's much better to find a better way than to hurt her more," Zena agreed to Riko's words.

"That's why I said it is a violent way. However, that is indeed an option. We can't keep it attached to her either way and if there is no chance to remove it her life will be in danger then we either cut that arm of hers a lot shorter, or we will have to prepare for the worst."

Just as they continued to discuss, the black remnant matter on Lucia's arm started to move. Everyone saw it and everyone went on guard as the movement was not just some little twitch or a slight shake, it literally moving like it was alive.

"Ready your weapons and spells, whatever happens, we have to stay calm," Rika said as she readied her blade with flames already crackling on it.

As the black matter continued to move, everyone also felt nervous looking at it. After all, the monster it originates from can devour them if they are not careful. Then what will this thing do to them if they are not careful?

Then, the thing slowly elongated. It moved and slowly increased in size, but not that big. It increased in length, in about an arm's reach. It didn't take long for the size to become similar to an arm itself. In fact, it is indeed turning into one.

"Are you guys seeing what I am seeing? Am I having an illusion?" Riko asked.

"Nope, I am seeing it too. What is going on? Why is it turning into an arm all of a sudden?"

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. The black matter that appeared earlier as a normal blob attached to Lucia's severed arm is now turning into a hand. In fact, it slowly turns into an identical form that Lucia's former arm looks like.

" it becoming Lucia's prosthetics?!"

A few minutes passed and when they looked at it again, it turned into a black arm with complete hands and fingers, not just its elongated arm but it is complete in features.

The Remnant of the Symbol of Gluttony has turned into an arm.

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