Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 930 More Cruel Than Humans

Chapter 930 More Cruel Than Humans

I wasn't expecting elves to come around at night like this in search of the two kids. Who are they and what do they want? They are clearly looking for the two kids now that they are gone from where they were staying but is there a reason for them to hunt for them?

"Should I deal with them? They might be a problem later on..." I asked Renatta.

"No, we should leave them for now. They are not a high priority but if they ever track us down and they start bothering us on the way, then we act and fight back."

I nodded in response. What Renatta said is a good choice. We don't want to attract more attention than on purpose. We must lay low and help the two before they die from their wounds.

"But Renatta, what about the traitors you mentioned? If they are there it might be possible to be connected to the people searching for them, isn't it going to get troublesome?"

Renatta stopped after hearing what I just said. It seems she didn't plan along the fact that she was suspecting some traitors from her spirits.

"You are right, there might be traitors but I think it's fine. If the enemies do track us, that only means there are indeed at least one or more traitors hiding and are wearing sheep's clothing. You can say we can sift through the loyal and the traitors this way."

"But how do you even get to identify the traitor that way?" I asked.

"I have my ways."

I decided not to bother asking more. I am not sure how she was doing it but she knows it best so I will not bother to dig deeper. Anyway, we continue to move away from our usual path.

"We should circle around the place before we circle back to the mansion. That way, they will not assume the kids hide there."

Nodding in response, we continue to move while evading other elves walking.

"Right, Pixie, please give them some light heals. Don't make a burst heal right away as that would give out our position."

"Right away!" Pixie then held her two small hands on both unconscious kids and started healing them. We continued to move and made sure we evade properly. I was the one who times when to evade and hide and Renatta carried the two. She didn't want to give me even one of the kids as we would need someone who could fight freely while she defended them.

We managed to return to the mansion without any problems arising. It's going to be really bad if we did but we somehow evaded all of them.

When we arrived, the complexion of the two kids was already better but their wounds were too big and deep for the light healing to work correctly on them. Only a few of their wounds have closed and disappeared completely while the rest remained the same.

The butler spirit welcomed us back but when he noticed the two kids, he immediately stopped and let us enter and checked outside before closing the door.

"Master, you brought back more kids again?" the butler spirit frowned.

"Again?" I looked at the spirit tilting my head.

"You see, Master likes to help out elves who are treated like this and treat their wounds. She was always trying to ensure they were saved properly which is why she brought them here and treated them."

"Isn't that a great thing?"

"No. Elves' customs are different than humans. Although some people can say that kids being treated and left on the streets is not a good thing, for elves, it's not something that is practiced and is thoroughly discouraged to be done. There are things that shouldn't be just done like that. But this matter is different. Master's reputation is already at rock bottom due to the things she has done before but if things get out of hand, she will have to face the ire of the aristocrats and her reputation will sink lower than before."

"Butler, you already know I don't need a reputation like that in this kingdom. If they have a problem with what I am doing then that means they have a problem with what I am currently doing. These guys will not die on my watch. Elves are more cruel than humans can actually do. If we just leave them be, they will be more troublesome to deal with."

"Doesn't really matter. Anyways, prepare a room for both of them to be in. We can't put them on the sofa and leave them be."

"Sigh, alright, Master. Come this way, I already have one room cleaned that is ready to be used."

Renatta carried them all while I continued to observe the surroundings. And based on what I have seen, there are some spirits spying on us. They were quite well hidden which is why they cannot be seen easily while everyone is currently in discussion but there are some spirits who are indeed lurking and watching us secretly. I just couldn't pinpoint from them who was the real deal traitor and who was who.

But I just took note of things in mind before they disappeared completely. After that, I followed Renatta as the butler escorted her to the room and helped with the two kids.

Since both are now in a safe area, Pixie used the [High Heal] to fully heal their wounds. The process was slow and a bit boring but the situation slowly removed the wounds on their bodies. Even the big deep wounds are being healed and are slowly closing as well.

And as Pixie continued to cure the two, men from the outside started to make a ruckus outside the gates. Renatta and I peeked into the windows and saw the men complaining outside were indeed the two men who were looking for the kids earlier before we disappeared and left.

"Those guys..." I frowned.

"Manato, when we arrived, have you seen other spirits checking on us aside from the Butler?" Renatta asked.

"Yes, I did. Those guys were indeed there and were looking at us when we arrived. They must have also seen the two kids and immediately reported to their higher-ups which resulted in those men's attack.

"Shall we deal with them?" I asked.

"Yes, we should do it. If they think their ways would allow us to give the two kids to them, then we should teach them proper lessons on how to be less troublesome."

I pulled out my Versatile Weapon and ready them.

"Can I kill them?" I asked.

"If necessary, go ahead. But if possible, don't bother. Just beat them up and send them packing."

"Alright, that's what I am talking about."

I went downstairs and went outside of the mansion, ready to welcome them.

Arriving at the gate, I thought we would only have two guys complaining but there are other elves as well. And all of them have very good faces that you can say that they would be more handsome or pretty model work. But is saddening because their faces are wasted for they have such a bad personality.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? It's nighttime and you are disturbing people in their sleep."

"Who cares about their sleep, we needed the two kids who are brought in here."

"Kids? What are you all babbling about?" I made sure to sound myself clueless.

"Don't play dumb, bastard. We got a tip that this is the place currently holding those two brats. Shouldn't you all have known that helping those pieces of sh*ts is something that you lot should never do? Take them out or we will force ourselves in and search the place ourselves."

"The tip you received might be just wrong. Why would we bring them in in the first place? What would we even benefit them from?"

The elf who was talking was ready to back off seeing that I was adamant in proving that no one else was there aside from us but then, one guy approached him and whispered something in his ears. As soon as he was done whispering, the guy suddenly went angry and pulled out his sword.

"Bastard! You liar! We have no choice then. Boys, raid this place and retrieve the kids!"

Looks like someone tipped them again and this only solidified the traitor theory of Renatta. Someone is indeed a traitor.

As the elves tried to enter the gate, I pulled out my gun and shot the legs of the men who tried to step inside.


They fell over and groaned in pain causing the others to stop moving and get wary of what I was holding. Based on their looks, it seems they have yet to see a gun before.

"Take one more step into this property and you will see what you were looking for. Since you lot seems to be pretty adamant about meeting the Goddess of Death, then I will personally send you all to them if you would be all so kind to let me do the honors of doing so."

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