Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 933 Nullification of the Contract

Chapter 933 Nullification of the Contract

I was caught in a whirlwind of urgency, a storm of unsettling information racing through my mind. There was no time for idle chitchat, and I knew I had to pull Renatta away from the group's lighthearted activities, despite her being engrossed in their revelry.

"Renatta!" I exclaimed, with a hint of desperation lacing my voice. "I need to talk to you urgently. Sorry, everyone, but you'll want to hear this too."

A cloud of confusion descended upon the others, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern. However, Renatta, ever perceptive, sensed the gravity of the situation and agreed to lend me her ear.

"Is something amiss?" she asked, her brows furrowing in genuine concern.

"Remember the snacks you all devoured last night?" I asked, prompting Sora to join the conversation.

"You mean those munchies?" Sora chimed in, curiosity etching her features.

"Yes," I replied solemnly. "I've stumbled upon something unsettling. You're all currently under the influence of a rather potent debuff, intricately designed to align with their ongoing scheme."

A puzzled look crept onto Renatta's face. "I'm sorry, a debuff?"

"The breakfast they're about to serve," I continued. "It's poisoned, cleverly masked as a harmless meal. Once you ingest it, the effects of last night's snacks will kick in, and, horrifyingly, it will lead to dire consequences."

As the words left my lips, the Spirit Chef made his entrance, nonchalantly humming as he wheeled in a trolley laden with treacherous food. It seemed he hadn't caught wind of my warning earlier.

Renatta cast a quick, concerned glance in my direction before fixating her gaze on the ominous pot concealing the deadly fare the chef had brought with him.

"Master Renatta! Everyone! Breakfast is ready to be served. Please gather around and take a bowl!" The Spirit Chef exuded an unmistakable air of enthusiasm, his confidence practically radiating. It was as if he believed his cunning plan was foolproof, and the grand reveal was poised to leave us all stunned and what our expressions would look like after ingesting his devious food.

Renatta, despite her reservations, led the charge, and the chef began to ladle a mysterious concoction into her bowl that appeared to look like a regular soup of meat and vegetables. The dish seemed to be delectable, but I couldn't ignore the lingering scent that had previously assailed my senses. There was no way this culinary masterpiece was anywhere close to normal. Renatta wore an expression of trepidation as she gazed down at her bowl.

The others cautiously gathered around, their eyes fixed on Renatta, awaiting her verdict. Personally, I had no intention of joining this gastronomic adventure. It would have been acceptable if the chef were simply a terrible cook, but the possibility of intentional poisoning left me with no appetite.

Renatta prodded the soup with her spoon, scrutinizing its contents. The anticipation was palpable, and the chef watched with bated breath. However, Pandora decided to take matters into her own hands.


In a spontaneous move, Pandora invoked her skill, and the once-enticing aroma instantly gave way to a putrid stench, reminiscent of my initial encounter with the dish.

"Ugh! WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT AWFUL ODOR?!" Akira, positioned closest to Pandora, received the full brunt of the noxious fumes. He hurriedly pinched his nose, determined to avoid inhaling the offensive scent.

Even Pandora, renowned for her composure, displayed visible revulsion as she gingerly set her contaminated meal back on the table. The rest of us wasted no time distancing ourselves from the ghastly scene.

The revelation hit like a thunderbolt, sending shockwaves through everyone gathered around the table. Without hesitation, they reluctantly set down their forks, though the aroma still tantalized their senses and the dish remained visually irresistible. The uncertainty of whether they should indulge in the delectable-looking feast was palpable. It was as if the very essence of temptation danced before them, beckoning them to take a bite.

In the midst of this culinary turmoil, Renatta's expression soured. Her gaze shifted towards the perplexed chef, whose disbelief mirrored the confusion of everyone else. Her calm facade hid a seething anger and contempt that simmered just beneath the surface. Her glare alone could scorch the chef's soul if such a thing were possible.

"What is this, chef?" Her voice remained steady and solemn, yet the venom beneath it was unmistakable.

The chef stammered, beads of sweat forming on their spectral brow. "M-master! I don't know what's happening! I prepared this dish just like any other. It should be perfectly normal. That woman over there must have tampered with her bowl and used some sort of trick to make it appear as if my cooking has gone awry!"

Renatta raised an eyebrow, considering the chef's words. She approached the pot, a sense of foreboding hanging in the air. As she lifted the lid, a tantalizing display greeted her eyes. But Renatta wasn't convinced. With a swift, practiced motion, she extended her hand over the contents and chanted an incantation.


The air crackled with magic, and the pot seemed to shatter like glass. Multiple fractures appeared, leaving the chef utterly perplexed. As the illusion unraveled, the once-enticing aroma transformed into a noxious, repugnant odor that filled the room. The food in the pot, previously a mouthwatering delight, had been replaced by an abominable concoction of unidentifiable substances.

"Let's dissect this, Chef. I vividly recall not adding anything remotely close to what you're accusing my friend of, and yet, the dish before us defies all expectations. Are you truly innocent in this culinary disaster? Because, frankly, I'm not buying it. This is hardly fit for consumption, and it bears no resemblance to the fare I once relished during my time here. Have things taken a nosedive in my absence, or is there more to this culinary catastrophe than meets the eye?"

As tensions rise, the enigmatic chef's facade begins to crumble. With a forceful shove of his trolley, he sends the scalding 'dish' hurtling towards Renatta. In a flash, Akira springs into action, using his shield as a formidable barricade. Upon impact, an alarming sizzle reverberates through the air, as though the very metal of the shield is succumbing to the sinister brew.

Without hesitation, Alena weaves her magic, drenching Akira's beleaguered shield with water. The remnants of the concoction dissolve, revealing a shocking truth – the shield appears to have been subjected to an acid capable of eroding even the sturdiest of metals.

A sense of betrayal washes over Renatta, her disappointment was palpable. She nonchalantly conjures a sinister, ebony thread, which snakes around her fingers with an eerie grace. Two pointed fingers take aim at the fleeing, spectral chef, and the sentient string springs to life, relentlessly pursuing its target. Despite the considerable distance, the inky strand captures the chef in its clutches, instantly constricting when it secures its prey.

A symphony of agonized cries fills the room as Renatta tightens her grip on the ebony thread, dragging the ensnared chef along with it.

With a weary sigh, Renatta wrenches the string once more, evoking another tortured wail from the captured chef.

"You know, Chef, I placed my trust in you as one of my dearest spirit friends, someone I'd hoped to share my twilight years with. Never did I anticipate a day would come when your treachery would be laid bare like this."

"Master, I beg your forgiveness! I swear upon all that's holy, I'll never tread down this dark path again! Grant me but one more opportunity," the desperate chef cried out, his life hanging by a thread held in Renatta's unyielding grasp.

Renatta's eyes bore into the trembling chef, her voice dripping with disappointment. "In an ideal world, my dear friend, a mere prank or oversight might warrant a second chance. But your calculated actions, executed with full awareness of the consequences, are beyond redemption. Understand that second chances are not charity; they must be earned. And your deeds fall far short of that mark."

Terror coursed through the chef as he struggled to free himself from the inky bindings that ensnared him.

"NO... PLEASE!" he pleaded, desperation in his eyes.

"Today, the contract binding your spirit to me is null and void," Renatta declared, her voice unwavering. "I shall reclaim every ounce of energy I have provided over the years. Your soul, tainted by malevolence, will crumble, rendering you incapable of ever being summoned again, by me or anyone else."

The chef's eyes widened in horror as the contract Renatta spoke of materialized before him. He reached out, but it disintegrated into ash, and even if he could grab it, there was no way the black thread would allow him to do so. Blue flames engulfed him, their fiery grasp unrelenting. He writhed in agony, futilely attempting to extinguish the relentless blaze. His screams echoed, unheard by any, as his very existence unraveled and his soul was consumed by the inferno.


With one final, anguished cry, the traitorous spirit vanished, erased from existence. In that fleeting moment, Renatta had rid herself of a treacherous ally, ensuring her path remained clear.

"That should set an example to all the traitors."

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