Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 934 Punish the Deceivers

Chapter 934 Punish the Deceivers

The banishment process wasn't just a show for us; it unfolded as a grand spectacle in the eyes of the spirits themselves. They bore witness to the intense energy that surged forth when the Chef Spirit was stripped of all its rights. Initially, I had anticipated a routine punishment from Renatta, something within the ordinary realm of spirit discipline. Little did I expect that she would opt for the ultimate verdict – sentencing the spirits to the metaphorical "death penalty." This was no ordinary banishment; it was a process sealing their existence for all eternity, barring any chance of a return to our world.

Renatta, in the midst of this, seemed to radiate with newfound vitality. It was evident that she had been channeling copious amounts of power into the spirit. However, following the banishment, she effortlessly reclaimed every ounce of energy she had bestowed upon the Chef Spirit, reasserting her dominion over it once more.

After the chaotic episode caused by the Chef Spirit, the living room began to return to its usual state, albeit without the culinary carnage. In the aftermath, the Spirit Butler emerged, fully aware of the recent debacle, and with a simple wave of his hand, he conjured magic that effortlessly tidied up the mess. The hazardous spillage of soup that had coated the floor and furniture vanished under the cleansing magic's touch. The toppled pot and trolley were swiftly restored to their proper places.

"Butler," Renatta called.

"Yes, Master?"

"Summon all the spirits to the gathering hall after breakfast. Spare no one; I want them all there."

The Butler comprehended Renatta's intentions without a word and nodded. "As you wish, Master."

Upon completing the cleanup, the Butler took it upon himself to return the trolley to its original location. However, before doing so, he sought Renatta's approval once more.

"Master, would you like me to arrange for another spirit to prepare breakfast? I can replace the spirit chef."

Considering the potential risks, especially given that the others were still affected by the debuff, I decided it would be safer for me to take charge of breakfast preparation and address the debuff simultaneously. Uncertainty loomed about which spirit might act out next. I raised my hand, drawing everyone's attention, including the Spirit Butler's.

"I volunteer to handle the cooking. I have ample experience in the kitchen, and we should exercise caution for the time being," I declared with confidence.

Renatta nodded in agreement. "Yes, I trust Manato to handle the cooking. His culinary skills are impeccable."

The consensus of agreement resonated throughout the room.

The Butler, comprehending my intentions, nodded as well. "Very well, follow me to the kitchen. Allowing the Master and her guests to go hungry is not part of the service in this mansion. If you wish to volunteer, your assistance is most welcome."

I followed the butler to the kitchen, where a lingering, noxious odor hung in the air, forcing even the Spirit Butler to shield his nose.

"This is no ordinary food," he fumed. "It's a lethal concoction of tainted meat from a decaying zombie dragon. The putrid stench gives it away. That scoundrel..."

I inquired about the possibility of salvaging the kitchen without the poison's taint. "Is there a way to cleanse it, remove the poison contamination? If they used zombie dragon meat, the utensils may still be contaminated."

"A standard [Purify] spell should do the trick," the butler replied, his hands tied. "Unfortunately, I lack the means."

"No worries," I reassured him, casting [Purify] myself. The noxious odor vanished, and the dark energies swirling around dissipated. Gradually, the kitchen transformed from its ominous state into a brighter, cleaner space.

"That scoundrel tried to corrupt this place slowly," the butler muttered, self-critical. "I should've noticed, considering how often I'm here. My service has fallen short."

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief at his words. Sure, he might excel at his assigned tasks, but there were limits to his observations. After the effects of [Purify] had spread throughout the area, I began inspecting the ingredients. Unfortunately, most of the vegetables and components were tainted, rendering any attempt to cook a decent meal impossible without risking poisoning.

"Dispose of all these ingredients, Butler," I instructed firmly. "They're all contaminated, and cooking with them would only result in toxic food. I'll use my own ingredients."

"Understood," came the butler's prompt reply.

While the butler swiftly handled the disposal, I focused on gathering the necessary ingredients for a mood-lifting dish: curry. I also made sure that some cleansing herbs that will aid in removing harmful effects on the body are added as well. This way, the debuff the spirit chef has given to them would be dispelled the moment they eat the curry. With the ingredients at hand, I began the cooking process, knowing that it would soon lift everyone's spirits. A few minutes later, the pot was ready to serve. The butler returned from his task of discarding the tainted ingredients just as I finished.

Lifting the lid and stirring the curry with my ladle, I could tell it was safe for consumption. "It's done!" I declared.

The spirit butler noticed and joined me, ready to assist. "You've finished. Let's take it to the living room. Load it onto the trolley." The butler efficiently gathered kitchenware and utensils.

Together, we delivered the meal to everyone, and the process went smoothly. After a joyful breakfast, Renatta kept her word and headed to the Gathering Hall. I accompanied her to witness the unfolding situation, with others following suit, eager to see what would happen next.

"Brother," Sora queried, leaning in with a curious glint in her eyes, "do you think Renatta-san will repeat her earlier actions?"

"Perhaps," I replied, contemplating the uncertainty of the situation. "I can't say for sure if she'll resort to the same banishment process for the proven traitors later, but if she does, it wouldn't come as a surprise."

It didn't take long for the spirits to congregate. Among them were the very spirits who had welcomed us into the mansion on our first visit, alongside the Spirit Butler and the Blacksmith spirit. A range of expressions played on their spectral faces—some bore worry, some exuded confidence, and many remained stoically indifferent.

Renatta took the podium, her presence commanding attention. "You may already have an inkling of why I've summoned you all, despite your demanding daily routines," she began, scanning the assembly.

Most spirits wore anxious expressions.

"Why the concern? If you've done nothing wrong, your existence remains untouched. Only the guilty need fret."

As Renatta's aura permeated the room, it weighed heavily on the spirits.

"Now, let me address the primary reason for convening you today. I've formulated a theory suggesting there are traitors among my trusted spirits. This theory was swiftly confirmed by the recent actions of the Spirit Chef, who now resides in banishment, forever beyond resummoning. However, I doubt he's the sole traitor. I've identified others I suspect of disloyalty, just as I've discerned the steadfast ones. To maintain impartiality in my judgment, I've decided that even those I know to be loyal will undergo scrutiny. Balance, not favoritism, shall guide my decisions."

A colossal magic circle suddenly materialized above the gathered spirits, igniting a cacophony of startled murmurs and hushed whispers. 

"Don't fret, dear ones," Renatta assured, her voice steady amid the growing tension. "This spell became possible through the reclamation of my powers, wrested back from the banished Chef Spirit. It will only affect those with a guilty conscience, leaving the innocent untouched."

As Renatta's words hung in the air, a few spirits began to writhe in agonizing pain, collapsing to the floor in torment. A ripple of fear spread through the surrounding spirits, who quickly distanced themselves from the writhing figures. To my astonishment, a significant number of spirits were caught in the throes of suffering, nearly half of them succumbing to the spell's effects.

"I see," Renatta's countenance underwent a dramatic transformation. Gone was the serene composure, replaced by palpable anger. Her aura surged, a tangible force radiating from her being, leaving no doubt as to the gravity of the situation.

"While the results don't come as a shock, the sheer number of you schemers ready to betray me when the time is ripe is truly disheartening," Renatta declared as she descended from the podium, approaching the distressed spirits.

Their pleas for innocence echoed around her. "R-renatta-sama! We would never betray you!"

"M-master! This is a mistake! I am not one of the traitors!"

Despite their protests, the damning spell had already exposed their disloyalty.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Renatta's aura surged, and even those of us on the podium felt the mounting tension.

Alena couldn't help but remark, "I'd heard rumors about the princess' powers, but witnessing them firsthand is something else; it's undeniably impactful."

The situation was deteriorating rapidly.

"As you writhe in agony, it seems only fitting for me to deliver the verdict. Deceivers have no place in this mansion, and their treacherous ways must come to an end."

Raising her hand, she bestows the final verdict on the sinners.

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