Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 936 Dungeon of the Corrupted Elves

Chapter 936 Dungeon of the Corrupted Elves

Renatta guided us away from the mansion, leading us to a less-traveled corner of the kingdom. We followed a narrow path that wound through a dense forest, occasionally navigating around large, scattered rocks. Renatta led the way, using her BO staff to clear the overgrown path.

"I must apologize; it's been quite some time since anyone tended to this pathway. As you can see, the tall grass has taken over."

I voiced my concern, "Shouldn't they maintain this place better? If the road to the dungeon is neglected, one would think they might overlook the dungeon itself, leading to potential monster escapes or dungeon breaches."

Renatta nodded, her expression serious. "That's the puzzling aspect of this dungeon. My grandfather discovered it when he was just a child, and it has always been this way. They've made sure that the dungeon remains accessible and the road is passable to prevent any mishaps or dungeon breaches."

Dungeon Break – a troubling phenomenon that occurs when dungeons become overrun with monsters. When a dungeon can no longer contain the horde within, chaos ensues as these creatures spill out into the surrounding areas. To preemptively tackle this issue, any newly discovered dungeon is promptly recorded at the Adventurers' Guild Headquarters. This ensures that if a Dungeon Break occurs, adventurers can swiftly step in to quell the threat.

Addressing a Dungeon Break and preventing its recurrence demands regular maintenance and exploration of the dungeons. Achieving permanent closure, however, is a formidable challenge. It involves reaching the heart of the dungeon, the most heavily guarded and inaccessible region, typically requiring a guild-sanctioned quest to neutralize it. Most of the time, dungeons remain untouched, serving as an ever-flowing source of materials and items. These subterranean labyrinths are even considered treasure troves, thanks to their propensity to generate valuable artifacts. As a result, dungeons continue to exist, meeting their end only when they pose a significant, irrevocable menace that warrants their destruction.

Encountering an abandoned dungeon, seemingly untouched by raiders and devoid of any Dungeon Break incidents, raised a perplexing question. I couldn't ascertain how long it had eluded exploration, but the prolonged absence of Dungeon Breaks struck me as profoundly unusual. Ordinarily, dungeons left untended and unassaulted for any substantial duration are liable to experience a Dungeon Break within a mere five days. This phenomenon is particularly common in lower-level dungeons, especially when the majority of adventurers have surpassed the need for such rudimentary quests.

Turning to Renatta, I inquired, "Could this dungeon be in a state of dormancy, perhaps?"

Her quizzical expression suggested that she was unfamiliar with the concept of Dormant Dungeons.

"Dormant Dungeons," I explained, "are those that have yet to be activated, remaining unexplored and unraided. Consequently, they remain immune to the usual cycle of Dungeon Breaks until their activation."

Renatta pondered for a moment before responding, "No, this one isn't dormant. However, it's not in a state of complete ruin either. We continue to witness regular monster spawns within its depths. In contrast, destroyed dungeons cease to produce new monsters; only the remaining ones persist. Moreover, this dungeon has endured multiple raids, disqualifying it from dormancy."

"Well, enough of the chatter; we've arrived! Behold, the dungeon!" Renatta proudly unveiled the looming entrance she had spoken of.

We found ourselves before a dilapidated structure in the heart of the forest, resembling ancient ruins. It appeared to be a single edifice, but its structure hinted at an underground labyrinth. To explore it, raiders would need to delve deep into the dungeon, confronting formidable challenges until they reached the final boss.

Adjacent to the ruins lay an aged and neglected Teleport Station. I cautiously stepped onto its platform, watching as it emitted a faint glow, signaling that it still functioned.

"My grandfather constructed this Teleport Station after conquering this very dungeon. However, it's only operational once you've cleared the entire dungeon and defeated the final boss. In essence, it's a useless relic until you achieve that," Renatta clarified.

Akira's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Your grandpa must have been quite the powerhouse."

Renatta nodded solemnly. "Indeed, he was. Much stronger than most elves. According to his stories, before he settled down, he was an adventurer. He and his party were renowned for their expertise in dungeon raiding. I've heard that many of Resurgia's Teleport Stations owe their existence to my grandfather's efforts."

Hearing that revelation caught me off guard. While I rarely utilize it, the Teleport Stations play a crucial role, especially when you consider the alternative: a tedious backtrack through the dungeon. It was unexpected that Renatta's grandfather was behind this innovation.

With this newfound knowledge, our first instinct was to scour the surroundings for any additional hints or clues the dungeon might offer about its denizens. Unfortunately, our efforts yielded no insights. Consequently, we had no choice but to venture deeper into the dungeon.

Like many dungeons, we had the option to select our desired difficulty level. Although the mechanics behind this feature remained shrouded in mystery despite the fact that the Alternate World has become a reality for all of us instead of a game, my assumption was that the dungeon's core adjusted the number of adversaries based on the raiders' chosen difficulty setting.

Renatta began by inquiring about the specifics of the difficulty settings. As veterans of such challenges, we readily provided her with an overview of each difficulty level. We made it clear that the more demanding settings would only become accessible once we conquered the easier ones, with Easy and Normal modes being readily available from the outset.

Curiously, this particular dungeon defied convention by presenting us with the option to activate the Hard Difficulty immediately upon entry, a departure from the norm.

Upon crossing the dungeon's threshold, we found ourselves in a dusty mausoleum that could easily have been mistaken for a desert hideaway. This struck us as peculiar, considering it was a far cry from the typical dungeons we encountered in Sandurk. The resemblance was uncanny.

Our initial steps into the dungeon's depths led us to an unsettling sight: shadowy figures lurking about, seemingly indifferent until we invaded their territory. Abruptly, their eerie heads twisted towards us, and their haunting wails pierced the air, creating an ominous ambiance.


[Corrupted Elves]

Level: 300

HP: 30,000/30,000

MP: ????/?????

Traits: Corrupted, Undead, Elf, Corrosion


"Corrupted Elves? How the heck did they end up here?!" Alena's brows furrowed as she swiftly drew her bow, unleashing a volley of arrows at the sinister figures.

"First time I've seen so many Corrupted Elves packed together!" Labo joined the fray, arrow after arrow finding its mark before the enemy could react.

"No time for chitchat, folks. Let's focus on the brawl and chat later!" Renatta twirled her Bo staff, knocking out shadowy foes with rapid, precise strikes.

Akira and Sora were right in the thick of it, with Akira expertly shielding their ranged companions and pummeling any foes that dared to approach, while Sora relentlessly unleashed her magic spells without a break.

Pandora held the rear line, her [Chains of the Heavens] slicing through enemies one by one. Pixie's unwavering attention was on keeping everyone patched up, with a special focus on Akira, who bore the brunt of the enemy's onslaught. Her healing powers ensured Akira's health remained full and bolstered the entire team with useful buffs.

As for me, I joined the relentless onslaught, cutting down Corrupted Elves left and right. Their numbers weren't a concern, and their health levels were manageable. But it was their substantial MP reserves that gave me pause. Could they unleash devastating spells if we didn't act swiftly? It was a possibility we couldn't afford to risk. With our collective strength, we wiped them out before they could cast any troublesome incantations.

After the intense battle, we found ourselves sifting through the spoils left behind by our fallen foes. Among the treasures we gathered were an array of accessories, potent potions, and a substantial amount of coinage. It was, by all accounts, a bountiful haul.

However, any semblance of celebration was eclipsed by the disquiet that had settled upon Renatta and the elves in our party. It was evident that they were deeply troubled by our encounter with the Corrupted Elves.

"I always wondered why the elves steered clear of this place," mused Labo as he retrieved his arrows from the remnants of the fallen monsters. "Now I understand why."

Sora, seeking clarity, inquired, "Are these Corrupted Elves really that much of a threat?"

"For us, yes," replied Alena with a gravitas that conveyed the seriousness of the matter. "Corrupted Elves are our own kin who have succumbed to death and then been resurrected to serve as instruments of destruction, targeting their living brethren. Engaging them in combat is deeply unsettling, for they bear a disconcerting resemblance to our own kind. It feels like we are pitted against our own flesh and blood."

Pandora chimed in, "So, they're like undead or zombies, just with a different twist?"

"Indeed," Renatta affirmed. "They share similarities with the undead, but there's a crucial difference. While zombies are mindless, driven solely by their insatiable hunger for flesh, Corrupted Elves retain their intelligence. They continue to wield the powers of elves, with a particular affinity for manipulating mana. This makes them formidable adversaries, capable of casting powerful and devastating spells that we should never underestimate."

Sora, still processing this information, raised a valid concern. "But they seem rather weak compared to us. Should we really fear them?"

Renatta's response was a stark reminder of the true danger they posed. "Yes, you may have noticed the peculiar question mark on their mana. That symbolizes their unparalleled connection to the Ether, granting them the ability to tap into mana without significant depletion. This allows them to unleash potent spells and wreak havoc in ways we cannot afford to underestimate."

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