While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 552: Eve's frenzy

Chapter 552: Eve's frenzy

'Just where the heck are they'

Thinking to myself, I ignored the slight wetness that flying at my current height caused my clothes to catch. Even if it wasn't something that could bother me all that much, it didn't change the fact that even with my body not moving at all, it was still rather uncomfortable to wear wet clothes.

As I flew through the skies, I continued to scan the entire city below me with all types of vision that was in my current possession. Yet surprisingly, rather than noticing where Eve was with my energy vision, something I expected after hearing Bonger's advice, it actually turned out to be easier to spot her with just my normal sight alone!

With the target now acquired, I increased my speed by blasting some of my shockwaves behind my back, before doing the same from above my position, pushing my weightless body towards the ground at a breakneck speed.


Landing on the ground without a care in the world for all the destruction that such a sudden descend caused to the nearby buildings, I ran towards the centre of the commotion, visible even despite over three hundred meters separating my landing spot from where the real action was taking place.




As prideful and mighty those shouts sounded, as soon as I covered the distance that separated me from the rest of my group, I realised how little they had in common with the current situation of those voice owners.

"Another one!"

As if she was a cat playing with its prey, rather than decimating the entire group that opposed her, Eve made sure to carefully pick them one by one out of the rather disciplined formation of theirs, only to cut all their limbs apart before somehow stabilising the victim vitals and moving on to the next target.


Just a single look at her face filled with bloodlust put me in a pinch. Should I call for her again? Should I intervene and stop this unnecessary violence? Or maybe I should stop her by killing every single man that she was bullying right now?


In the end, this decision wasn't mine to take. Before I could solve this quandary in my head, a huge detachment of the gorilla sect disciples moved forward, using their combined strength to create a tight layer of compressed air, capable of even stopping Eve's attacks!

At least, her normal attacks that didn't have even a single shred of her real power in them!

"We can push her back! Press on, brothers!"

As much as this united action of several disciples whose face were openly showing how terrified they were, could be considered as the ultimate act of bravery, in this harsh world, no one really paid any attention to the qualities of one's spirit, if that person's strength wasn't sufficient to back his attitude up!


Suddenly calming down from her previous state of battle frenzy, Eve looked at the group advancing towards her with disdain as she moved her leading fist to the back. Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel like a completely useless and worthless man.

After all, what kind of fiance would allow a sword used that Eve was, to actually rely on her fists in the fight?!

"Everyone, stop."

Locking everyone in the place with just a wisp of my magic, I directed the majority of my incorporeal power towards my own fiancee, turning the atmosphere around her so thick with magic that even the slightest movement turned out to be a huge challenge for her!

"Give me a moment dear, I just can't watch it anymore."

Strolling towards the huge group of gorilla sect disciples as if it was nothing, I moved around their ranks for a moment, before finally picking three random swords out of their hands and moving back to my previous spectating spot. Yet rather than unlocking my shackles, I simply made sure that Eve was somehow capable of following my request rather than giving in to her current state, bordering going berserk.

Throwing all of the stolen swords into a quickly created smithing orb of mine, I made sure to separate all the impurities contained within their base materials, before separating all of the major ingredients apart.

"This goes here That goes there"

Muttering to myself as I worked under the pressure of time, I could feel the countless stares locked to my hands, apparently swinging randomly in the air. After all, from what I learned to this point, only Bonger and I myself were ever capable of seeing the tools of the system!

"And here we go, Eve, catch!"

As soon as I finished the small project of mine, I pushed my hand towards the orb while moving the sword I just created to the very edge of the strange universe within that orb.

With my fingers catching the sturdy handle of the slim sword, I pulled it out of the orb before throwing it leisurely towards my dearest fiancee, all the while ignoring the stunned gaze of Celleria on my back.

"Oh For what occasion Are you sure?"

Changing the mind about what she wanted to say twice, before finally concluding her sentence with a question, thanks to keenly observing the changes that continued to appear on her face as she attempted to respond to my actions, I could tell what was going on through Eve's head.

"Yeah, there is no occasion. I just couldn't stand seeing you sully your delicate hands with the dirty blood of those fuckers."

Shrugging my shoulders as if this matter was far too low for me to be bothered with, I pointed at the group of the gorilla sect disciples, still awaiting their fate.

"I hope you guys didn't have to wait long. And with that said, let's get back to work. BREAK!"

With the last word of my sentence instantly shattering all the blockades that everyone had to face before they could move, the entire area turned completely silent. As the disciples finally picked up their pace, recreated their strange barrier and once again, started pressing forward, Eve just stood in her spot, while inspecting the details of her new weapon with awe filling her eyes.

"Okay then, let's wrap this up."

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