Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 483: Put capitalists on street lights

Chapter 483: Put capitalists on street lights

Chapter 483 Put the capitalists on street lights

Everyone, we have a new office.

Since it was the weekend, most of the employees at the branch were on vacation. When Tan Qing said in the group that they had a new office, many people came to join in the fun.

The avant-garde appearance design of Wanzhong Mall is full of grandeur at first glance, especially the wide view on the top floor, which can take in the bustling Shanghai. In comparison, the old building they rented felt a bit cramped.

The employees were very excited, running around and taking selfies. It took them a long time to explore the entire top floor.

Only two old employees, Ma Yubao and Yang Shuai, who were born in 208, stood at the elevator entrance with a solemn expression on their faces.

This seems to be a large comprehensive shopping mall.

Thats right.

Ashuai, what did you think of?

I thought about the bosss salary recovery plan.

The two people looked at each other, their eyes gradually becoming sharp.

I work on the top floor during the day, and come down to spend money after get off work. The salary I finally earned was earned back by my boss.

Just a small amount of money spent back and forth, the cycle continues, the company is booming, the boss's business is getting bigger and bigger, and he is far ahead!

Its terrible, its really terrible!

I found a sign underneath that said something about water spa. Isnt this aimed at my wallet? Who can withstand this?

Who says its not!

Black-hearted capitalist

Tan Qing saw the two of them talking furtively and couldn't help but walked over: "What are you talking about? It's like you have lost your wallet."

"I just lost my wallet, Sister Qing. You think the boss is too bad. He put his office on the top floor of the shopping mall. This is a naked attempt to recover our wages!"

Those of them who participated in the founding of 208 have very good relationships. They usually call each other "sister" and "brother" instead of "General Manager" in a formal way. They also often complain about their boss. After all, Ma Yubao and Lu Feiyu They are also good friends.

Tan Qing looked at them: "The boss said that we can all be regarded as internal employees of Wanzhong, and there will be internal discounts for consumption here."

If thats the case, then I have nothing else to say, the boss is a great person!

Except for the spa shop down there.

Ma Yubao was silent for a moment: "A black-hearted capitalist."

Yang Shuai narrowed his eyes: "Hang up the street lights."

Jiang Qin was following Qin Zhihuan and He Yijun from the apartment building at the back. He couldn't help feeling that his collar was a little tight: "Damn, who cursed me? Why do I feel like something is strangling my neck?"

He Yijun looked back at him and said, "Are you too tired? Your neck and shoulders are sore? Go wash your feet later and find someone to massage your feet. You'll be fine the next day."


Im just talking about my neck, but you can still think of washing feet?

He Yijun looked at him strangely: "If a man doesn't wash his feet, what's the point of life?"

Jiang Qin glanced at Qin Zhihuan: "I won't go to that kind of obscene place."

Im talking about formality!

Isnt the formal one even less interesting? I wont go to the irregular one, so you still want me to go to the formal one?

Are you afraid of treating guests? Mr. Jiang, you are too stingy.

Jiang Qin chuckled and said to himself, "You know nothing. That good friend of mine is a jealous person with a very high martial arts value. We can just have dinner together in the evening. I will go back to Linchuan tomorrow. This meal is I'll treat."

Qin Zhihuan couldn't help but say: "After all, I am the host in Shanghai, so I should treat you to this meal."

How can I ask you to invite me? Its better to ask Lao He to invite me.

Qin Zhihuan nodded: "Mr. He, please... that's okay."

He Yijun's eyes widened: "Damn it, you are relatives, right? Damn it, one family doesn't talk nonsense between two families!"

Youre just joking, Mr. He, Im kidding you... well, Im lending you a floor, how can I be reluctant to even have a meal?

From the launch of the gis service, to the promotion of daily specials, and finally to the ribbon-cutting of Wanzhong Mall, Jiang Qin's trip to Shanghai has come to an end in more than half a month.

The next day after having dinner with He Yijun and Qin Zhihuan, he packed his luggage and took the noon flight back to Linchuan.

At the end of April, the campus was already full of spring flowers. At this time, the school was holding a school culture-themed art festival, so that the entire main road of the campus was filled with small stalls. It was very lively when you looked around. It feels like going to a market when you go up there.

Jiang Qin strolled forward, and then saw Zhuang Chen on the roadside, where he had set up a stall selling mooncakes.

The shape of the mooncake felt very familiar to him, as if it was the same style he used to fool the big brothers in the Linchuan business gang.Hey guys, one year has passed and its still not sold out

Zhuang Chen also saw Jiang Qin at this time. His breath was stagnant. He immediately lowered his head and touched his mobile phone. He pretended to receive the call and turned around, leaving Jiang Qin with a handsome back.

Jiang Qin was very sensible and did not say hello. He just glanced at the mooncakes and passed him by.

To be honest, although he stirred up troubles in Shanghai, killed everyone, and almost changed the direction of the entire industry, even so, he did not have the ability to sell mooncakes in April...

Zhuang Chen, this guy, has two brushes!

Jiang Qin pulled his suitcase and continued walking forward. He found that good friends could be seen everywhere on campus. Some were holding hands, hugging each other, taking photos with each other, and secretly pouting. Everywhere he looked, they were all pure friendships.

Even the wandering seniors have their own good friends, but they are bolder than others and openly study the secrets of life reproduction without being shy at all.

Sure enough, it is the season of spring...

Jiang Qin hummed a potpourri in the spring and walked back to the dormitory. When he arrived at the door, he found a big lock hanging on it. Obviously, Cao Guangyu and Ren Ziqiang were going on a date, and Chaozi was playing basketball. Or just go to club activities.

He stood at the door and thought for a while, then turned and went to the next door, which was Zhuang Chen's dormitory.

After entering the door, Zhang Guangfa was the only one in the room. As soon as he heard the sound of the door opening, Brother Guangfa suddenly had a clever idea and immediately closed his notebook and hurriedly grabbed his pants.

Jiang Qin, you...why did you come to our dormitory?

"Our dormitory door is locked. I don't have the key with me. I need to borrow a place to put my luggage here."

Jiang Qin walked over and took a look at him: "Is it because you don't have a girlfriend to watch such exciting art in the dormitory in broad daylight?"

Zhang Guangfa was a little suffocated.

At this moment, Zuo Baiqiang also came back from outside and greeted Jiang Qin in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to be here.

Because Zhuang Chen and Jiang Qin didn't deal with each other in their dormitory, although they were in the same class, they didn't have a close friendship, and they didn't usually visit each other. Even when playing cards, they wouldn't sit together at the same table.

However, there were no other conflicts between them, so Zuo Baiqiang welcomed him, gave him the cigarette, and asked him if he wanted to drink water.

I heard that you went to Shanghai on a business trip?

Well, I went to do some small business and just came back today.

Zhang Guangfa was a little curious after hearing this: "What kind of small business?"

Jiang Qin stretched his waist: "I have changed the consumption habits of more than 20 million people in Shanghai, suppressed three competitors with hundreds of millions in their hands, cut the ribbon for a newly built large-scale comprehensive mall, and opened a registration store by the way." A branch with a capital of 30 million."

Zhang Guangfa was stunned for a moment, as if he had been given a slap in the face. He thought to himself that I shouldn't have asked. Is this a small business? Those who sell shoes and socks are called small businesses, right?

This means that Master Cao is not here. If he were here, he would definitely feel like looking in the mirror.

Jiang Qin opened the butterfly cakes and waffles he brought back and handed them to Zuo Baiqiang and Zhang Guangfa: "If someone comes to our dormitory later, please call for help and ask them to help me pull my luggage back. "

Zuo Baiqiang nodded: "Leave it to me."

"Then I'll leave first. Guangfa, you should look at more green ones. It's good for your eyes. Besides, your buttocks are really white."

Zhang Guangfa:

Zuo Baiqiang glanced at him doubtfully: "What did you do in the dormitory?"

No, I was not wearing clothes just now, and he saw it. Zhang Guangfa blushed and covered it up.

Zuo Baiqiang opened the butterfly cake, handed a piece to Zhang Guangfa, and then said: "To be honest, I actually envy Cao Guangyu and the others."

What do you envy them for?

Zuo Baiqiang was silent for a while: "Maybe he is envious that they can be roommates with Jiang Qin. After four years of friendship, not everyone can get this kind of opportunity."

Zhang Guangfa couldn't help but pout: "What's there to envy? He's not a beautiful woman with **** and fat butt, and he can't give pleasure to his brothers first."

"Indeed, we can't see the benefits now, but after we graduate, the gap will appear, especially when it comes to finding a job. Do you think Jiang Qin can help them find someone with more money and less trouble and close to home? It shouldn't be difficult. Bar?"

Zuo Baiqiang held a cigarette in his mouth: "I heard before that Song Qingqing's dumpling recipe can earn more than 7,000 yuan a month. If I had such an awesome roommate, I could call him daddy."

After listening to Zuo Baiqiang's words, Zhang Guangfa was silent for a long time and understood that what he said did make sense.

When they go to school, they spend all their family money, there is basically no pressure in life, and they dont have to think too much about worldly things. But once they graduate, many things will be different.

Although Zhang Guangfa secretly cursed for showing off every time he saw the news in the cafeteria, he had to admit Jiang Qin's current social status.

Because whether it is the leader of the school or the leader of Linchuan City, he can speak well, and his group is getting bigger and bigger now. Zhihu has also spread to colleges and universities across the country. If those people in the dormitory next door graduate , the chance of getting a good job is much higher than theirs.

Perhaps in the near future, when they enter the workplace, the name Jiang Qin will become their capital to show off.

Jiang Qin and I are classmates. With speeches like this, we win people's approval.

(asking for monthly ticket)

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