Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 508: LaShou.com’s retreat

Chapter 508: LaShou.com’s retreat

Chapter 508: The Retreat of

Coming back from the group headquarters, Jiang Qin drove the car downstairs of the financial dormitory.

There are still many female college students who did not leave school on the day of the holiday. They were wearing shorts or pajamas and slippers, walking in and out of the dormitory building. Some were carrying bath baskets, while others were carrying lunch.

The cicadas on the trees are chirping tirelessly, giving them a sense of tranquility that is noisy.

Jiang Qin parked the car on the side of the road and called Feng Nanshu down from upstairs.

Today she wore a white short-sleeved shirt with no pattern, tied high into a ponytail, revealing her slender swan neck. Her loose washed jeans had a waist-cinching design, making her waist look extremely slender.

The midsummer sun was very dazzling, and when it fell on her body, it made her fair skin feel glowing.

She dragged a small suitcase with a cold expression on her face, but she clearly felt happy about going home. Her clear eyes flashed brightly, and she ran down the street all the way.

Have you been waiting for a long time?

A little bit, but I was very good and didnt run around.

Feng Nanshu got into the passenger seat as he spoke, then opened the armrest box, rummaged through it, took out a small comb, and combed his bangs.

This box is full of her small parts, everything is included.

Jiang Qin put her suitcase in the trunk, entered the cab, reached for the seat belt and fastened it on her.

The pure white T-shirt is very thin and shows the outline. After the black seat belt automatically tightens, it quickly tightens the two cute bodies.

Jiang Qin turned up the air conditioner and put his coat on her body.

Drivers who have good friends all know that driving on the highway requires concentration, and there should be no things that prevent them from taking their eyes away. This is very dangerous.

Jiang Qin feels that this little daily knowledge should be written into the traffic regulations and set as a required question in subject one.

Go home.

Brother, lets go.

Jiang Qin put on his sunglasses, stepped on the accelerator, and drove slowly away from the dormitory building.

Yang Shu'an didn't come to ride the bus this time because he had to see his girlfriend off, and the whole department of the sub-station that Guo Zihang was responsible for had a dinner together, so he couldn't make it.

So the two people drove on the highway and returned to Hongrong Home at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Before they entered, they saw an inflatable arch standing at the entrance of the community. There was a dragon on the left and a phoenix on the right. It looked like someone was getting married.

Jiang Qin glanced at the name posted on the arch: "Zhang Jun, who is this? Why don't I recognize him?"

The eldest son of the second grandmother in Building 6.


Jiang Qin showed an expression of sudden realization: "It turns out to be Brother Dajun, haha, I feel like an outsider with a missing brain stem."

Feng Nanshu turned to look at him: "My second grandma cooked peanuts for me last year."

This community is pretty clear to you. I dont even know that many people, youre just a thief.

I have your family heirloom.

Feng Nanshu didn't know when he put the bracelet on his hand again, raised his hand and shook it.

Jiang Qin slowed down and drove into the community. He saw the third uncle directing traffic at the intersection. The passenger cars were all going south and concentrated in one area. He didn't care about the private cars.

Subsequently, a burst of crackling firecrackers sounded, which sounded very festive.

Jiang Zhenghong was standing at the door of the unit building at this time, holding a teacup in his hand and a red cloth strip tied around his collar, instructing several young people to hang colorful flags.

Hongrong Home is a relocation community, and the people living here are all relatives. So no matter whether it is a matter of public or private matters, as long as you shout, someone from the entire community will come over to help.

Before Jiang Qin stopped the car, he saw Yuan Youqin walking out of the building with Double Happiness on the opposite side. He was originally walking in the direction of Jiang Zhenghong, but he immediately changed direction after seeing Jiang Qin's car. .

In the past, Yuan Youqin was not so active when people got married in the community, but in the past two years, she has been going to weddings because she wanted to learn from her experience.

Nan Shu, why did you guys come back? Your second grandma was talking about you just now and asked if you were coming.

Auntie, we started a little late.

Jiang Qin patted his stomach: "Mom, I'm hungry."

Yuan Youqin stood in front of the car window and said: "There are instant noodles in the cabinet on the right side of the kitchen. You can eat some briefly. Nan Shu, I will take you to my second grandma's house."

Feng Nanshu's eyes brightened, then he got out of the car and followed Yuan Youqin to the building opposite.

My neighbors are just getting married, why are everyone so excited?

Jiang Qin muttered. He was worth over 100 million but could not escape the fate of eating instant noodles. Then he carried two boxes upstairs alone, opening the door with a spare key.

After taking a few hasty bites, Jiang Qin got into the room, opened the internal system, and processed the applications sent by each branch.

Applications for summer special offers at the Shanghai branch, summer promotion applications at the Shenzhen branch, Guangdong City's praise list discount festival, and joint activities in some second- and third-tier cities... these applications have all been reviewed and approved by Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing. Those that passed will be shown with a green check mark, those that failed will be shown with a red cross.

But there will be a special copy in the list reserved for Jiang Qin, waiting for his approval.

If Jiang Qin does not give an opinion within 24 hours, then the existing processing results will be followed first.

Fund approvals for the Kyoto branch have been more frequent recently, because the scope of promotion of daily specials has begun to increase, starting from the original core business area and gradually radiating to other areas, probably in the east and west cities.

After approval, the Finance Department gave its opinions and then sent a copy to Jiang Qin, who made the final decision.

Jiang Qin approved the two expenses after careful review.

The sum is the cost of organizing a community art performance, which is used to increase the stickiness of the community group and improve the "family feeling" of the group in the hearts of community users.

The other expense is the cost of offline advertising, because community group buying requires a high degree of trust, and this part of trust still needs to be conveyed through television and news.

Especially TV advertising, which has a sense of authority in the hearts of some middle-aged and elderly people, otherwise there wouldnt be so many TV shopping channels.

What is the current reaction from Dianping and Lashou?

Yao Shengdong replied online: "Dianping has been recruiting local promoters recently, and it seems that it also wants to engage in community group buying. However, the recruitment advertisement has been out for a month, but there has been no further movement."

Jiang Qin thought for a while: "They probably didn't have any plans in this area in the early stage. They have to think twice about budgeting, structural adjustments and business upgrades. I guess they are hesitant in their hearts."

Thats how it should be, the boss is wise.

As Jiang Qin expected, Dianping is currently in a very passive state, because daily specials do not conflict with their business and will not affect each other. Logically speaking, they can live in harmony.

You do your offline delivery, and I do my online group buying. Not only will we not compete with each other, but we may also benefit from each other.

But everyone knows that when community group buying lines for group shopping are launched, once they take shape, they will immediately feed back their in-store business.

When the consumer group grows and a model internet celebrity store is established, those merchants will take the initiative to seek cooperation after being promoted by headlines.

Then, the group fight begins a virtuous cycle again, and after the cycle, it will be their competitors who will die.

If Dianping wants to attack group sales, then it will have to talk about channels, recruit local promoters, set up a new branch, upgrade its website, and make a new budget.

These groupings were prepared almost a year in advance, and they also took over local promotions that other websites did not want. If Dianping wants to follow up, the investment amount will be huge.

Because if you want to catch up with the progress of group building in a short period of time, you will definitely burn money.

Therefore, there are two different voices within Dianping. One is not optimistic about the establishment of community group buying, and the other is that if it does not engage in this, it will have to wait for death. This dilemma makes it difficult for the company's senior management to make decisions.

They also expressed their anger with La Shou in private, but La Shou showed no panic at all, saying that he would not end up in trouble.

Even Dianping feels that they have been a bit messed up recently, and their various performances are puzzling.

Have you dug a hole to die?

Brother, can you cheer up? It's not time to collapse the house yet.

But the strangest thing is that didn't react at all, but there was no mournful sign of wanting to surrender. Instead, there was an inexplicable feeling of confidence.

After returning from Shanghai, Chen Jiaxin was promoted one level and became the general person in charge of Kyoto District.

This is because although she did not win the Shanghai market from the group companies, the business district system she established has allowed Dianping to make up for the lack of map services to a certain extent.

So this time, she and Pintuan became opponents again in Kyoto.

At present, the company has no effective method for the group-building business, so Chen Jiaxin arranged for Yang Xueyu to find out the inside information of to understand why they were not panicking at all.

Mr. Luo, its the weekend recently. Why dont you come out for a cup of tea? A friend gave me a box of Wuyishan Dahongpao.

Keep it and drink it when I come back!

Are you traveling again?

I was sent to Yongcheng and I wont be back for a short time. I told you that you were stupid and had to change jobs to join the public. I hope you wont regret it in the future.


Yang Xueyu was stunned for a moment and thought to himself that Yongcheng is a second-line layout in the south, and that is the business area of .

At first, was beaten by the group, so it immediately turned around and went to the south to lay out cables. It wanted to compete with Wowo Group in order to buy time and wait for the Baidu Map database to be established.

Why did go to the Southern Market to get involved at this time? Are they going to abandon their base camp?

Damn it, where is the strategic cooperation promised? In the end, they all ran away. Will Dianping be forced to fight against the group next? What on earth were they thinking?

Nuomi.coms move to the south is just a stop-gap measure. It will definitely return after upgrading its map service, and then raise funds to regain the lost ground. But what do you want to borrow to return to the first-tier market?

My routine has been completely messed up lately, my mind is buzzing...

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