Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 509: Maybe we can merge and join forces!

Chapter 509: Maybe we can merge and join forces!

Chapter 509 Maybe we can merge and join forces!

Mr. Chen, Robin has gone to Yongcheng.


Chen Jiaxin was sitting at her desk drinking coffee. After hearing this sentence, she had the same reaction as Yang Xueyu just now. Her expression was stunned and she felt a little hard to understand.

currently has only three general managers, namely Luo Ping, Robin and Kang Jingtao.

Luo Ping now helps La Shou manage the second and third tier cities in the north, while Kang Jingtao dug out his family's foundation in Shen City and was directly demoted to Star City.

There is only one Robin left, who is left in Kyoto to manage the group buying business.

Now that 's business in Kyoto continues to fail, Robin suddenly went to the south, which is not normal at all.

Is he planning to give all his business in Kyoto to the group when he leaves now?

Yang Xueyu shook his head: "I'm not sure what they want to do."

Chan Jiaxin put down her tea cup and looked out the window: "Nuomi, Lashou, Wowo Tuan, and us, two of the four first-tier group buying websites were driven away by group buying, and we and Wo Wo Tuan are also struggling to hold on."

If Chen Jiaxin had not said this, Yang Xueyu might not think so, but if you really think about it carefully, it is really the case.

After the group buying market became popular, there were as many as 6,000 group buying websites registered and operating, but so far only a handful of them have truly established themselves in first-tier cities.

In addition to Suixin Tuan, which died at the front, there are also four companies: , , Dianping, and Wowo Tuan.

At that time, group buying was still unknown, and it was not even considered to be in the second or third echelon. It could only be classified into the category of College Student Group Buying Network.

In the end, for half a year, they worked step by step, not in a hurry, and forced Nuomi and Lashou to flee.

The remaining two restaurants, Dianping in Kyoto and Wowo Tuan in Guangdong, have also been pushed to the edge of the cliff step by step by group shopping.

It seems that in half a year, group shopping will even be able to unify the first-tier markets across the country.

"Really? But I always feel that La Shou's secret retreat this time is a bit weird, not quite like their style."

Chen Jiaxin stood up and paced back and forth, and then spoke: "Lashou is good at fighting quickly, and he also likes to poach people everywhere. His style is very aggressive. The city gate has not yet been lost, and they actually ran away?"

Yang Xueyu thought for a moment: "Maybe he has learned the lessons from Shanghai and Shenzhen? Don't want to be defeated by Jiang Qin too much?"

No, I always feel that there is something else going on here.

Yang Xueyu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly recalled some details: "When I was on the phone with Robin just now, I didn't feel that he was depressed. Instead, he was a little proud, which is quite strange."

Chen Jiaxin looked at her: "Could it be related to Ali? Didn't they go to Hangzhou some time ago?"

Three minutes later, Chen Jiaxin and Yang Xueyus eyes were fixed on the computer screen.

They didnt do much research. They just searched Alibaba and saw a lot of news about Alipay.

A total of 27 companies, including Alipay, UnionPay Business, and Tenpay, obtained payment licenses issued by the central bank at the end of May, allowing third-party non-bank companies to carry out payment services for the first time.

Ms. Pang Rui, CEO of Alipay, said in an interview that she was grateful for the trust and recognition of the central bank. Alipay will establish a safe, open, orderly and convenient mobile payment platform under the guidance of the central bank.

Seeing this news, the two people instantly fell into silence.

No wonder Lashou dared to abandon Kyoto to grab the second and third tier markets in the south

It turns out that they wanted to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the group, preserve their strength, sink into the market, and then wait for Alipays business to go online before quickly coming back.

This is not a technical barrier, this is a policy barrier.

Its a big trouble to join a group.

Chen Jiaxin let go of the mouse, leaned on her chair and was silent for a long time. Only then did she realize the coming storm, so she immediately called the boss of Dianping.

The boss of Dianping first praised Chen Jiaxin for his astuteness, and then told him that he was now at the Tencent headquarters in Shenzhen.

At the end of September, the mobile version of Tenpay will launch the quick payment Yidiantong service. You only need to bind your bank card and perform double verification to make payments.

By that time, our app will be almost complete, and the technical team will directly integrate the mobile payment terminal.

This may be an opportunity for us to make a comeback and dominate the market, but we must keep a low profile in the early stage.

Hearing this, Chen Jiaxin was instantly relieved, then hung up the phone and shared the news with Yang Xueyu.

Tenpay is a third-party payment platform developed by Tencent in 2005. However, due to limitations of technology, policies and network conditions, it is more like a Q coin recharge tool.

Now that it has obtained a payment license, it will definitely enter the mobile payment field immediately to seize the opportunity.

After all, payment software can be said to be a foundation for Internet commerce, and big companies like Tencent will not be willing to give up this outlet.

Currently, group buying websites still rely on PCs and online banking tools. However, when mobile payment opens up the payment channel, users can directly take out their mobile phones to buy coupons. The difference is really huge.

From this point of view, the team fight will definitely fail!

Because Internet commerce itself is developing rapidly in the direction of convenient life, this is also the reason why group buying websites have become popular.

When you become the most inconvenient choice, you are destined to be eliminated by the market.

In other words, their biggest opponent, the oppressive and breathless group, is about to collapse because there is no major Internet company with a payment license to back him up.

But Mr. Chen, it will take time for mobile payment to become popular.

Yes, but it will definitely be first-tier cities that will be popularized first, and big companies are particularly willing to burn money in this regard. All the main business areas of Pintuan are in the first-tier cities, so it will definitely collapse within half a year.

But if that time comes, Lingtuan is likely to accept shares from major manufacturers.

Then it cant escape the fate of being acquired. Maybe we will end up in the merger and acquisition group?

Chen Jiaxin and Yang Xueyu looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly they felt that their shoulders became very relaxed, as if a big mountain was suddenly moved away.

They settled in Shanghai and were brutally beaten. When they returned to Kyoto, their legs were pushed open and stabbed in. Along the way, they have bullied men and women in group buying, but they never imagined that they would soon become the biggest bubble in the group buying market due to the rapid changes of the times.

Mr. Chen, do we want to learn how to join forces and start planning for second- and third-tier cities?

Yang Xueyu thought of a key issue at this time.

This must be done, but Kyoto cannot give up.

Chan Jiaxin pursed her lips: "Even if the group-buying company will be the first to leave due to payment restrictions, we still need to compete with LaShou in the future, so first-tier cities cannot be lost, so at least we can be one step faster."

Yang Xueyu took a deep breath: "I wonder if Jiang Qin will be sweating when he hears this news."

At the same time, in Hongrongs home, the sun was already setting towards the Western Mountain, and bursts of noise could be heard from the opposite side.

Looking out through the window, the opposite side is a festive red, and you can even hear the noise.

At this time, Jiang Qin was sitting in the room. He sneezed three times in a second and didn't know who was talking about him.

Then he received a call from Yuan Youqin, asking him if he was done with his work and could go over to join in the fun or something.

Boss Jiang was wondering what fun and excitement there would be in getting married? I wasn't envious, so I locked the door and ran over.

The bride will not come in until tomorrow morning, so tonight the main task is to decorate the wedding room. As soon as Jiang Qin went up, he saw the third uncle and the fourth uncle smoking at the door, making the entire corridor look like a fairyland.

Jiang Qin, are you here to find your wife? You brat, you wont be able to leave her for a while.

Third uncle, I dont like hearing what you say at all. Have you ever thought that you might have lost a very wealthy customer?

The third uncle pursed his lips, took out a cigarette and put it on the butt: "You can only buy a salt and a vinegar, but not as much as your family."

Jiang Qin snatched away his cigarette with a swish: "Smoke less, smoking is harmful to your health!"

You stinky boy

Jiang Qin stepped into the groom's house, stamped out the cigarette and threw it into the trash can. Then he saw Feng Nanshu standing in the living room, her beautiful eyes staring at Yuan Youqin who was helping to make the wedding bed with her seventh and eighth aunts. Watching intently.

There are also a few young men in the groom's family, they should be friends or something like that. They can't help but glance at the delicate face of the young rich woman, and then whisper to each other.

There's nothing I can do about it, this little succubus is so beautiful that it attracts bees and butterflies.

At this moment, a young man wearing glasses seemed to be unable to hold himself in any longer. He took a deep breath and then walked towards Feng Nanshu with his mobile phone. He probably wanted to ask for his contact information.

Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes, took a good aim, stumbled with his left foot and stumbled forward, knocking the man wearing glasses back very accurately, causing his cell phone to fall to the ground.

Oh my God, sorry, sorry.

What are you doing? Dont you have some eyes when you walk?

The man who was hit almost lost his balance. Fortunately, his friend helped him and kept him from falling to the ground.

Jiang Qin reached out to pick up the person's cell phone, blew it twice, and returned it with his hand: "I'm really sorry for delaying you to ask for a QQ number."


The boy wearing glasses was obviously stunned. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the beautiful girl with an antenna running over and putting her little hand into the hand of the person who bumped into him.

Upon seeing this, the bespectacled man's eyes averted for a moment, he mumbled something he didn't know what to say, and then pretended that nothing happened and looked away.

Jiang Qin grinned and rubbed the slippery paw in his hand happily.

"elder brother."

"What's wrong?"

Feng Nanshu pointed to the wedding photos on the background wall of the living room and looked at him seriously: "Look, photos of good friends."

Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: "Is this a photo of a good friend? I've read a book, so don't try to lie to me."

We have taken the same photo.


In the summer vacation of 2009, the photos with uncles and aunts were called family photos, and the photos with only the two of us were taken as good friends.

Feng Nanshu talks nonsense confidently.

Jiang Qin's mouth twitched and he pointed at the bed Yuan Youqin was making: "Come on, tell me, what's that called?"

Feng Nanshu looked over and said with a cold face: "A good friend's room, a good friend's bed."

Are you serious?

Although the little rich woman felt guilty, she nodded very coldly, as if to say, I dont care, its just a good friends photo, a good friends bed, and a good friends room.

Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes at her and said to himself that you always claim to be a good friend, but I think you want to do everything in private.

Feng Nanshu knew that there was a big bear staring at her, so she stayed still and said nothing, so that she could act stupid.

We already have a good friends bed and a good friends room, so... whats posted in the house?

Jiang Qin pulled Feng Nanshu to the door of the wedding room and pointed at the two fat dolls stuck together in the room.

Feng Nanshu looked at it for a while: "It's the result of friendship."

Oh, it turned out to be the result of friendship. How did it come about?

"I know this. Some of them are picked up from the trash can, and some are given as phone bills."

"Who Will Fall in Love After Being Reborn" won the second place in the Beidou Fourth Star. I am deeply honored. I would like to thank the starting point, thank you to all the judges and teachers, and also thank you to all the book friends for your support and love. I will continue to work hard and let Lao Cuo continue to work hard. Good stories are endless and live up to every expectation.

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