Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 513: Girls are like this

Chapter 513: Girls are like this

Chapter 513 Girls are like this

To run a business, its not that you cant let others take shares, but you need to understand which funds are hot to hold.

Especially if your future industrial layout has a very strong conflict with your shareholders, or even competes in the same category, then your hands will definitely be tied.

At that time, weakness will become the original sin.

Jiang Qins future plans happened to be within the restricted areas of these two companies, so he could only use each other to scare the other, and be a piece of grass swaying in the wind at any time.

Damn it, is this what it feels like to be a scumbag?

In the days that followed, Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu around to eat.

The little rich woman is a bit shy at night and doesnt know what she is thinking in her little head. During the day, she is a sunny, cheerful and pretty girl.

Then the two of them also took the employees from the Shencheng branch to do team building, eat and sing.

When the employees at the sub-station saw their boss and his wife singing "Friends will walk together for life" and "My good brother, I have a sorrow in my heart," everyone was confused.

As August approached, the two of them traveled all the way to Guangdong City and visited the Great Buddha Temple, a thousand-year-old temple, which is the place that many netizens rated as the real-life version of "Spirited Away."

The little rich woman was wearing a white floral dress and a khaki fisherman's hat. Then she waved to Jiang Qin and shouted to her brother to hurry up, making the strange night start to become vivid and bright.

During this period of time, Peng Sheng always thought that Jiang Qin would come to visit again.


Because he felt that Jiang Qins real purpose was to discuss cooperation on the payment platform to ensure the subsequent development of the group. As a result, he didnt even see anyone last time, so it was like his trip was in vain.

To be honest, the reason why Li Haidong of Tenpay did not meet Jiang Qin was not only the first cooperation with Dianping, but also partly due to the arrangements of the investment department.

They still hope to invest in group buying. In this way, with two of the most powerful group buying websites in their hands, Tencent may become the biggest winner in the group buying war.

So, they wanted to use Tenpays cooperation agreement as a bargaining chip to persuade Jiang Qin.

After all, for the upcoming group buying war, payment tools are just needed.

And since the last contact, Peng Sheng felt that although Jiang Qin was hesitant, he was actually more willing to accept investment from Tencent.

In this way, the funds and online payment platform will be all available, right?

What he didn't expect was that after that time, Jiang Qin never showed up again, as if he had retired for the rest of his life.

The way Mr. Jiang behaves is really hard to see through...

Peng Sheng thought about it in the office, but couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Jiang Qin had already brought Feng Nanshu to Hangzhou. After a night of rest, he met with Alipay CEO Pang Rui.

Like Tencent, Lv Zhichuan, the manager of their investment department, also came and even said the same thing, that is, if you need funds, I will invest heavily.

Our funds are really tight

But Im nervous, I still believe we can survive...

If one day the funds of the group are really cut off, you dont need to tell me, I will take the initiative to ask for funds...

Jiang Qin did not show resistance, but was hesitant. He seemed to be moved, but he could not make up his mind, and his attitude seemed very ambiguous.

Lv Zhichuan can't stop being fished by Jiang Qin, just like a scumbag who neither refuses nor agrees to your confession.

I keep saying that if you work harder, you can catch up with me. If you catch up, I will give you hehehe.

Just... full of energy!

However, although the negotiation on the shareholding failed, the specific details of Alipays cooperation with the group and Zhihus help in promoting Alipay to college students across the country were smooth.

Pang Rui is different from Qi Zhong of the WeChat Promotion Department and Li Haidong, the head of Tenpay. She does not care about the company's investments or layout, nor will she help Lv Zhichuan persuade Jiang Qin to join Alibaba in her own name.

Because the Alipay project is the most important layout in the Alibaba ecosystem and the cornerstone of e-commerce, it has very high authority. No matter what investment project it is, it must make way for this promotion plan.

Jiang Qin currently has the resources of college students across the country, as well as all the consumer markets in first-tier cities, which are the most important promotion channels for Pang Rui.

So even if Jiang Qin does not accept Alibabas investment, Alipays access to group buying is still something that no one can stop.

At this point, Tenpays positioning is the opposite.

Because their business is far less important to the current Tencent system than the promotion of WeChat, the two major companies have different attitudes toward group building. This is the difference in product positioning and industrial layout.

It is this subtle difference that allows Jiang Qin to implement both sides.

Then lets carry out joint promotion according to the agreed time.

Yes, we will also send a dedicated technical team to handle Alipays access to group booking.

Its a pleasure to work with.

Its a pleasure to work with.

Jiang Qin stood up and shook hands with Pang Rui, smiling at each other as brightly as spring.

Young and calm, public but not arrogant, this was Pang Rui's first impression of Jiang Qin. At that time, in her eyes, Mr. Jiang was just a college student who wanted to start a business.

Unexpectedly, in just two years, everyone has been sitting on the same negotiating table.

Pang Rui already thought highly of Jiang Qin, but unexpectedly she still underestimated him. Thinking about the fierceness of group buying in the group buying war, she didnt know how far Jiang Qin could go. The key was that he was only twenty years old and could survive many people.

Pang Rui sighed, then said goodbye to Jiang Qin, turned and left the conference room.

Jiang Qin also stood up, buttoned up his suit, and stretched out his hand to straighten the wrinkles, apparently planning to leave.

At this time, only Lu Zhichuan was sitting in the conference room, and his heart was filled with a feeling of inadequacy.

Still not convinced the other party, maybe his heartbeat just now was just his own illusion.

But just when Lu Zhichuan was going over what Jiang Qin had just said, trying to reposition the logic of the other party's behavior, Jiang Qin's gentle voice suddenly sounded from his ears.

Mr. Lu, its already evening now, why dont we have dinner together?


Lu Zhichuan stopped drinking tea, and couldn't help but pinch the hand on the table.

Its not an illusion.

There is a chance, there is definitely a chance to invest in shares.

Because the cooperation between Jiang Qin and Alipay has been negotiated, if he does not accept the demand for investment, he can just leave at this time without making such an invitation.

Judging from Lu Zhichuans many years of experience in the industry, Jiang Qin has indeed not yet considered accepting investment, but his willingness to maintain the relationship with himself shows that he has left himself a step to accept investment.

"Isn't Mr. Jiang's words just a slap in the face? I am the host and you are the guest. How can there be any reason for the guest to treat you? If you want to treat me, I have to come."

Jiang Qin looked at him seriously: "Mr. Lu, I actually like you very much because you look like a good brother of mine in college, his name is Zhuang Chen."

After hearing this, Lu Zhichuan raised the corner of his mouth: "No wonder I feel like old friends at first sight with Mr. Jiang."

Then lets go get something to eat?

Lv Zhichuan couldn't help but frown when he heard the words "what to eat", and hesitated for more than 20 seconds without saying anything.

Jiang Qin nodded: "Your silence at the moment is a bit deafening."

At eight o'clock in the evening, when the lanterns were first lit and the moonlight was deep, two people came out of the hot pot restaurant from the river, with a satisfied smile on their faces.

Then Lu Zhichuan pointed to the street to the east, showing an expression you know.

That was the end of business cooperation, a place called Footbath Street.

Looking around, the neon lights on the opposite side are flashing. It looks like a dreamy scene from Spirited Away. The feasting and feasting attracts countless men who are lost in the night.

The young lady who works here seems to have been under the spell of Granny Yu. She has forgotten her original name and only remembers that she is called "Xinxin", "Nana", "Xiangxiang", "Mengrou" and so on.

But even though they forgot their names, they still have dreams, such as saving enough money and returning to the village to find an honest older brother...

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qin's eyes lit up and he immediately walked over to the other side of the road impatiently.

Lv Zhichuan smiled from behind, thinking that men are all stupid, and he couldn't move his legs when he saw this place.

But thats okay. If we wash our feet together, we are brothers, and there are some things we can talk about.

But what Lu Zhichuan didn't expect was that Jiang Qin didn't go to the foot bath city, but came to a store called "Colorful Ice Cream" at the intersection with some surprise.

Hello, please have a piece of colorful ice cream.

Would you like a large portion or a small portion?

Just a small portion is fine, dont give her too much.

Jiang Qin took out his wallet and paid, then rubbed his hands and waited. When he got the rainbow-like ice cream, he suddenly let out an ooh and aah: "Mr. Lu, do you want one? I have a good friend who likes to eat this kind of colorful sweets. .

Lv Zhichuan looked at Jiang Qin in confusion, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He saw this man smile many times today, some were mysterious, some were confident, some were modest, some were cautious, but this was the first time that he could really feel that he was very happy.

Is Mr. Jiangs friend a girl?

"How did you know?"

Lv Zhichuan did not answer, but remained silent for a moment, then turned to look at the foot washing city opposite, then took out his wallet and rummaged around: "Well, give me a piece of colorful ice cream too."

Jiang Qin turned to look at him: "Eat it by yourself?"

No, I suddenly remembered that my wife also likes to eat such colorful things.

Hey, girls are all the same.

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