Zhan Yue

Chapter 576: Little devil

Chapter 576: Little devil

Door of the helicopter, Wang Lu, Haotian, Yu Yi etc were watching. When they saw me hold Little White on my right hand and form Blazing Sun Armor on my left while my body was wrapped in flames, Wang Lu and Haotians eyes were filled with shock. Yu Yi gritted his teeth and scoffed coldly. This was the first time he confirmed that I was in Blazing Sun Realm, that was something that was a little surprising to everyone.

However, there was something even more shocking for them.

I looked at the octopus and frowned, Its weakness is obvious, its tentacles are too long and as long as we get close it would be unable to block us. Boss Tie, you attract his attention, let me sneak attack and try to kill him in one shot. Lets not let him dive down or things wont be so easy.


Tie Hanyi nodded, This things shell is so thick, I dont think deep sea bombs can do anything. If we make too big of a commotion, it would be hard to answer. Lets end this quick!

Tie Hanyi charged and Blazing Sun Armor appeared on his left hand while his right hand turned into a fist. He charged to the left of the octopus and punched. At the same time, his blazing sun armor was hit.

One had to say that Tie Hanyis cultivation was more developed than mine. My armor could take one or two hits but his could take much more. He was indeed slightly stronger than me.


I held Little White and hollered. Taking the chance that the octopus was not noticing, I attacked from the right. Along with a sizzling sound, my charge seemed to break through space and a red mark appeared behind me. The ninth meridian was a little furnace that provided me with energy. I stabbed my sword forwards and charged outwards.


The sound of space cracking could be heard from my sword. Along with it cracking were the few tentacles of the octopus. I didn't even expect the strength of this sword. Where I thrust the sword, 2 meters was pure chaos and destruction. This otherworldly beings body was being ripped apart. Both my sword and I charged out from the other side and Tie Hanyi was right beside!

I quickly retracted my sword and sucked in a deep breath. When I turned around, I noticed that the beings life force was reducing. It stopped fighting back. That sword exploded its heart and it was dead.

Insta kill? Damn

Haotian muttered.

Wang Lu was very focused too and she was shocked.

Yu Yi was really silent and his face was a little bitter. As for Captain Qin Feng, his eyes were filled with determination. He nodded at me in a friendly manner.

Good kid!

Tie Hanyi laughed and slapped my shoulder, Seems like you dont need me to teach you much, well done!

He grabbed the sinking tentacle and said, Come and help, carry this beings corpse over for our colleagues to study.


Wang Lu, Qin Feng, Haotian etc all got down and after securing the corpse of the octopus, the helicopter flew upwards. Wang Lu sprayed some disinfectant on me and smiled, Nice, all thanks to you. I will record this down! Go back and sleep, I know you have a new event tomorrow.

It has to be Haotian that told you.

Haha, right--

Everyone returned to the base while I sat my own car back to With You. From start to finish it didnt take more than 30 minutes and it didnt affect my rest at all.

I lay on the bed and my mind recalled how the being attacked. It wasnt from this world at all so why did it appear here?

I couldnt analyse anything. The space crack and why they appeared was something stareye couldnt analyse. I was also not an expert in this and only knew roughly what was going on. At this time, I felt a little powerless, I learned too little in the past!

One often didnt care about studies until you had to use it. Those who acted like they didnt need education were just fools faking it.

I closed my eyes but my mind was still filled with scenes of me insta killing the monster, of my sword piercing through its body. When I raised my head, its innards were no different from other living beings, one could see intestines and organs just that it had a thick layer of shell used to attack. It was like a natural born killer.

Why did it come here? What was its goal?

If I couldnt understand that, KDA would just be a tool without a goal, even if we killed many of them we couldnt change the situation.

Just like that, while my mind was filled with thoughts, only until 4am did I finally fall asleep.

It was noon when I woke up.

Dong dong dong---

Lin Xis voice spread from the outside, Lu Li are you awake? It is 11, if we dont wake up we will miss the event.

I am awake!

I jumped up, You can come in, I am dressed.


She pushed the door and entered. She was in a white dress that wrapped around her chest, thin waist and long snow white legs. Lin Xis body was invincible already and didnt lose to Shen Mingxuan. Maybe because she was sitting on a wheelchair, now that she could stand, it was time to battle with Shen Mingxuan!

Last night Where did you go?

She closed the door and sat at the end of the bed, Lu Li do you think we need to hide things from each other?


I sighed, I then took my KDA card and tossed it to her, You can take a look yourself.


She looked at my card and then at me awkwardly, Honestly I dont understand, I have never heard of KDA.

Normal, it is a secret organisation.

I looked at her and said, Recently many things happened in the world and many cities were attacked. You should know right?

Yes, but the government clarified and said that it was terrorists?


I shook my head, Our world is changing. Lin Xi you might not believe me but many people are protecting our world and I am one of them.

She blinked and returned the card to me, I dont know if you are one of them, what I know is that you are protecting me and that is enough.

You flirty little devil I facepalmed.

She laughed and stood up, Wash up and then come up to eat. We ordered crab, eat lunch and then lets go online to battle!


I got up to brush up.

When I went upstairs I sniffed the smell of the crabs. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi waited for me for a long time so they immediately started eating. We battled quickly and when we finished it was 11:55. It was just 5 minutes to the release of the event. We went online and waited for the server to open.


I appeared in the waiting space and just stared at the timer.

Time passed really quickly and in a blink of an eye, it was 12. As the solemn bells rang, I entered the game and descended on Black Castle.

Sir July Wildfire, you are finally here!

A high grade undead cavalry rode over and knelt on one knee, Lady Yun Yue told me to inform you that she has headed to Bright Moon Pass. You should head over too to defend against the Dimension Legion invasion.


I nodded and turned towards the teleportation formation. The battle hadnt begun so the teleportation formation was not damaged and could still be used. In the next second, I appeared in Bright Moon Pass. I repaired my equipment and added health and energy potions. On the pass, Yun Yue, Li Mu, Bai Jian were all here, probably only King of Darkness was still at Black Castle.

Junior Brother you are here? Senior Sister Yun looked at me.


I walked to her side and looked at the wilderness of Bright Moon Pass, It hasnt begun?


She nodded her head, Flame Army is 10 miles out so they should attack soon. Apart from that, Pioneer Army and Twilight Army are here. Frost Army is traveling from afar so they should be the latest to arrive.

I smiled, What about Elder Dragon?

He is with King of Darkness in Black Castle.

Li Mu looked at me with a deep gaze, July Wildfire, are you worried about Elder Dragon?

Everyone knows.

We are Hosted Novel, find us on google.

I frowned, His personality has changed and he is not the Elder Dragon from before. We must be prepared, if not We will suffer.

Dont worry.

Senior Sister Yun smiled, Before heading out we activated the mountain protective formation and the stone is protected by King of Darkness. Even if Elder Dragon wants to cause trouble he wont succeed so easily.

Thats good.

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