21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 423 - Russias self-sufficiency.

Chapter 423: Season 2 Book 17 Chapter 3-3 Russia’s self-sufficiency.

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November 26, 2023, 06:25. (04:25 Russia time),

Above Hakasia in Russia (outside air)

A total of 109 ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) survived the Zeus Strategic Interceptor Satellite’s first interception, resulting in a total of 146 ICBMs intercepted without even breaking through the atmosphere.

That was not what the Russian General Staff and strategic rocket forces expected. As a result, he couldn’t help but be embarrassed right away.

Anyway, the surviving ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) continued to rise in altitude as they broke through the atmosphere by separating and operating the first or second stage rockets.

In particular, they were RS-24 Yars (NATO name: SS-27 Mod 2), which were launched by the 16th Guards missile division and had a range of 11,000 kilometers and a maximum entry altitude of 1,250 kilometers.

Coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo.

In the exosphere, 100 kilometers away from the 22 survived ICBMs that were attempting to separate up to the second stage rocket before they reached their maximum altitude, there were flying objects travelling at a speed close to Mach 30.. Those flying objects were nothing more than the Second Space Fighter Wing squadron and the Indian squadron’s CFS/A-31SP three-legged space fighters.

The Second Space Fighter Wing squadron, which was flying at tremendous speed with a transverse formation at an altitude of 1,300 kilometers, has begun a procedure to intercept RS-24 Yars (Nato Myung: SS-27 Mod2), which is soaring at a slope close to 45 degrees with the force of a booster of a three-stage rocket.

Following the instructions of the senior squad commander, the avionics commanders were assigned the targets to intercept and soon began to set up interceptions.

Currently, the ICBM to be intercepted was more than 150 kilometers away; however, that distance can be considered so close in outer space that it could be reached in the blink of an eye. Therefore, the eight CFS/A-31SP three-legged Space Fighter jets switched jockeys by slowing down in their respective target directions and executing full-fledged interceptor maneuvers.

As targets to be intercepted were set according to the calculation of the supercomputer, the four CFS/A-31SP three-legged space fighters flew toward the target and began to shoot powerful 50 millimeters ultra-power laser beams.

Jureung! Jureung! Jureung!

The laser beams flashed and poured toward RS-24 Yars (Nato Name: SS-27 Mod 2). Whenever the laser red light was drawn in space’s quiet outer atmosphere, an explosion occurred without mistake.

Consequently, the 22 RS-24 Yars (Nato name: SS-27 Mod2) crashed to the ground before even finishing the final stage of nuclear warhead separation.

Currently, the three-legged five space fighters intercepting Russian ICBMs are being flying in various locations in the exosphere over central Russia.

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November 26, 2023, 06:25,

Latitude 25 ° 42 ‘ to Northeast 18.76 “Tokyo, 133 ° 31 ‘ 28.04” the depth of the sea (keunyajeu ollegeuam – 553 (k)).

The strategic ballistic missile submarine Knyaz Oleg (K-553), which received encrypted secret texts from the Far East Fleet through SDS-Surrogat, was slowly emerging to the surface to follow the orders for decryption.

When the Knyaz Oleg (K-553), which began surfacing at a depth of 600 meters, reaches the depth where the vertical launch tube can be used, it immediately fires R-30 (RSM-56) Bulava (NATO name: SS-NX-30). Strategic Minister Shakob Zuraev was already at the CIC (Combat Information Center), holding one nuclear key in each hand.

The two nuclear keys he carries were given to him by the Troop Information and Education Officer, and they were used to unlock the safeguards of ballistic missiles.

“Enter the targeted coordinates. Set 2 Blava for each target.”

“Currently, it is surfacing at a depth of 290 and a speed of 10 knots per hour! it will arrive in 1 minute!”

“No suspicious noise up to 10 kilometers radius from the ship!”

Reports have been continuously posted from various operators at the CIC.

As the Knyaz Oleg (K-553) arrived at its desired altitude after floating vertically at 10 knots. Captain Maxim Shatskih nodded his head to the Minister of Strategy.

As a consequence, strategic minister Shakob Zuraev took a deep breath and carefully inserted the nuclear keys one by one into the console’s hole. and then switched them to the left.

Click! Beep! Beep!

A small alarm rang twice and went back with sirens everywhere inside the submarine.

It was a signal to the entire crew that the Bulava (NATO designation: SS-NX-30) launch limiter had been released. Recognizing this, the crew members’ reactions varied greatly. Andrei Kumanchov and Pavel Yashkopra, who were dissatisfied with the silent submersion, greeted each other with fists, while other crew members put their crosses to their mouths and muttered prayers in fear of a nuclear war.

The orders was given to the fire controller by Captain Maxim Shatskih.

“Open the roof doors from number one to twenty and lunch them all at once!”

“Open the roof doors from launch tube one to launch tube twenty.”

The launch tube roof doors on the upper deck of the Knyaz Oleg (K-553) started to open one by one, and all 20 roofs were opened soon after.

“All the roof doors are open”.

Captain Maxim Shatskih, who had been waiting for the operator’s completion report with bated breath, finally ordered the launch.

“From the first launch tube to the 20 launch tube, launch missiles one by one!”

“Fire missiles sequentially from tube one to tube twenty!”

Following the order, the operator pressed the launch button one by one.


The lunched heavy R-30 (RSM-56) Bulava (Nato Name: SS-NX-30) escaped from the first launch tube with vibration and underwater explosion sound, and soon after, it appeared on the surface with a spray of water after breaking through the water.

Then it soared to about 10 meters before bursting the first-stage rocket’s booster, spraying red flames and white smoke. And soon soared into the southwest sky and flew away. For a few seconds, these scenes repeated.

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November 26, 2023, 06:25,

Latitude 40 ° 41 ‘ to Northeast 51.08 “39.17 132 ° 56 ‘ east longitude” the depth of the sea (Dosan anchanghoam (ssp 089)).

Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SSP-089), the latest Hokula submarine, commissioned in 2022 after launching in 2021 and assigned to the 11th Aircraft Submarine Fleet, has been working for two days to remove Russian submarine power from the depths of the Northeast Sea. Last night, it also shot down two kilo-class conventional submarines.

For a brief moment, the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SSP-089) IUSW-B.L’s 02 sonar-type radar, which had been conducting anti-submarine alert operations at a depth of 200 meters in the Northeast Sea in a three-shift mission method for the previous 24 hours, began to make a slight loud noise.

Therefore, sonar operator First Lieutenant Hong Kwon-gil manipulated the sonar console to locate the source of the noise, and the location of the unknown noise site which was marked with a red dot on the battle control room’s large screen.

It was exactly 0-1-5 in azimuth, 98 kilometers in distance, and 280 meters in depth from the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SSP-089).

“What? Is it a Russian submarine?”

Tactical control officer Kim Won-hyun, who were checking the red mark on the screen, came into the radar room and asked.

“We are not sure yet. We’re currently analyzing it with a 3D scan.”

At the words of First Lieutenant Hong Kwon-gil, He waited for a while.

“Ah! Analyses have been completed. It was identified as a Borey-class nuclear submarine, and based on the amount of air bubbles it must be floating!”

The supercomputer of the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SSP-089) selected exactly the sound from the submarine out of the various noises detected and displayed the type of submarine in 3D format on the console monitor.

” Borey-class?”

“Yes, it’s the result of the computer analysis.”

“Done! Finally, we’re going to catch a big fish!”

” First Lieutenant Hong! Keep spying and connect all the information to the combat control room in real time!”

“Yes, I will.”

Hearing the confirmation from the sonar operator, tactical control officer Kim Won-hyun returned to the combat control room and dispatched a deputy officer to wake up Captain Lee Doo-won, who was sleeping after working late at night.

“What’s going on?”

“Yes, captain! We are spying on a Russian submarine.”

“Re.., really? What its type?

“It’s like a Boray-class.”

“If it’s Boray-class, then it is the Russia’s latest nuclear submarine. Good, let’s go!”

Captain Lee Doo-won, who rushed into the tactical control room wearing only a rough top, was given a brief overview of the situation by the tactical controller officer.

“Done! Done! Since we don’t have time, let’s start preparing for the attack right away.”

“Yes, captain!”

“What’s the attack weapon?”

” For now, there is only Black Shark B. Captain”.

The improved Black Shark B super-joint Dartan torpedo had a range of 100 kilometers, which was double that of the existing Black Shark B super-joint Dartan torpedo’s range of 55 kilometers. And it was only Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SSP-089) of the naval submarine force who had it. As a result, if it had been another submarine, the attacks would have been useless.

In other words, the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SSP-089) detection of the Russian nuclear submarine was fortunate for the South Korean navy and bad luck for the Russian submarine.

“Great! There can be only one reason for a nuclear submarine armed with ballistic missiles to float! We’ll attack immediately.”

“Load the Black Shark B into the first and second launch tubes.”

“Yes, black shark B was loaded into launch tubes one and two.”

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November 26, 2023, 06:25,

Latitude 40 ° 53 ‘ to Northeast 57.88 “136 ° 4 ‘ east longitude 58.62” the depth of the sea (the coin the term).

The 7th Fleet, which led the great victory over the Far East Fleet, was on high alert to find the Russian submarines, as was the 11th Aircraft Submarine Fleet two days ago. However, for the time being, all anti-aircraft radar networks have been activated, and the system has been converted to an anti-aircraft reinforced alert in order to intercept Russian ICBM missiles heading toward Korean territory.

While all crew members waited impatiently for an anti-aircraft alarm to sound, an unknown noise was spreading in the sonar room of the Sukjong the Great (DDG-1005), similar to the one heard at Dosan Ahn Changho (SSP-089)’s sonar room.

The sonar operator started analyzing the noise and soon reported that it was a Russian Boray-class strategic ballistic missile submarine. As a result, Captain Na Dong-hyun left the deputy captain’s bridge and went straight to the combat control room.

“The analysis confirmed the presence of a nuclear submarine of the Boray class! The distance is 126 kilometers in the northwest and the depth is estimated to be 200, but it continues to rise.”

Lieutenant Colonel Ahn Hyun-dong, a tactical controller, reported the confirmed information so far.


“Yes, sonar analysis revealed that there were numerous air bubbles around the submarine as a result of its vertical movement.”

“Then it can’t be! Is it floating in order to launch missiles?”

“Yes, I think in the same way as the captain.”

“Can we use the cannon to attack it right now?””

“I believe cannons attacking will be difficult because they are currently submerged. Instead, the missile torpedo Trident is a viable option.”

“Okay! Let us proceed to the Trident launch procedure. I hope you calm down before launching the missile”.

“I’ll hurry up.”

After a while, when the setting for the target was completed, an S-SSSFM-500B Trident ultra-joint missile torpedo, which could attack with 660 knots underwater and a range of 150 kilometers, fired a blue flame at C-VLS4A (vertical launcher).

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