500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 445 Bathing Suits!

"I looked out the window and saw that you looked pretty distracted, so I wanted to surprise you!" Eliza exclaimed as she hugged me but then sniffed me and pulled back, waving her hand in front of her face. "Wow! You and Morgana must have had a lot of fun, but I can smell it on you!"

"Oh, sorry about that! I should have cleaned up first!" I laughed as Eliza hopped back from me, and I transformed into a black cat and then back. This time, I released Olivia's Blessing, and I returned to my body with my white ears and lovely fluffy tail that I had missed more than I knew.

"Your tail is back!" Eliza squealed, and I chuckled as she hugged me tight and sniffed the air around me.

"Yes, it is, and I'm glad to be home," I said with a smile before looking around. "Now, what beach did you want to take us to?"

"I think that the shores of Bramma should be good, but it might be a bit cooler there. Maybe we should ask the other girls if they have any ideas?" Eliza suggested, and I kissed her.

"Sounds good, but I meant to ask you who was all coming?" I asked as we headed into the manor.

"Most of the goddesses are coming, but Tallia said that she couldn't make it," Eliza said, and was about to say more, but I stopped.

"What? Over my dead body, is she not coming! Like hell am I going to pass up a chance to see her in bathing suits!" I declared, and Eliza frowned at me as Breya walked out of the kitchen and gave me a disgusted look. "Don't you even give me that look! That was your fault!"

"I will give you whatever look that I want! I still can't eat food! Why is it so important to see us wearing clothing that covers the parts you clearly enjoy anyways?" Breya asked, and I laughed.

"I have seen you all naked, but it isn't like I don't find you beautiful. Still, there is an allure to the bathing suit; the style, color, and material! Each plays an important role in the perfect look, and I want to see it all!" I explained, and Breya sighed before rolling her eyes.

"Fine, but I'm only going if we can go shopping for new ones!" She declared, and Eliza laughed before the two of them went back into the kitchen to talk.

I smiled but didn't follow them. "I will catch up in a minute!" I called and then gestured for a portal to open, and I was hit with steam as I stepped through into the city of Bramma.

"Galio? What are you doing here?!" Tallia snapped from behind me, and I turned around with a smile to find her. The Queen of Bramma hiding behind Tallia.

"She is not going to hang me out any w-w-wind-d-dows, is she?!" Melrose stuttered as she tried to hide behind my Goddess. See could hide well because Tallia's breasts were the only thing in size she had on the Queen.

"Melrose, we are in the middle of the street right now, and I am here. You caught him on a bad day, and you were being controlled," Tallia sighed, putting a hand over her eyes, but then she pulled it away to glare at me. "Do something about this! You are the one that scared her!"

"If I do, will you come to the beach?" I asked, and she frowned.

"Is that really what you came here for?!" She demanded, and I nodded. Like it wasn't obvious.

"Uh, yeah. You think that I am going to miss a chance to see you in a bathing suit?" I asked, and Tallia rolled her eyes but then crossed her arms and smirked at me.

"Fine. I will come with you, but you have to make Melrose comfortable with you again. Also, you have one hour," Tallia said, and I lifted an eyebrow but then shrugged, offering my hand.

"Fine, deal. I think that it was about time I dealt with this one once and for all anyways!" I laughed, and Melrose started to cry.

"I would like to say that I have faith in you, but I think this will be about as easy as stopping the sun from rising. Good luck; I will go help the girls get ready," Tallia said as she gestured for a portal.

"Wait! You can't leave me with her! That is as good as killing me yourself!" Melrose screamed, but Tallia turned and glared at Queen Melrose, making her stop crying and flinch back.

"I have been more than patient, and this was never my responsibility to begin with. This should have been handled by Galio from the beginning. Better than me babying you like this. Galio is a good person that loves me dearly, so try not to make a bad habit of bad-mouthing me in his presence, and I think you might even like him," Tallia said, and then left me with the Queen, her head guard, Della, and two other guards that I didn't know.

"Della! Get between us!" Melrose hissed, and Della did as she was told, and I walked up to the head guard.

"Della, you are looking good today. The moisture looks nice on your skin from the steam," I said playfully, and Della tried to look serious at me, but then my tail came forward, brushing into the guard captain.

Della bit her lip as she shivered almost imperceptibly, but I took a chance to step around her fast. Melrose screamed, and the other two guards got in my way, but I just pushed through them and closed on the Queen.

"Help! The Queen is being chased by a giant cat!" One of the guards called out, and running back around to get between us. I sighed as I stopped and then smiled as I put my hands in the air.

"Hi there, I'm Galio, and I am here to help you," I said calmly, but the two guards had their swords drawn and were pointing them at me. Melrose just looked like she was about to pass out.

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