500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 460 Moody Angel

I had yet to come to this island, but I hadn't been sure what to expect. It was absolutely gorgeous, with tall trees and waterfalls all around. I hadn't expected it to be this beautiful, and I smiled as I looked around in awe.

"You! What is Cat doing on Amazon's land?!" A rough female voice asked me, but before I could turn around, I was hit with a fist big enough to touch my shoulder and elbow at the same time.

I was sent flying, but I caught myself in the air and then causally landed. Looks like this girl was the hit-and-ask kind of woman.

"Answer me!" The 8-foot Amazon roared and charged me again, but I was ready this time.

The massive block of a fist came straight at me, but I placed a single finger up to block it and dug into my heels.

I expected the Amazon to recoil, but she only pushed harder, and I saw my finger slowly starting to dimple in from the pressure.

"Interesting," I said before pushing forward, with all of my weight, and the Amazon was sent flying back. I watched her plow through a few trees before coming to a stop.

The Amazon stood up, rubbing her face and scowling at me.

"You don't look like an Amazon, so who are you? What do you want?" She said as she straightened from her fighting stance, and I gave her a polite smile.

"My name is Galio, The Cat God, and I am here to meet with the Lancers," I said, and the Amazon blinked at me in surprise.

"Wait... You're that Cat God that everyone has been talking about? How dare you come here?!" She roared, clenching her fists, but put a hand up.

"I dare go wherever I please, and if you hit me again, I will not be so nice," I warned, but the thick-headed woman didn't seem to care as she rushed me again. This was going to be harder than I thought, but then I got an idea as she charged me.

I rolled out of the way and then quickly jumped to my feet. "If you want to fight me, I will fight you," I said calmly before gathering up Electrical Magic in both hands.

The Amazon eyed the dancing electricity in my hands and then quickly backed away.

"You don't have to fight if you don't want to," I said, and the Amazon shook her head.

"You are a cheat! Only weaklings use magic and weapons! Typical Cat! Too weak to fight with only your bare hands!" The Amazon snapped, and I barked out a harsh laugh.

"And you are clearly too stupid to understand how the Catfolks body works. The girls are born with claws on their hands, and you are born almost twice as big. Why don't you come down to my level and fight me?" I asked, my hands still crackling.

"I can't change my height!" The amazon snapped, and I nodded.

"So you expect the Catfolk to disfigure themselves so you can fight them in a way that you consider fair? Do you even realize how dumb that sounds?" I asked, but it was clear that she didn't. She just stared at me with her mouth open, and I sighed.

"Look, I don't want to fight you. I didn't come here to start a fight. I came here to talk with your leader about a way for me to help the Amazons," I said, and the amazon blinked before scowling at me again.

"We don't need help from the likes of you!" She snapped, but I just shook my head. This was starting to get frustrating, so I decided to switch tactics.

"Fine, then I should just kill you all, then?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Kill?" She asked, taken back by my words.

"Yes. You are making it clear for all of your people that none of you are going to listen. What did you and your people plan on doing when you went to the Catfolk Island? Kill them? When did they attack you?" I demanded.

"We don't need a reason to attack!" The amazon snapped, already seeming to forget my previous threat.

This was getting me nowhere, and I was starting to get frustrated with this person. I had really hoped that Giantessa wasn't giving them enough credit, but it was starting to feel like she gave them too much credit.

"Just tell me where the village is so I can find someone with the ghost of a brain and maybe a shred of common sense," I growled, but the woman just glared at me. "Fine, you want to play stupid; I got a fix for your dumb right here!" I snapped and opened a portal to Breya.

"Galio?" Breya asked from her couch, where she had been reading a book to her Golden Egg that was sitting in her lap.

"Sorry, do you mind getting some info out of someone for me?" I asked, but I got a narrowed eye glare in return.


"Huh? Really?" I asked incredulously, and then she turned her nose up at me.

This was not the time for this!

"I am still upset with you about what happened!" Breya said in an imperial voice that made me want to put her over my knee.

"Are you kidding me? That was your doing! You are the one that made Claire liquify my guts without thinking what the consequences would be!" I snapped back, but Breya stuck her tongue out at me. "Bah! Fine! I will just ask Claire! Insufferable Angel." I said and closed the portal.

I closed the portal but then looked around and let out a string of curses.

The Amazon was gone!

"Oh, that moody Angel is going to get it one of these days! I should have put her over my knee ages ago!" I growled before wings burst from my back, and I shot up into the air, filled with frustration.

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