500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 515 Stopping By

"What is this supposed to be? besides a bitten-off finger?" Kadeon asked with disgust as he took the vial.

"This is our finger. Before our body was completely torn apart and split in three, we bit off our own finger to save a piece of ourselves. If you eat this, you will gain some of our power, and you stand a chance of beating Galio if he frees Nemoria, which is inevitable," Apocolios explained. However, Kadeon was still looking at the finger skeptically.

"You want me to eat this...?" Kadeon asked incredulously, but the three nodded.

"Yes, when the time comes," Helios said, and then the three disappeared, leaving Kadeon to stare at the finger in the glass tube.

Kadeon had wanted to become the god that stood above the rest, and the Guides had given him what he wanted. He had asked that Galio be his servant, to control his wife, and to separate his daughter from Galio. He received all these things, but the spell had said nothing about what happened afterward.

The world that Kadeon had known was torn apart, and everything was remade in this strange way that it is now. The Guides had given him what he wanted, but would it be enough to defeat the man who was going to try and restore balance to the world?

Kadeon curled his lip in disgust at the thought of Galio, then uncurled it with a sigh. He put away the tube with the finger and went back to tending to his own affairs. If Galio was to be defeated, it would have to be done through Kadeon's own plan, not some odd finger from an ancient creature.


I stepped out of a portal on the roof of Listenia's shop, sat down, and let my portal close. While it was good to learn about the Blood Witch, my trip was to get a better feeling for Kadeon. Something about him was bothering me, and I was starting to notice little things.

I couldn't put my finger on him and say he was evil because he really had done nothing that would warrant me to think this way. My suspicions came from the way that he acted and Karma's comment had stuck with me about him going silent. Considering how excited he had been when he had come to offer his help, you would have thought that he would have continued that attitude. According to Karma, that was just all for my benefit, and the excitement disappeared after I was out of sight.

It would be easy to shrug off as him just favoring me, but then that didn't make sense. How do you get to be the God of Light but not love all equally?

That brought me to my mother's constant mentioning that she was not in control of herself this entire time. I had always taken this with a grain of sand because it was natural for evil to want to try and make me think that it wasn't, but Kadeon's recent actions were starting to make me wonder.

A window opened beside me, and I turned to see Listenia with a frown on her face.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked, and I smiled.

"Just doing some thinking. As always, I have a lot on my mind, but I did come to see my two favorite Elves!" I chuckled, and Listenia nodded.

"Well, come inside, so people stop coming inside to ask if I know you are sitting on my roof. Mother is already making tea," Listenia said and stepped back from the window.

I transformed into a cat, and then hopped on the window sill, then jumped inside, transforming back into my white-furred form.

"Sorry for not coming in right away; I have just been dealing with a lot of confusing and frustrating things, so I have been trying to get my head around them," I explained, and Listenia nodded as she led me out of her room to her kitchen where Elfinia was making some tea.

I slipped behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist before kissing her neck softly. Elfinia turned in my arms, and she smiled at me.

"Nice of you to stop by. I had almost thought that you had forgotten about me," Elfinia said, and my smile melted as I sighed.

"No, just busy. A little too busy, I think, so I am going to try and relax a bit more when I get back from the Underworld. How are things going with you women at the shop here?" I asked.

"Things half picked up in the last two days because of more women talking about going out and adventuring. There is also a lot of talk surrounding the new school you built down south," Listenia said, and I let go of Elfinia.

"Yeah, I have the Amazons there right now, but I built it for you all to use. I thought that I would set everything up with teachers and such, but I think that they will be able to figure things out on their own," I said, and Listenia nodded as I took the seat beside her.

"If we were coming with you on the boat as your smiths, I might consider moving my shop down there, but we both would prefer to stay close to you," Listenia said, and I smiled warmly at her, reaching over to take her hand in mine.

"That is great to hear, but now that you mention that, I remembered part of the reason that I came here. I am suffering a food shortage for my monster girl village and the new adventurer school. After talking with Lexi, the Lamia, she suggested that the Elves would be the best choice for this task. I was wondering if I could reinstate your mother as the Goddess and get her to work with the elves," I explained as Elfinia brought tea over.

"You want to give my powers back?" Elfinia asked, and I shrugged.

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