6 Times a Day

Chapter 160 You're Such A BIG Boy....!

He went to her bedroom door and locked it. Then he went to her closet, found a pair of red high-heeled shoes, and gave them to her.

She stood there with one hand over her pussy, with her other arm crossed over her nipples. She looked at the heels in confusion. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

He handed her the heels, forcing her to uncover her privates. He gave her his best sad, needy-puppy-dog look.

She couldn't help but shake her head and grin a little. "Oh, very well. I suppose it's better than being COMPLETELY naked."

She took a step towards her bed so she could put her high heels on, but stopped when she felt his hands on her ankles and realized he was down on his knees. Then it dawned on her that he wanted to be the one who put her heels on her feet.

Even though she was fully aware that she was still in her birthday suit, she couldn't resist having her son pamper her like this. She spread her stiff, straight legs, but kept a hand over her pussy, and let him put the high heels on her feet.

Not too surprisingly, he made a production out of this too. He spent as much or more time simply caressing her feet and her lower legs as putting her feet in the heels.

Susan loved it. My goodness! Why am I letting him do this?! I'm so bad! If only it wasn't high heels. I don't know what it is, but lately high heels have gotten strangely thrilling for me. It's like he knows all my weaknesses. I really should at least get him to give me a towel. My pussy is tingling too much, and I have goose bumps all over!

She kept a hand covering her pussy, but that was it. I'm a terrible mother. At the very least, I should be covering my breasts. But I get so very tingly knowing that he's looking at them, and loving them. Lord, help me! And he picked the red heels. Those are my favorites!

Her only concern was that her hand over her pussy could feel a growing wetness. She didn't want him to see rivulets of her arousal flowing down her thighs, so she finally said, "Okay, Tiger. I think that's enough. Is there anything else I need to do, or can I make the call already?"

For some reason he was enjoying remaining silent now that that had started, so he just smiled and shook his head. Then he stood up, stepped back, and returned to his blatant gawking of her backside.

She ostentatiously stretched and preened a little bit before she even thought about picking up the phone. She was fully in her horny mode now, and ready for most anything. Her attitude had changed so much that she was irritated she had to make a call, and she had to think back to figure out who she was supposed to call and for what.

She felt a great sadness when she remembered she was supposed to ask Suzanne to help Alan and his stiff boner. He'd worked her up so much that she thought, Maybe... maybe I should just help him myself. Somehow, I feel he's going to trick me into choking on his member, no matter what I do. He's just too clever and well hung. But... oh no! Ron is nearby! I don't care how thick and delicious my son's erection looks. I need to use my willpower and let Suzanne handle things, if only this one time.

Her backside alone was a very impressive sight. Alan rarely got to see all of her back because her long brown hair was usually covering most of it, but since her hair was still up from her shower, he could marvel at her shoulder blades and long, shapely neck. He was so out-of-control horny that the urge to explore her body was almost overwhelming.

She finally picked up the receiver and started dialing Suzanne's number, but then she realized she felt self-conscious calling her best friend while Alan was still ogling her nude form. So she sat on the opposite side of the bed from him. That limited his view of her, but there still was plenty of bare skin for him to enjoy.

"Hello? Suzanne?"


"We have a problem here. It's about Tiger. He says he needs assistance right away. It's urgent! Can you come over here and lend him a hand?" She blushed as her words sank in, and then corrected herself. "Um, I didn't mean that literally. Well, actually, that is kind of what I do mean, but I didn't mean to say... Uh, anyway, the point is, you're needed over here. Okay?"

Part of Suzanne's motive for her on-the-fly scheme was to push Alan into becoming more assertive, so she was delighted that he'd done as she had hoped. But of course she acted as if she didn't know anything about it, saying, "Just a second. Call me back on my cell phone."

"But-" Susan found herself listening to a disconnect signal. She glanced over at her son, and saw him still staring at her. She frowned, but didn't say anything to discourage him (since she secretly loved it). Then she rapidly dialed the other number and got Suzanne again. "Suzanne, is that you? What was that about?"

Suzanne replied, "I can't talk about tending to Alan when Brad is in the same room. It's too weird, not to mention dangerous. Anyway, I'm in a safe spot now, so what's up?"

Alan meanwhile had walked around so he could see his favorite part of Susan: her front side.

The way that he blatantly gawked at her made her a little uncomfortable. So she crossed her legs to cover her pussy and put an arm back across her chest. Luckily for Alan, she needed her other hand and arm to hold the phone, and there was far too much tit-flesh for one arm to cover effectively.

She said to Suzanne, "It's Tiger. It's like he's gone crazy. He's standing here with me in my bedroom, and I'm naked and he's not! He's staring at me like he's a starving dog and I'm a raw steak. You have to help!"

Suzanne cooed, "Oooh! That sounds hot."

Susan exclaimed, "He's just taken the towel off my head and he's running a hand through my hair, and he's drying it with his fingers!"

Suzanne said, "Ooooh! Even better! What a considerate boy."

"Considerate? I think it's just an excuse for him to play with my body."

"Sounds sexy! Are you excited?"

Susan was hot as a furnace. The way Alan was devouring her with his eyes was almost unbearable. Her legs kept trying to spread themselves apart. She wanted to thrust her chest out and scream, "Suck on these!" But instead she cried into the phone, "SuzaaaaAAAAaanne! That's irrelevant. By the way, is Ron over there right now?"

"As a matter of fact, he is. I think he's going to be here for quite a while. The men are having a big football pow-wow. Why do you ask?"

"Look, can you come over here right away and take care of my Tiger's big problem?"

Suzanne was having fun teasing Susan a little bit. She could picture Alan standing and staring while Susan squirmed and blushed as she sat while talking naked on the phone, and she figured the longer she could draw that out, the more aroused everyone would get. So she asked, "When you say big problem, are you referring to his big erection?"

Susan winced. "Yes."

"Are you sure he's erect right now?"

Alan was standing right next to Susan by now, so he could just manage to make out what Suzanne was saying to her. Inspired by the question, he adjusted his shorts, causing his erection to poke out the bottom. Because they were short shorts, about half of its length stuck out.

Susan stared and panted, "God, yes!" Her pussy was throbbing and leaking, and she couldn't stop staring at his exposed boner.

"How do you know?" Suzanne prodded. "Are you staring at his fat thickness right in front of you?"

"Yes! YES! I can see a good three or four inches of magnificent man-mea-" She interrupted herself. "But that's not the point! I need your help right away!"

Suzanne wanted to tease Susan a lot more, but she had to be careful when speaking on the phone in her own house, even if she was sure she was in a secure location. So she merely replied, "Okay, sure. But what's the big rush?"

Susan didn't want to admit the real reason: she was so aroused that she feared she wouldn't be able to control herself much longer. She had visions of dropping the phone and lunging forward, tackling Alan to the bed in a mad frenzy to get his shorts off. She nearly screamed, "Please come over NOW!"

Alan meanwhile, had adjusted his shorts so that nearly all of his erection was poking out the bottom edge of his shorts. He was so eager for Susan to "play" that he started stroking it and looking at her expectantly.

He thought this would get her even more aroused, but for once, he misread her. She felt like he was being too pushy and was taking her for granted. She calmed herself, and glared at her son as she said to Suzanne, "You can't wait because Alan is being insistent and demanding like some kind of prima donna."

Suzanne quietly sighed. She could tell that Susan's mood had just taken a turn for the worse. "All right. I'll be right over."

Blaming all her conflicted emotions and raging desires on her son, Susan vented at him in the guise of speaking to Suzanne. "Thanks. Thanks a million. Isn't he something else? You should've seen his impetuous and spoiled behavior today. Frankly I'm disappointed in him. He needs to learn how to control himself and respect others."

The words hit him like a bucket of ice water. Suddenly shamed, he hung his head as if all the spirit had been sucked out of him. No longer listening closely, he couldn't hear Suzanne, but he heard Susan say, "I know. I know... Okay... Well, I'll see you soon."

Then she hung up.

Now she could finally cover her ample chest with both arms, and did so. She chided, "Okay, Son, Suzanne will be over soon. Are you happy? We're lucky she happens to be available on such short notice. You've been rude to both of us and, had your father been here, it could have been disastrous for us all. This is exactly the sort of unthinking, selfish, reckless behavior which I was afraid of, so I hope you feel proud of yourself. Can you please give me some privacy now?"

He dropped his head even lower. His erection could no longer be seen because it had shriveled up, retracting back into his shorts. "Sorry, Mom. I'm really sorry. Please tell her she doesn't have to come over. Really. Please. She can't help now, 'cos whatever mood I was in, it died for good."

He started to walk off to his room with his body slumped down and head bowed like he was headed to his own execution. But he paused, turned, and said with sincere anguish, "Mom, I'm sorry for being pushy and invading your privacy. But having to do it six times a day, it's not easy! I wish you wouldn't hate me and say such hurtful things. I can't help my condition." He turned and kept walking.

Now Susan felt bad. "Wait!"

He froze just as he was about to reach her bedroom door.

She stood up and walked towards him while still attempting to keep her pussy and nipples covered. "I'm sorry I was so harsh, Tiger. But you have to understand, there's a time and a place for everything. What were you thinking? All I can help you with are the abnormality checks, once a week. The rest of the time, Suzanne may be able to help here and there, but let's have some perspective. Your problem is hardly the most important thing in the world. You're forgetting about other people and what's important to them."

He hated disappointing his mother more than just about anything. He couldn't bear to even look her way and had to fight the urge not to break down and cry. "I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what came over me. It's just that I love you so much. And I look at you and get so aroused, I really don't know what to do! I mean, how many boys have gorgeous mothers with big G-cup breasts?" Since she'd just put her glasses back on, he added, "Or your unbelievably beautiful face behind those sexy glasses?"

She put her hands on her hips, (mostly) forgetting she was buck naked, and exposing both her pussy and nipples in the process. "Wait a minute. You're really laying it on thick. My glasses are not sexy!"

"They are to me!" he exclaimed with obvious sincerity. "Because they're YOUR glasses. And I don't know how they measure asses, or backs, or feet, or smiles, but whatever part of your body they'd measure, it would get a perfect score! How can I handle that?! You're just too hot for me not to want you!" Yet, even though he was obviously appraising her perfect nude body, he wasn't that horny. He made a few sobbing sounds as it became more difficult for him not to burst into tears. He again started to walk away.

Susan rushed to him. Coming at him from behind, she covered him in a big hug. "Awww, my cutie Tiger. That's so sweet. Mommy isn't mad at you. Don't cry." She gently rocked his body with hers as if she were rocking a baby crib. "Don't cry," she purred as her voice grew softer.

His urge to cry did in fact fade as he felt her love pouring into him via her tender hug. He started to feel a lot better all over. In fact, in less than half a minute his erection sprang back to life, thanks to the way her naked body was all over his like an octopus, and in particular how her huge, soft boobs pressed into his back.

Then things got much, much better when she turned him around while continuing the hug so she could make eye contact with him. Her big globes continued to press into him, but against his chest now. She admitted, "I'm sorry for being so harsh. I meant what I said, but I have to admit that I expressed my feelings too harshly because I was afraid I couldn't control myself around you, and I wanted to scare you off. So don't feel too bad, okay?"

He nodded. He also casually brought his hands to her ass cheeks and lightly rested them there.

She continued to lecture him, but in soothing tones. "Tiger, I love you, but don't forget the boundaries, okay? If you really need some visual stimulation from me, I suppose that's okay, but you can't just wander into my private bathroom and ask for assistance any time you like, like you're some kind of lord! Especially not when Ron is nearby. That's insanity. If he's anywhere in California, that's far too close for me, because he could never understand the complexities of why you need certain highly unusual types of help. And to start touching yourself while I'm talking on the phone, expecting me to take over, that's not right either. I don't mean to be rude, and I love hugging you like this, but you really need to go now. I'm afraid, even when he's next door. That's too close!"

"That's okay, Mom. I understand. I'll go."

"Do you still want me to send Suzanne over?"

"No thanks. Tell her sorry, but-"

With perfect timing, they heard the front door open and close. They realized that it must be Suzanne since Katherine and Amy had left a few minutes earlier to go meet friends at the mall, and Ron usually used the back door and gate to visit the Pestridge home.

"There she is," Susan said. Her hard nipples continued to poke into Alan's T-shirt. "She's interrupted her time with her son just to help you out, so can't you at least try to be accommodating? It would be good if she could stroke or suck you a nice long time, since Akami says that's medically necessary. But more importantly, she can help you have a lovely, spermy climax."

His arousal was growing, despite the fact that his mood was conflicted. He found his erection pressed hotly and firmly against Susan's thigh, just as if his shorts weren't there at all. "I don't know, Mom. I can't just turn it on and off at will, you know."

She giggled. "But it's definitely 'on' right now, isn't it? You're such a BIG boy," she purred sexily and pulled him in a little closer, causing his boner to slip up her skin.

He said honestly, "That's all 'cos of you, Mom. When I leave this room, I don't know... I'll probably lose it. I still feel bummed about what I did."

"Well, don't feel too bad. Just respect the boundaries and everything will be fine. I'll tell you what: if you're good in the next day or two, I promise I'll help you out with my hands even before next Tuesday's abnormality check. How's that for inspiration?"

His face lit up with a big smile. "Wow, Mom! Awesome! You're so great." He hugged her tighter, freely running his hands over her bare ass in the process.


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