6 Times a Day

Chapter 169 Ms. Gloria Rhymer

Gloria Rhymer felt like crying with frustration. The school day had just ended, and she was waiting for Alan to show up for their meeting. She didn't even know what she wanted to say to him exactly, although she'd contemplated various options. Mostly, she just wanted to see him again. What's wrong with me?! It's like I'm falling in love and in lust with one of my students! How can this be happening? WHY is it happening?! I've been friends with him for a long time now; he's much more than just another student to me. So why, all of a sudden, are my feelings changing so dramatically?!

Is it just this medical treatment issue of his? That is encouraging a major fantasy: that I could assist him and help out. Helping him would even provide me with a semi-legitimate excuse to get frisky with him. But really, there can be no excuse. I'm his teacher! I can't touch him in an intimate way, no matter what! Not even if our lives depend on it!

But it's more than just his apparent bizarre need to cum a lot, if that even is a real thing. It's like he's a new man. He's gone from boy to man in just a couple of weeks. He's no longer just a cute kid. He's SEXY! But I have to remember Garth. I'm taken. Wait, what am I thinking?! That's irrelevant because I'm his teacher!

She still didn't know what she'd say to him when he walked into her room after knocking a few minutes later. She was feeling both very nervous and very horny, and she hoped it didn't show.

After some small talk, she gathered her courage, and said, "So. You're probably wondering why I've asked to see you again."

He nodded.

"I remember what you told me on Monday, and earlier today you basically repeated yourself. Having to reach climax so many times a day every single day has to be very difficult. I get that. And you've emphasized that you need to space those out through the day, and having to go the entire school day without relief makes things extra difficult on you. Correct?"

He nodded again. His heart was starting to beat fast and his penis had gone erect and was lewdly tenting his shorts, because it sounded like his teacher might offer to help him out.

However, she continued, "You realize, of course, that as one of your teachers, I could never, ever directly help you out with that. That would be beyond inappropriate. Inconceivable! I'm glad you never asked me to do that, because even asking could throw our friendship into disarray."

He gulped and nodded yet again. He was crushed. All of his hopes were dashed. He tried hard not to let his disappointment show on his face, but he was sure that he failed with that. Dammit! That SUCKS! But then again, what was I thinking to even have a wild hope? She is my teacher. She'd be risking her job. And she has a serious boyfriend. I must be crazy. Not even my recent sexual luck is THAT good!

Indeed, she noticed his obvious disappointment, but she acted like she didn't. She went on, "That said, I have an idea, a kind of wild and crazy idea, that just may help you out with your no-orgasms-at-school problem, even though I won't be involved. But before I get to that, I need more information. You keep alluding to the help that Mrs. Pestridge and others are giving you. What exactly is the nature of that help?"

He stammered, "Uh, you want me to tell you, um, what they do to me?!"

"Yes. Look, I understand that's not an appropriate question for me to ask. I could get in trouble just for asking it. But I'm sticking my neck out for you not as your teacher, but as a concerned friend. Remember, school is over. I've taken my teacher hat off again, and this is just me, Glory, your friend. You'll see why I'm asking this when I get to my proposal."

He had no clue what her proposal was, but he began to think that not all hope was lost when it came to sexual success with her. Despite her formal wear, he could see her erect nipples pushing through her clothes. And, upon closer inspection, her face was slightly flushed and she was breathing heavily. Plus, he figured her interest in how the others were helping him was more than purely informational in nature.

But still, he was confused. He was so horny just from the slightest possibility Ms. Rhymer might be sexually interested in him that he was having trouble thinking straight. He asked, "You want me to, uh, describe just what they do to me, to help me... climax?!"

"Exactly. Since the only name you mentioned is Suzanne Pestridge, why don't you give an example of what she does to help you? Does she help you directly, or just inspire you with what she wears or doesn't wear, or what?"

He thought, Are you kidding me?! That is so not an appropriate thing for her to ask! Especially as a teacher in her classroom! But hey, if she's horny and curious, how can I not tell her?! But then again, I'm not allowed to kiss and tell. That's uncool. He said, "Uh, ah... I can't... I can't do that. You know, when she helps me, it's assumed that's totally private."

Ms. Rhymer seemed undeterred. "I understand. But it doesn't have to be her. Somebody like her will do. You said you're getting help from more than one woman. So don't name names."

He nodded. "Okay." However, he could tell that she had a particular interest in Suzanne. Not only could she put an actual face to his description, but Suzanne was an extraordinarily beautiful and sexy woman by any measure. The thought of Suzanne helping him out was at least twice as arousing as any generic woman.

So he decided to go for broke and give her a detailed description of being helped, with Suzanne very specifically on his mind, even if he didn't mention her by name. His heart was racing fast and his own breathing was heavy as he started, "Ah, well, you see... Just getting aroused is the first thing. It's not easy for a guy, you know, to be in a ready state when the time is right. Luckily, she spends a lot of time at our house. This unnamed woman, I mean."

Ms. Rhymer nodded slowly, trying to hide her eagerness. Her heart skipped a beat, because she knew that Suzanne Pestridge spent a lot of time at the Plummer house, since her own house was next door and she was best friends with Alan's mother Susan. So even though Alan said "unnamed woman," Ms. Rhymer was already vividly picturing Suzanne.

He continued, "So... it's like how I said, that I need to space my orgasms out. So every few hours, it kind of gets to be time, if you know what I mean. And if I'm not in a ready state, then she, well, she helps me get ready, just by the way she looks. Luckily, she's just, well... really hot! That's not just my opinion, that's a truth nobody can deny. She is, as you know, very voluptuous, very curvy, and she's like an expert on wearing sexy clothes and acting and moving in a sultry manner."

He went on, "So, usually, she doesn't have to do anything special at all. Just the fact that she's there will get me going, if you know what I mean. But if I'm kind of worn out... dang! She could peel all the paint off a billboard, if you know what I mean."

Ms. Rhymer chuckled. "No, I don't. But I kind of do. Continue."

They both laughed at that, which helped ease the tension. He didn't really know what he meant either, but it seemed to fit somehow. "Anyway, usually, she starts clothed and ends up naked. And by then, my God, I'm so aroused that it's not even funny! Every single time!"

She breathlessly asked, "Then what? Do you ever masturbate at that point? Or does she help you directly?"

"Oh, directly! Every single time!"

"What, what does she do?!"

He was getting extremely worked up, and his boner was straining with urgent need against his shorts. It wasn't what he was saying, in and of itself, but the fact that he was saying it to Gloria Rhymer, of all people. That was so incredible that he barely believed it was happening, even as it was undeniably happening. "She does... Oh God! She does everything! So good! Her hands. She starts with her hands. She takes my, uh, you know... my dick..."

She nodded, indicating it was okay if he said that.

"She takes my dick, and, well, she starts to stroke it. Usually with both hands at once! She'll get a good rhythm going with one hand, and rub my most sensitive spot with the other. But that's just for starters. She's really into, ah, oral help, and of course I totally love that. She'll brush her curly reddish hair out of the way, lean in, and, well... she just kind of... takes it in her mouth!"

Ms. Rhymer was so horny at this point that she was gasping for air. She'd nearly gasped at his mention of "curly reddish hair," because it confirmed for her that he was talking about no one but Suzanne Pestridge. She'd talked to Suzanne at various school functions over the past couple of years, such as parent-teacher night, and she believed that Suzanne was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen in person, without a doubt. To imagine such a woman engulfing Alan's stiff hard-on was almost too hot for her to handle.

Alan continued between heavy pants, "She... she... she's kind of a genius when it comes to oral sex. So good! She's got an extra long tongue that's unbelievable, but even without that, it's incredible what she can do with her mouth! She keeps me going for ages, taking me right to the brink and back, over and over again! And she never stops using her hands either. And her breasts! Oh my God! I hope I'm not getting too graphic, but sometimes she takes me between her big breasts, and kind of, uh, stimulates me there. And she'll reach down with her tongue and lick me at the same time!"

He had to stop for a bit to recover his breath. He was getting as worked up describing a sex session with Suzanne to his teacher as if Suzanne was actually doing all that to him.

Ms. Rhymer was gasping for air too. She said, "No, you're not too graphic. Please continue." But she knew that was untrue. Everything said and done in this meeting could get her in deep trouble, and she knew it. But she told herself that as long as she didn't touch him in an intimate way, it wasn't so bad.

He could see the lusty look on her face. There might have been a doubt earlier, but not anymore. Dang! It's like... Ms. Rhymer is in heat! She's totally horny! This is so unbelievable! My story is really getting to her. But how far can I push my luck?!

He tried to go on. "Uh, she, she... She just... UH!" He exhaled heavily several times, and wiped the sweat that had somehow started trickling down his forehead.

She asked with concern, "What's wrong?!"

He said honestly, "Sorry, just gotta... catch my breath still..."

She was very frustrated, because she couldn't wait to hear what else Suzanne did to him, now that she had his hard-on in her mouth. She'd had the "wild and crazy" plan that she'd alluded to in mind, but she didn't know if she could actually go through with it. But she was so hot and bothered, and with Alan being temporarily unable to speak, she decided to go for it.

She was having some trouble talking too, due to her own panting. But she managed to say, "While you're waiting, I mentioned a plan I was thinking about earlier. I'm going to tell it to you right now, while I'm still feeling brave about it. But what I'm about to propose, it's completely illegal! You and I could get in deep, deep trouble if anyone even heard a rumor about it! Even though I won't be touching you, it's not something a teacher can ever do with a student. So you can't tell anyone anything, is that clear?"

He nodded eagerly.

"The only reason I'm doing this is because you have this serious problem. Although, it sounds like you're being VERY well taken care of at home. So do you even need any more help?"

"Definitely! It's true I'm getting help at home, but that's at home. Here at school, it's like my body needs to cum, and it can't! It's like, it's like... it's like women who are breast-feeding. They need to release the milk every few hours, and if they don't, it hurts! Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but that's really how I feel!" Actually, his urge to cum at school wasn't nearly that bad, but he was hyping things up in hopes that she'd go through with her plan. He didn't know what it was, but he already knew it had to be something good.

His comments were the final push for her to decide to explain. She nodded, gravely. "Indeed. That's why I'm willing to risk even losing my job to help you out. But you must promise not to say a word to anyone about this! Is that clear, young man?" She wagged a finger at him.

"Crystal clear! You know me. A lot of guys my age are reckless and stupid, but I'm not like that. I would never say a WORD to anyone, if there was even a chance it could get you in trouble!"

She found herself staring at the obscene bulge in his shorts, and not for the first time. But she managed to pull her gaze away and nod at him. "Right. So, here's what I'm thinking. Like I said, I can't help you directly with your problem. No way! But it sounds like you have a pretty severe need to cum around lunchtime. So, what if you were to use my classroom to masturbate in?" She bit her lip nervously, wondering if she'd just made a huge mistake.

"Are you serious?!" He couldn't believe his good fortune. If he couldn't get sexually intimate with his gorgeous teacher, this was the next best thing. And he hoped it was the start of a slippery slope that could lead to her getting more involved.

She nodded, looking shy and uncertain. Her face, already flushed red from arousal, turned redder still.


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