6 Times a Day

Chapter 258 None Of Them Hold A Candle To You Mom - Alan [DD Sponsored]

DRUNK DARGON [ 3 / 5 ] 🐉

Alan got home around five-thirty, shortly after his adventure with Heather. He went straight from the garage to his room without even pausing to say hello to his mother. He wanted to minimize every interruption so that he could still manage to take a reasonably long, though very late, afternoon nap before he was called to dinner.

He figured that, if he was lucky, he might actually catch thirty minutes of sleep. Not only did missing his nap usually make him feel listless, but the sex with Heather had drained him as if he'd been participating in an exhausting sporting event.

Susan heard him come home, and naturally she could barely contain her excitement. She'd put a lot of thought into what she should wear, now that she was home alone with her son. She'd ultimately decided on one of Suzanne's power suits. Although it did show off some cleavage, her main rationale was that it was so expensive and formal that she'd be "forced" to take it all off before long. Plus, as Suzanne had advised her, the more clothes she had to take off, the longer she could work him up, enticing him before even touching him.

While waiting and waiting for Alan to come home, she'd helped herself to a glass of wine to boost her courage. That had also loosened her inhibitions. So, although she was nervous, she also bubbled with happiness and anticipation.

She knocked on his door. "Tiger, it's your mother." It was open a crack already so she pushed right in.

Alan had barely entered the room himself, and was in the middle of marking off his daily orgasms chart. He just said, "Hi, Mom." Even as she came in, he dove towards his bed, ready to sleep.

"Tiger, what do you think you're doing?" she asked with great surprise, as if he didn't take a nap every day.

He flopped down onto his bed like someone half alive. "Mom, I'm soooo exhausted. Is Ron home? When will we be able to do our thing?"

"Good news!" she said giddily. "He's gone until after dinner. In fact he probably will be out until fairly late! I've been waiting for you all afternoon, but no matter. We can do your abnormality check right now!"

Alan's dick started to swell, but to his intense displeasure he found that the more engorged it became the more it hurt. He couldn't help but say, "Oh no!"

When he realized that he'd sounded harsh, he explained, "Mom, I don't think that's a good idea right now. I just discovered this very second that my dick isn't feeling too good. Not good at all. It's kinda gotten excited, and that makes it hurt. Dang!" He willed himself to stay flaccid, with some success.

She felt her jealousy rising. She asked fearfully, "Why is it hurting so much? Where have you been?"

Before he could think up an answer, she turned around and stared at his orgasm chart. "Oh my goodness! FOUR more checks?! Tiger! Have you been creaming all over more big-titted cheerleaders today?"

Again, he was stunned by the accuracy of her guess. He asked, "Why do you always assume I'm with big-titted cheerleaders?"

"Well, were you?"

"Yes, but that's not the point."

Somehow, her lust overwhelmed her jealousy when she found out he was with "big-titted cheerleaders." She envisioned him naked in bed and covered by two of them, if not three, and that filled her with pride over what a stud he was becoming. "Woo-hoo! Tiger! I'm so proud of you. Who did you do? Was that head cheerleader Heather there? Was she one of them? I hope you nailed her good!" There was a lusty fire in her eyes as she reveled in his sexual prowess.

He was even further amazed at how accurately she was guessing, but didn't want to kiss and tell. He said, "Mom, that's private. I can't tell you that. But I still don't get why all this cheerleader talk."

Susan sat on the edge of his desk and unbuttoned her blouse. "By the way, do you mind if I take this off? If we're gonna do this check, I don't want to ruin these nice clothes."

"Um," he started to reply. He worried about the state of his penis, but he didn't know how to discourage her adorable and infectious enthusiasm.

She rushed on while continuing to unbutton. "As for my guessing, it's simple. If you're the best at sex, you should get the best. I know you didn't cream all over Christine, or you'd be bouncing off the walls with excitement. Angel and Amy are out. So that only leaves the other cheerleaders. Women check each other out, you know, and even though I haven't been at your school much, I saw that a lot of the hotties were on the squad with Angel and Amy."

She squirmed as she admitted, "God, it makes me so hot, thinking about you staking your claim over all the most beautiful girls in school!"

"Well, Mom, I don't know about that. I was a complete virgin not that long ago. But whoever it was today - and I really can't name names - she left me as limp as a dishrag. My dick really hurts, so I'm leaving it completely alone while I lie here."

She thought, Oh my goodness! Tiger left me suffering here, waiting for him while he was driving his big cock into a pile of busty cheerleaders! That should make me angry, but it's just TOO HOT!

She brushed off his concerns with a wave of her hand, staring intently at his groin. I hope he blasted his creamy goo all over their faces, and their big tits too! Mmmm! I would have loved to see that. My goodness! How could any loving mother not hear that and drop to her knees and SUCK?! It's just not possible!

Then she looked away and seemed to bring her emotions more under control. "That's what the abnormality check is for. We have to check your penis once a week, looking for damage, and report it to Nurse Akami. I'm very concerned that it might be injured. We need to check how it's doing right now."

Reluctantly, he sat up in bed.

By this time she was down to just her bra and panties. She moved over to the edge of his bed and started to pull his clothes off. Making a feeble effort to mask her eagerness, she stared at him intently. She didn't realize how sultry her passionate stare made her look. "Now remember, we have to do this very dispassionately. Can you handle that, Tiger? This isn't just another blowjob. Er, I mean handjob. We have to be very detached and clinical."

"I don't think I'll be able to handle anything at all. I tell you, seriously, this six-times-a-day thing has left my dick totally wiped out today."

He thought to himself, Of all the times to run into Heather! Dang! What rotten luck! If Mom asked me to fuck her right now I'd have to say no. Shoot! And she's extra hot to trot today. I don't believe this "clinical" bullshit for a minute; she's not detached at all!

"Nonsense," she stated firmly as she began to rub his member until it was semi-turgid. "I know you have enormous sexual stamina. Show your mother how hard you can get so she can make a good report to the nurse."

She held his penis as if she were in awe of it, as if she were holding the world's most precious diamond. She tried to stay poker-faced, but in fact she was smiling broadly, overjoyed to feel it again even though it refused to become erect. She thought back to the erotic "testimonial" she'd read for much of the day, recalling how the two lusty women in that story had behaved. It confirmed her sense that what she was doing was right and proper.

"Normally that's true, Mom, but I really don't think I can manage today. They wiped me out." There actually hadn't been a "they," but he figured if he said "they" he might divert her from her all-too-accurate guess about him being with Heather.

"'They'?! Wow. Amazing! My guess was right. Such a BIG, strong boy!" She thought of her son's erection being licked and shared by two or three busty cheerleaders at once, which made her feel even more tingly between her legs. She brought a second hand to his crotch, using it to fondle his balls.

But then she turned pouty. "Tiger, I'm sad. I've been waiting all afternoon to help you with your problem, only to find out you've been spilling your seed on two busty teens. Was it two? Or more?! 'They' could mean three or four, even! Oh my! In any case, you're a real meanie." She was crushed, because she really had assumed he would always put her first and be able to cum for her at any time.

He looked her deeply in the eyes and said with heartfelt sorrow, "I'm sorry, Mom. You said Ron would be here all afternoon, remember? So I figured it didn't matter if I was home or not. You know I'd rather be with you than a hundred cheerleaders."

Hearing that made her feel a lot better. Still fondling his balls and his almost-flaccid penis with both hands, she looked up at him bashfully. "Really? I can't compete with all those sweet young things."

"There's nobody's lips I'd rather see wrapped around my dick than yours, Mom. It's really true."

"Awww. That's so sweet. But you're just saying that." She kicked her legs back and forth with giddy nervousness as she sat there.

"Really! There are some good-looking girls at school, for sure. I have no idea why some of them are interested in me all of a sudden. But none of them hold a candle to you. There's no way I'd be close to keeping up with my six-times-a-day prescription if not for you and Aunt Suzy helping out. Like what you did this morning; that kept me going all day."

"I'm glad I could be of help. But don't worry about your soreness; just let your mommy take care of it. She'll make everything all better." She rubbed his dick some more, but still to no avail.

She wasn't completely upset by this development, because it gave her an excuse that "forced" her to take off her bra, supposedly to provide more visual stimulation.

She kept fondling his penis and balls for a few more minutes. Her fondling of his balls felt particularly nice, but his penis simply refused to get completely hard.

It certainly wasn't for her lack of trying. She put into practice Suzanne's lesson on how to keep her bare tits subtly swinging and moving while she stroked, and she said things like, "Look what you've done. You've got your busty mommy wearing nothing but heels and panties. And somehow, I wonder how long my panties will stay on. I'm trying to stay calm and collected, but thinking about you drilling all those cheerleaders has just got me too excited!" She arched her back. "Are any of them as stacked as I am?"

He groaned helplessly. Damn! Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn! She's so fucking stacked! If only I'd known Ron wouldn't be here, and Mom would be like this, I would have been home in a flash after school!

He muttered, "No. None of them hold a candle to you."

She beamed at that. She liked the big-titted cheerleader talk, but only if she was still his favorite. She kept on stroking and striking sexy poses, but still to no effect. She was frustrated as hell after waiting all day for this moment.

In fact, Alan could have willed his dick to be fully erect at any moment just by giving in to his lust. But he purposely didn't do so, because he anticipated that if it got hard it would hurt a lot, and that if he actually ejaculated it would hurt even more. He also was concerned that the abnormality check would escalate. Normally, that would be a great thing, but he didn't want her to taste Heather's juices that were still on his dick. He thought that she liked the idea of him being with "big-titted cheerleaders," at least in theory, but if she were to have such direct evidence of him actually fucking someone else she might get jealous. So he focused on disgusting thoughts and continued to will himself to stay flaccid instead.

Finally, Susan said, "Tiger, would it help if I tried to stimulate it by putting it in my mouth? Is that what you want? Do you want your own mother to suck your penis? Actually, I should cut the bull and call it a cock. Your father has a penis, but you have a COCK. In fact, I just told that to Brenda yesterday, that most men have penises, but you have a cock."

"What?! Really?!" A powerful jolt of pleasure shot down his spine.

"I did! I really told her that. And as for sucking, if that's what I have to do then I'm willing to do it. Although it seems so very improper!" She said "improper," but she made it sound more like "delightful."

As tempted as he felt, his dick still hurt, and he still feared she would taste Heather. He had to redouble his efforts to keep it from engorging.

Her sexy suggestion had made her more excited than him. Her bare chest began to heave from heavy breathing, while her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Alan flailed about for an excuse, and decided to continue his pseudo-charade of tiredness. "Mom, normally I'd love that idea, any time you want. But not now. It's really not reviving."

Seemingly ignoring his words altogether, she bent down and started breathing on it.

It twitched with life, but still only got about halfway hard at best.

She said, "Look, Son. Look what you're making me do. You meanie! All I wanted to do is give you a completely clinical abnormality check, but now you've got me nearly naked before it can even start!"

He thought, Have mercy! Fuck me. Is this some kind of cruel joke?! Why does my dick have to hurt so much now?!

Seeing that his penis wasn't responding, she blew on his balls for a while, and bathed them with her tongue. It felt great, and he groaned repeatedly in appreciation, but she realized that it wasn't getting them anywhere.

So she sat back up and asked, "How about if I get completely naked? Do you want me to take these wet panties all the way off? Do you want me to suck your big cock like that? Will it make your cock that much stiffer and longer knowing how you've utterly humiliated me and talked me out of all my clothes yet again? I know that's wrong, and I vowed not to do that while your father was here, but I suppose I have to do it. I just can't resist your powerful cock's urgent demands! I'm willing to do it if that's what it takes to help you with your problem. I'd do anything to help you, Tiger. But we have to be clear about the boundaries and not go-"

He interrupted, "Mom, listen! My dick is in pain, okay? It hurts. When it gets hard, it really, really hurts. I just have to take it easy. If I do, tomorrow it will be much better, I'm sure. Let's do this tomorrow. I'd love it, then."

He thought to himself, I can't believe I just said that. I'm turning Mom down?! Curse Heather! Fuck her lousy timing. Fuck!

But Susan was like a sex junkie who just would not be denied her Tuesday cock fix. "Akami said it has to be on Tuesday," she said in a pouty voice, like a child denied her favorite toy. She began to pull her panties down her thighs, but Alan just shook his head no.

She finally bowed to the inevitable and just sat back, looking sad. "I thought this was something you wanted?" she asked tentatively in a hurt tone of voice.

"I do! I do! So much! Nothing is more important than that you make these penis checks. But just not at this very moment. I can't control how my dick feels all the time; it just does what it does."

She seemed relieved at that. "Okay, why don't we give it a couple of hours? Let's try again later this evening. If it still hurts then, then we'll need to talk to Akami about it and get her advice."

He nodded. He was upset with himself, but he knew that if he gave in and let his dick grow he'd regret it later in a major way. He said, "I think that's all we can do. The only cure for my soreness is time and some rest."

After she left, he thought, Geez! I never imagined Mom would be this enthusiastic. But the frustrating thing is, I know she's going through a lot of extreme mood swings these days. Right now she can't get enough of me, but what'll she be like tomorrow, or even in a couple of hours? She might get a call from one of her relatives or something like that. Then suddenly she'll be dressing like the Amish again. I needed to strike when the iron was hot and kind of push her boundaries a little further, but the timing was wrong. I just couldn't manage it. Dammit!

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