6 Times a Day

Chapter 262 Private Time With Glory

Alan woke up Wednesday morning feeling weary but excited. He was weary because he hadn't been able to sleep as much as he needed; he was wiped out from so many great sexual experiences.

He was also excited, because he sensed that his mother had reached some kind of tipping point. Their path forward wasn't clear, but it was obvious that there was no going back. That was an absolutely huge development, because she was the linchpin to sexual permissiveness at home.

Unfortunately, when he came down for breakfast, Ron was there, reading a newspaper and eating scrambled eggs and fried tomatoes, with Susan cooking in the kitchen. It was all so painfully traditional that Alan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Susan had resumed wearing her old clothes, including her usual apron. She showed only the slightest hint of cleavage. She glanced at him with a friendly smile and "good morning" greeting, but that was it.

When Alan went to his room to get his backpack and school books, Susan came in and closed the door. Looking nervous and guilty, she said, "Tiger, what we did yesterday was ... not a bad thing. I'm happy to help you with your medical problem, as long as you remember that what I said and did was just to help inspire you. But you need to forget about those wild things I said in the heat of the moment, okay?"

He nodded, although there was no way he would ever forget.

She said, "I've been thinking about your father. True, things haven't been good between him and me, and our sex life died long ago, if it ever really existed in the first place, but can I really blame him for that? The way I used to be - a cold fish in bed, literally frightened and ashamed about sex - that's at least partly my fault, due to my prudish hang-ups."

She continued, leaning against Alan's door as she talked, as if to hold it shut. "In any case, what we're doing behind his back... it isn't right. I believe he's basically a good person."

He wanted to speak out about the problems between her and Ron, but knew that it wasn't his place. He figured the situation would probably resolve itself soon, since he was sure that, due to all the dramatic sexual developments in the house, Susan's marriage was doomed regardless. He didn't want to look like he was trying to usurp Ron's place as Susan's sex partner, even though that's what he actually wanted to do. Furthermore, he thought the best thing to do when she was going through one of her now-common mood swings was to just be agreeable until it blew over. So he responded simply by nodding with understanding.

She continued, "Even just talking to you right now makes me feel sinful and guilty. Now that your abnormality check is done for the week, can we just go back to being a normal family until he leaves? That's only two more days. Can you take care of things yourself for two days? Maybe with whoever your mystery assistants are at school?"

"Sure, Mom. That sounds completely reasonable. But you forgot to mention Aunt Suzy. She can be a big help."

"No, I didn't. She's kind of in my doghouse right now. She's been pushing me too hard, making me do crazy things. I wouldn't have gone so far lately if it hadn't been... Well, let's just say that I think it'll be good if she cools it for a couple of days too. She means well - I know she does - but when she gets carried away, her advice isn't always that good."

Dang! Major cock block! What a drag. But he said, "Okay. Whatever you say. Sorry if you feel like I've been pushing you into things you don't want to do. And I know Aunt Suzy means well, so I hope you're not too upset with her."

He seemed to be done, but then he added, "That said... It just occurred to me that if you can't help, and Aunt Suzy can't help, then what's going to happen? You don't want me to commit the sin of Onan, do you? I thought we were past that."

"Oh dear me. No! Not that! Anything but that!" She frowned with worry, then asked, "What about your big-titted cheerleaders at school? Can't they pick up the slack?"

He flashed back to what had happened with Heather the day before. As great as it was, he highly doubted it would happen with her again. But that still left him getting help from Glory and Kim. "Mom, I'm getting help from at least one female at school, but I can't say who or how many. Anyway, that's at school only; it doesn't help at all when I'm home."

She asked, "What about Brenda? You'll be seeing her tonight, you know. And Suzanne says you're all set to wow her."

"Maybe so, but that's just to talk. She also says it will take WEEEKS to seduce Brenda. So that doesn't help at the moment."

Susan's frown deepened. "Oh. Oh dear. What about your other mystery helper, then? For instance, the four mysterious checkmarks on your orgasm chart from Saturday?"

He spoke carefully, since he didn't want to reveal the help Katherine was providing. "I can't talk about that at all. Sorry." Then he lied, "But that doesn't help at home anyway." Then, hoping to get Katherine's participation out in the open, he suggested, "What about Sis? She's eager to help me, and she's been great with the visual stimulation."

Susan was adamant, folding her arms under her massive rack. "Definitely not! She's not ready."

"How 'bout if you and Aunt Suzy just help with handjobs for now? That's not so bad."

She fretted, looking nervously all around the room. "Well, I don't know. I'll think about it. Okay?"

"Thanks, Mom! You're the best. But now I've really gotta run or I'll be late for school."

As he left, Susan gave him a non-sexual kiss and hug. It was like the old days before his treatment began, when she'd been reluctant to even hug.

As soon as Alan was alone, he thought, That sucks, big time. But on the bright side, at least Mom isn't mad at me and she hasn't fallen back into full-on prudish mode. She did say "What we did yesterday was... not a bad thing." That's really major! All I have to do is wait two days for Ron to leave and hopefully things will change around here again. Maybe sooner. Besides, getting it on with Aunt Suzy, Glory, and a sexy cheerleader or two at school is like a billion times better than my best-case scenario just a couple of weeks ago! I actually got to fuck HEATHER yesterday! Pinch me; I'm dreaming, 'cos I still don't believe it.

Then there's Sis, who's turning out to be a real wild card. Who knows what could happen with her, and when? Maybe we can sneak away for a couple of hours, like we did over the weekend. Hey, the next couple of days are actually looking pretty good! In fact, when it comes to the long term, "the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades," as the song goes. Things are progressing nicely on a lot of fronts, including maybe with Brenda. Heck, the fact that there even ARE fronts is awesome! Besides, now that I think about it, Sis and I have a session at Kim's house tomorrow afternoon, so that's another awesome thing to look forward to. Cheerleader orgy! Woo-hoo!

— — —

The new bright spot of Alan's school day was his private time with Glory.

She had resigned herself to the fact that their sexual relationship was for real, and it was pointless for her to continue trying to deny her feelings for him or think that she'd bring it to an end, at least any time soon. She couldn't wait.

Unfortunately for Alan, he wasn't up for more sexy fun. In mind, yes, but not in body; his penis was still recovering from his "sex binge" of the previous day.

Glory's hands were on his crotch almost the instant the last of the other students had gone, but his dick had been so overworked that even getting hard was painful for him. His lack of response led her to wonder about the explanation.

She pulled down the elastic waistband of his outerwear shorts and placed her hand on the bulge in his underwear. What she found was flaccid. "Alan, is there something wrong? We've been together three times and you're already tired of me?"

"No way, Glory," he replied. "I've been whistling 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' all day long." That was true, since he was referring to his 'Glory, Glory, Hallelujah' version. "But my dick hurts. It really does. Why don't we practice kissing?"

So Glory had to content herself with kissing and groping. The gossipy teacher wondered to herself what, or more likely who, had gotten his cock so worn out. She resisted the urge to pry because she was afraid of the answer.

After a few minutes of tender cuddling, she came up with an idea. "You know, we talked about varying things up. Not just meeting at lunch, but after school sometimes too, as well as not meeting at all on some days. What if we try to meet after school today?"

He thought, Man, this is like a dream come true, that the woman of my fantasies is asking me that. But I'm pretty darn wiped out. Plus, maybe there'll be some kind of sexy fun when I get home. Could I handle Glory AND whatever sweet delights await me there?

He admitted, "I'm not sure. If I can't get it up for you now, will that change in less than two hours? Maybe my body is telling me to take the whole day off."

"But you can't. Aren't you more or less required to cum a lot every day, regardless?" She had serious doubts about the validity of his orgasmic treatment, but she was willing to use it to her advantage in the moment.

"That's true."

She thought back to the great time they'd had the day before when she'd dressed up as a police woman. "Hey, I have an idea. What if I dress up in something special and we have another role-play? Wouldn't that inspire you?"

He replied sincerely, "To be honest, merely thinking about you inspires me plenty. It's just that I'm not sure if it's smart for me to be inspired today. Maybe when my body tells me to take it easy, I should listen."

"Pshaw. You've gotta push yourself or you'll never run a marathon or accomplish anything major. If you're not out-and-out hurting, I'm sure it'll be fine. Tell you what. I'll sweeten the pot even more. Remember how I gave you a spanking on Friday?"

"How could I forget?"

"Turnabout is fair play. Maybe it's time for you to spank ME! You can be the teacher, and I'll be the naughty student who needs to be punished."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm serious." She was warming to the idea the more she thought about it.

"I'm so there! Even if I have to crawl over a field of broken glass. Man! Glory, you're the best! I don't deserve you!"

She chuckled. "That's true. Still, it seems you're stuck with me." She abruptly pulled herself from his embrace. "Now, go eat lunch with your friends. You don't want to make a habit of skipping lunch to be with me."

He left a short time later when she practically pushed him out the door. She was in a hurry because her mind was racing with her role-play idea, and she wanted to do it up right. She figured there was just enough time for her to race home, grab some clothes, and race back before the start of fifth period, so that's exactly what she did.

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