6 Times a Day

Chapter 273 A Game Of Poker

Once Brenda had the door safely closed behind her, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. But she was far from relaxed. She quickly pulled her miniskirt up and her panties down. Then she sank two fingers deep into her slit. Aaaaaah!

She clenched her teeth with all her might as a great orgasm ripped through her. It lasted so long that she had plenty of time to maul and knead at her big boobs through her dress and bra, while also steadily pumping her fingers in and out of her needy gash. "Lord and Master!" Master Alan! Take me! Take me and use me! Make me one of your sluts! Oh God! Fuck me in every hole! Hot! Too hot!

It was the greatest orgasm she'd had in years, if not ever. It took all her willpower not to scream her head off, and having to hold back vocally somehow only aroused her even more.

When it was all over, she slowly slid her ass down the door until it reached the floor. She kept her eyes closed and struggled hard not to cry. It wasn't that she was overjoyed, and it wasn't because she was sad - she was simply emotionally overcome.

Alan was more than a little emotionally staggered by what had just happened too. His boner twitched wildly in his slacks, like it was straining to burst free. But he deliberately ignored it, and after a minute or two it went back to "merely" being stiffly erect.

Meanwhile, he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Whoa! Where did THAT come from? It was like another me just came out of nowhere and kind of took over. The same sort of thing happened when I had sex with Heather yesterday. I hope I didn't freak Brenda out too much, or make my lust too obvious.

Well, I probably did both, and it's too late to take that back. I mean, how much more obvious could I get?! I kept talking about what "he" would do, but we both knew I was talking about me and her. And damn if that doesn't make me horny, thinking about taking her like that!

I know what it is. I have this HUGE lust for all the women I love, like Mom, Aunt Suzy, Sis, and even Aims. But I love them so much that I'm afraid I'll upset them. So sometimes I act kind of timid around them. I'm afraid to boss them around, even if that's what they want. But when I have a chance to turn my lust on someone else, like Heather or Brenda, all that bottled-up aggressiveness suddenly comes out. Man, I just dumped this BLAST of overwhelming lust on her!

I hope I didn't freak her out too much. Oh, man! I must have totally overdone it. Damn!

It took Alan another minute or two to regain his wits and calm his breathing enough so he could talk in a reasonable manner. He immediately headed to the kitchen.

Susan, Suzanne, and Katherine were quietly whispering amongst themselves. There was an electric charge in the air. Clearly, they knew something was up.

When Suzanne saw Alan come near, she eagerly whispered to him, "Well?"

He spoke in a low voice to make sure there was no way Brenda could hear from the bathroom down the hall from the kitchen. "That was... interesting! To say the least! Aunt Suzy, I think we went off script. Waaaay off script!"

She was practically ready to shake him, to shake more of an explanation out. "Don't be so cryptic! Give us more!"

"Well... I think that was a big success."

The three women turned to each other and started high-fiving. But they were quiet and careful high-fives. Clearly, had they not been worried about Brenda overhearing, they would have been whooping and hollering.

Susan and Katherine may have had reservations about the whole plan to seduce Brenda, but those reservations were totally forgotten, at least for now. Together with Suzanne, they were rooting for Alan all the way.

Alan was rushed, because he didn't know how long Brenda would stay in the bathroom, but he took a couple of minutes to briefly explain the highlights of what had happened. He talked about how he got carried away with the boldness of his sexual suggestions, and how Brenda had unexpectedly reacted, down to the cum he saw dripping down her inner thighs. He mentioned a few "mistakes," such as how he blatantly stared at Brenda's boobs and how he'd gotten so carried away that he'd even mentioned fucking her doggy style.

Suzanne whispered in response, "Curious. Interesting! That's okay though. Go with your gut. Stare all you want. I think things have changed, and that's good."

"Really? Cool!" He concluded by speculating that Brenda probably went to the bathroom to masturbate.

To his surprise, Susan whispered, "We know. She did!"

He asked, "How do you know?!"

"We didn't dare peek our heads in, but we were quiet as mice, listening for clues. We couldn't make out words, but we could hear the general tone. We actually heard the growing lust, somehow! Then, when Brenda went to the bathroom, she did a damn good job keeping quiet, but not quiet enough! We could hear the occasional squeak or grunt or moan!"

Katherine nodded. "Congrats, Bro! She had a super big orgasm, for sure!"

He was surprised. "Wow. So you knew all that already. Wow! But... what now?! What do I do for an encore? I think I got lucky. Anything else will be a come-down compared to that."

Suzanne said, "That's probably true. But remember that it's better to be lucky than good. Although in your case, stud, you're lucky AND good! I say we act like nothing's happened and go back to playing cards. Sweetie, you go upstairs and just chill out. Let this big boy have a much-deserved rest."

She fondly patted his still very stiff erection. "Do your homework. We'll play it by ear, and if we think your presence will help, we'll call you down. Okay?"

"Okay. But 'do my homework?!' No way! How can I ever go back to doing normal things, after something like that?!"

Susan pushed him away, as if pushing him up the stairs already. "Try. And go now! Before she gets out of the bathroom!"

So he went upstairs.

It was a strange comedown to be alone in his room after all that excitement. But he appreciated the chance to chill out for a while. He lay on his bed and closed his eyes. He was still too wired to go to sleep right away, but his body was able to get some rest just from lying there.

Brenda took a while longer in the bathroom, first to recover physically from her intense orgasm, and then to try and make herself presentable. Feeling slightly desperate, she raided the bathroom cabinets for a hairbrush to fix her bedraggled appearance, since her skin-tight dress didn't have pockets and her purse was near the front door.

She had a problem with her panties. She tended to get wet very easily, sometimes very, very wet. So she normally carried extra panties in her purse, in her car, and so on. She didn't have an extra pair to change into now. She was so sopping wet that she wasn't sure if it would be worse to keep them on or go without. She decided to keep them on, and washed the front of them in the sink so at least they wouldn't reek of sexual arousal.

Eventually, she managed to look more or less normal. The only lingering sign of her orgasm was her flushed face, but she couldn't take the time needed to wait for that to go away. She gathered up her courage and went out to interact with the others.

She was relieved that Alan had gone upstairs. She worried that she'd babble and blush and generally make an embarrassing spectacle of herself if she had to see or talk to him now. She was further relieved that the other three acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. They didn't even ask why she'd taken such an inordinately long time in the bathroom.

Instead, they pretended to be chomping at the bit to resume the poker game, so that's what happened.

That was a further relief to Brenda, because playing cards allowed her to focus on something else so she didn't have to wonder so much about what the heck had just happened between her and Alan.

As usual during their card play, there was a lively discussion going on at the same time.

Brenda had a chance to reconsider what had happened, now that she'd calmed down. Phew! That was scary. Why did I let Alan get to me like that? He's not so great. Sure, he IS a real man. A total stud! There's no doubt about that. But he's still in high school. He's a nobody. I'm filthy rich and gorgeous. I've met all kinds of famous people over the years. Movers and shakers! I must be insane, thinking about having sex with Susan's son!

I've got to get my act together. True, I've long fantasized about being dominated by a man like him, but those are just fantasies. I can never let that cross over into my real life. I would be ruined! Where would it lead? If I open that door, there's no telling how far I'd fall into total depravity. Alan is dangerous! I need to stay clear of him!

Besides, he's taken, several times over. And he's not even that interested in me. Although he did say "You might be worthy of me. It's possible." SHUSH! Shit, you can't even think about that! Stop! Just stop!

But curiosity got the best of her. Once the game was proceeding nicely, she felt like she had her "foolish" feelings under control, so there was no danger in simply learning a bit more about him. When there was a lull in the discussion, she asked, "Excuse me, but could I ask something rather... personal?"

Suzanne vaguely replied, "Please do."

"I know it's not my place to ask, but I can't help myself. How do... how do things work around here? With Alan, I mean?"

Speaking for the group, Suzanne said, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Well, I know that he gets a certain amount of, uh, special help from you to deal with his, uh, unusual problem... with his, uh... penis..."

"Yes?" Susan encouraged.

"And, uh, I thought I'd have to put up with a certain amount of wildness here. For instance, you mentioned visual stimulation. Even Katherine takes part in that, am I right?"

Katherine nodded proudly. "That's right. As much as Mom lets me." She shot a pouty look at her mother.

Brenda stumbled onward, "And, uh, um... I was told that it could happen that he'd get erect and one of you would have to take him to another room, and uh, er... kind of... take care of him."

Susan said, "Yes, that's generally how it works. What's the question?"

"It's just that, none of that has happened. Even though, well, if I can be perfectly frank..."

"Please!" Suzanne encouraged.

"The thing is... I couldn't help but notice that he's been erect pretty much since I got here. Isn't that a problem for him?!"

Suzanne fielded that. "You're right. That IS a problem. But, and let me be frank too, we've kind of tried to avoid that sort of thing tonight, since you're here. I mean, you must think we're weird enough already without Susan or I popping off to take care of him every now and then."

Brenda said, carefully, "That is very bizarre, true. But I don't want him to suffer on my account. I already told you that I don't want to judge, and I'm not going to tell a soul about what happens here. If these card games become a weekly tradition - and I'll be glad if they do - I'm going to end up seeing that kind of thing sooner or later. So it might as well be now. Like I told you the other day, I'm a big girl. I'm sexually liberated. I can handle it."

Susan asked doubtfully, "Are you sure? Really sure?!"

"I am. To be honest, I feel bad for him. The whole time we were talking, well... I couldn't help but notice... UGH! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I saw a bulge in his slacks that was so immense, I couldn't believe my eyes!"

Susan chuckled. "That's sounds about right. That's my boy!"

The others chuckled and giggled too, and Brenda joined in. She was very relieved at how her comments were taken, and she relaxed some.

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