6 Times a Day

Chapter 311 The Book Of Isaiah Says THAT? [Asura979 Sponsored]

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Asura979 [ 1 / 3 ] Extra Long Chapter for the Delay.

HERE'S to my Top Fan.


Alan climbed back up the two flights of stairs to his room, to recuperate and to do a little reading. But when he opened his door he was in for a big surprise.

Susan still lay on his bed, wearing nothing but her birthday suit. The fingers of one hand were deep in her cunt while her other hand mauled her tits. She was headed for yet another orgasm; she'd lost count of just how many she'd had while anticipating and fantasizing about her turn to suck her son off later in the day. Her clothes lay scattered on the floor beside the bed.

She was so carried away with what she was doing to herself that she hadn't noticed him opening the door.

He decided it was better that way. He knew she'd be mortified if she got caught like this, and that was the kind of thing that could trigger her guilt and some kind of backlash.

It might have been different if he'd been more aroused. He could easily have gotten carried away from watching the sexy scene. But although he was extremely stimulated mentally by what he saw, his penis was still down for the count, since he'd climaxed with Suzanne only a short time ago.

So, after taking a mental picture to savor later, he carefully and quietly closed the door.

Unable to use his own room, he wandered back downstairs. No one appeared to be around and he didn't feel like doing anything special. He felt mentally exhausted by all the stunning events in his life lately.

He sat on a sofa in the living room, turned on the TV, and found a college football game to watch. He was a big football fan, but only for professional football, and especially for his nearest home team, the San Diego Chargers. So he didn't pay much attention to the game on TV.

He found himself spacing out, thinking, I'm suffering from mental whiplash. So many things have happened in just the last day or two. And Mom! Her attitude has totally changed, especially in these past few days. I mean, even as I sit here she's up in my room, naked and masturbating! On my bed! And this is a woman who, well - I know she looks like a goddess, but I always saw her as a MOM, basically without any sex drive. She was always so typically mom-ish, despite her busty beauty. But she's totally in heat right now, over ME! It's crazy!

He closed his eyes, just to rest a little bit during the commercials. But he immediately fell asleep on the sofa.

The next thing he knew, Susan was standing over him, shaking his shoulder. "Tiger? Tiger, time to wake up. I think you've had a long enough nap, especially so early in the day."

He felt disoriented. He sat up - he'd slumped down in the sofa unknowingly when he'd drifted off - and turned around. Susan was there, but she was wearing her old non-sexy clothes and looking perfectly normal. This was confusing, because he somehow pictured her still masturbating nude on his bed. "Um..." was all he could manage.

Suzanne walked past, carrying bags of groceries into the kitchen. She was dressed in non-sexual clothing as well, at least by her standards. "Howdy, Sweetie," she said in passing. "Have a good nap?"

"Um, yeah." Wow. Aunt Suzy. Was my dick really all the way down her throat just a little while ago? How weird is that? Now, everything seems strangely normal. Trying to hide his confusion, he got up and helped bring in more of the groceries.

A few minutes later, he sat at the kitchen counter, sharing some newly bought pineapple juice with Susan and Suzanne. Things were so normal and non-sexual that it was still discombobulating for him.

He thought, I guess there are times things are going to be wild and crazy, and other times that are just gonna be the same ol' same ol'. I have to get used to these swings. It's fitting that they went shopping, 'cos it's a good reminder that normal tasks like buying food and fixing and eating it still have to take place. I need to make space for both sexual AND non-sexual things in my new life.

With that in mind, he suggested, "Hey, you know what would be fun? Why don't we play tennis? Aunt Suzy, is your court free?"

She smiled. "Let me check the schedule." She stared off into space for a few seconds before smiling at him knowingly. "You know it is. It hasn't gotten much use lately."

Everyone in the Plummer and Pestridge families played tennis, since the Pestridges had their own private court in their backyard and the two families were so closely intertwined. But skill and interest levels varied. For instance, in the past Brad and Eric had played tennis a lot, but they had stopped once the Pestridge family had effectively split in two and Eric gained so much weight, while Brad got interested in playing football instead. Everyone else was very athletic and fit, and could play pretty well.

The main reason the court wasn't being used much lately was because Alan was usually the main instigator for playing tennis, and during the fall he played very little at home since he was playing at school five times a week. But it was the weekend and he was in the mood to do something "normal" and non-sexual, so he said, "Let's do it, then. Are Amy or Sis around? If not, we could have a threesome."

Susan suddenly blushed, and Suzanne laughed. Alan was caught between embarrassment and amusement at his accidental double meaning.

Suzanne quipped, "Excellent idea, Sweetie! But we've got everything we need right here. We can play with your balls, and maybe you have something long and hard we can hold tightly and swing around?"

Susan's blush deepened. "Suzanne! Really!"

Inspired by that reaction, Suzanne went on, "Susan, what if you and I try to take him on, two-on-one? I think we could lick him. Do you agree? Do you think we could give him a good licking if we work as a team?"

Susan gaped in shock and clutched at her hefty rack, thanks to the obvious double meaning of licking. Her heart was suddenly thumping hard as she envisioned sharing a blowjob with her best friend. She was speechless.

He thought with amusement, Well, I suppose things aren't gonna go all the way back to normal, even during "down times." I love how Mom can still get that embarrassed about such mild joking around. Sweetness!

But Suzanne said, "Seriously though, tennis is a good idea. I've got some things to do, and the others are out and about, but you two can play."

So Alan and Susan went upstairs to change clothes and get their equipment while Suzanne finished shelving the rest of the groceries.

The two of them met up back in the dining room and made ready to go to the Pestridge tennis court via the sliding back door and the path between their backyards.

However, before they could leave, Suzanne came out of the kitchen and looked Alan and Susan over as if they were having a formal inspection. She gave Alan only a cursory look since he was in his usual shorts and T-shirt, then she focused her attention on Susan. Finally, she said to her, "I hope you're not planning on going like THAT!"

Susan was suddenly very worried. It seemed her world had gone topsy-turvy lately, and she never knew what to expect anymore. She asked, "What's wrong? These are the kind of clothes I've always worn to play tennis."

"That's the problem," Suzanne stated. "Need I remind you about the visual stimulation rule? No undies! Period!"

Susan complained, "But wait! You told me it's okay to wear them when I go out. And you didn't have a problem when I wore undies while I went shopping with you a little while ago. In fact, you wore undies too."

"Yes, but that's only because we don't want other men to see you looking too sexy. Your hot and curvaceous body is for Sweetie's use and enjoyment only. Ditto for me."

Susan was mortified. "I know that. That's a big part of what it means to be one of his personal cocksuckers. But we're going outside!"

"True, but I happen to know that Brad and Eric are gone all day."

"Fishing?" Alan asked.

"Not this time," Suzanne explained. "They've gone to some car race. Why they'd want to see cars drive around and around in a circle for hours is beyond me, but that's what they're doing. So, Susan, that means no other men could possibly be there, just your cutie Tiger. I think you know what that means."

Susan's nipples sprung to full hardness. She could feel a dizzying wave of lust starting to wash over her. But she pointed out, "Fair enough, except that we'll be playing TENNIS!" She looked down shyly at her huge rack. "You know I have major support issues."

This was a valid point. Just like Suzanne, Susan had to use a special sports bra for extra busty women whenever she took part in any athletic events.

Suzanne knew that, but she said, "Hmmm. Well, let's see what we have to work with. Strip down to your undies."

Susan was incredulous. "What?! Here?!"

"Sure. Why not? Don't talk about modesty when we all know how much you love gobbling Sweetie's fat knob, not to mention showing off your lovely fit yet voluptuous body to him. Come on; we don't have all day."

Suzanne was being a bit harsh, but she wanted to use the tennis practice as another opportunity to break down Susan's sexual barriers, and also to test the link between Susan's humiliation and her libido, based on what she and Alan had been talking about in the basement. That's why Suzanne had said she couldn't play tennis herself that afternoon, when in fact she could have. And that's why she was taking deliberate steps to put Susan back into a very horny state before the tennis started.

Susan put down her tennis racquet and slowly stripped down to her underwear. Then she bowed her head, closed her eyes, and pinned her arms behind her back. She felt completely ashamed, but her body was also on fire from intense arousal. Alan was staring at her so intently, ogling her with his eyes, it almost felt to her like his hands were wandering all over her body.

"A-ha!" Suzanne exclaimed, after about a minute of letting Susan just stand there in her underwear. "That doesn't look like your heavy-duty sports bra to me. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd say that's a very expensive, lacy, revealing, sexy bra. What happened?"

"Um..." Susan was a terrible liar, and couldn't think of a good excuse.

Suzanne prodded, "You wore that less for support and more to titillate and arouse your hunky son, didn't you?"

"Okay. Guilty as charged!" Susan confessed. "But why is that bad? After all, I do want to help with the visual stimulation, and every little bit helps."

"True, but you were lying to both of us. You said you need extra support, but you were hoping your big tits would bounce all over the place during tennis, thanks to your flimsy bra, and that would make Sweetie so hot you'd soon have his thick cock sliding in between your lips! Weren't you?"

Susan just squirmed in place, looking very guilty about that. She shyly muttered, "It is my turn to have him next... What's wrong with wanting to make sure he'll get in the mood?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't lie to us." Suzanne pressed, "And if you're obeying the visual stimulation rules, you can't be half-way about it. Take off your underwear too."

Susan looked at Suzanne with wide-eyed shock. She'd grown to love getting naked for her son almost any time, but with Suzanne there too and acting like an interrogator, stripping was very humiliating. She whispered, "Do I have to?"

Suzanne crossed her arm and gave her a stern look. "Yes, you do. Since you're a good Christian, let me remind you of Isaiah 47. Do you remember what that says?"

Susan protested, "No. The Bible is a massive tome. You can't expect me to remember an obscure passage like that."

Suzanne put her hands on her hips. "Then, Sweetie, please go to the den and retrieve the Bible from the bookshelf. Then bring it here and read her the passage."

He quickly found the Bible and returned. Suzanne was still glaring at Susan, making her squirm with obvious sexual arousal.

Suzanne took a couple of steps to where he stood and pointed on the pages he had opened. "Read from this line to this line, please."

He found it weird to quote the Bible in such a situation, especially with a raging hard-on in his shorts, but he did so. "'O daughter of Babylonia, never again will you be the lovely princess, tender and delicate. Remove your veil, and strip off your robe. Expose yourself to public view. You will be naked and burdened with shame.'"

Susan gawked in surprise. "The Book of Isaiah says THAT?!"

Alan replied, "It does." He noticed that the next line was, "I will take vengeance against you without pity." That suggested to him that Suzanne was taking the quote out of context, to say the least. But she obviously had her reasons, and he wasn't about to correct her.

Suzanne said, "That's obviously a reference to beautiful women who misbehave. Just like you've misbehaved with your lie about your bra. Beautiful, busty women such as yourself end up naked and humiliated quite a lot. It's all part of serving a powerful and demanding cock. Consider yourself lucky if Sweetie doesn't give you a harsh spanking!"

Susan shook her head in amazement. "Boy! I read the Bible from cover to cover several times over, but it seems I missed all the most interesting parts."

Suzanne chided her, "We're waiting."

Susan bowed her head and closed her eyes again, and then submissively stripped. She was outrageously horny already. She worried that she'd be even more embarrassed when the other two saw how wet her pussy was once she took her panties off, as well as smelling her musky arousal.

Alan didn't know where Suzanne was going with this, so he put the Bible down on the kitchen counter and wisely stayed quiet. Knowing Suzanne, he figured it would lead to very good things. His dick felt like a steel pole in his shorts.

Susan had stripped completely, but she carefully covered her pussy mound with both hands. She didn't want to reveal her wetness, which was getting wetter all the time.

Suzanne simply stood there and stared at her, as if she were trying to make up her mind about something, while in actuality she was just letting both Susan and Alan get more and more aroused from the situation.

Eventually, Suzanne waved her hand in an impatient motion that made clear Susan had to remove her hands from her privates.

Susan's face was beet red as she pinned her hands behind her back. She looked down through her deep cleavage at her soaking pussy, and the rivulets of cum down her inner thighs. Oh dear! Just look at that! I'm so WET! I bet I'm smelling up the whole room too. Why does Tiger always have this effect on me?! She stared at the bulge in his shorts with open desire. It's unfair! He's just too well-hung and sexy!

Now that she was buck naked, Susan kept fidgeting nervously, shifting her weight from one hip to the other. That kept her ripe, bouncy boobs in constant jiggly motion.

Alan seriously considered, Man, I should just take my dick out and stroke it, and damn the consequences! Or, better yet, tell Mom to suck me off, right here and now! She'd do it too, even with Aunt Suzy watching. Just look at her. She's that horny!

But... Aunt Suzy always has some kind of genius, devious plan. I've gotta trust her judgment. It always ends up great for me.

Suzanne finally said to Susan, "Okay, here's the plan. I have to concede that your breasts are so outrageously large that it'll be difficult for you to play tennis without any support at all. But on the other hand, a rule is a rule, no exceptions, and you're not allowed to wear undies around your son. So, what we'll do is, I'll let you use one of my tops. It's tight enough to give some support, kind of like the spandex tops you and I wear for our workouts. It's an exciting red, rather than the traditional tennis white, and it's décolleté enough that you'll be a bouncy, jiggly, bosomy spectacle for Sweetie here, yet not injure your breasts. And of course it goes without saying that you'll play without panties."

Susan's eyes opened in alarm again. "But Suzanne!" One of her hands reflexively came around from her backside to cover her pussy and bush.

Suzanne stared at that hand disapprovingly until Susan finally put it behind her back again. Suzanne told her, "Now, go upstairs and put your undies away. Then I'll take you back to my room and get that top for you."

As Susan put her tennis top and shorts back on, she pouted, "Suzanne, you're such a meanie."

"I can be, but it's for your own good. Rules are rules, and we need to show Sweetie that no one is above them. Not you, not me, not even him." She pointed in Alan's direction.

Susan nodded obediently. She seemed to accept that completely. She never stopped to question where the "no undies" rule came from in the first place.

Suzanne was tickled pink. Knowing how much everyone in the group played tennis, she'd recently bought a top just for the purpose of having Susan wear it for playing Alan in a private setting. It was about as outrageous as it could be while providing just enough support for Susan to run around. Suzanne loved few things more than seeing one of her clever schemes coming together just as she'd hoped.

Once Susan had gone upstairs, Suzanne immediately unzipped Alan's shorts.

"What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, even though the answer was obvious.

As she began to jack him off, she said, "What do you think? Wasn't that hot? I saw you have a big fat boner trapped in there, and I'm helping you enjoy the moment. But don't ask questions, because we've only got a short time until she comes back downstairs."

He looked down at her hand sliding up and down his shaft, and then ogled her body while she sat on the adjacent stool. He nodded.

"Good. Here's the plan. Tennis is a nice idea, and I hope you have fun and get some real exercise. But we can't let up on your mom; we've got to keep her in a state of sexual excitement 24/7 so she'll scrap the rest of her prudish outlook. She may seem pretty hot to trot right now, but we actually still have a long way to go."

He nodded again. He looked down at Suzanne's stroking fingers, then he twisted a bit on his stool and glanced nervously towards the stairs. He knew they'd be able to hear Susan coming down the stairs before she could see them, but he was still worried about getting caught like this. (Although, had he been thinking clearly, he might have realized there was nothing "illegal" about what they were doing, according to the current house rules.)

Suzanne continued, "So, after you've had a good workout, try to push her sexual buttons. This will be good practice for you. I know you love her deeply, but she's a submissive type and you need to learn how to dominate her. And this is a particularly good time to practice humiliating her in the right way, like we discussed earlier."

"But we'll be playing tennis! You want me to do something sexual right in the middle of the tennis court?!"

"Sure," she said calmly as she jacked him off. "Remember, that's MY court, and I designed the backyard very carefully so my family could have complete privacy there. Eric and Brad will be gone for hours. Between the walls and all the greenery, plus the downhill slope out back, there's no way anyone else can look in. As you know, it's a big, big, backyard, much bigger than yours. Just don't shout, 'I'm fucking your mouth, Mom!' at the top of your lungs, and you'll be fine."

"Bu-bu-but..." he stammered. "But even so... we're gonna be outside!" He was having a hard time thinking, thanks to her relentlessly stroking fingers. Knowing that she didn't have much time until Susan returned, she was focusing almost exclusively on rubbing his sweet spot.

"That's good," she said. "She's got all kinds of sexual hang-ups we need to break down. A big one is a phobia against having any kind of sex in public."

"I've got that phobia too!" he cried too loudly. "And with good reason. It's dangerous!"

"Shhhh! That's better then. You can kill two birds with one stone, and work on your phobia at the same time. Just think of a bright future, where you're tanning yourself by the pool, with Susan and I lying naked between your legs while taking turns bobbing on your cock. That should happen. In fact, it needs to happen, a lot! Are you still so opposed to sex outside?"

His hands clenched into fists and he clenched his teeth, because a great surge of erotic pleasure ran through his body. He squeezed his PC muscle repeatedly until the crisis passed.

Then, just like that, she let go of his pre-cum-soaked erection, tucked it back into his shorts, and zipped him up. She explained, "I hear Susan starting down the stairs. That was just to help put you in a randy mood. But you need to save that cum for her. Give her a facial, right there in the middle of the tennis court!"

His breathing was fast. "Whoa! Aunt Suzy! I don't know... I don't think I'm ready for that."

She sipped the last of her orange juice, showing no sign of what her hands had just been doing. She wiped his pre-cum off on a napkin, and said, "Kid, you have to ask yourself: Are you going to be a man, or are you going to stay a boy? If you really want your mom to service you sexually every day for years to come, and totally love every minute of it, you have to become the kind of man that she needs."

"What kind of man is that?"

But instead of answering, Suzanne stood up and looked past him. Susan was walking through the living room to rejoin them. "Susan! You're looking good. Sweetie, look at all that bouncy action under her top. Susan, too bad you can't play like this, in your usual top but without any breast support at all. Let's go!"

Susan's face was red. "Suzanne! Please!"


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