80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 38: Jiang Zhiying's show

  Chapter 38 Jiang Zhiying's Sassy Operation

  Jiang Zhiying finished her busy work, looking at the remaining open space that had not been planted, she felt that she had to think of a way to do her work alone with a small shovel like just now.

   is too tiring.

   So she started rummaging through the junk in the space again, and finally found a walk-behind planter.

   is actually a variant of the scooter, with a wheel added to the front, which can be pushed around.

   This thing works, but there is a problem.

   She is so short now that she can't even handle it!

  Jiang Zhiying stared at the high handle dejectedly, and finally found a tool and made two stilt sticks to tie to her legs.

   She is about a meter tall now, not particularly short, but not tall either.

   However, if you walk on stilts, you only need to be half a meter above the ground.

  In order to survive, most people in the last days will do some manual work, and Jiang Zhiying is no exception.

   Her balance ability is also good. The first time she stepped on stilts, she stepped on it steadily, and the stick seemed to grow on her leg.

   Stepping on stilts, his height suddenly increased, and he was finally able to push the planter away.

  Jiang Zhiying tried it, and she was instantly delighted.

   She is such a clever little devil! Even this method made her think of it!

  So Jiang Zhiying took out the soybean seeds she had saved, poured them into the basket of the planter, and pushed the planter to fill the remaining open space.

   Guessing that there is still time, she took out another bag of pea seeds.

As soon as the    seeds were taken out, there was an extra acre of open space.

  Jiang Zhiying immediately pushed the planter and filled the extra space with peas.

Then she planted wheat, peanuts, fruit corn, waxy corn, cowpeas, green beans, mung beans, red beans, rapeseed, upland rice, peppers, red radishes, white radishes, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins, winter squash, loofah, cucumbers , beans, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, water spinach, potatoes, sweet potatoes, charcuterie, onion **** garlic…

   But she didn't grow too many vegetables. After all, she was not allowed to buy and sell at this time, so she couldn't finish eating too many vegetables.

   So most of the more than 30 acres of land awarded are planted with soybeans, upland rice, corn and wheat.

   Soybeans can be used to make tofu and oil, and bean dregs can be used to feed livestock and poultry.

   By the time the 30-plus acres of land were planted, Jiang Zhiying was so tired that she felt soft all over.

   If it wasn't for her powers that could eliminate the exhaustion of her body, and she could devour the mist to replenish after the powers were exhausted, she would have been unable to hold on.

   Even so, the more than 30 acres of land were planted, which made her exhausted.

   The stomach is even more hungry.

   So she stopped insisting and went out of the space directly.

   At this time, more than two hours had passed outside, and it was getting dark.

   A kerosene lamp was lit in the room, Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun had already finished their own affairs and were sitting uneasy.

   Jiang Zhiying disappeared for too long this time, and they were both worried.

   So as soon as Jiang Zhiying came out, she was caught by the two again.

  Tang Yulan asked excitedly: "Zhuzhu, why did you go so long this time? It's been more than two hours!"

Jiang Zhiying thought for a while, and felt that more than 30 acres of land was too exaggerated, so she panicked: "The space has rewarded new seeds, and there are still two acres of land. Grass is planted in the pasture, and when the grass grows, there is no need to feed the chickens!"

   But she plans to dig some earthworms and raise them in the pasture tomorrow, so that the chickens can still eat earthworms and supplement their protein.

  Since chickens can be raised in space, earthworms should also be able to be raised, right?

   Anyway, try it tomorrow!


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