90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 16: Heavy Snow

Chapter 16: Heavy Snow

The snow got heavier and heavier.

The entire Kunlun Mountain was snowing.

Including the cities around Kunlun Mountain, all were covered in snow.

At the gate of Longevity Temple, the special policemen shrank into separate courtyards, warming themselves, and giving birth to white smoke.

When people gathered together, it was natural to gossiping.

"The Old Immortal is indeed Old Immortal. After the big men walked out just now, I saw that all of them were pale...I guess they were very scared!"

A special policeman, full of admiration, just saw the nine old people with his own eyes, entering the Longevity Temple with majesty, and then walked out in a daze... Those expressions were definitely not deceiving.

"That's for sure, the Old Immortal of Kunlun Mountain, it's not a vain name." There was a special police officer nodded as it was to be expected as a matter of course.

"Eh! I don't know if you found out... Actually, in this Longevity Temple, a lot of people have entered today! The desperate young man in a long gown at the beginning, and then the bodyguards of Zhao Kun... If I remember correctly, they haven't come out yet? Those people, couldn't it be that they offended the old god, could they?" A certain special policeman stretched out his hand and roasted by the fire, and said this inadvertently.


However, after these words fell, this door courtyard instantly became extremely silent.

There was heavy snow outside.

Occasionally a few gusts of mountain breeze whirring and cold breath caused these special police officers to unconsciously retract their necks into their collars.


On the ancient road of Kunlun Mountain.

Nine old people walked tremblingly in groups of two.

Two hundred meters in front of them and two hundred meters in the back were all bodyguards with grim faces.

The bodyguards were huge and full of explosive power. No matter how snowflakes hit their hair and faces, they were not afraid. Those pairs of eyes looked around with great vigilance to prevent any accidents.

Zi, Zi, Zi!

Everyone stepped on the snow, and the sound of belching continued.

"Master will come back this time, will he take action against the Zhao family? The Zhao family has a large number of businesses all over the world. Once it moves, it can be said that it will affect the whole body. What do you think about this matter?" Kang Shixian was very active and asked softly when he was walking.

"The Zhao family, the Liu family, and the Jin family must pay the price. When our old master left, he said that we must be united with the 13 of us. The younger generations of the Zhao family take the initiative to ask for trouble, and the Liu family and the Jin family ignore it, it wouldn't matter much if the master was not there, but now, they're finished." Zhou Hongguang played with the ornament beads on his wrist and shook his head slightly.

Gu Jinglun spoke very seriously, "Everyone, there is one thing, I think everyone must understand! We can have today, all with the help of the master, he has given us enough funds, enough contacts... we just need to be loyal forever, then there will never be an accident."

However, this seemed to make some people unhappy.

"Master gave us help, it's true! But don't forget that now our wealth is all hard-fought, and countless days and nights have been toiled. The three families of Jin, Liu, and Zhao did a little too much, but I can understand them."

It was Xu Moran who was talking, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. When he was talking, because the weather was too cold, a cloud of white mist sprayed out in front of him, and his original pale complexion, in this icy environment, became a little red and purple.

"I agree with Old Gu's idea. If it weren't for the master, we might just be an ordinary old man. We don't even have a pensioner, and even died long ago. From the beginning, we were just working for the master. Life is his! As for the hard work, those are the things that should be done..." Bai Zifeng grinned, his voice was calm, and the gratitude in his eyes was not false.

"Yeah, there would be no us without master."

"At least for the rest of our life, we have enough... we have enjoyed everything we should enjoy."

"However, our efforts cannot be denied."

The nine elderly people kept whispering.


Just when he was about to reach the foot of the mountain, Li Yonghui, who had been silent, said softly, "Everyone is extremely persistent and pursues things... even things that they don't hesitate to pay for their lives, do you really think that the master will care?"


This was the end.

The old people who had their own minds all stopped.

Snow fell on their white hair... intertwined together, it was already indistinguishable.

The air was getting colder again...

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, countless guards and bodyguards wearing black suits and black umbrellas were patrolling. Anyone who wanted to go up the mountain was stopped by them.


With such a heavy snowfall, not many people would go up the mountain at this time.

The nine old people stopped for more than ten seconds.

"Yes!" After a long time, Kang Shixian came back to his senses, and those eyes were filled with blank and wry smiles, "We think we have a lot of knowledge and think we are the protagonist of the times, but compared with the master, we are still too young. Ah! After going back this time, I am going to take a complete rest and give the consortium to the next generation to take care of it. Besides... If the master needs it, I will return all the wealth to him."


The other eight elderly people followed with a hum, and then they continued to walk towards the foot of the mountain.

Next, the nine old people just walked on their own, and no words came out.

Zi, Zi...

Along the way, the entire Kunlun Mountain was terribly silent except for the belching sound from stepping on the snow.

When they reached the foot of the mountain...

The small black cars reacted very quickly, coming slowly under heavy snow...

A famous bodyguard, holding a black cloth umbrella, quickly followed.

When they reached the front and back of the nine old people, they all bent over and looked in awe.

At the same time, quickly took out the clean and warm clothes of the same style for the master of the house, carefully smoothed the snowflakes from their hair, and then bent over and respectfully asked the master to get in the car.

After the nine old people got in the car.

Those black cars slowly left again, the black shadows getting farther and farther, and finally disappeared completely...

As for the guards and bodyguards who blocked Kunlun Mountain, they also got on their cars and dispersed at this time.

Heavy snow... There was no sign of stopping.

Less than an hour after the cars left, all the tire marks were completely submerged, and it was impossible to see that a large number of people had come here not long ago.

Not many people knew that an extremely earth-shattering thing happened.

The heavy snow continued...

The whole world, at this moment, seemed to have become a white and vast piece of snow.

Kunlun Mountain, the foot of the mountain... The branch of an old tree was covered with snow, but a faint green bud appeared on the top of the tree, but the position of the green bud was too high for anyone to see.

No one knew that early spring came quietly in this heavy snow.

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