A Chaotic World

Chapter 247: Activate It!

Chapter 247: Activate It!

Everyone in the surroundings watched wide-eyed as blood rained down from the sky.

They were not shocked by the sudden downpour.

No, not at all. After all, they could see exactly where this crimson rain had originated from.

What caused them to be dumbfounded was the outcome of the battle between Longshao Wenqin and Nanlu Tianzi.

Longshao Wenqin had held the advantage all along, even besting his opponents when he was faced with a combination of Nanlu Tianzi and Fourth Prince Mosha. Yet all of a sudden, everything changed.

Just like Mosha, Nanlu Tianzi seemed to have activated some sort of primal beast bloodline as well. But as compared to Mosha, the effects were simply too exaggerated on him!

He had turned the entire fight around in an instant. And now, his sword light had directly slashed into Longshao Wenqin's back, drawing blood in a dominant manner.

This fight had started in the sky when Longshao Wenqin and Mosha first clashed. It then continued on the ground when Nanlu Tianzi joined in. Now, with a single direct hit from Nanlu Tianzi, it had finally concluded back in the sky.


Longshao Wenqin spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he could feel nothing except for the pain in his back. It was flooding his senses, overwhelming his mind.

His injuries were simply too severe this time.

The secondary sword light from before had cut right through his flesh, stopping only after revealing his bones. In fact, had it not been for the soft armour that he was wearing, the momentum of the sword light probably would not stop there.

If that was the case, he might have even been cleaved into two from that one powerful strike!

Even so, Longshao Wenqin forced himself to endure the pain, struggling to take one last look at Nanlu Tianzi before him only to find that Nanlu Tianzi was no longer in front of him.

After slashing out at Longshao Wenqin, Lu Tianzi had immediately started falling back to the ground.

Even though he had grown a single left wing, it did not mean that Lu Tianzi was now suddenly capable of flight. What happened before could be seen as a boosted jump, with the powerful flap of the wing propelling him straight into the air.

But if he wanted to rely on this single wing to remain in the air, it would be rather difficult. After all, a single left wing was simply unable to provide a balanced flight.

Watching as Lu Tianzi fall to the ground, Longshao Wenqin could not help but let out a bitter smile.

Nanlu Tianzi, eh?

What a terrifying character.

As he thought that, the light vanished from Longshao Wenqin's eyes as he finally lost consciousness, his figure falling limply from the sky.

Down below, Lu Tianzi was the first to land on the ground. He landed firmly with his two feet, and then stood tall before looking up towards the falling Longshao Wenqin.

Even while Lu Tianzi was falling, he had continued sweeping out with his perception. Thus, he naturally sensed that Longshao Wenqin had started falling right after him.

Then again, it was only to be expected. Since he had already taken action personally, how would Longshao Wenqin be able to get away unscathed?

But at this moment, the Cauldron of Draconic Force moved.

Longshao Wenqin was already unconscious by now, so it was certainly not him who had willed the treasure cauldron to move.

Instead, it was some sort of remnant energy within the treasure cauldron that had awoken. This remnant energy seemed to possess something akin to a consciousness of its own, even able to autonomously issue simple commands to the treasure cauldron.

Guided by these commands, the treasure cauldron moved right under the falling Longshao Wenqin, swallowing him up all at once.

After which, Lu Tianzi could only watch as the treasure cauldron shot away at top speed.

From within the treasure cauldron, he could sense the emergence of a deep and unfathomable power, one that reminded him of the Scarlet Moon Overlord.

With that alone, Lu Tianzi understood that there was no longer any meaning in chasing after the Cauldron of Draconic Force. Even if he did catch up to it, there would probably be nothing he could do as long as Longshao Wenqin remained hidden within the cauldron.

He had no choice but to watch on as Longshao Wenqin escaped.

But even as the treasure cauldron carried Longshao Wenqin away, Lu Tianzi did not feel any regret in his heart.

If Longshao Wenqin escaped, then so be it. With the state that Longshao Wenqin was in, he would no longer be able to participate in the battle anyway. As for future trouble, what kind of substantial threat could a mere Longshao Wenqin possibly pose to him?

Then Lu Tianzi's gaze turned towards another person who had been hovering low in the sky Bogeng.

After Longshao Wenqin appeared to save him from Mosha, Bogeng had remained in the air, watching as the fight progressed.

His face was pale, and his body weakened after the fight against Mosha. But his current injuries were not serious enough to have prevented him from leaving the area earlier had he chosen to do so. Longshao Wenqin had certainly bought that much time for him.

However, he had chosen to stay and watch.

It was due to his absolute confidence in the fact that his master's personal disciple, Longshao Wenqin, would certainly emerge victorious.

He did not like Longshao Wenqin all that much, but he could not deny Longshao Wenqin's talent.

Ironically, it was also his confidence in Longshao Wenqin that had allowed him to take a front row seat, watching from up close as this supposed talent crumbled away before his opponent, one who had a lower cultivation level.

And as if that was not enough, his choice had now placed him in the crosshair of the very person who had defeated Longshao Wenqin.

A cold shudder shot down his spine, and he felt his limbs go weak. For a long moment, his mind went completely blank, and he was at a loss as to what to do next. It was a sense of helplessness that had been born from an instinctual sense of fear, one caused by facing a creature that stood well above him in the food chain.

It was only at this very moment that Bogeng realised just how dangerous Lu Tianzi truly was.

If Lu Tianzi decided to go for him right now, there would only be one ending for him, and it was not a pretty one.

But Lu Tianzi did not do so.

Instead, Lu Tianzi continued standing there, looking up at Bogeng as though he was some sort of interesting figure.

Faced with such a situation, Bogeng did not understand what was going on, but he dared not move a muscle. Even his breathing was suppressed to a minimal level.

He had a feeling that if he turned and ran right now, Lu Tianzi would immediately chase after him like he did to Longshao Wenqin, cutting him down without hesitation!

You monster

Bogeng cursed in his heart, his strength draining from him, both physically and mentally so.

He was not alone in thinking that way.

Everyone in the vicinity was still in shock, unable to believe their eyes. The battle on the ground seemed to have grinded to a halt, at least for the ones nearer to the fight.

Longshao Wenqin had just made his escape, which meant that Nanlu Tianzi had truly and wholly won this fight!

Longshao Wenqin, Fourth Prince Mosha, and Nanlu Tianzi. In this fight among these geniuses, Nanlu Tianzi had finally come up on top!

Up in the sky, Marshal Shengding's relentless attacks on Marshal Xianming suddenly paused.

"Who is he?" Marshal Shengding questioned. His expression had turned extremely dark.

Despite the intense fight between the two marshals, their perception had continued to cover the entire battlefield, observing the general situation.

Longshao Wenqin might have been rescued from the fight with his opponent somehow, but simply allowing him to suffer such grievous injuries could possibly incur the wrath of the Dragon Cauldron Overlord.

After all, Longshao Wenqin was none other than his favourite personal disciple.

At that time, who knew what kind of punishment would be passed down upon Marshal Shengding?

"What do you mean?" Marshal Xianming smiled. "Do you still not know who that young one is?"

His group was still very much in a dangerous situation, with enemies pressing down on them from all sides. Thus, Marshal Xianming more than appreciated the sudden break in offence from Marshal Shengding that had given them some breathing room.

"I know his name, but who is he exactly?" Marshal Shengding asked once again. "To be able to jump ranks to defeat Longshao Wenqin, on top of that strange primal beast bloodline activation, those are not means that any ordinary person would possess!"

Marshal Xianming merely smiled in response.

Marshal Shengding was asking him, but how was he supposed to know?

Even he had not expected Nanlu Tianzi to possess such terrifying means!

In fact, when Mosha was defeated by Longshao Wenqin earlier, Marshal Xianming had almost fallen into a state of panic. He thought that this time round, he would have to prepare to bear the consequences of the death of a prince.

Who knew that Nanlu Tianzi would suddenly go crazy like that?

But of course, Marshal Xianming was experienced enough to not reveal the surprise in his heart.

"So what if I tell you? So what if I don't?" Marshal Xianming stated. "More importantly, don't you think you have some explanation to do? What's with your subordinates targeting our juniors time and again? Do you really want an all-out massacre to break out?"

Things had turned out relatively fine in the end, but Marshal Xianming certainly did not forget the fact that the Origin Core realm Bogeng had sneaked into the ground battle earlier.

"I did not issue the command. You can take his life if you wish, I will not intervene," Marshal Shengding stated coldly.

Marshal Xianming harrumphed in response.

He had already expected Marshal Shengding to shirk all responsibilities. As for taking Bogeng's life, that would still have to wait until they break out of their current predicament!

Who knew where Bogeng would have run off to by then?

But at this moment, a voice sounded out in Marshal Xianming's head.

It was the voice of Formation Master Beimu, bringing with it an excellent piece of news.

"Looks like you won't be able to intervene even if you wanted to," Marshal Xianming let out a trimphant grin.

"Hmm?" Marshal Shengding had a bad feeling about this. Looking down, he saw that yet another Origin Core realm martial artist from the Scarlet Moon Army had abandoned her post, and it was someone he recognised too.

Formation Master Beimu, a person highly regarded by the Scarlet Moon Overlord for her attainments in the art of formations.

If she was moving, and considering Marshal Xianming's sudden increase in confidence

"Not good!" Marshal Shengding called out in shock. "Everyone, retreat!"

Hearing his orders, the Origin Core realm experts on his side were bewildered. They might have lost the boost from the Cauldron of Draconic Force along with Longshao Wenqin, but their side still held the absolute advantage. Even now, the reinforcements of the Scarlet Moon Army were still unable to break through their hindrances, and Marshal Xianming's group was still left isolated and fighting for their lives.

In fact, a few among Marshal Xianming's group had already succumbed to the pressure, perishing in battle.

Just a little more, and they would have won the battle. If they could take down Marshal Xianming as well, they could even win the war altogether!

So why would they retreat at this point?

"It's too late!" Marshal Xianming laughed heartily. "Activate it!"

As though she had timed her actions to his cue, Formation Master Beimu arrived at ground level, her graceful figure landing upon a protruding rock.

She first shot an appreciative glance towards Beimu Fei below, who was soaked entirely in sweat by now. After being saved by Mosha, Beimu Fei had darted around the battlefield like a madwoman, crazily converting all these protruding rocks into formation nodes.

There had not been many left in the first place. With the time that Mosha and Lu Tianzi had bought for her, she had finally managed to complete her task. She was absolutely exhausted at this point, but it was all worth it!

Formation Master Beimu did not delay any longer.

Driving the Slaughter Essence in her inner world, she closed her eyes and her fingers formed a diamond in front of her chest. Just like that, she used her body as a medium, directly communing with the numerous formation nodes that had been converted earlier.

A wave of energy swept through Rockfall Plain, connecting each and every one of the converted rocks to form a gigantic emblem of light. This ancient emblem glowed from the ground, covering more than half of the entire battlefield.

The grand formation of the Scarlet Moon Army was finally completed!

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