A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 174: Hordes of beasts II

Chapter 174: Hordes of beasts II

Alex who was at another area of the battlefield noted the fire-bound destruction Olivia caused and gave a smile.

Reaching a height of sixty feet when he jumped into the air, he brought his hands which had begun to emit golden light and hit them hard together.

"Sky-clearing Thunderclap" Alex said at the same time he brought his hands together to produce a powerful clap.


The sound that erupted from his palms hitting each other as he clapped rang out like the combined thunderclaps of hundreds of terrifying bolts of lightning, then a strong, tyrannical wave of destructive sound energy was unleashed the instant he clapped.

The tyrannic sound energy-wave caused the air for hundreds of feet to suddenly gain an astonishing devastating power that it shoved many dozens of them into the distance with a destructive force that gave one the feeling that it would splinter all to smithereens.

They smashed hard into the earth and left deep and wide craters in it. Gigantic web-like cracks could be seen around the craters they made into the part of the earth they crashed into under the irresistible influence of the strong, backward-shoving kinetic force that acted on them.

And before Alex could land back to the ground, his eyes abruptly turned cyan. He was employing the 'Wind Elixir' technique of the Wind Trinity methodology that he studied which always gave him seemingly boundless amounts of windforce energy. Then using the air control ability gained by utilizing the Wind Elixir technique, air quickly gathered around him in astonishing quantities and began to swirl at great speed. In the next instant, a thin, durable sphere of compacted air formed around his figure, enveloping him within the swirling mass of air. Then large amounts of windforce energy began to rush into his body through his pores like a huge flood and into his energyhouse.

Floating at an altitude which was sixty feet above the ground, his entire body began to glow intensely in cyan light and the column of air twirling around him increased greatly and unceasingly in size. With the way the winds howled furiously around him, he could simply be described as a god of wind.

Following the steps for "Thousand Mayhem-Wreaking Blades" technique. He pointed at the beasts on the ground and tremendous amounts of windforce energy erupted from his index finger.

Once the cyan-colored windforce energy that seemed like a large waterfall erupted from his finger, it abruptly condensed into great numbers of huge blades which shot downwards at extreme speeds. The blades shone with intense cyan lustre. They seemed like huge metallic blades that were dyed cyan. Also, a palpable, thick and dense aura of area-vacuuming sharpness emanated from them. Alex had actually added slivers of his golden swordforce energy to the structural make-up of the wind energy blades. Then as the blades shot towards the wingless beasts running on the surface of the earth, they pulled along with them strong gusts of winds.





The thousand beasts targeted were sliced cleanly into halves. And the blades possessing great sharpness, after cutting them into halves made hundreds of gashes into the earth.

In just a few seconds, he had annihilated close to a thousand earth-rank beasts. Olivia where she battled in her winged, super-powered form noted this and couldn't help but have eyes glitter in deep amazement.

'Hmm. He still has his amazing battle prowess.' She thought.

She wondered how a peak-phase, condensation-rank energy-attack would instantly obliterate earth-tier beasts. She was able to know the rank of his energy-attacks using the cultivation percipience ability one would gain when one broke through the barrier between mortal and cultivator.

But she wouldn't know that his windforce energy was augmented by divineforce energy and that the blades formed from it had ribbons of golden-colored, supreme-grade sharpness-energy; the highest tier of laceration-energy in the realmverse infused into them which increased their penetration-sharpness or slicing power to marveling levels.

When she was thinking that she was now stronger than him unlike the last time where he dominated the battleground, she was disappointed yet again as his battle power caused her mind to reel in marvel. He seemed like someone who couldn't be measured or defined by what is used to measure or define others. No matter what stage he was in, he would always be an excellent and a formidable fighter.

While they were fighting, somewhere, a group of sinister people were observing the situation using a form of projector screen. They were surprised at how Alex's windforce energy-attack possessed a high damaging power. And from the way he fought, he seemed like he could exchanged attacks with an heaven adept stage cultivator. They were deeply amazed.

"Where did she get this person from?" One of them asked.

"I don't know. But whoever he is, since he has decided to ruin our plans, he surely has to die" An elderly looking man with eyes emitting an evil light said.

Then they continued to watch.

While Alex was busy slaying the beasts, he suddenly heard the bloodcurdling roar of a beast. From it terrifying, loud bellow, Alex could deduce that a large beast had entered an extreme rage mode. And he was right. A large, three-eyed, grey-skinned beast that seemed like a cheetah and a had a pair of huge, bat-like wings that possessed sharp, glowing edges became frenzied and dashed towards him.

Where Olivia fought, she put out her hands and they began to glow in an intense yellow light. Then directing the earth manipulation power of her terraforce energy at the earth, suddenly, a large area of earth cracked and large fragments of it were pulled to the place she floated in the air. Then they enwrapped her arm to form a huge gauntlet.

This earth gauntlet increased in size as more fragments of earth attached to it. Then terraforce energy moved out from her palm into the gauntlet. Permeating the gauntlets with earth elemental energy, they began to glow extremely strong while their density increased to a great level.

"Supreme Destroying Monarch Earth Punch" she said and punched out her two fists.

The massive, yellow-glowing earth-gauntlets shot out at tremendous speed, carrying with them clouds of dusts. As they shot towards the beasts, more pieces of earth broke away from the solid brown earth and were pulled towards the gauntlets, quickly adding to their sizes. In a few moments, the gauntlets had grown from a single feet to hundreds of feet and were extremely compact. Shreds of earth were pulled towards them because the terraforce energy permeating them had the power of earth attraction. So possessing great solidness, they smashed into the winged beasts flying towards her.




The beasts exploded into mists of blood as the gauntlets smashed into them with a seemingly unstoppable momentum. Despite being at the half-step, sky lord stage, Olivia could cause great injuries to the sky-rank beasts as they were knocked backwards to earth by the cannoning gauntlets.

The gauntlets continued on smashing into the beasts until it smashed into a very huge beast and exploded apart upon impact. However, the beast was knocked backwards for dozens of meters by the extremely solid, earth-composed gauntlets.

But not even a mark of damage couldn't be seen on it body. It wasn't damaged in the collision.

The beast then roared loudly in rage and it massive, tough body began to glow in an insanely bright violet light. Then a violet-colored, fire elemental energy burst out from it body in all directions. This energy swept out like a wave towards Olivia.

When she saw the incoming attack, her eyes widened in fear. Very quickly, she punched out while saying at the same time "Multilayered Fiery Shield."

Abruptly, pyroforce energy shot out of her punched fist and transformed into many thick and solid sheets of condensed flame that spanned dozens of feet wide and long.

The instant the thick, enormous sheets of solidified flames materialized, the waves of violet fiery energy smashed into them with tyrannical hardness.


The first layer could only stall for a few seconds before it shattered apart like a wall of sand that had a rock thrown through it.

The furious, raging stream of violet fiery energy moved on with tyrannical force, smashing apart into smithereens the large, thick layers produced from fire elemental energy.


It smashed into her with great hardness, shoving her far into the distance.


Alex at the moment looked like a sun as his entire body glowed intensely in cyan light. This was because of the great amount of cyan-colored windforce energy unceasingly flooding into his body. With the wind elixir technique, his entire body became like a top-grade energy synthesis array. Also, the vortex of air around him had achieved the size of a mega-tornado. It actually continued to increase endlessly in size as winds from many kilometers away were pulled towards it. The large masses of air attracted over from far distances continuously imbued the enveloping, swirling mass of air until it became a gigantic wind cyclone. Yet, it growth didn't end there.

As windforce energy continued to rush into his body like a dam that had it gate smashed apart, he felt that he could explode very soon if he didn't stop what he was doing. At the moment, he looked very pale and felt exceedingly bloated.

Why Alex became pale-skinned was because he deployed the air control power of the wind elixir technique to the maximum. He did this to eliminate the peak sky-rank, bat-winged, cheetah-like beast flying towards him at a great speed. But that wasn't his intention of doing so, he was actually trying to conceal his other abilities. He didn't want the people who sent the hordes of beasts to know about his other attacking cards. He knew that they would come soon, and so, he wanted to use his other cards as surprise for them.

Savoring the energy and it tingling, fast rate of flow into his body which then later became too much for him to contain and handle, the large cyclone that had built around him receded, quickly reducing in size, then vast amount of windforce energy erupted from his entire body. It looked like he was engulfed by an enormous cyan flame. This energy discharged from his body very quickly and like there was no limit to it. It unstoppably expelled from his body at a shocking speed and reached an astonishing size. Also, the instant this enormous amount of energy appeared, it caused extremely terrible stormy winds to surface.

"Prime Dominator Trinity Annihilation Wind Fist" he said and he punched out.

The wind elemental energy which unceasingly erupted from his cyan-glowing body quickly condensed into a fist, two fists and then three fists, which then shot out at great speeds towards the beasts. The fists were massive in size as they spanned from seventy feet to ninety feet in size; length, width and height, and achieved a high scale of density where they could be said to be denser than steel hundreds of times. Besides, as they shot out, they carried with them astonishingly strong gales that could heave large rocks hundreds of feet away.

Boom! Bang!! Boom!!!

The fists smashed into the beast one after the other with super-hardness. It only took a couple of seconds for the three sets of fists to impact the large beast and reduce it to pieces in the third strike.

Besides, the fists continued onward into the distance, smashing the beasts in their paths into mists of blood.




This sound continually rang out as the winged beasts exploded into pieces upon impact with the solid, energy fists.

Not long, in the area Alex battled in, no winged beasts could be seen again. But what could be seen were pieces of the bodies and wings of the beasts on the surface of the earth which were scattered about.

Seeing that he had cleared away the beasts, Alex stopped using the wind Elixir technique. He dropped to the ground without support from a height of sixty feet and dashed towards where Olivia was now struggling to battle the peak sky-rank beasts.

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