A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 194: Olivia's killing intent

Chapter 194: Olivia's killing intent

As Alex was asleep, his emotion-sense suddenly acted up, as it had sensed the killing intent erupting from Olivia. And being interconnected with his other physical senses, particularly the feel-sense, the hairs on his skin stood on their ends and produced intensely painful pricking sensations. Besides, the danger-signaling treasure at the center of his forehead produced a strong burning sensation.

Therefore, due to all these, Alex's eyes abruptly snapped open. And with his hands on the ground by Olivia's sides, he permeated his arms muscles with strengthforce energy. Then he explosively pushed himself into the air using his powered hands. And while in the air, he performed a Tuck, an aerial acrobatic movement as he brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them.

Since he powerfully pushed himself from the ground into the air in the backward direction, his body which was now airborne in the Tuck position, rolled backwards several times horizontally before landing at a spot that was many feet away from where Olivia was.

Once he landed, the abstruse pattern at his chest flashed a resplendent light. Then a cloth instantly appeared on him to cover his nakedness. In the instant that he did this, robing himself to cover his nudity, he looked towards the source of the danger that he felt earlier during his sleep and saw Olivia, who had also stood to her feet and was now clothed too. Then he turned his eyes away from her to her hand and saw that she grasped a treasure-spear.

Once he saw the spear, he knew what Olivia was trying to do.

"Olivia, you were actually going to kill me?" Alex asked in a deeply shocked and unbelieving tone.

Olivia didn't answer him, she only looked coldly at him.

Then in the next instant, the treasure-spear began to glow as pyroforce energy was being produced by the fire-bound arrays contained in the voidstones plugged into it sockets. Soon, this energy erupted outwards from it in a large quantity before instantly condensing and shaping into solid fiery spear that radiated unbearable heat and blinding fiery brilliance. In the instant that it formed, it shot towards Alex at extreme speed, at the same time that Olivia stabbed out towards Alex with the treasure-spear clasped by her dainty hand.

Seeing the incoming energy-spear, Alex quickly put his hands out, and abruptly, frostforce energy discharged from it in large quantities. Then it speedily condensed and shaped into a solid pillar that shot towards the energy-attack.


A loud explosive sound rang out which was instantly accompanied by waves of devastating, extreme-temperature energies.

However, both attacks canceled out. But this didn't surprise Olivia as she knew how strong Alex was.

The spear began to glow again as energy was being generated in it, then this energy discharged from the spear in exceedingly large amount, before rapidly compacting and shaping into a spear. This was many times larger than the spear-shaped energy-attack she sent out earlier.

Seeing that Olivia was unrelenting in her attacks, Alex moved speedforce energy to his eyes to see in slow-motion, and then strengthforce energy to his leg muscles to increase their density.

Since his eyes had been permeated with speed-perception energy, he saw the energy-spear that was shooting towards him in slow-motion. It actually took seconds for the energy-spear to cover an inch in his vision.

Therefore, because of his augmented detection of the velocity of the energy-spear, resulting in the drastically decreased speed of the attack in his vision, Alex jumped very high into the air, about thirty feet to evade the massive fiery attack. And putting himself into the cartwheel position while high in the air, he made his body wheel several times before landing back to the ground.

Immediately he landed, with a swoosh, he flitted towards Olivia. He was incredibly fast that he left a small cloud of dust and numerous after-images behind.

At this extreme speed, Alex arrived before Olivia who didn't know that Alex was already in front of her. Then he went behind her to wrap his hands around her, binding her up with his strong arms, with the intention to lock her in place and stop her from throwing out more attacks.

"Olivia, please stop what you are doing. One of us could get hurt. I can't bear to hurt you. So please stop" Alex said in a begging tone.

Olivia's eyes that radiated emotionlessness ignored all that Alex said. Unresponsive to what he said, she activated her Great Infernobringer Firecloud physique.

Her hair turned orange and seemed to be burning like it was on fire. Also, her eyes turned orange too.

Alex noticed her transformation, but he didn't unwrap his binding arms which he used to bound her in place.

But just then, an exceedingly hot, orange-colored flame erupted from her body.

Alex who had his arms wrapped tightly around Olivia screamed in pain when the flames engulfed him. Then he shot backwards, far away from her.

He looked at his hands and could see serious burns. But they began to heal in the next instant.

Alex was deeply saddened by what was going on. However, his eyes narrowed in the next instant when a dazzling resplendent light flashed, and he saw the Nine Skies Burning Sword in Olivia's hand.

It was now he knew that he had to fight. Or he would be seriously injured. Who knows, he might even lose his life from the exchange. So he felt.

But he still tried speaking to her.

"Olivia, I know that I have done something pretty awry that has caused you to become emotionless and cold to me. But please listen, it isn't my fault. I just had to do something or your sanity would have vanished forever. It wasn't me who put your body and mind in that state. I will never do such to you. Please forg...."

Alex couldn't complete his speech when a large and steel-hard, brilliant ray of blue-colored pyroforce energy shot towards him.

Since he still had speedforce energy in his eyes, he could see the massive attack shooting towards him in slow-motion. But it wasn't slow in his vision this time. It was actually very fast. The speedforce energy that permeated his eyes failed to reduce the velocity at which the attack moved in his vision.

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