A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 199: But first thing first, Steal!

Chapter 199: But first thing first, Steal!

Several minutes later, Olivia and Alex totally consumed the meats and fruity wines before them. Then they tried to relax after such a satisfying kingly meal. 

However, as soon as they finished eating and had the intention to relax, the screen began to generate moving images. This caught Alex's and Olivia's attention who then directed their vision towards the screen. And when they did, they saw that the men that they anticipated to arrive, finally showed up. 

Alex then looked at Olivia with a smile who also looked back at him with a smile hung in her face. 

"The gods have finally answered your prayers. They couldn't keep the prayer of such an enchanting beauty in queue with the others" He said. 

Olivia just ignored him and focused on the screen. But she smiled inwardly from what Alex said. 

Seeing that Olivia wasn't going to respond to him, he too directed his vision back at the screen to observe the men's activities.

Looking at the screen observantly and without divided attention, they could count ten saint stage cultivators. And when they looked at their faces, they saw that the men looked pretty perplexed and angered. There was the expression of intense wrath and bewilderment in their faces. 

- Outside the palace - 

"Isn't this the village where that little girl is supposed to be? How come the whole villagers are nowhere to be found. Even the structures of their village has disappeared. Have they long left the village and went somewhere else to hide themselves at?" One of the Saint stage cultivators asked in a perplexed tone. 

"I can't comprehend it too. But one would know for sure that a battle took place here. Look at the earth surface. It has been torn here and there by the attacks our colleagues and their adversaries threw out" Another said. 

"This is bad. Master who is really desperate for the girl is going to be very angry." A other spoke. 

"You are right. I just wonder who had the gut to terminate cultivators from our organization. That person must be tired of living" 

"You think so? It seems the person is pretty powerful, to me. Recall that the Saint stage cultivator that accompanied the heaven adept stage cultivators urgently requested for help, for backup" 

"Yes, I remember. Then that means the person must be a powerful expert as he could slay many of our Earth Adept stage cultivators, Sky Lord stage cultivators, Heaven Adept stage and Saint stage cultivators." 


As they discussed amongst themselves, Alex and Olivia who were watching the screen smiled at what the Saint stage cultivators were saying. They could also actually hear them. 

"Come on, just go back to your organization already so we can go burn it down" Alex said. He was getting tired and bored of their discussions. 

After the Saint stage cultivators spoke for a while, they sent out their saint-level field-scanning senses. But they detected nothing. 

"This would only be a wild goose chase. There's no one here. Let's return" One of the Saint stage cultivators who looked older spoke. He was also the one with the highest cultivation base amongst them. 

"Alright" They mentioned. 

Then that older saint stage cultivator produced a treasure which was in the form of a disc and threw it at the ground. Then this turned into a large spatial transference array, but in the shape of a disc. 

The array was a large, round black disc. Then thousands of inscriptions could be seen on it surface. 

The instant that it turned into a large disc, the inscriptions on it lit up. Then it began to revolve at an extreme speed. And as it rotated, it drew down spatialforce energy, an energy that yields the power of space transfer.

This energy had no colour as it was transparent, revealing everything that was behind it, and giving the feeling that it was invisible. However, one would know that it was present as the space around everything began to warp and distort. 

And as space contorted continuously around the Saint stage cultivators who had already climbed atop the disc, the Azure Beastsman palace that was hiding in a different layer of space quickly shot towards the disc, entering the spatial whirlpool that it had generated.

Not quite long, a dazzling beam of light emitted from the center of the disc, shooting straight into the sky. Then the whirlpool expanded, and the bodies of the Saint stage cultivator began to fade away gradually. 

The spatial transference array which was an average quality array had to first build up it spatial movement power for sometime before one could teleport to a new location. Therefore, it took sometime before they all finally vanished from where they were, appearing in a new region. 

- Another location - 

Suddenly, a large, windless cyclone manifested before a large gate. Then some bodies slowly surfaced in this cyclone. When the cyclone abated and vanished, a few figures could be seen. These were the Saint stage cultivators. They had arrived before their organization using the space transference array. 

The older one then bent to take the treasure that formed into a spatial transference array from the ground into his spatial ring. He was going to return it to the treasure room that he took the array from. He was lent it by the organization for the mission that they were assigned for. So he couldn't keep it as his, he had to return it or risk getting punished, or even get killed for crime of attempted stealing 

After he did so, he spoke to the Saint stage cultivators that came with him. 

"Let's go in" He said. 

After he said this, the Saint stage cultivators nodded their heads. Then they followed him into the organization. However, as they walked to meet their master to tell him about their findings, unknowing to them, a miniaturized palace which hid in another spatial layer was following them behind. 

Alex and Olivia looked about in the organization as if they were trying to study it, using the enormous projecting screen before them.

What they noted about the organization was that it was a towering building that had many floors. However, there was nothing majestic about the place. Instead, it radiated a gloomy atmosphere as it was painted in black. Then firelamps, which were on hung on the wall, were what gave light to this place. Besides, they could hear the terrified shrieks of things that they couldn't quite understand. It sounded like the terrified screeches of humans and beasts at the same time. And these loud, frightening sounds added to the ominousness and stygian atmosphere of this place. It simply seemed like a place where a mythological god of fear and terror resided.

Silently moving behind the Saint stage cultivators as it floated, they passed through several tall gates which led to stairs to the higher floors of this towering building.

Many minutes later, twenty minutes to be precise, they arrived at the top floor. Then they went into a large hall in this floor to meet the founder of this organization.

When they entered, they saw some people sitting around a large table. It seemed they were having a discussion before they barged in.

Once they arrived before this people, the Saint stage cultivators quickly knelt, dropping to a knee on the ground and clasping their fist which was stretched out before them.

"Speak!" Someone said in a bloodcurdling tone. 

This sounded out from a person that could be seen sitting on a black throne that was socketed with luminous gems, beautifying it in the process as they gave out colorful radiances. 

However, this person was quite young, about thirty years in age. He was in the half-step Saint emperor realm, meaning that he was in the peak-phase Great Saint stage and was only waiting for the cultivation tribulation so that he could officially step into the Saint emperor stage. 

On a side of this man's face could be seen several long scars. It seemed like he fought a beast that marred his face, ruining his good look. And with an eye-patch worn over an eye at that same side of his face, an ominous and bloody aura continually emanated from his body, giving anyone that saw him the absolute feeling that he was a sinister and ruthless cultivator. Then observing further, he wore a sleeveless hooded robe that was dark blue in color. And wrapped entirely around his two exposed arms were bandages, making him look like a mummy. However, it seemed like the bandages were put there to block the emission of some gas or something that existed in the gaseous phase. One would think this upon noticing the tiny wisps of yellowish-green gas that emitted from his fully bandaged arms. Then hung on his back were two large blades. He was a blade user. 

"Master, we arrived there but saw that the village lied in ruins. A great battle actually took place there, resulting in the utter destruction of my colleagues as their bodies couldn't be found anywhere." The older Saint stage cultivator who knelt with a knee on the ground said. Then he continued "Also, we scanned the whole place using our scanning senses at different areas and angles. But we discovered not the place the villagers were hiding. We couldn't even track their footsteps. It seemed like they just vanished into thin air"

The person that he called Master furrowed his brows after he heard all that the Saint stage cultivator said.

"Master, perhaps we should go into the city and other cities to look for the girl. We would surely discover her and bring her to you" The Saint stage cultivator spoke again.

"Hmm. Alright. Send many saint stage cultivators into the cities to look for the girl." The young man called Master spoke.

"Alright, Master" The Saint stage cultivator said.

Then he stood to his feet and left the hall, same with the Saint stage cultivators who knelt behind him. They also stood to their feet when he did and then left the hall behind him. They let him do all the talking as they couldn't deal with the wrath of their Master if they said something wrong. They could be slain on the spot.

After they left, someone who looked very old and dreadful asked the man seated on the throne "Jared, what do you plan to do with the girl exactly?"

"Uncle, I didn't mention this to you. I actually discovered a massive beast that can produce attacks using the five elemental energies of our world. It's a great marvel." Jared replied.

The person he called his uncle couldn't help but have his eyes widen in awe.

"What evil luck you have. An elemental beast. Why aren't I as fortunate as you?" The old man asked like he was complaining.

"Maybe you should go and bath yourself fourteen times in the River of Luck" Jared responded with a smile. But his smile would give one the chills. And coupled with the scars on a side of his face, he seemed like a demon from the cold abyss as he smiled. Then he continued "However uncle, the beast is in a coma-like state due to being grievously harmed. There were deep slashes and slits on it body that have refused to heal even after pouring regeneration powders into them. This I got from crushing regeneration pills into a powdery form. Anyways, it wounds couldn't heal because of the quality of the healing pills. They couldn't bring healing to the beast due to their poor grades. You know, average-quality healing pills and their low healing power because of the tons of impurities that they contain. Therefore, what I need is that little chocolatey girl. When I finally have my hands on her, I would force her to use her astonishing healing powers on the beast, so that it could recover. And when it recovers and develops, our organization would ascend to the peak. Hahaha!"

"Hmm. I see. So that's why you are after the little girl. But she's too little to give complete healing to such a massive beast. Anyways, since you want her for your aim, don't worry, I would support you in looking for her. She would surely be discovered" The man, Jared's uncle said. Then he continued, with a sinister light and unbridled killing intent erupting from his eyes "As for that expert, I would love to meet him or her. So we could exchange points"

"Me too" Jared said coldly.

Alex who was within the palace laughed.

"Clowns! Absolutely sure that you would meet me. And at that time, I would love to see the stupid and unbelievable looks on your faces when a peak-phase condensation stage cultivator appears before you and claims that he squashed your men like bugs and would also quash you like a roach" He said.

"But first thing first, Steal!" 

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