A Fully-Leveled Bigshot Builds a Farm with Her Family After Transmigrating

Chapter 400: should do things

  Chapter 400 Ying Li Doing Things

  Lu Jingzhi discussed with Xu Shulou, "I'll take Ying Que and Ying Li away and let her study with my sister for a while."

  Xu Shulou: "Your self-made sister Jiang Tanyue who is famous in Luanyang City?"

   "Yes, my sister is amazing." Lu Jingzhi opened the microphone confidently!

   "...When is it time for you to play again?" Can't you really hear him mocking? It's not to satirize Jiang Tanyue's true talents, but—whoever sleeps with Shang Ying Que and Ying Li will not be confused? "It doesn't matter to me what you tell me to do."

  Lu Jingzhi wiped the back of his neck, "But this is yours."

   "No... Forget it, you take it away first, let's talk about the rest later."

  The uncontrollable behavior of the siblings far exceeded Xu Shulou's expectation.

   Accept the task by yourself, go to the next door to kill people, and succeed.

  Take the task of the same person again, or go to the next door to kill people—fleeing.

  The identity of the two missions was found out, both of them knew her whereabouts, and both of them held her handle...

  Every time he thought of this, Xu Shulou couldn't help taking a deep breath, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it at such a young age and take a step first.

  The big surprise brought by the two siblings is really one on top of the other.

  Of course, the main thing is that my sister is doing a lot of things.

"I know what you mean," Xu Shulou said, "but you also said that Boss Jiang came to Yuanzhou with a mission. government."

"Attend class."

  Lu Jingzhi: It seems that no one can escape the matter of going to class.

   There is a saying, don't take chances in the world, whether it's about things or people.

  Xu Shulou just stepped on Ying Que and praised Ying Li, then turned his head, and his younger brother started something.

  He got into disputes with people in the street and accidentally hurt people.

  When someone came to report the news, Lu Jingzhi and Xu Shulou were squatting under the scorching sun and sweating—Xu Shulou was mainly affected.

  At the beginning, he took the book from the bookshelf himself, wiped off the ups and downs, opened it solemnly, and then threw it away with one hand—what the hell.

  The Shen family’s study, no, or it could be said that the Shen family has a characteristic of hoarding all kinds of rubbish.

Later, he was tired, so he just sat on a chair, and the attendants came one after another with books in their hands. He only took a second glance, and he was sure of the value of the book—it was kept in a cage after drying, and placed on a shelf. Mushrooms grow in the dark, and they still follow Lu Jingzhi to write and write books. It all depends on Xu Shulou's eyes.

  Lu Jingzhi: "Obviously you are looking for books for me, why are you checking?"

  It was dusty here, coming and going in a mess, Yan Qingzhui didn't think about it at first, but he went out and took a walk to see if there was any quarrel at home.

   Yes, he is relieved.

  It is not normal to not afford disputes.

   "Your vision is not good enough." Xu Shulou was rather disgusted, "Although—"

  The second half of the sentence is obviously a compliment to her, but the voice is too low, it’s no different from no praise, Lu Jingzhi nodded his ears, "I heard it, my ears are very good."

  Yeah, it works.

  Someone outside the door was chattering about Ying Li, and she almost heard it before she got close.

   He drank a cup of tea for the messenger who came to deliver the letter, and he drank it all in one gulp, trying to speak out everything he saw in a very eloquent manner.

  When they heard "missing and hurting someone", Lu Jingzhi and Xu Shulou asked in unison, "Are you sure it was hurting someone? Are you sure the injured person didn't die?"

  The young man with small eyes who came to deliver the letter was not very confident with his solemn appearance.

  (end of this chapter)

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