A Gorgeous White

Chapter 220: II Chapter 215: II Comfort and Warmth

Chapter 220: II Chapter 215: II Comfort and Warmth

Alone, in the vast halls of amber and high ceilings towering over his head. With echoing steps, he walked unhurriedly. Thoughts cluttered in his mind as he moved unfocused. The man's words resounded in his head along with the echoes of his steps. They were clear, and the emotion hidden beneath that deep tone held something close to guilt. Or was Moulin just imagining it.

Shaking his head, Moulin finally stops a few steps before the massive mirror. It was then when he realized he was too busy overthinking Lord Hadrian's words that he had briefly forgotten his previous concerns. His fingers curled into fists, and he lifted his chin. The beams of warm daylight illuminated the floors behind him caused a warm shadow to enshroud his front.

Only his eyes, of pure silver, rayed with deep uneasiness, stared unyieldingly at his own image in front of him.

'Please, let it be today' He prayed silently in his heart.

He reached outdelicate fingertips approaching the cool surface of the mirror. There was a bit of hesitation, evident from the slight tremble of his fingers. However, he couldn't help it.

When they touched, he began to wait.

Longing for even a slight glow from the mirror in front of him. It felt as though the air refused to enter his lungs the longer he stared at his own reflection.

Two seconds, five seconds, ten seconds


Moulin closes his eyes and presses his lips together.

'Where are you, Mother? Did something happen? You once told me not to return at all costs, but how can I not want when you are not even speaking to me for three days. What happened? Did something awful happen at home?' A dreadful feeling arose from his chest.

Overwhelmed by distress, Moulin sank to the floor. He leaned his back on the cool surface of the mirror and held his knees closer to his chest. Slowly, he breathes with despairing eyes. His heart ached. Suspicion and worry rooted themselves inside his chest. His mother would not be doing this without reason. Something must have happened in the estate.

However, he only knows that the Kron had breached the walls of the Fraunces estate. Perhaps the situation had gone worse.

Moulin bit his lips. Was his family alright?

They have to be. He was certain he would do anything to protect them. If they were in danger right now, nothing would stop him from breaking down every wall to return home.

However, to do that, Moulin must leave the Golden Fortress.

A crease appeared between Moulin's brows. His fingers dug into the sleeves of his arms.


A few minutes flew before both doors of the Mirror Hall opened with a smooth creak.

The only person standing in waiting turned and faced the youth exiting the hall. He felt relieved to see Moulin's figure again. However, he stopped when he noticed the saddened countenance worn by the young maeruthan.

Striking silver eyes were downcast, and a melancholic aura emanated from his form. Hadrian then realized it had something to do with the youth's mother again. He had known that Moulin had always visited the Mirror Hall every day, and he always left with a distressed expression. Alaric didn't specify the youth's emotions in those days, but seeing Moulin's expression now made him realize it was troubling than he thought.

Unhesitatingly, Hadrian moved forward. He strode towards Moulin and slowly held the youth in his arms. Moulin's eyes widened briefly, but being held in the embraced that he had yearned for many days, he lost himself to his distress and let himself be held in the strong arms of his lover.

Caressing his hair, relief filled Hadrian's eyes. He was worried that the youth would avoid his touch and fear his presence. In his heart, the indescribable feeling of warmth engulfed him. Even if it was just for a short while, he was satisfied with being able to hold Moulin.

Under the bright daylight, an orange hue outlines their figures like a halo. An abundant ambiance of warmth and comfort surrounds them.


"Esteemed Lord, it's an honor to have your presence within the fortress."

A cup of wine was raised to the air. Multiple people followed and raised their cups to the honored guest and the dear friend that have returned to them.

Amidst the warm atmosphere, people bearing high ranks, medals of rare ore, and the scars of dreadful battles, surrounded a long table. The chandelier illuminated the entire hall and respectful smiles and friendly banter were exchanged. 

A simple banquet was held within an old assembly hall. Cheerful smiles and 

Feathers quivered slightly. A smile graced the man's face as to be nodded and raised his cup. Estuvian chuckled, "It's been a long time since I've visited here. I do miss the liveliness."

"If you stay, then you won't have to miss it anymore. There always a home for you to return, My Lord. We will always welcome you." Lord Hendrick smiled as he patted the orc's shoulders. 

Estuvian shook his head with a smile as he swept his eyes around the unified people within the harmonious atmosphere. They have lost hundreds of comrades for years, fighting and surviving. Even when most of them have aged, the bond was strong and unbreakable. Truly, Estuvian would give everything to stay with his people. Although he was from a foreign race, he had never felt so much happier with the time he had spent here with his friends. 

However, he couldn't. He needed to return and protect them from afar. They were still not rulers of the land. Aurona is crumbling because of the plague Kron and the high nobles were all cowardly protecting themselves. Estuvian could not help but loathe them.

However, perhaps there was still hope. He would travel to Meian and seek the prince to aid the creation of the cure. Perhaps, they would still survive another few months...

"My Lord..." Estuvian lifts his gaze and turns his attention to his left. His eyes met bright green ones. A head of raven and a smile of reverence was what the guest wore.

"Aedion..." Estuvian smiles. "It's been a while. How are you?"

"I am well," Aedion replied. He turned to bow at his grandfather who warmly greeted him as well

"It is good that you are doing well." Estuvian's eyes deepened. Memories flashed within his mind and he briefly shook his head. "I see that you are pleased with your new home..."

There was a pause as Aedion drank his wine. A faint smile stretches from his lips as he nodded. "It is better than the savage den that I had come from."

"The Hercullian estate is filled with worms." Lord Hendrick's eyes revealed a cold glare. "You are Hadrian's knight commander and you deserve much more than living with those pests "

"Thank you, grandfather." Aedion bowed with a gratifying smile.

Lord Hendrick froze. He didn't expect Aedion to address him openly. He only gave a nod in reply.

After multiple tales of old were sung and the third serving of food was served. Most of the elders were already immersed in the merry atmosphere. Gradually their voices became louder and their actions becoming more and more unruly.

"My Lord, did you hear? Our precious young Lord has found himself a lover!" One of the drunk seniors shouted as he raised a bottle at Estuvian. Two knights were holding him still in case that he'd fall on his face.

"Ah?" Estuvian raised a brow. "I have not heard such a thing." He lied with an interested gaze. He leaned comfortably on his seat. The ends of his robes reaching the floor. 

"Really? Then allow me to enlighten you about a very wonderful creature that has stolen the heart of our Lord-Ack!!" 

"Keep your mouth shut lest you don't want to be thrown down the well again!" Kight number two chided after slapping his friend at the back of his head.

"Why you!" The knight tackled his friend making them crash on a nearby table. With their burly bodies, not even the sturdy chairs were spared.

The men and women chuckled at the sight. The merriment continued with people beginning to talk about Lord Hadrian's lover. The youth's performance a few weeks ago during the were spoken with impressed tones and interested eyes. The sight all entered Estuvian's eyes.

"Moulin seems to have caught the eyes of the Hercullian knights," Estuvian said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Aedion and Hendrick turned to glance at the beastman at the same time.

"The young man is quite powerful. Even the other maeruthans could not believe his aphrodite identity. He is special, kind, and gentle." Hendrick grinned. He imagined a glimpse of the future. A family. Lord Hendrick finished his one in one gulp. "Isn't he perfect for Hadrian?"

"Indeed, he is..." Estuvian nodded. "They will be experiencing many difficulties in the future. Difficulties far more heartbreaking and tragic. Perhaps they would even fall apart. However, I believe there is still hope."

"..." Hendrick furrowed his brows as he forced a smile, "Please don't tell me you foresaw something..."

Estuvian lets out a hearty laugh. He shakes his head and pats Hendrick's shoulder. "I am no oracle or sorcerer, my friend. Be at ease..."

However, Hendrick could not be at ease. He knew what Estuvian was capable of predicting. Seeing his expression, Estuvian grinned as he urged the man to have another drink. 

Meanwhile, Aedion stared at them with deep eyes. He lowers his gaze and watched his own reflection in his glass. He narrows his eyes. A hidden intention rousing within his mind. "Perfect for him?..." He muttered.

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