A Gorgeous White

Chapter 237: The Depths

Chapter 237: The Depths

The crumbling earth rumbled mightily. Like a beast was forcing its way out from the solid ground that imprisoned itlike jaws, opening to swallow the fleeing prey dwelling above the surface. Screams sounded like roaring bellows. It filled the air with hopeless dread. The desperation to survive and avoid death seemed to overwhelm every single mind. Chaos.

"My Lord!" It was Rowan who shouted. 

Hadrian held Moulin close to him as he answered his subordinate's call. "Evacuate the area. Send the others to move the wounded and the infected out of the estate. Go!" Afterwards, he turned to Varick, "Lead the way out for the others."

With a bow, Varick then sped away with the rest of Leonile sentinels. Their shouts were loud and clear as they pulled more panicking people towards them. The men and women scrambled in their direction. Pulling, shoving, there was not a hint of calmness in their expressions. Fortunately, the sentinels of Dragor were there to aid the Leoniles. 

Rowan nodded and hastily beckoned Jagra, Ghana, and the others with him. He knew his Lord could take care of the rest. 

"Moulin, be safe..." Jagra said to his friend. Ghana nodded to him before they turned and joined the others. 

With panicked eyes, Moulin watched them leave. Their backs turned to him, and he could not help but become worried. At the corner of his eye, he saw Pola and the rest of the people in his household calmly follow Varick's men. The ground was breaking beneath them. However, they remained rational. 

Earth wielders helped in mending a broken path for the people to pass through. However, they could not hold it for much longer. The vibration of the earthquake was too much. 

"They will be alright..." 

Hadrian's deep voice entered his ears. The youth turned his gaze, not realizing the tight grip he had on the lord's arm. Hadrian had safely teleported them away from the center of the opening chasms. Moulin furrowed his brows and slowly nodded. 


Shifting his attention, Moulin saw Maxille hurriedly approaching them. Ellen trailed behind his eldest brother. His eyes, staring at Moulin as well. The young Lord Fraunces glanced at Hadrian before speaking to his brother. 

"Are you alright?" He asked anxiously.

Moulin nodded. "Mn, I am fine..." 

"Good." The man's eyes softened. His relief was brief as he then turned to Emlen with a severe expression. "Let's go."

Moulin grabbed Maxille's arm before the man could take another step away from him. Silver eyes widened with dread. Moulin shook his head with fearful eyes. " Where are you going?"

Maxille slowly smiled, "Our home has fallen. You must leave. We will go and fetch father and the infected first. Don't worry... We will be back... " His voice was coaxing, doting. A sliver of comfort laced his words. However, Moulin could not feel assured. Instead, he was terrified. 

What if something would happen to them? What if... they won't come back to him?

Moulin paled at the thought.

"Moulin..." Emlen called. He reached out his hand and carefully stroked his younger brother's hair. His eyes were gentle and comforting. Moulin paused at his touch. Unsure and fearful.

Emlen furrowed his brows. "We will come back. I promise..." Emlen softened his gaze.

Biting his lips, Moulin helplessly lowered his head. "Please, come back to me..." 

With a faint smile, Emlen looked at him softly. Afterwards, he lifted his gaze. His gray eyes turned cold and unfeeling. Staring at the golden-haired man holding his little brother close, Emlen narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Keep him safe..."

His stare was threatening as if he was already murdering the man, but he knew he couldn't do it. 

Hadrian didn't need to be told. He knew what he has to do. However, he only gave a slight nod to the young man before him. Receiving his answer, Emlen turned away and followed his elder brother. He glanced at Moulin one last time, taking in his form. Emlen convinced himself that everything was going to be alright... Although needles pierced their hearts, digging deeper into their delicate flesh, they need to stay strong for their family. 

Perhaps the pain would fade soon. They already lost one loved one, and they could not risk losing another. Moulin needed to be safe.

"Hadrian..." Moulin called the man beside him when he felt the ground beneath him started to sink and break. His hand clenched around the necklace tightly.

Hadrian's eyes deepened. His arm curled around the youth's slender waist, and he instantly teleported themselves away once again. Moulin knew Hadrian could not use his teleportation ability frequently. There was a limit to how much he could expend. So for the rest of the escape, they ran. 

"!..." Moulin's foot almost slipped when he was caught at the edge of the broken earth. The depths of the abyss were terrifying. The massive cracks swallowed the buildings of his home before his eyes. He could not help but feel pained as he watched.

"Moulin..." Hadrian held him tight.  "Be careful... "

Moulin nodded, and he held tightly to Hadrian's hand as they struggled to avoid the cracks and carefully escaping the dangers as they moved. Along the way, Moulin could see several people falling to their deaths. Their cries filled his ears. However, he also witnessed the sentinels struggling to save every person they could find. Feeling utterly useless, Moulin cursed himself inside. 

"Careful..." Hadrian yanked him to his side when the path in front of them instantly crumbled. The ground beneath them began to elevate and tilt. Moulin held Hadrian tightly. 

The thunderous rumbles of the ground around them deafened their surroundings. They were trapped, Moulin realized. A massive ring of unstable ground surrounded them, leaving them no hope of escape. The situation was dire. However, Moulin realized Hadrian was calm. He wasn't fazed at all.

Moulin swallowed. His eyes nervously darting around them. "Hadrian?-" 

"It will be alright..." The man answered him.

Despite the anxiety in his heart, Moulin could only trust Hadrian's words. He felt the arm around his waist tighten. The feeling of assurance immediately flooded the youth's chest. 

True to his presumption, Hadrian was going to teleport them to safety. However, they didn't know if the place Hadrian would choose would be safe for them to land. Moulin guessed that Hadrian could only bring them somewhere near. It was the only extent his ability could get them.

Time was running out as the ground beneath their feet began to shake violently. 


"Hold on to me tight..." Hadrian said.

Pressing his lips together, Moulin nodded. 

Finally, a flash of light filled his surroundings.

However, Moulin heard a faint sound before they disappeared. It was soft, but it was clear enough to make his heart thunder.



When solid ground met their feet, Hadrian carefully held Moulin as he surveyed his surroundings. Relief filled his eyes when he noticed that he had taken them before the opened gates of the estate.

The survivors led by the sentinels huddled together. Sorrowful and fearful eyes filled the area. The people infected with the Kron were placed the farthest where the healers were.

"Are you alright?" Hadrian lowered his gaze. A crease appeared between his brows. 

Moulin suddenly clutched Hadrian's clothes. His eyes were wide and anxious. With a stuttering voice, he spoke. "S-Snow... H-He's still in there... How could I forget him?"

Hadrian stopped. His arm around Moulin's waist tightened. 

"I will bring him back. Stay here..."

Before Hadrian could pull away from him, Moulin held his hand. "Hadrian..." He called.

Golden eyes stared deeply into the youth's striking silver ones. The touch of their fingers and the warmth of the other's breath was all they could feel. 

Moulin didn't hesitate. He lifted his chin and held the man's cheek. His lips softly pressed against the lord's, filled with something indescribable and warm. Before all the hundreds of gazes, Moulin didn't care, nor did he pay attention. His whole focus was on the gentleness of Hadrian's hand that slowly palmed his cheek. The youth leaned in his touchdesire and longing bursts between them. 

Slipping his touch inside the warm crevice of Moulin's mouth, Hadrian pulled the youth closer to his body. Moulin willingly accepts it all.

Although they wished the world would stop and they would never part, they have to separate. Perhaps, after all, this is over... They could begin anew. Hadrian would prove to Moulin how he can change for him. He would fix his mistakes... No matter how difficult it would be.

Pulling away, Moulin breathes slowly against Hadrian's lips. "Come back to me, alright?"

"I will return to you... " Hadrian dipped his head and planted a soft, gentle kiss on the youth's mouth. "... Always."


Hadrian held Moulin's cheek before he parted with him. Moulin watched his departing figure silently. The blood-red cape and the black sword that hangs from his waist. He appeared immovable and undefeated. Anyone would think so. However, Moulin knew beneath that cold indestructible exterior was a good heart.

He hoped Snow and Hadrian would return to him safely.

Not long after Hadrian left, a river of people charged out from the gates. More survivors. They shoved past the other forcefully. It wasn't very pleasant to look at. 

They all walked past him. Some even bumping his shoulder without care. Moulin only stood still. His eyelids slightly lowered as he stared at the necklace on his hand. Taking a deep breath, Moulin took the ends of the chain and wore the crystal around his neck. The blue crystal glowed faintly on his fragile pale neck. 


Hearing his name called out from within the sea of people, Moulin slightly squinted his eyes to search for the owner of the voice. Finally, he saw a familiar figure hurriedly running towards him. Her previously neat hairdo had loosened messily, and sweat layered her freckled face. 

"Pola!" Moulin worriedly approached her. He held her shoulders. His silver eyes were brimming with concern. "Are you hurt?".

Pole hastily shook her head. " I'm fine, young master. But your friend! He... He's-" Her lips quivered anxiously. Panic filled her previously vibrant face.

"Calm down. Who is it?" 

The young girl lifted her head and quickly answered. "Young master Alsander ,. H-He's in danger! The young master is about to fall! We must call for help at once!"

"No, I will go." Moulin drew his brows together. "Where is he?"

"Young master! You can't go!" Pola held Moulin's arm tightly. She shook her head, refusing to let go of Moulin. With a trembling voice, she continued, "It is dangerous to go back there alone! You must not!"

"Pola!" Moulin raised his voice, making the young girl flinch. The youth slowly lowered her hands, "I will be fine. Tell me, where is he?" 

"He... " Pola's pupils shook. She was reluctant, but she could not disobey him. "He's by the west garden..."

Moulin nodded. He patted her shoulder with a determined expression. "I will be back. I promise. Stay here and be safe." With these words, he bolted towards the gates. 

"Young master!"

Pola's voice faded behind him as more people began to crowd the gate. He glided through the river of people rushing out of the entrance. 

When he went deeper into the estate, following the trails that he thought that were supposed to be, he resisted the urged to stop and took in the destruction of his home. It looked as if the earth was pulled out from the depths, turning inside out. Dust seemed to float in the air, and the paths have entirely disappeared. The garden he used to talk soothing walks had become unrecognizable, the wide outdoor hallways where the warm daylight used to shine was reduced to rubble, and the manor had broken apart. His most memorable places, destroyed. 

Ignoring the ache in his heart, Moulin chose to focus on his current task. If he was too late, then his efforts were all for naught.

Finally, he had entered the west garden. Not a single soul was on sight. The sentinels must have managed to evacuate all of them. His eyes search for his dear friend. His anxious eyes are darting all over the place. His voice called out for Alsander's name.

"Alan!" He called for the fourth time while skillfully jumping over a sudden crack on the ground.


Moulin instantly turned his head in the direction of the voice. His eyes fell on the enormous has he had ever seen. His pupils shook, and panic rose inside his chest as be dashed towards it. He fell to the ground.  His knees are stopping an inch beside the edge of the abyss. 

Finally, he saw Alsander hanging on his side of the rocky wall, holding on for dear life. His bleeding fingertips were desperately held on a protruding edge of the wall, his feet swaying beneath him, and his eyes red, stung by dust. One wrong move, and he would fall to his death. 

Moulin swallowed. His heart pounded heavily. How in the world did he put himself in this situation?!

"Hang on! I'll get you out of there!" Moulin shouted.

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