A Gorgeous White

Chapter 248: Towards Each Other

Chapter 248: Towards Each Other

Beady silver eyes brightened. 

Its gaze faced an uncertain direction. The little beast was still, sitting upright on the leveled grass. Although its body remained unmoving, his ears moved as if they were jerking. The people passing through the outdoor hallways could not help but stare confusingly at the little creature. A moment ago, this tiny beast was running around as though he was brimming with energy. However, now, he was as stiff as a statue.

From a tall window, located on the upper floor, facing the open courtyard. Every event was exposed to the golden eyes gazing behind those windows. The man, Lord of the Tower, stopped his movements as he stared at the little white creature on the courtyard. He removed himself from his seat at his desk and slowly began to approach the window. 

Lord Hadrian's eyes slightly narrowed as he observed Snow's reactions.

"My Lord!" 

The door suddenly bursts open, and a panting Varick. The man raised his gaze and abruptly spoke, "My Lord, the mages of the first district have reported a sudden problem at the rift. Malibreeds, my lord."

He heaved as he watched the prominent man's back.

However, his master didn't utter a single word. Instead, Lord Hadrian only pressed his palms on the crystal window before his figure disappeared in front of Varick's surprised eyes. 

"My Lord!" 

Appearing a step behind the little snow-white fox, the eyes of the onlookers widened in extreme shock. Although Lord Hadrian hasn't noticed them, they quickly knelt on the floor with a bow. Not a single person dared to do otherwise. However, the man of their thoughts didn't spare them even the slightest bit of attention and crouched behind Snow. 

"Snow..." He spoke with a mild tone, something that struck lightning on the people around him. Snow turned and hopped into the strong arms of his master's lover. His snout twitched as his eyes met deep golden ones. 

Once again, Snow pointed his snout in a direction, but when Lord Hadrian followed his gaze, he only saw a stone wall covered with moss and vines. 

A whimper suddenly escaped the little beast's mouth. 

A brief silence settled between them. The Lord was the first to break it. His voice, deep in a whisper. A meaning lurked behind his words.

"Do you feel him?" He spoke. Anyone would be confused if they heard the words. However, the Oppallian fox in his arms nodded with a quiet yip. 

Snow's answer caused the frozen heart within the man's chest beat loudly. His golden eyes widened, and he tried to steady his breathing. Fists clenched, and his nerves felt like burning hot lava was flowing inside them. There was a faint tremble on his fingers. Right now... He must go to him! He must find him!

"My Lord!" 

Varick ran towards his master. The sword on his belt rattled loudly as he moved. Sweat dripped down his forehead as weariness etched his expression. What happened to his Lord today? Why is he acting so strange?


Lord Hadrian suddenly stood. He didn't bother to turn.

"Assemble your knights. Lead them to the borders." Then he turned with fire burning in his eyes. The sight made Varick flinched. When Lord Hadrian walked past Varick, he continued. "I will ride with you."


Varick was dumbfounded. After several years, this was the first time his Lord had said something like that to him. Truly, it was a shock to his being. Without further ado, he quickly ran to comply with his Lord's wishes. 


The powerful explosion shook the branch woven bridge. Moulin grabbed Phuna to him when the girl was about to slip down. 

In an instant, the three turned their head to the back end of the bridge. Shock filled their faces when they witnessed a large number of malibreeds emerge from the ground. Some climbed their way up the walls of the abyss. Their long-clawed limbs crept up the wall like insects. They were humungous but tiny compared to Nhetecra's largeness. The earth giant was still trying to cross the other half of the bridge. However, he was slow and careful, for his weight could endanger them all. 

A vast crater sits on the ground at the back end of the bridge. Surrounded by Malibreeds, a grey figure slowly made its way at the top of the crater. The smoke revealed their figure, and only their glowing eyes could be seen under the shadows of their hood. However, through a poorly cut hoe at the side of their hood, a long slender horn curved upwards. With a screech, a red crow circled the person and landing on their right shoulder with a cawa long sharp tail swayed viciously beneath the bottom of the robe.

Varion's eyes narrowed. He grabbed a pouch, chanted, and pushed it to Moulin's chest. The youth was surprised at his sudden actions, but before he realized it, a flash of light blinded his vision, and his body, along with Phuna, disappeared before Varion. 

"Augh!" Moulin held Phuna close to him as they crashed on the ground hard. Wincing at the pain, Moulin's body slid across the rocky ground. When he stopped he groaned painfully. They successfully teleported to the safe side of the rift. 

"M-Moulin..." Phuna suddenly rose and hurriedly held Moulin's arm. A terrible bleeding gash on Moulin's arm gaped in front of her eyes. Before she could say a word, Moulin pulled her down as he stood up while clutching his arm. Breathing heavily, he stared at the creaking bridge with wide eyes. Varion aimed to finish off the Malibreeds himself. 

However, they were too many of them... and a demon in addition. He couldn't survive it!

Varion held his staff as he sighed when he turned and faced the incoming malibreeds gruesomely crawling on the bridge, either below or above. However, what caught most of his attention was the grey-skinned man standing with a wicked grin. The monsters walked past him as though he was invisible to their eyes. 

For Moulin, it was the most unbelievable thing he had ever seen. The man was not human. He already knows. 

"Pa!" Phuna cried out, attempting to cross the bridge and go to her father. However, Moulin stopped her before she could. He silences her with a serious look.

"Don't do anything rash. Stay here." He said before marching towards the bridge. 

Phuna held him with shocked eyes. "What are you going to do? You can't forcibly activate your mana. You will be hurt. And even if you could, you will  draw out the malibreeds to you!"

Moulin clenched his jaw. Truthfully, he didn't know what to do. However, he knew that if the bridge breaks then they would be safe. But Varion and Nhetecra have to cross the bridge before it happens. With his abilities restricted inside him, Moulin felt hopeless and weak. 

Suddenly, an explosive sound filled the air. A loud snap made Moulin flinch. 

The portion of the roots underneath the bridge began to snap. Malibreeds climbing underneath the structure clawed out the tendrils of roots, weakening the bridge. 

Varion slightly stumbled when he felt the bridge under Nhetecra slowly become weaker. The air was filled with monstrous roars and shrieks. It disgusts him. With narrowed eyes, he raised his spear, spinning it rapidly. Suddenly, the ground beneath the grinning demon shook. Numerous large roots burst out from the ground. They shot out like a whip and began to drag malibreeds down the abyss. Their fading roars echoed loudly. 

Seeing the situation, a frown appeared on the demon's face. "Annoying..." He turned to crow and said, "Go back. Report to him..."

The bird on his shoulders cawed loudly. It tilted its head before it began to beat its wings before taking off. 

Cracking his knuckles, the humanoid creature bent on his legs as though he was preparing to sprint. Then with a loud boom, the ground cracked beneath his feet before he launched himself into the air. He grins wildly as he lands on Nhetecra's head. 

Varion narrowed his eyes. And he gripped his spear as he faced the demon. "Despicable demon..." He snapped.

"Is that your child?" The demon grinned as he glanced at the girl at the far edge of the rift. "Pity. She would have to watch as her father dies by my hand. Don't worry; it will be a beautiful death."

In the next second, the demon charged towards Varion, materializing black-red blades drawn from his own blood. His eyes sparkled with hunger, and his teeth bared. The curved blades collided with Varion's spear. The sound of clashing metal resounded throughout the area. 

"Your bloody head would look magnificent beneath my Lord's throne." The demon's eyes brightened. Varion only charged at him with more ferocity. Their weapons clashed endlessly while malibreeds were crushed and thrown to the deep by Nhetecra's heavy fists. 

"Pa!" Phuna cried out. Her worry was flooding her heart endlessly. 

Moulin's eyes flashed, and he turned his head to face the anxious girl. "Phuna, stay here."

"What? What are y- Wait!"

Moulin turned before she could even finish. 

He ran towards the breaking bridge swiftly. His feet were nimble as he evaded the snapping root that almost whipped him off balance. Reaching Nhetecra's bent legs, he began to climb his way to that top despite Nhetecra's violent shaking. 

"Augh!" The demons retreated shortly. He touched his bleeding lip and snarled. "You insignificant pest. I will rip you apart!" 

He moved faster than he was before. His figure was a blur in Varion's vision. And before the man could defend himself, the demon met the body of his spear. The force was too powerful for him to handle. He was propelled a few meters backwards. And his spear snapped out of his hands. 


Varion desperately reached for his broken spear before a barefoot slammed him down Nhetecra's back. A grunt escaped his mouth as he felt his ribs broke. 

"Stupid fool. Is the rest of your kind like this?" The demon pressed down harder, earning him a cry from the man's throat. Like he was aiming to smash Varion's guts and bones inside. The scream sounded pleasant in the demon's ears. 

Amidst his suffering, Varion chanted under his breath, and Nhetecra responded with a low cry. 

With a scoff, the demon was about to shatter every bone in Varion's chest when roots bursted out from Nhetecra's skin. The wooden tendrils rapidly curled around the demon's ankled, locking him in place. 

Uncertain of his prey's actions, the grey-skinned creature only tilted his head. "What are you trying to accomplish?"

Varion narrowed his eyes, and he struggled to force out a word. "This!"

Out of the blue, a sharp blade suddenly thrusts towards the demon's nape! 

However, the creature was fast enough to evade it. 

Moulin hissed when the spear's blade missed. And before he could quickly draw back, the demon grabbed the spear's body and pulled Moulin towards him. Close enough to feel each other's breath, but a little distance derived them from touching. 

"What do we have here?" The demon grinned. Then his eyes widened when he saw Moulin's eyes. He pauses with a surprised expression. "You..."

"Yes, me." Moulin hissed, and he pushed the demon's grip-


A sizzling sound entered both their ears. The pungent smell of burnt flesh permeated the air. 

"Aaaaaaahhh!!" The demon shrieked as he jerked back from Moulin's hand. A burning handprint sizzled on the back of his hand. The flesh, cooked black, and blisters marred it.

Moulin backed away with wide eyes. 

Regaining his rationality, the demon screamed. "You fucking little-"

The spear's blade pierced through his throat, and he failed to finish his words. Black liquid splattered on Moulin's face, but he was unfazed as he murdered the creature. 

The demon blanked. Afterwards, a grin formed on his lips. "S-Santify V-"

Moulin pressed the blade deeper and ruthlessly pulled out the spear. With a thud, the demon fell to the ground.

Varion's eyes met Moulin, and he only snapped back to reality when Moulin hurried to his side to lift him. 

"Thank you..." Varion whispered as he winced. Moulin responded with a smile.

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet powerfully shook. Moulin crouched so they wouldn't fall off. Silver eyes glanced downwards, and shock filled his soul when he realized the bridge was collapsing!.

Panic filled his calm countenance. What should they do?

Suddenly, a large shadow engulfed them. When they looked upwards, they witnessed a massive branchy hand approaching them. Nhetecra...

Giant fingers curled around them. It wasn't tight, but it was enough to hold them. With their vision blocked, Moulin and Varion didn't know what Nhetecra aimed to do. 

However, it wasn't long before they were released. Their bodies fell on the murky barren ground. The fall caught them off guard and confused. 

Moulin knelt on the ground on all fours with a pained groan and lifted his head.

Silver eyes widened at the sight before him. His breath stopped, and his chest tightened.

With a deafening snap, the kind earth titan fell to the depths of the abyss. His roaring cry echoed as he plunged into the darkness.

"Nhetecra!" Phuna cried out as her knees crashed on the ground. 

Her fingers trembled as they dug into the cold dark ground. Her breath stuttered. No...

Unexpectedly, she felt a tremble beneath her fingers. Her ears perked up, and she slowly turned her head to look behind her.

There, she felt it. 

A large group of people heading towards their way...

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