A Gorgeous White

Chapter 250: Never Again

Chapter 250: Never Again

Varick had witnessed numerous confusing and mind-blowing situations. Events that made him shocked and speechless. However, as he witnessed his master, The Golden Lord of the Towers embracing this particular white-haired young man, he felt as though nothing was more shocking than this. His men have gone silent and weren't the least shocked about the event. 

How? How was he alive? Varick would want to drag the young man back and interrogate him if he was an imposter who dared to bewitch his master. However, he didn't. His lord was not a fool to fall for such cheap tricks.

Then it must be true... he is alive... 

He... he is alive... The third young master is alive.

Meanwhile, after a few minutes, Moulin pulled away slowly. His eyes glazed with longing. The silver in his eyes was bright, filled with warmth and light for the person before him. Golden eyes absorbed every tiny detail on the aphrodite's face. Like unbreakable steel bonds, arms tightened around the youth's waist, pulling Moulin's so close to him, their chests touched. 

Those rich lips hovered over Moulin's and whispered, "I finally found you..."

Moulin pressed his lips together. The ache emerged in his chest. "I'm sorry for taking so long." 


Moulin stopped. He knew this tiny sound anywhere. His fingers tightened around Hadrian's arms as he looked behind Hadrian. His eyes widened when he witnessed a particular snow-white furry creature scurrying towards him, endlessly yipping. 

Heart pounding, Moulin instantly lowered himself to as the little beast jumped into his arms. The sweet whimpers it released pierced Moulin's heart. "Snow.. ", he whispered. "Snow..."

"Ao! Ao! Wuwuwu..." Snow tilted his snout upwards and licked his master's chin with his little pink tongue. His tail wagged, and Snow wanted nothing more than to stay in his master's arms forever. It was so dull without his master. He wouldn't last another day without Moulin.

"I missed you..." Moulin smiled with moistening eyes. He had never been separated from Snow for a long time. Moulin wondered what the little guy was doing during those eight years.

"Moulin..." Hadrian called with a deep voice as he helped the man up.


Somehow, Drowsiness began to flood inside him. His strength was rapidly draining, and his skin paled.


Moulin felt his knees grow weak and strong hands held him before he fell to the ground. Slowly, his eyelids drooped, and his vision was blurring. He no longer had the strength to speak. 

Before he lost himself to the darkness, a faint voice whispered beside his ear. 

"Let's go home."


Waking up, the canopy bed's ceiling met his gaze. His limbs trembled with weariness. It felt as though his whole body had cramps. The softness of the bed made him sigh. Indeed, he had never felt anything this soft ever since his revival. However, it was too soft for his back. It made his body ache.

As he slowly rose from the bed, Moulin absorbed his surroundings. It was a vast room furnished impressively, and it felt warm and regal. It was the tall windows that caught his eye. Windows, so tall, so wide, that Moulin thought it was suited for a ballroom.  A simple white curtain covered them, exuding a calm look. 

His lips parted. A crease appearing between his brows. "Hadrian?"

After the word was uttered, the doors at the right wall opened smoothly. Heavy footsteps entered, and the familiarity from them alone made Moulin sigh. 

"You're awake." 

Hadrian neared the bed. In his hand was a stray of warm porridge and water. A simple meal to fill his beloved's stomach, and perhaps Moulin would brighten after being fed. His actions were so gentle calm. 

The bed dipped slightly as the man sat beside the youth. His golden eyes were filled with nothing but calm affection.

"You've strained your body and your internal soul. You need rest." Hadrian explained. "I have your companions settled within the tower. They will be alright."


Moulin stared at him silently. The look in his eyes was indescribable. 

The lord stopped. 

He met Moulin's gaze, delving within the stare. 

After a few seconds, his hands tightened in fists, and his jaw clenched. Moulin throat bobbed, and he reached out hastily. He held Hadrian's prominent cheek and pulled him into a deep lustful kiss. He felt a fist tighten around his hair, knuckles scraping his scalp. A large hand cupped his nape and yanked him close. The grip was restricting and brutal. An animalistic urge boiled inside them both, flooding them with an intense obsession.

"Mhh..." A sweet moan slipped out of Moulin's mouth. Their tongues, stroking against each other, twisting and sliding hotly. The fingers on the side of his neck kneaded his skin roughly. Hadrian wanted to devour him. To swallow him whole and possess every inch of him. 

He had waited so long, suffered for so long, and blamed himself for a long time. The fear was hauntingly terrifying. It cut through him as if it sliced him in half with a dull and jagged blade. This time, he feared to go through those times again. This time, he will protect him. 

At last, the hand on Moulin's waist slipped underneath his shirt. Hot fingers traced the line on his back, roughly caressing and kneading. The touch sent an electric spark. Breathless, Moulin pulled away briefly only to have his lips devoured one second later. Hadrian is a savage beast, one that had starved itself for so long. A ruthless nature overtook him.

Desire coiled inside Moulin's belly. His heart pounded, and he moaned as his fragile fingers clutched Hadrian's clothes. 

Finally, Hadrian released him, and Moulin was left a panting mess. His eyes were glossy like a crystal clear lake. His lips rubbed and bitten, dewy like a rose at dawn. And a flirtatious flush spreads out from his cheeks. Honestly, he looked quite the meal for the man before him. 

When Hadrian once again pulled him slowly, Moulin braced himself for a wild kiss. However, he felt a soft thud on his forehead and realized Hadrian had leaned unto him. Their nose touched slightly, and they shared each other's breaths. The intimacy between them was hot and alluring.

Hadrian did nothing. He was unusually silent. 

Moulin caressed his thumb on Hadrian's cheek. Between his pants, a soft sigh escaped his lips.

Suddenly, something wet fell unto his thumb. 

A drop. 

It dripped down the valleys of Moulin's knuckles. 

Moulin's hand froze. Silver eyes lifted. Then he realized it was... a tear. 

Moulin slightly widened his eyes. The man in front of him, known by all as a ruthless leader and a merciless warrior, was shedding tears. Despite his surprise, incredible despair filled his silver eyes. It was as though something was smashing his heart with a rock. The intense emotion laced inside one single tear was significant enough for Moulin to understand. Even this mighty man would break and fall. 

With an aching heart, Moulin lifted his chin and kissed each of those lowered eyelids. Golden pupils peek from between his lashes, and Hadrian stares at his beloved. 

"Don't leave me..." Hadrian whispered. His voice was hoarse. A plead. 

Moulin felt tears prick his eyes as he replied softly. "Never again... You have waited long enough..."

"Mn..." Hadrian spoke and rested his forehead on the youth's. "So long... I feared I would never see you again. To no longer touch your skin, to not hear your voice... You... terrify me."

Moulin wrapped his arms around the man as he inched closer. He breathes slowly, eyes fluttering close. 

"I'm sorry..."

Moulin felt strong arms lifted. A warm embrace enveloped him. Hadrian fisted the long locks of silver hair, and he buried his face into them, breathing his lover's scent, imprinting Moulin's being into his soul. He tightened his arms around his beloved, afraid to let him go. For many years, he had dreamed of this. To hold Moulin and mold him in his embrace. To feel his beating heart against his chest and to hear his voice. He stuttered as he sighs. Finally, I have you in my arms...

The two remained in each other's embrace for as long as they could. Immersed with each other's warmth, they breathe each other's smell until a feeling of contentment sank inside them. 

"You have to rest... " Hadrian spoke as he pulled away. His fingers lifted to tuck a stray hair behind Moulin's delicate ear. With slightly narrowed eyes, he continued. "... Before you meet your brothers."

At these words, Moulin's eyes widened immediately. His fingers trembled as he stammered. "My brothers... They're here?"

Hadrian nods in response. His palm gently pressed against Moulin's cheek. He adds, "I have sent word to them."

Releasing a deep sigh of relief, the youth clenches his hands on the sheets. "Thank goodness... "

After a moment, he paused. What if when they see him, they would doubt his identity? What if they push him away? 

Seeing the youth's concerned expression, Hadrian softly spoke. "They will know it is you. Don't worry..."

"They will?" 

"I knew it was you at first sight." A smile finally graced the outstanding man's face. "I am certain they will as well."

Moulin furrowed his brows and nodded. 

A few minutes later, Hadrian watched as his lover gulped down the whole bowl of porridge. He sat silently at the edge of the bed as he observed him carefully. His silver hair was lengthier. Silvery strands strewn all over the bed, glistening exquisitely. Perhaps, if Moulin were to stand up, it would reach his ankles. For a moment, the events at the rift entered his mind. Golden eyes narrowed.

The youth downed the glass of water afterwards. After filling his stomach, drowsiness began to take over him again. "What is..." He said confusingly.

Hadrian stroked his back as he laid him down on the bed. He straightened the sheets and spoke. "Your internal body is still recovering after the events at the abyss. Sleep... You will recover when you awaken."

Feeling the softness of the pillows behind his head, Moulin moaned. His eyes drooped, and slowly, he reaches for Hadrian's hand. When he did, he whispered. "Will you... be there when I wake up?"

Hadrian paused. He intertwined their fingers and replied. "I will..."


Moulin slowly closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Hadrian's hand one last time. 

When Lord Hadrian confirmed that the youth and fallen into a deep sleep, he palmed his chest with his other hand. He suppressed his raging desire to monopolize and conquer with gritted teeth. Wisps of black energy emanated from him and his eyes grew a geeper shade of gold.

Then he froze. Quickly, he glances at the hand that Moulin held and sighs deeply.

Fortunately, he didn't crush his beloved's precious fingers. 

Hadrian took a moment to gaze at Moulin slumbering profile. He looked peaceful and unguarded... and alive. He is here. No matter how many times he tells himself this, it wasn't enough to calm his fear. 

Gently, the man raised their interlocked hands. His eyes traced every curve and every slender line on the youth's hand. 

"Moulin..." In his heart, he called softly.

He pressed a worshipping kiss on Moulin's hand and slowly brushes his nose on the soft line of his skin. 

"Never again... will I leave you alone."

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