A Gorgeous White

Chapter 254: Moumou, A Curious Lad

Chapter 254: Moumou, A Curious Lad

A hot breath escaped luscious parted lips, heaving. Pale skin glistening with sweat. And his long lashes were moist with teardrops. He looked exquisite. Absolutely breathtakingly within the view of the man underneath him. 

As he bounced, the youth's moan-mixed pants sounded so beautiful in Hadrian's ears. Shoulder's trembling, eyes lowered, and his painted red. Like a incubus brought to suck his soul and leaving him empty. However, Hadrian will never be satisfied. He wanted more. Those years of abstinence as he yearned for the one he loved accumulated into something dark and dangerous inside him. He was like a bomb, seconds from exploding. 

"Ah!" The youth arched his back. His head thrown backward making his silky hair draped down his back in elegant waves. The smooth column of his throat made Hadrian want to mark it. Dark possessiveness bloomed in his heart. Gritting his teeth, his eyes flashed goldenly, and his hands held Moulin's waist tightly. In one move, he tugged the young man downwards to meet his thrust.

Moulin gasped as his hands quickly held the lord's hands. His breath stuttered, and his eyes grew wide at the sudden action. He felt his insides were being pummeled, and he could not help but hold on. 

Hadrian grunted at each thrust. The sensation was strong enough to intoxicate him, filling his mind with nothing but the wet allure of his lover's body. Moulin's hips thrust downwards to meet his man's thrusts. His head tilted to his side as he raised his glazed eyes. His heart was pounding wildly, and he knew Hadrian wasn't feeling less the same. With an open-mouthed moan, Moulin leaned forward while he kept moving. He raised his hand and held the lord's cheek. Silver eyes deepened, overwhelmed by desire and the presence of his lover. 

Moulin wanted to comfort him. His poor lover who waited for him for several agonizing years in this land engulfed by darkness. It was painful for him, he knew. He couldn't imagine the suffering his lover had experience during his absence.

"Moulin..." Hadrian hoarsely whispered as he leaned forward. Moulin's lips were hovering above his own. The hands on the young man's waist climb to his spine. Rough fingers tracing the line up to Moulin's nape. Moulin was here in his arms. 

"I'm here..." Silver eyes were layered with tears as he kissed Hadrian's lips lovingly. 

Hadrian furrowed his brows. His hands brushing away the tears at the corner of Moulin's eyes. The heat in his lower body rose hotter and hotter. He moved faster, pistoning his hips and groaning. His arm, a vice around Moulin's waist. His mouth, hungry, devouring the flawless skin on Moulin's collarbone. 

Lost in the depth of smoldering pleasure, Moulin embraced his lover. With a gaping mouth, he felt his body rocked against the powerful thrust. He felt Hadrian's skin sliding against his own and the bubbling stimulation yanking him higher and higher. His knees and his shoulders trembled strongly. 

"H-Hadrian!" He calls as though pleading.

Hadrian response with a deep whisper in his ear. His voice sent shivers down Moulin's spine. But it was Hadrian's words that made him blank out. 

"I love you..."

The passion ignited inside Moulin's heart. His stomach clench, and his face was flushed red. He couldn't react when he felt his body fall backward, and the mattress met his back. 

He lifted his eyes. Their bodies, still connected. He's met with Hadrian's deep gaze. His eyes, brighter than the sun, more precious than gold. It was these eyes that made everyone fear the lord. Yet, it was staring at him passionately. Raw earnest passion. So intense it made Moulin unable to form words. 

And when Hadrian moved once again. This time,  torturously slow yet filled with emotion. He thrusts as he stares into Moulin's eyes. His lips slowly inching closer to Moulin's lips. 

Moulin was flooding with endless ecstasy. His eyes,  filled with only the image of the man in front of him. The slowness only served to fuel his desire. He leaned forward and pulled Hadrian into a deep kiss. They moved slowly, savoring each other. Moulin whimpers when he feels Hadrian's hand slip into his hair. Moulin's fingers curled as he held on to the man's back.

Moulin tilts forward, biting Hadrian's lips. He felt the warm hand behind his head pressed him close. 

A cry rips out from Moulin's mouth as his body shudders uncontrollably. A fire explodes inside his body. His skin grew hot as pleasure surged inside him like a massive wave. His fingers dig into Hadrian's naked back while his body trembles in his climax. 

Feeling the tight warmth pulse around his throbbing member, Hadrian grits his teeth. He felt it. A hot gush surrounds his cock. The sensation coarse through his blood. The rush of pleasure made him thrust hard with a loud grunt. And he released, flooding the youth's insides to the brim. A low sound vibrates from his throat as he shut his eyes tight. Gods...

A few seconds passed, and their sweat-glossed bodies were wrapped with heat. They breathed heavily, their arms holding each other tight. 


A moan slips from the youth's lips when Hadrian grinds inside him before pulling out. Moulin sighed as his thighs fall open and his arms laid limp on the sheets. He heaved with a smile as he stares at Hadrian's eyes.

Hadrian smiled back and planted a kiss on Moulin's forehead before he pulls the youth to the pillows. He held Moulin close to him while making sure the young maeruthan was comfortable. 

Almost instantly, sleep consumes them. Wrapped in each other's arms, they closed their eyes and welcomed the slumber.


The following day, g  slowly opened his eyes. A yawn escapes from his mouth. He wanted to stretch his body. However, he realized he wasn't the only one on the bed.

His silver eyes blinked. The slumbering profile of the man holding him close entered his eyes. As always, the light of the day wasn't bright. However, the man beside him seemed so gentle and calm. He slept so deeply it was as if he hadn't slept so well in a long time. At this thought, Moulin stopped. 

Sadness filled his eyes, and he leaned closer to his lover. He gently planted a kiss on Hadrian's lips.

Pulling away, Moulin playfully tapped on the man's tall nose. He realized he didn't have a closer look on Hadrian's face. His lashes were long and darka dark row across each of his sharp eyes. His chiseled jawline looked extremely captivating, as were his lips, straight and appealing. His eyes brows were thick and sharp, in a quite intimidating way. Clean-shaven face... just absolutely handsome. 

Moulin frowned. Hadrian was perfectly good-looking; it made him slightly jealous. 

"How sly..." 

Moulin jumped when the man in front of him suddenly spoke. His surprise was brief when he was pulled closer into Hadrian's arms. Golden eyes opened and met Moulin's gaze.

"Says the person who slipped contraceptives in my drink." Moulin raised an eyebrow.

Hadrian smiled. "It was my drink."

Rolling his eyes, Moulin chuckled. 

The two rose from the bed, and Hadrian took Moulin to the bath. They dressed and enjoyed a simple meal prepared for them when they returned to the room. There was Snow and Kier happily playing on the carpeted floor. To see one giant wolf playing with a small cutesy white fox was amusing. 

"So we are within one of the three towers?" Moulin asked as he glanced at the windows.

Hadrian puts the document in his hand and stares at his lover. "We are in the middle tower. Tell me anything you want to know..."

"Then... " Moulin lifted his gaze thoughtfully. "Where do my brothers stay?"

"At the right tower. They administer our sentinels and maeruthans. Most of Helios' strength originates from their leadership. Your brothers are indeed capable."

Moulin smiled proudly. 'Of course. They are!'

Pleased of hearing Hadrian's praise, he continued, "Who truly rules this city?" His eyes flashed as be anticipated for Hadrian's people.

"..." A corner of the lord's lips lifted. "Of course, it is Its people."

Moulin raised a brow. "..."

"Would it be arrogant of me to claim ownership of it?" Hadrian chuckled. "Of course, It wasn't only I that rose it from the ground."

Since when were you not arrogant? Moulin sneered. "How humble of you..."

"I tried to change..." Hadrian said as he met Moulin's gaze. His eyes were warm. "I tried to be merciful and generous... And I waited for you. But of course, I will have to prove it to you." Hadrian moved to pour tea for Moulin. 

Moulin furrowed his brows. "Why do you need to prove it to me?" He stared at his teacup on the table. 

Hadrian only gave a smile, "Don't trouble yourself. It is something I chose to do."

How can I not worry?

Before Hadrian left him because of Varick's endless nagging, he gave Moulin a teleportation token so he could have access to all floors and towers. Have a big thigh to hold on to was really convenient sometimes. Although Moulin just planned to stay within the room for the whole day, the urge to explore and discover overwhelmed him more. So with Snow and Kier to accompany him, Moulin began to set off. 

He only hoped he wouldn't worry Hadrian too much. He planned to return before sunset. 

Moulin exited the room and began to venture the wide hallways. When he was confused or lost, he'd turn to Kier, who was quite familiar with the towers and would lead him to the right path. He couldn't believe he was asking this frightful-looking beast for directions. A smile decorated his lips. It felt like it was only just yesterday when Kier was a tiny pup and would snuggle in his arms when Snow scared him. However, now, the wolf looked like he could kill people with just baring his fangs. Moulin shuddered.

Finally reaching a teleportation platform, Moulin activated the circle, and his figure disappeared. Truthfully, he didn't know where this platform would take him. 'I'll just roam a bit...' He thought.

The next instant, he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of a vast outdoor hallway. Its sculpted pillars were outstanding tall, and the maidens carved on the columns looked quite life-like. It looked like he was inside an ancient temple.

Kier jumped down and waited for him to follow. With an uncertain smile, Moulin went down the steps while Snow sat on his shoulder lazily. The ground was dusty with sand, and it turns out there were countless people present around him. But he paid them no mind.

Men and women with bulky muscles. Heavily built, their muscles were large, and most people had beautiful dark skin like warriors of a forgotten civilization. Just where did brought himself? 

He walked forward, ignoring the intense stare the people were throwing at him. They must have thought he was a strange person, casually walking through them, skinny and vulnerable looking. However, Moulin was oblivious to the fact that they were eyeing him and the terrifying wolf that guarded him. 

Anyone could recognize the beast and who it belonged! 

The last Golden-blood wolf, ruthlessly fierce, and he shared the same brutality with his master. The name Kier was almost forbidden to say, for the wolf would immediately determine who was saying his name. The knights passing by would step back and retreat. Why is the wolf here? And who is that heavenly-looking person with him?

"Mn?" Moulin turned, and at the same time, the people staring at him turned away, hiding their sweat-filled faces. 


Shrugging, Moulin continues towards an entrance of the arena with a slight frown. Unaware of the familiar people, he would finally encounter and reunited.

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