A Gorgeous White

Chapter 267: The Dark Island

Chapter 267: The Dark Island

The bellowing winds of darkness swept throughout the barren lands. Trees withered, shriveled up, and deformed. Anything that breathes, anything that crawls and walks on the blackened ground, would be poisoned and consumed by the very earth it trods. Scattering fat centipedes, blood-red, crawls up the crumbling branch. How high up it was, unaware of the danger beneath it. 

Past the blood-red waters and over the bottomless cliff, a mountain, reaching for the heavens, piercing the thunderous black clouds. Millions of starving creatures, reeking of blood and rotting flesh, roamed the land searching to consume and devour. Their eyeless forms were terrible, enough to haunt one's soul until death. Some swarmed around warm locations while other dwell in waters, others scourge through the ice, and some prey underneath the surface. 

It is a horrifying place, The island of Gohtel. 

A place feared by most and worshipped. 

Lightning cracks, lashing around the mountain top engulfed by darkness. And a shrill caw noised, resounding in the troubled air. The malibreeds roared at its call. A crimson bird glides down a curved opening, a window. Cawing a few times, the crow landed on one arm clothed in red. Red eyes gleamed. 

"He... is alive." The voice was hoarse and cracking, sounding hideous. The robed man grinned. The lighting revealed the sharp rows of teeth and one wriggling eye at the forehead's center. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

"Iraz is watching over us!" He cackled with wide eyes. His third eye bulged as though it would pop out. 

"Sanctify our beloved Serpent!" He felt as if his soul was doused in happiness. At once, he must tell his master of the good news! 

Harsh footsteps echoed. The dark stones trembled underneath stubborn footsteps. Finally, a door creaked open, and everything was shrouded in cold air. The noise echoed, ceasing every movement within the dark halls. Before every pillar, someone stood, breathing but still as a corpse. At the end of the hall, a massive boulder was carved. A serpent with three heads. Eyes made of rubies and sapphire, and its scales, painted with blood. A row of black candles with blue flames sits beneath it. And a shadow of a large man casts over the steps. A man with a single horn. His skin was a pale grey, and death seemed to hang 

"My Lord..." A  voice spoke behind him. There was a merry gurgle. "Word has come. It is true... He lives. There is hope... "

An ominous silence filled the halls. 


The red bird cried out.

Finally, the heavy built man lifted his head. The lightning cracks, and his features were revealed. Alha gazed into the eyes of the giant middle serpent expressionlessly. He felt nothing as he looked at it. His eyes are dead. There was no worship or crazed adoration like the rest of the demons within the mountain. However, the news causes him to turn around. 

His eyes are blood-red and glowing as he faced the demon behind him. His eyes caught sight of the red bird. He understood. The smell of blood entered his nose. 


The red-robed demon tilted his head. The grin never vanished. 

Alha raised his arm, and the crow immediately flapped its wings in flight. It perched on Alha's hand, cawing. The one-horned demon stared at the bird on his forearm, and he spoke, "Leave."

With a bow, the red-robed foreteller stepped backwards and turned away. 

'HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE!!!' He could not control the deranged smile on his face. His third eye's pupil kept squirming as if it had a mind of his own. His fingers scratched the back of his hand uncontrollably until he peeled his skin. But it wasn't enough! 

Its been years since their lord had revived the demons. Now, the flicker of hope is beaming down upon them! Yes, it is fate! It is fate! It is set!

Suddenly, the man stopped. His teeth are clattering as though he was shivering in the cold. His creepy grin stretched even wider. "Keke, Yes... Yes..."

Certainly, he should be rejoicing! However, it wouldn't be right if he would not share it with anyone. His ghastly eyes were curved. He knew the right person to partake in his merriment. He moved through the walls, body emerging easily to the other side. As he ventured towards the castle, he scratched his hand some more. 

At last, he arrived before the gates of his secret basement. The smell of decaying flesh and blood permeated the air. He took one deep breath, deliciously intaking the scent. Then, he moved past the dungeons. Some were empty, and the traces of blood was disturbingly staining the bricked floor. Some were occupied but with corpses, limbs hanging from the cuffs, and chains dangling from the ceiling. Truthfully, there was only one prisoner who is alive. 

"Keke, wake up, little rat." The red-robed man's two inched nails tapped on the metal bars rhythmically. His eyes narrowed amusingly on the figure chained to the wall. His face was dripping with blood, one eye shut permanently, and his clothes were torn and bloody. The man sagged as he leaned on the wall. However, there was not a faint presence of fear from him. 

"Oh? Have you died already?"

A scoff. Chains are rattling as the movements dragged it. 

The foreteller grinned. "Oh, you're still alive?"

"Piss off..."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The demon shook merrily as he brought a torch near the cell. "Wonderful! Wonderful!"

The burning flames gradually lit up the cell. Orange light crept up from the man's wounded legs and gruesomely stitched stomach. The thick column of his collared neck was revealed. 

And then... a pair of amber eyes opened. 

"Alsander..." The foreteller cackled. 

Alsander didn't respond. He was older. More mature, yet he looked exceptionally skinny. The lack of mana has deteriorated his body for years. But he could not do anything. And he didn't want to do anything.

"Hooo, What a fierce look!" The demon smiled. His teeth gleamed. "I have some good news I want to share with you."


The demon was already used to his muted response, so he continued. His nails were scraping the metal bars. "You see... a little birdie came. Remember Eiadrog? It seems he didn't make it."

'Good,' Alsander thought expressionlessly. 

"But you know who it is that killed him?" The demon grabbed the bars as he leaned closer. His neck stretched, and the black veins on his neck and face turned visible. His eyes were wide and crazed with excitement. "It is him. Our beloved Savior! Our awaited offering! He has passed his second revival!"

This time Alsander stopped. 

Something was coiling inside him, like vines made out of needle whorling inside his stomach, tearing through his organs until he bled internally. He felt like his something from his stomach is forcing its way up to his throat.


Moulin? He's... back?

"Hm???" The demon's smile abruptly fell. His gaze was dead as he stared at Alsander. "WHY aren't you rejoicing?"


The demon's jaw clenched. "No matter... the next time I return here, I will bring you his body."


Alsander finally raised his head. His eyes were bloodshot! "GO DIE!!!"

The demon only laughed hard. Even his third eye was narrowing. Afterwards, he revealed a frightening grin at Alsander.

Ah, it is relieving to witness his rat's enraged expression.


Twin Towers, Helios City.

There was the sound of trickling water as it was poured out of the pitcher's beak. Gentle and careful hands lifted the half-filled cup. A braid of white rested on the young man's slender back. Moulin was guiding his father to drink. His actions were careful, and he didn't care if the liquid drip down his hand. This was Moulin's sixth visit in his father's room.

Lord Dontae Fraunces was surprisingly cooperative. However, he was not cured. He would still stare in the open as if he was in a trance. Moulin tried his best to hide his sadness. Although he was doing terribly at it, he had to. 

When he finished tending his father with his medicine, Moulin welcomed the nurse that his brothers had tasked to take care of their father. He knew he couldn't stay long, for there was one particular person patiently staring at him beside the room entrance. Amidst the conversation between him and the nurse, Moulin briefly glanced at the other person in the room.

Still keeping his eyes on Moulin, Hadrian was waiting for him with crossed arms. Moulin had tried hard not to be distracted by his gaze when he helped his father eat, but sometimes he couldn't. He couldn't. He wanted to tie the curtains around Hadrian's head to stop distracting him. 

When they finished, Moulin glanced at his father one last time before turning around and left with Hadrian. 

"Where's Snow?" Moulin asked as he walked alongside Hadrian. 

"With Kier."

Moulin sighed, "Of course he is."

After a while, Hadrian turned to him. Golden eyes were deep and captivating as he hooked Moulin's gaze to him. Hadrian turned his attention ahead and spoke, "How is your training?" 

As he asked, his fingers reached for Moulin's hand. His expression remained neutral as he took Moulin's hand to hold.

A warm smile stretched on Moulin's lips. He curled his fingers around Hadrian in response. "Remind me again why am I training with the Veresyahs?"

"It's preparation."

"For what?"

Hadrian gave him a side glance with a reply, "I cannot keep you here forever. One day, you will need the experience you get when venturing beyond Helios's walls. Soon, the city will become dangerous. That is why I want you to be more prepared."

Moulin blinked. "Is that so?"

"It is so."

"No... 'It is dangerous, and I must keep you safe no matter what speech?" 

Hadrian raised any eyebrows, "Am I like your brothers?"

Moulin chuckled, and he felt Hadrian grip his hand tighter, "You really have changed..."

Hadrian released a sigh, but a smile was hanging on his lips. His eyes took in the sight of Moulin's content expression. The dazzling gleam of his silver eyes, his luscious lips, the rosiness painted on his cheeks as though he was blushing. Hadrian stopped.

"Why are you embarrased?" He asked curiously.

Flinching, Moulin pressed his lips together, and his brows knitted. "I am not. I was just wondering about the Crest of Helios city. It... It's..." he swallowed, refusing to meet Hadrian's gaze. His ears grew red.

At first Moulin didn't want to keep paying attention to it. But his curiousity ws killing him, A moonflower within the golden sun's ring. It was... familiar.

"I created it," Hadrian said, amused.


'I knew it' 

"Why would you?" Moulin inhaled and forced himself to calm down. 

Hadrian's eyes curved, and he leaned closer to Moulin's ear. His breath was brushing Moulin's skin. It was ticklish. There was an allure in his deep husky voice. 

"If you want to know, I can tell you about it tonight."

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