A Gorgeous White

Chapter 274: Love Making (1)

Chapter 274: Love Making (1)

Warms breaths, chest heaving as the bountiful arousal curled in knots within his stomach. A breathy moan escaped lush lops, dewy and alluring. Pale milky skin, glistening under the warm light like the moon in the water. 

Moulin breathed as he felt those rough hands holding his waist, keeping him delightfully still to receive and be served. Hot lips kissed the skin at the center of his flat stomach. With his head cushion by the pillows, Moulin eyes slightly opened. His lips parted as he watched the man tuck himself between his legsHadrian's thicker thighs lifting Moulin's slightly slender ones. 

Hadrian released a satisfied hum when his thumbs massaged the soft skin of Moulin's waist. His eyes lifted while his head lowered. Rakishly ravishing, the sight of Moulin spread on his bed, watching him with rousing eyes. His soft silvery curls like feathers on a pillow and his expression. Hadrian groaned inwardly. It was beyond seductive.

The softness of his lover's body made him want to take a bite out of it. The dark thought crossed his mind, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and slide his tongue on Moulin's skin. 

Moulin tilted his head. He raised a hand and weaved his fingers into the golden strands of the man's head. Moulin smiled faintly. "Slow."

This made Hadrian smirk on his skin. Moulin could feel the curl of Hadrian's lips trailing down his stomach. 

Hadrian grinned, "How do you want me to?"

Moulin narrowed his eyes, and the hand on Hadrian's hair curled into a fist, clenching on the golden hair, brilliant against the warm light from the bedside.  Hadrian felt the roughness of it. And when Moulin forced him to raise his head, an amused smile hanged on his lips as his eyes deepened. 

"How rough," Hadrian spoke, explicitly intrigued.

"Good," Moulin said, and he pulled Hadrian closer until their lips met. 

The kiss was harsh, wildly inciting both people and broiling with a terrible need to feel each other's touch. Hadrian narrowed his eyes. The fire burning, a blazing heat scorched his insides. If he didn't have this person now, he would probably die from being so patient. He had waited enough. 

However, before he could further develop things, he felt a hand press on his bare chest. Moulin smiled on his lips. Hadrian chuckled as the young man was bold enough to push him down backward. It was his turn to feel the sheets behind him and his daring lover nestled over his body. 

Moulin pulled away from the kiss. He leaned back, giving Hadrian the full view of his body and position. His movements sought to entice the man beneath himsilver eyes burning with want. The dim light warmed his pearly skin, and redness painted his cheeks. The picture looked innocent yet sinfula tempting creature. 

Hadrian couldn't bear when if he wanted to. Why should he anyway? The meal was presenting itself before him, ready to be devoured whole. His fingers slide over Moulin's delicate ankle. Moulin breathes out, sensing the rising temperature around them. 

Those large hands finally stop over his thighs, drawing nearer to the inner parts. Moulin groaned when he felt the growing stiffness sliding behind his buttocks. He almost hissed when Hadrian abruptly grasped his member. 

"H-Hadrian..." Moulin breathes out. His hands on Hadrian's chest clenched. 

"Mn." Hadrian lets out a sound of agreement. He stretched out his hand to reach for the drawer at the bedside. Big man, long limbs, muscled, Moulin would have rolled his eyes in different circumstances. 

With one hand, Hadrian grabbed a tiny jar with pink pills. He used too much strength, and the jar was cracked open. Moulin was startled at the sound. Taking A pill between his teeth, he tossed the broken jar off the bed before holding Moulin's nape. 

Hadrian connected their lips, the pill between his teeth cracked in half, and they ignored the strange taste of it, and they kissed. Hadrian was indeed drunk with arousal, but his reason was strong enough to remind him that they shouldn't be producing an inescapable situation at the wrong time. 

Moulin angled his head, and he didn't pull away even when the taste of the pill disappeared. The hand around his member started moving. Moulin shuddered, and his hips moved with the rhythm of the strokes. His eyes closed, and he moans, reaching behind him. Where be grasped the thick member caressing the dip of his behind. 

A vein pulsed in Hadrian's neck when he felt those delicate fingers trailing down his cock. Teasingly stroking him lightly with those fingertips. 

"Moulin." The young man's name came out as a guttural sound, almost like a beast's growl. But he savored it, the touch. 

Moulin abruptly grasped the hard girth of the shaft and eyed Hadrian as the man stiffened, his jaw clenching. Oh, how Moulin loved the expression Hadrian was making. It felt satisfying and wondrous. 

The two people pleasured each other until they couldn't contain the harshness of their breaths and the pace of their hands. Moulin eyes curled as well as his toes. And the cock in his hand grower stiffer and stiffer. Slick accumulating between his legs. Moulin wasn't ignorant about his pleasure. 

The peak finally crashed down him like the weight of a crushing tidal wave. His whole body jerked and shuddered. His breaths trembled significantly. "Ohh."

The moment he finished, coming down from that high, he leaned forward, arching his neck and q

Hadrian leaned forward and licked Moulin's lower lip. He bit on the soft flesh, savoring the sweet moan from his alluring lover. "Moulin..."

The nasal tinge of his voice could drive Moulin to the depths of desire. He had not finished, but he valued the young man's climax more. The sounds he can make Moulin do, the way his neck arched. His body roared.

At last, Moulin didn't need to keep him waiting long. The youth sensed his lover's desperation for his released, and Moulin would gladly allow him that. Although, he wanted to be a bit crueler. He's a sly glint in his eyes, Moulin gripped the cock behind him, putting pressure on it.

"Agh..." Hadrian groaned openly. Gods...

"Shh..." Moulin lowered his head to kiss the man's collarbone, sucking on the firm skin, trailing down marks. Perhaps, tomorrow would be hot, and Hadrian would have to reveal his collar, exposing the remnants of their lovemaking. Moulin didn't have the will to complain about it currently. 

Moulin drew a deep breath when he guided the throbbing member to the soft folds between his legs. Hadrian made lazy strokes on Moulin's shaft while he anticipated, almost bracing himself as he let Moulin guide him. 

Finally, the bulging head slipped in. Hadrian felt his jaw loosen, a breathy sigh escaping his lips as he felt Moulin led him inside the slick hole. Moulin didn't stop for little breaks as he continued to sink on the hard cock, lowering his hips, sliding his waist downwards. A whimpering moan broke out from his mouth, and his body shook. It wasn't long before he engulfed the whole member to the hilt. 

"Fuck." Moulin panted, feeling the familiar stretch, the slight burning. How he missed this feeling. The large veiny flesh grazed his inside, hitting the right places. 

"Moulin... Moulin..." Hadrian called his name. His hand holding the young man's waist, the other resting on the open thigh. He waited, suppressing the need to just push him down and sate his dark desires with the young man's body. But he waited... patiently.

A lazy smile appeared on Moulin's lips. He tilted his head and lifted his chin, appearing arrogant. His voice is breathy and alluring. "How is it, My Lord?"

Hadrian didn't think Moulin would still have the nerve to act so daringly when Hadrian was at the brink of letting loose all his suppressed desires. This little doll is playing dangerously. It was amusing. 

"I'm about to break. You're so tight. I can't think straight." Hadrian smirked. His hand drawing circles on the young man's thigh. 

Moulin raised a brow. Then, he leaned forward and planted a brief kiss on the man's lips. "Brace yourself." He whispered. 

Afterwards, Moulin lifted himself slightly with his thighs, feeling the delicious drag of the man's cock. Then he sank with a moan, gradually hiking up his thighs. Hadrian tilted his head back with a grunt, the pleasure chaotically scrambling his mind. Up and down, again and again. Moulin closed his eyes. Arousal coiling into towers inside his lower belly. It felt fascinating.  He  placed 

"Ahh... ah... " 

Moulin couldn't help but make noise shamefully. "Oh, gods..."

"Moulin..." Hadrian called, his chest rapidly rising and lowering. His eyes are locked on the place they are connected. The desirous liquid spilling down their lower bodies. Moulin's pale, rose-flushed skin glistened a beautiful sheen. Hadrian drank the sight greedily. 

"That's it..." Hadrian groaned. 

Moulin leaned forward, bouncing seductively. His hair fell like waved past his shoulders, down to his bare waist. He panted as he moved.

Finally, Moulin felt his limbs gave away. Hadrian took this chance to lean forward and push the young man down. His thighs pushing Moulin's legs wider, and he grinds down with a thrust. The feeling was beyond pleasurable.

Moulin moans as he slightly opened his eyes. His gaze met those deep golden eyes laced with desire. 

"Moulin..." Hadrian lowers his head. Kissing the sweaty forehead of the youth. Moulin relished the sweetness of it. The doting and adoring feeling he sensed from the man in front of him was beautiful. He loves it. 

"I will bring you with me..."

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