A Gorgeous White

Chapter 285: Prey And Predator

Chapter 285: Prey And Predator

There was not a single cry around him, not even the faintest sound of a gasp. Perhaps, it was because that they were all trained not to make any loud sounds beyond the walls of Helios, or they were just too shocked at the sight of the gruesome torture occurring in front of their eyes. Blood streamed down, coiling black limbs and dyeing the waters red. The sound of sloshing water and the slimy squelch of black sludge sounded sickening enough to flip one's stomach.

'Stay calm...' Moulin mentally warned himself. It was as if he is brought back to the time when he faced the creature in the lake when he'd first awaken; the malibreed was especially similar to the one he was facing now. Only it was far larger and... aggressive.

It was too late to flee quietly. Right now, they were being targeted by the monster who had just finished its meal. And it seems it still hungered for warm flesh.

"A female..." Jagra's eyes widened in shock as he muttered. A class E, one of the most aggressive types.

The moment his voice faded in the air. A series of sharp whooshes filled the entire area. The numerous black tentacles began to descend like needles trying to pierce through flesh rapidly. They could afford to stay still anymore. As the tentacles started to rain down around them, more emerged from the waters, spasming as they too rained down to pierce their prey.

Fortunately, they were ready this time. Every single individual was able to avoid the swift attack and escape the fate of being sucked dry. When the tentacles missed, they fell into the ground, pulling up and resumed to chase the dodging prey.


Alerted by the call, Moulin's eyes narrowed, and he immediately leaped back to avoid the incoming tentacle reaching out for him. He grasped the hilt of his sword and firmly slashed the tentacle. There was a jerk as the limb was detached from the rest of its body. It fell on the ground, wriggling until it melted into black goo, emanating a black must before sinking into the rock.

Moulin then witnessed as the severed tentacle miraculously regenerated, sprouting out two new limbs.

'What in the world-'

His thoughts are cut off when he felt someone pull him back. His back was pressed on a firm chest, and Moulin's instantly knew who it was.

"You're too close," Hadrian said behind him, swinging down one strong slash, immediately cutting off five thick tentacles. With a quick hand, he retrieved something from behind him and threw it unto the meaty and bloody stumps of flesh.

The blue dust flew like a thick mist. It smelled strongly like blood or rusted metal. Surprisingly, the tentacles spasmed, unable to regenerate quickly. They could only melt as the dust ate into their exposed flesh.

Stunned, Moulin turned to Hadrian.

"You've left your satchel," Hadrian said. "Bring it with you next time.

Moulin blinked and nodded.

"Hey, you!" The shout was loud and directed to Moulin.

Moulin turned his head to the person rudely calling out to him. It was a burly man impatiently staring at him. The man pointed at him.

"Can't you do something about this? What did we bring you for?" He said.

Moulin frowned. A vein popped out from his forehead. "Are you stupid or what?"


"Idiot." Moulin turned away. He clutched his sword and snatched Hadrian's pouch of powder.


The man was instantly silenced by none other than Hadrian's gaze. Those daring and piercing eyes seem to drill into his soul, sending chills down his spine. The man stiffened and retreated.

"Moulin can't use his purification abilities. He'd be bringing a horde of malibreeds if he would. Why do you think he carried a sword around?" Ghana suddenly spoke. She marched towards the aquatic malibreed with a dusty blue mist around her. We'll need him in especially dire situations."

'Is this situation not dangerous enough already?' Moulin was tempted to say.

The conversation was interrupted when a loud screech rose around them. The ear-bleeding noise came from behind the falls. Something was hiding behind the curtain of watera giant silhouette, towering and ominous. The ground trembled, and rocks fell from the overhang along with the strong drizzle of water. Anticipation rose the group's anxiety as they watched the creature emerge from the falls with a burst.

Ignoring the gigantic wave of water falling upon them, they stared wide-eyed at the enormous creature, awoken from its slumber. Suddenly, every single tentacle retreated into the water.

As the gentle spray of water fell on his face, Moulin's eyes were wide as they stared at the creature revealing itself before their eyes. A malibreed, more vicious, and hungrier. The very sight of it made every single member of the group tremble in fright. The malibreed's mouth was round and enormous like the largest sinkhole. Rings of razor-sharp teeth glistened with black drool, and its head was decorated with thousands of holes like that of a sponge. All on fours, its claws scraped the damp rocks as the water fell heavily over its back. But it paid no mind of the weight of it.

The humungous malibreed had been hiding behind the falls in slumber. Unfortunately, with all the commotion caused beyond the curtain of water, the disturbance disrupted its sleep. Enraged and starving, the malibreed lets out a shrill cry.

Everyone covered their ears. However, the sound could not be deafened.

"What in the world is that thing?!" Ghana yelled when the noise finally stopped. Her eyes glanced at Jagra.

"A-A..." Jagra stuttered. Fear evidently crossed his face. 'C-Class C' He was unable to finish his words.

Moulin wore the same shocked expression. His feet were rooted to the ground as he stared at the giant grotesque creature. He subconsciously turned his head to Hadrian. The mana he suppressed was already leaking due to his emotions.

Sensing his lover's anxious state, Hadrian shook his head. It wasn't time. If they battled this malibreed, they would be losing more people and wasting even more time. They can not risk attracting a horde of malibreeds even if it means killing the malibreed before them.

Hadrian swept his gaze throughout the area, hinting retreat in his eyes.

Receiving the order, the people slowly backed away as quietly as they could. Moulin kept his steps soft as he stepped backwards.


A hungry malibreed was especially difficult to escape. Once it determined its target, running was the only option left, especially with one as massive as this creature in front of them, flaunting its terrifyingly gaping mouth.

Once again, beating the ground, the malibreed drove into the water with a giant splash! A massive wave immediately fell upon the area surrounding the pool. Moulin was soaked as well as the others. His bangs stuck against his forehead, but he was too surprised to react. It was only when Emlen called for him that he took advantage of the time to escape. All of them fled while the monster hadn't emerged from the water.

"Come here!" Emlen grabbed Moulin, and they hurried to the steeds waiting not far from them. If they were too slow, they would be chased!

Moulin felt his heartbeat quicken. At the corner of his eye, he saw Ghana carrying Jagra over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Jagra was too shocked to react as Ghana ran as fast as she can.

"Lead the way," Hadrian commanded Emlen as he looked behind them to ensure the rest had successfully mounted their horses.

Emlen nodded in reply. He didn't even have the time to snob. He got on his horse and had Moulin followed him to the front.

At the same time, A piercing screech filled the air, accompanied by a loud splash. Moulin winced when he heard the ear-splitting sound. He looked back.

The Malibreed had risen from the water, and there was something in its mouth. It was the familiar sight of coiling limbs and black ooze. The body of the tentacle malibreed was finally revealeda squid-like body, covered with long blood-red spikes like an urchin. Underneath the mass of long black tentacles was the gaping maw of the creature. It looked like the jaws of a shark, ready to shred anything that comes between its teeth.

The aquatic malibreed began to writhe against its captor's jaws. The larger malibreed brought up its claws to stuff the rest of the smaller creature into its mouth, filling the emptiness of its stretchy throatthe deadly rings piercing the gooey flesh of the tentacle malibreed. And when the prey refused to surrender, the predator began to rip out hundreds of its limbs, spilling black blood into the waters.

Watching the scene, Moulin felt the urge to hurl. His face went green when he remembered he had drunk from the falls.

Taking the opportunity as the malibreed was feasting on its prey, the group escaped the already marked territory. They delved deeper into the forest and never stopped. Now, they would have to mark the falls as one of the danger zones on the map.

Moulin grasped his reigns tightly as he led his horse beside his brother's mount. He breathes slowly, trying to soothe his nerves. In his travels with Phuna and her father, he had never encountered a malibreed as menacing as the ones at the falls. Now, he was convinced that the journey was more dangerous than he thought it would be.

His brows furrowed as he turned his head behind him. His eyes searched for Hadrian's figure past the rest of their members. Moulin grew worried when he couldn't spot Hadrian with any of them.

'Where is he?' His heart pounded. 'Did he go back? Why would he? Can he catch up to us in time? Is he in danger?'


Moulin flinched as he swiftly drew his attention to his empty right. Emerging from the shadows of the trees was a familiar steed and a man with golden eyes.

Hadrian's expression remained serious as he drew his horse closer to Moulin. He let the youth examine him carefully before seeing the relief in those silvery eyes.

"Are you alright?" Moulin asked.

Hadrian gave him a soft look. "I am well."

"Great, I am not so well."

It wasn't Moulin who answered. Moulin shifted his attention to Ghana, who had Jagra sitting in front of her as they rode her mount. Jagra looked beyond mad and grievous. Moulin glanced at Hadrian, who remained unaffected.

Before Moulin could ask Jagra, the latter spoke. "I left the rest of my equipment on my horse." His voice was sorrowful. "If it wasn't for this particular person-"

"Hey, I have your life. You were too scared to move!" Ghana interrupted. "And you left your horse too far from the site!"

"Ugh..." Jagra groaned. He didn't deny any of it.

With a sigh, Moulin could only calm his two companions.

The events from moments ago haunted their thoughts. Honestly, they thought they would have to lose more people. Fortunately, they had escaped in time. With Emlen's lead, they followed the river but dared not to get too close to it. Who knows what things might be lurking under those dark waters.

Half an hour later, Emlen finally broke the silence. "We have lost our supply carrier. His void artifact fell into the water before he died." He was talking about the maeruthan, who was unfortunately shredded alive. He released a frustrated sigh, "We won't last a week."

"Head to the Helion outpost. There, we will replenish our supplies." Hadrian declared.

Emlen frowned, but he said nothing and only nodded. He only hoped the outpost was still holding on before their arrival.

Moulin drew his brows together with an anxious heart. What would they be facing next?

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