A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 112 Mysterious Woman.

The woman's gaze was fixed upon him, as if he were a delectable feast, while her violet eyes shimmered with intensity.

With an air of intrigue, she finally spoke in a seductive voice.

"Hello, my white dragon. I had wished to meet you sooner, but my duties have kept me occupied, tending to those whom you have rescued and required my assistance."

She motioned towards a chair placed next to a table, inviting him to take a seat. Without hesitation, he made his way over and settled into the chair.

She followed suit, gracefully joining him at the table.

Archer couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and posed the question, "Who are you? I apologize, but I have never encountered anyone quite like you before."

A widening smile graced the woman's face as she inquired, "What do you mean by 'anyone quite like me'?"

With a smile, he responded, "Indeed, it is quite apparent that we share a connection. Not only do we both have four white horns, but our white hair and violet eyes are the same."

Archer observed the woman, his eyes flickered with an eerie intensity. "You possess a breathtaking beauty," he murmured.

A sly smile crept across the woman's face upon hearing his words. Few had ever shown such boldness before and it slightly impressed her.

Seizing the moment, she delivered her foreboding message.

"Arch, I have come to you this night to warn you. A long-standing enemy has returned, consumed by vengeful fury. The realms beyond the northern mountains shall crumble, and the celestial bodies, the sun and moon shall falter. It is your choice to aid them, but their destinies intertwine with your own."

Rising from her seat, the woman uttered her final words with a tone of solemn authority.

"My white dragon. Go forth and rescue the sun and moon, tread cautiously in the enemy's presence. They possess a strength far greater than you can fathom. But my dear dragon, we shall meet again."

The scene faded, and Archer slowly regained consciousness. His eyes focused on the ceiling above him.

He felt a weight pressing him down. Glancing to his side, he saw the two girls sleeping peacefully.

Teuila was laying on his chest, her vibrant blue hair splayed in disarray, and one of her legs crossed over his. Ella rested her head on his shoulder, emitting soft snores.

Archer remained still for a little while longer until he noticed Teuila stirring awake. She lifted her head, rubbing her eyes in a sleepy haze.

"Morning, Arch," she mumbled groggily.

Ella, on the other hand, remained sound asleep. Carefully, Archer shifted her position, allowing him to slip out of bed.

He made his way to the bathroom, excited to freshen up, when Teuila's voice interrupted him, "Where are you going?"

Archer halted in his tracks, turning his head with a mischievous grin, "Heading to the bathroom for a bath. Care to join me?"

Teuila's face flushed crimson as a flurry of wild thoughts flooded her mind. She quickly shook her head, causing Archer to burst into laughter at her reaction.

After entering the bath chambers, Archer enjoyed a nice hot bath. Sometime later, he emerged, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

As he glanced around the room, he noticed a brownie engaged in an animated conversation with Teuila.

Meanwhile, Ella remained curled up with Sera nestled in her arms, both were peacefully asleep. Archer chuckled at the adorable sight before making his way over to Teuila.

As Archer approached, Teuila turned around, savoring a juicy piece of meat. After she finished her bite, she greeted him with a warm smile, "Good morning, Arch. How was your sleep?"

"It was good, thankfully I had no nightmares," Archer replied, taking a seat at the counter.

Just then, Teon appeared and placed a plate of meat in front of him. Archer glanced at it, pondering where they sourced their food from.

Shaking his head in amusement, he dug into his meal, paying no mind to Teuila's curious gaze. He devoured the food hungrily, savoring every bite.

After finishing his meal, he pushed the plate away and turned to Teuila, noticing her still gazing at him intently.

With a playful smile, he asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

Teuila blushed slightly but couldn't contain her admiration, "I can't help it. Your scales are absolutely stunning. They're so beautiful."

Archer smiled and nodded, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you. Your blue hair reminds me of the ocean, and I find it beautiful," he said.

"When Ella wakes, we will make our way back to Aquaria," he concluded.

Teuila agreed with a nod, and they continued to sit and chat for a while. Their conversation flowed, filling the room with warmth and laughter.

Suddenly, Ella woke up and interrupted their conversation as she let out a loud yawn, startling Sera who quickly darted away.

She latched onto a beam of the cottage while staring at Ella who sat up rubbing her eyes, shortly after that she got up and approached Archer.

"Morning, Arch. Is that meat I smell?" Ella greeted him, her voice filled with curiosity.

Just then, Teon appeared seemingly out of nowhere, handing Ella a plate of food. Archer looked at Teuila, who shrugged as if she knew why he was confused.

Sera gracefully alighted on Archer's shoulder, finding a comfortable perch as Ella leisurely enjoyed her breakfast.

With the meal finished Ella made her way toward the bath chambers, accompanied by Teuila.

Meanwhile, Archer stepped outside the cottage, loving the gentle breeze brushing against his skin.

As he stood there, he couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious woman he had met in his dream.

Shaking his head, Archer recalled that today was the celebration in the Aquarian Capital.

He reached into his Item Box and retrieved a piece of chocolate. With delight evident on his face, he savored its taste, indulging in a morning treat.

After a while, Teuila and Ella stepped out of the cottage, radiating freshness and beauty. Archer turned to greet them with a warm smile.

Ella donned a flowing blue summer dress, its loose style ensuring comfort and freedom of movement.

Completing her outfit were gladiator sandals that showcased her adorable little toes.

Teuila opted for a loose-fitting red dress that draped gracefully around her. Like Ella, she wore the same sandals, completing her outfit.

Archer couldn't help but notice her toned arms, thighs, and legs, captivated by her toned body. Her large mountains swayed with every step she took.

She had tied her hair into a ponytail, adding to her confident and composed appearance.

"You look absolutely beautiful today." He complimented, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Ella smiled in response, while Teuila playfully retorted, "So we don't look good on any other day?"

"Ah, quiet, woman! I'm trying to give you a compliment!" Archer playfully teased as he walked ahead and opened a gate to Aquaria City.

He stepped forward, with the girls following closely behind, and emerged just outside the city.

Ella looked around, taking in the sight of a vast desert grassland that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Curious, she turned to Archer and asked, "Where are we?"

Before he could respond, Teuila chimed in, "We are just outside the capital. Come on, let's head to the palace. Father is probably waiting for us."

The trio continued their journey toward the city's entrance, their footfalls echoing along the path.

As they walked, Teuila couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes from passing traders. As the fourth princess, her presence was well-known among the locals.

However, only a select few recognized the significance of the white-haired man by her side.

On the other hand, Ella seemed unfazed by the attention, her focus absorbed in the new sights and experiences unfolding before her.

With an infectious smile on her face, she took in the vibrant cityscape.

As they approached the gate, a guard hurried forward, falling to one knee in front of Teuila.

Urgency laced his voice as he delivered his message. "Princess, your father eagerly awaits your arrival at the palace." He proclaimed. "He has instructed us to keep watch at the gate, anticipating your arrival alongside the hero."

Teuila acknowledged the guard with a nod. "Thank you. We will make our way on foot to the palace."

Entering the city, the trio strolled down the bustling main street, with Sera nestled comfortably on his shoulder. Archer observed the cityscape as they walked.

Aquaria, a vibrant city, unfolded before his eyes. It seamlessly blended ancient structures with vibrant new constructions.

Situated on the coast, the city was adorned with shimmering turquoise waters gently caressing its shores, a testament to the rich heritage of the Aquarian culture.

Tower-like structures, intricately carved and adorned with tropical motifs, reached skyward.

Their roofs, crafted from woven palm fronds and decorated with colorful feathers, showcased a fusion of natural elements and mystical craftsmanship.

They drew inspiration from the flowing ocean waves and the majestic palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze.

Narrow, winding streets guided visitors through the enchanting cityscape, lined with vibrant hibiscus flowers and lush greenery.

The air carried the tantalizing scent of tropical fruits, mingling with the aroma of traditional Aquarian delicacies prepared in open-air stalls.

Teuila, unable to contain her excitement, grasped Archer's and Ella's hands, pulling them along as they watched the celebration that was starting.

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