A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 119 The Drakebane's Fate.

[This contains plot elements read if you want to understand the plot in the future]

[The Drakebane Family from Frostholm, 20 years before Archer's birth]

Inside the confines of their home, a young boy sat huddled with his sister, their faces etched with worry.

The father clasped a chalice filled with wine, parting his lips to take a sip, when a woman's voice resonated through the room.

"Nikolai, we must flee this city. It has become too dangerous, we must ensure the safety of Nyx and Alexander before anything happens," she urged.

A figure entered the room, a woman with flowing black hair and horns atop her head. Her red eyes wandered to her husband.

The man finished the wine and replied in a fed-up tone, "Amara, we can't run yet. Look at what happened to the Reece Family. They didn't get far before they were captured.''

She attempted to speak, but before she could, a blood-curdling scream was heard from outside.

Fear gripped them as they exchanged looks filled with dread. With panic in their voices, Amara turned to their two children.

"Stay here, my darlings," She whispered, her voice trembling. "Don't move, no matter what happens."

The children nodded, their eyes wide with a mix of confusion and terror as they watched their parents look out the window.

As they did, their worst nightmares turned into reality. Rat-like creatures, with gnarled features and malevolent red eyes, were dragging the Travis family from their house.

The air became thick with black smoke as the mansion was set alight. Dark rain, and the agonizing screams of dying people as the creatures ruthlessly slaughtered them.

Amara and Nikolai stood frozen in shock, their hands covering their mouths to stifle  their own screams.

Tears welled up in her eyes as they witnessed the Rat-Men dragging the still-warm corpses toward a hole that had suddenly appeared in the family's garden.

The scene that unfolded before them was like a terrifying nightmare coming to life, filling their entire being with terror.

At that moment, they realized that their once peaceful lives had been shattered, and they needed to flee.

The following days unfolded in a similar fashion as they helplessly watched more neighbors being dragged away.

Amara successfully persuaded her husband of the urgent need to depart, suggesting a route towards the southern region in order to reach the central Duchy.

With fear coursing through their veins, the family gathered the remaining food and left the temporary safety their home offered them.

Quietly, they moved through narrow alleys, concealing themselves from the evil creatures and lurking monsters that dwelled in the shadows.

The air reeked with a foul stench, and their hearts raced with fear. The distant scurrying and gnashing teeth sent shivers down their spines.

Their eyes darted anxiously, glimpsing the lurking rat-men in the shadows, their red eyes gleaming with malice.

United and gripping each other's hands tightly, the family sought refuge from these nightmarish creatures.

Huddled behind a crumbling carriage, the Drakebanes crouched low, their hearts throbbing with terror.

In the moonlight, a procession of twisted and grotesque humanoids revealed itself, a sight that sent chills down their spines.

Their eyes emitted an eerie, sickly red glow, while their mouths contorted into unnatural shapes, showcasing a menacing array of sharp, jagged teeth.

The air filled with a chilling breeze as they shuffled past, emitting guttural, otherworldly sounds that sent shivers down their spines.

Each step reverberated through the ground, signaling their approach. The family held their breath, their bodies trembling, praying that their hiding place remained undetected.

Their minds raced with thoughts of escape, their eyes wide with horror as they witnessed the grotesque figures pass by.

Their souls were chilled by the sinister presence that lingered in the air.

After the creatures vanished they made their way toward the abandoned city square, when they arrived Nyx witnessed a horrific sight that would forever haunt her.

The corpses of the citizens were suspended in a grotesque manner from improvised poles, displaying signs of torn flesh and missing or severed limbs.

Nyx's eyes locked onto a vile congregation of Rat-Men, suddenly, a piercing scream echoed as a blood-soaked woman emerged from the crowd, clutching a baby tightly.

In her frenzied desperation, she locked eyes with the frightened Drakebane family and raced toward them.

Panic gripped their hearts, but before they could react, she was captured.

A long, sharp chain coiled around her neck with vicious force. The unbearable tension reached its climax, unleashing a horrifying eruption of blood-soaked terror.

Fear coursed through Nyx's fragile form, her sanity teetering on the edge of an unspeakable abyss.

But when her mother tightly squeezed her hand, a testament to her strength, she drew the courage to persevere, even though her spirit was on the brink of shattering.

As the family attempted to flee, a deep sense of fear filled the air, growing stronger when one of the Rat-Men locked eyes with them, his gaze penetrating and menacing.

The creature's snout abruptly veered, locking onto their scent, and swiftly turned its head in their direction.

"Run now! I'll hold them back, giving you time to escape."

Nyx, stood frozen, her eyes locked on her father blocking the path they were fleeing.

At that moment, her father's hands danced with lightning magic, an intricate weaving of power against the encroaching horde.

"Lightning Strike!"

His voice echoed through the air as Nikolai unleashed his spell, bolts of lightning cascading down and cleaving through the approaching rat men.

Explosions erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding darkness.

Amara watched through tear-filled eyes as her beloved husband willingly sacrificed himself, fully aware that his brave act would only grant them mere moments of respite.

She knelt before her two children, her voice trembling with a mix of love and sorrow.

"My darlings, I must aid your father or none of us shall escape."

Her gaze settled on Draven, her words heavy with emotion. "Draven, take your sister and flee. Find your father's trusted friend, Sia Silverthorn, in the Capital. She will provide you with sanctuary."

Nyx cried, feeling the heavy burden of heartbreak weighing upon her young heart as she watched her parents leave.

Draven, understanding the gravity of their sacrifice, steeled himself with unwavering resolve.

Amara rose to her feet, urging her tearful children away, her eyes brimming with anguish. "Stay safe, my darlings. May joy and happiness find you both in this life."

Nyx and Draven sprinted down the road but halted to glance back at their parents. Fear gripped their hearts as they witnessed their valiant struggle against the monstrous creatures, fighting relentlessly with unwavering determination.

Electricity crackled through the air, sparking fiery clashes between light and darkness, and lightning battled against the formidable forces that endangered their very survival.

Tears filled Nyx's eyes, her hands shaking as she tried to grasp the overwhelming sight in front of her.

Her parents facing unimaginable danger was almost unbearable for her, but she couldn't turn her eyes away.

In the midst of the chaos, her mother's eyes locked with hers, and with a heartfelt smile, she mouthed the words lost amid the sound of battle.

"My daughter, I love you," her voice swallowed by the screeching around them.

As the vile creatures lunged, Nyx's mother unleashed torrents of beautiful red flames, scorching their hideous forms and creating a temporary barrier.

Firestorms erupted, attempting to block the path of the creatures, while Nikolai rained down lightning upon them.

She witnessed her father's dazzling display of power, summoning bolts of lightning that crackled through the air, electrifying the battlefield.

But the insatiable hunger of the swarm drove them to tear through the fiery defense, closing in on their prey.

Despair echoed in the anguished cries of the siblings, their voices drowned out by the chaos. As the horde swarmed over their parents with savage anger, their screams piercing the night.

Nyx's heart shattered as she watched the flames fade and the lightning flicker, witnessing her parent's ultimate sacrifice.

The rats tore them apart, a horrifying scene etched forever in her mind.

Something inside her snapped, and she stood motionless, her spirit numb. It was then that she heard a mysterious voice of a woman speak.

"In your veins flows the blood of my loyal Black Dragons, child," the eerie voice reverberated through her thoughts.

"In your hour of need, I bestow upon you this gift. In 35 years, seek out a white-haired boy, for he alone holds the key to your happiness."

The voice went quiet, leaving Nyx trembling with rage and madness.

But then, it spoke again, a bone-chilling command that pierced her very soul. "Embrace your destiny and move forward. Annihilate your foes and thrive!"

An electric surge coursed through her veins, and she felt a profound transformation overtake her.

Nyx's once lustrous black hair turned an eerie shade of white, then shifted back to its original color.

One of her eyes turned red while the other turned yellow reflecting the turmoil within her.

Amidst the agonizing grief for her fallen parents, Nyx's mana erupted into a chaotic frenzy. Swirls of red, black, and yellow energy danced around her, emanating a menacing aura.

Draven observed his sister, Nyx, erupting into laughter as she started to unleash powerful spells, effortlessly eliminating hundreds of creatures.

She was consumed by fury and went on to slaughter anything that crossed her path.

As Nyx ventured further into the city, leaving Draven behind, he felt torn between assisting her and or trying to escape this hell.

The conflict attracted a growing number of repulsive rats, their grotesque presence escalating and encroaching upon Draven, overpowering his senses.

Recognizing the pressing danger, Draven understood that he had no alternative but to retreat from the encroaching horde of rats.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

[I'm open to suggestions on other bonus chapters, going to give the introductions a rest for a while. Comment and let me know]

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