A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 122 I Prefer This Side Of You.

Stepping outside, they were greeted by the sight of numerous children gleefully running around the cottage, immersed in a game they were playing.

However, the instant they noticed Archer's presence, their game came to a stop, and silence fell upon them.

Unfazed by the quietness, Archer and the girls continued down the cottage's walkway, offering smiles to the children.

A brave young boy shattered the silence, as he was rushing toward them. He stopped and pointed at Ella and Teuila, "Are they your Qweens, Magisty?"

Archer met the questioning gaze of the blue-haired child, playfully tousling his hair before responding, "Yes, little dragon, they are indeed my Queens."

Glancing back at Ella and Teuila, Archer beheld their joyful expressions as they conversed with the other children.

Then, Archer heard the boy speak again, "Mama said you safed us, but Why did you safe us?"

He looked at the curious boy and answered, "Well, little one, why would I want any of our people to suffer? All Dragon-kin deserve to live and be happy."

Archer gestured for the boy to follow him, continuing their conversation. "What's your name?"

The little boy barely spared him a glance as they walked toward Tent City, but he quickly responded, "My name is Zyler, Magisty."

Just then, a woman's angry voice pierced the air. "Zyler! Where have you been, goddammit? You have chores to finish before you can play! Stop sneaking out, boy, or I'll spank your ass again."

Emerging from between two tents, an older woman with brown hair fixed her gaze on the boy. As she approached, she noticed that her son wasn't alone.

Her gaze met a tall young man, a charming smile etched on his face, accentuated by his four white horns and gleaming violet eyes.

Accompanying him were two striking young women, gracefully strolling alongside the other children.

It was at that moment she realized the true identity of the young man, prompting her to immediately bow.

"I apologize for my behavior, Your Majesty," she humbly expressed.

Archer gazed at the woman and motioned for her to rise. As she straightened herself, a confused expression as she saw his smile.

However, he promptly offered reassurance, his voice calm and comforting.

"That's fine. They do well with discipline and dedicated parents. I respect your approach to raising children. What is your name?"

The older woman gazed at Archer, her face beaming with a smile as she introduced herself, "Your Majesty, my name is Eloria. I am the wife of Captain Astram, who serves under the General."

He nodded as he spoke. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eloria and Zyler. Anyway, I got to go so I will see you again soon."

With a wave, he watched as she guided the boy back to their tent.

Teuila approached with a warm smile on her face. "You truly are kind to everyone, even after everything you've been through.''

Archer turned towards her, but before he could respond, Ella interjected, "Absolutely, Arch. Since you left the family, you've become an entirely different person."

Drawing closer, she paused and gazed up at him.

"I must admit, I prefer this side of you. You're much friendlier and approachable, even if you're a bit strange at times. But that's alright, everyone has their quirks."

Archer's heart ached as her innocent words struck him like an arrow.

Shaking his head, he leaned down to plant gentle kisses on both girls' foreheads before opening the portal.

However, just as they were about to step through, Jethro and Sagana approached them.

The old man spoke with urgency, "Your Majesty, may I have a moment of your time, please?"

Archer halted his steps and closed the portal, turning around with a warm smile on his face.

"Certainly, Jethro. How have both of you been?"

Jethro and Sagana stood before the trio, their smiles evident as they listened to Archer's words. After catching their breath, they began to speak.

"We have been fine, Your Majesty. I am here to inform you that we now have nearly 100,000 people residing here. Sagana and Drogath have been tirelessly rescuing more individuals," Jethro explained.

His gaze shifted to the blue-haired woman, who humbly bowed her head. Jethro continued.

"However, we require more tokens and additional space, homes, and essential resources to ensure that people can live in peace."

Archer locked eyes with the old man, understanding the situation. "I will deal with it once I have finished with the introductions."

He gestured for Teuila and Ella to step forward.

"These wonderful ladies are my fiancées. We will be getting married when we turn 19," Archer announced.

Pointing to the girls, he continued, "The charming blonde is Ella, and the captivating blue-haired beauty is Teuila. They will be spending a lot of time here from now on."

Jethro and Sagana approached the girls with the utmost respect, treating them as if they were Archer. Jethro bowed deeply, his eyes filled with admiration.

"My esteemed ladies, it is an honor to finally meet you properly. I am Jethro, a humble servant to the white king. Please let me know if you ever need anything."

Ella and Teuila exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. Sagana, wearing an infectious smile, gracefully stepped forward, her voice emanating warmth.

"Indeed, my queens, your presence has brought great joy to the domain. I am Sagana. It is an honor to meet the future wives of our king."

The girls were taken aback by the way Jethro and Sagana addressed them, they exchanged bewildered smiles before composing themselves to respond.

Ella, expressing gratitude, spoke first, "We sincerely thank you, Jethro and Sagana. We feel deeply honored to be welcomed here, and your kind words mean a lot to us."

Teuila, her voice filled with genuine appreciation, chimed in, "Absolutely! We are overjoyed and immensely grateful for the kindness you've shown us."

After the introductions, Archer summoned his wings and gracefully ascended into the air, hovering effortlessly after flying away from the group.

With closed eyes, he visualized the domain expanding, its boundaries stretching outwards. In a matter of seconds, the domain doubled in size.

Vast grassy plains now encircled the existing area, extending its reach.

Archer envisioned a grand flat expanse where majestic, fantasy-inspired apartments rose skyward, forming a breathtaking skyline.

A network of roads crisscrossed the newly formed city, connecting its various districts.

To enhance the natural beauty, Archer conjured a large pristine lake, its sparkling waters shimmering under the sun.

He populated the lake with vibrant schools of fish and an assortment of small lake creatures, so the residents could hunt and fish.

Archer descended from the sky, his wings gracefully carrying him to the newly expanded domain.

He strolled along the lively streets of the small city, Archer couldn't help but marvel at the sight of fantastical apartment blocks that adorned the landscape.

The buildings were a magnificent blend of elegance and magic. Towering into the sky, they seemed to defy gravity, with turrets, spires, and ornate balconies adorning their facades.

Each apartment block was a work of art, exuding an enchanting aura that invited inhabitants to step into a world of wonder.

Archer approached one of the buildings and entered through an arched doorway. Inside, he found spacious living quarters, bathed in warm sunlight that filtered through stained glass windows.

The interiors were tastefully decorated with intricate dragon carvings, intricate tapestries of dragons, and exquisite furniture, creating an atmosphere of comfort and luxury.

As he explored further, Archer discovered communal areas, such as lush gardens and peaceful courtyards, where residents could gather and relax.

These spaces were adorned with colorful flowers, glistening fountains, and dragon sculptures, evoking a sense of serenity and tranquility.

Archer left the apartment block and started walking down a street, he saw many newly built shops.

Blacksmiths, Apothecaries, Spellbook shops, Artifacts, and Weapon shops. All he imagined was a small city where thousands of people can live and work until a home could be found for the Dragon-kin.

He wandered around the city, and that's when he spotted Ella, Teuila, Sagana, and Jethro entering the city.

When he approached them they were all smiling as they spotted the strange-looking buildings.

"Would you like a tour?" Archer asked the group, and their faces lit up with excitement as they nodded in agreement.

He led them to a nearby apartment block, constructed with sturdy stone. These remarkable residences stood tall and proud, boasting exquisite carvings and intricate designs.

The walls were decorated with mythical creature cravings and symbols, while dragons perched on the corners, serving as guardians.

Upon entering, they were greeted by spacious interiors that exuded warmth and comfort, with high ceilings soaring overhead and ample natural light flooding the rooms.

The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting legendary scenes and breathtaking landscapes, adding an air of enchantment to the space.

Each apartment boasted cozy nooks adorned with inviting fireplaces, providing the perfect setting for curling up with a book or engaging in lively conversations.

The bedrooms were adorned with soft, comfortable fabrics draping over the beds, creating a sense of tranquility and charm.

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