A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 167 Shenanigans

When Archer approached the town he dismissed his Draconic form as the caravans started to slow down. The town guards nodded at him as he entered.

The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and the normally bustling streets were unnervingly silent and creepy.

As he made his way deeper into the town, he couldn't help but notice the fearful glances exchanged among the people and the hushed whispering.

Their faces were etched with lines of anxiety, and their footsteps echoed with a sense of urgency.

Whispers filled the air, their words barely audible, but the fear in their voices was unmistakable.

Traders, adorned with vibrant robes and headdresses, clustered together in small groups, their wares displayed haphazardly on tables.

The gleam of gold and jewels caught Archer's eye, but his attention was soon drawn to the massive number of guards that surrounded them.

Their presence seemed excessive as if they were protecting more than just the merchants.

As Archer continued his exploration, he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that the town was hiding something sinister.

The narrow alleyways twisted and turned, creating a labyrinth that seemed to have a life of its own. Shadows seemed to elongate and slither across the walls, adding to the chilling atmosphere.

Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated through the air, causing Archer to instinctively summon his claws

Scanning the area, he searched for the origin of the disturbance. The townsfolk scattered, their expressions of fear intensifying with each passing moment.

It was clear they were accustomed to such disturbances, yet remained on edge.

Archer's senses heightened as he continued to explore. The wind whispered through the deserted streets, carrying an unsettling melody.

Uneasiness settled deep within him, warning him of the hidden danger lurking just beyond his reach.

As Archer strolled through the town, a thick, unsettling atmosphere weighed upon him. He looked around.

Using his Aura Detector, Archer surveyed the area. Detecting the presence of both humans and demi-humans hiding inside their homes, adding to the tension.

Spotting the traders and guards, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

His senses tingled as he whispered to himself, "Draconis."

In an instant, his draconic features emerged, and he spread his wings, taking flight above the town.

Hovering in the air, he followed the direction of the mysterious pings that had caught his attention. He saw blurs jumping over the wall and rushed off into the forest that bordered the town.

Archer descended to the ground, dismissing his Draconic features and horns. He began searching for guards to inquire about the unsettling events in the eerie town.

While walking, his Aura detection picked up a gathering of humans and demi-humans huddled around a building in the town square.

He made his way toward the crowd, pushing his way through until he stood face-to-face with a man in his late twenties.

This man had blonde hair, yellow eyes, and a pair of wolf ears atop his head. Towering slightly above Archer, the man was accompanied by a woman who shared the same distinct features as him.

She attempted to calm down the restless crowd, prompting Archer to listen intently to their conversations.

"Mayor, what action will you take? Each night, more of us disappear."

"My son vanished after venturing just outside town to gather seeds!"

"Neither my husband nor his hunting party returned from the forest. They were trusted members of our community."

"Those residing on the outskirts of the town are being abducted during the night."

The mayor attentively absorbed their concerns and addressed the crowd, "Fellow citizens, I have lodged a request with the guild in Akhetemhat City. They assured me that Adventurers would have arrived by now."

Scanning the crowd, the mayor spotted Archer standing there, eavesdropping. Pointing in his direction, he announced, "Behold, one has already arrived. Step forward, young man."

The crowd's gaze shifted toward Archer, causing him to feel uneasy. However, he shrugged off his discomfort and approached the mayor.

As he drew nearer, he noticed the pair possessed fangs, and their tails swayed gracefully behind them.

The man greeted him as he got closer. ''Hello, young man. I'm Viden Khepri the mayor of Nekhen and this is my wife Tesfira.''

Archer looked at the two, the man's ears kept twitching but the woman looked at him with narrowed eyes.

She mumbled something under her breath but he heard it. ''Womanizer.''

He chuckled to himself before replying. ''I'm Archer. Can you tell me what's happening?''

Viden nodded and motioned for Archer to follow him. They entered the building and soon he realized it was a tavern.

He gestured for Archer to join him and his wife in a dimly lit corner of the tavern. The air was heavy with an aura of unease, and the murmurs of worried townsfolk echoed throughout the room.

"Archer," Viden began, his voice low and filled with a hint of nervousness, "I need to tell you about what happened in this town a few months ago. The vanishings, the attacks, and the eerie atmosphere that fell upon us like a shroud."

Archer leaned forward, his eyes locked on Viden's face, urging him to continue.

"It all started innocently enough," Viden continued, his gaze distant as he recalled the events. "People would occasionally go missing, one or two here and there. At first, we dismissed it as mere accidents or wanderers seeking a new life elsewhere."

He paused, taking a deep breath as if trying to steel himself for what came next. "But then, the attacks began. Horrific incidents under the cover of darkness. Villagers would wake up to find their loved ones gone, taken without a trace. The marks left behind... they weren't ordinary. They were the markings of something far more sinister, something not of this world."

His brows furrowed with concern. "What kind of creature could do such a thing?"

Viden's voice dropped to a near whisper. "Legends speak of an ancient evil that has awakened, lurking in the shadows, preying upon the innocent. Some call it 'The Devourer,' a malevolent force that feeds on the life essence of its victims, leaving behind nothing but empty husks."

Archer listened to the man and spoke when he finished. "How has the town been coping with this? Are there any leads?"

Viden's eyes darted around the room, ensuring no prying ears were within earshot. "The people are terrified, living in constant fear. Some have fled, seeking refuge in neighboring towns. Others... well, they've taken matters into their own hands. Vigilante groups have formed, patrolling the streets at night, desperate to protect what remains of our community."

He nodded and spoke, "I'll do my best to figure this out. Just keep everyone within the town. Now, I'll begin my search."

As he was about to stand up, his wife, Tesfira, spoke up. "How can someone of your age 'figure' it out?"

Archer raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "You'll see."

Turning on his heels, he exited the tavern and commenced his search. The townspeople watched him from behind their curtains as he passed by.

Reaching the edge of town, he climbed up onto the wall and peered over the vast expanse of the desert grassland.

In the distance, a large river came into view, with herds of Emberhoof grazing nearby.

Archer jumped down from the wall and headed towards the forest to begin his search. It didn't take him long to reach his destination.

Upon entering the forest, he activated his Aura Detector, which began emitting multiple pings. Undeterred, he pressed on, moving forward.

Archer ventured deeper into the dense forest, the foliage growing thicker and casting eerie shadows as the daylight waned.

The air felt heavy and suffocating, and an unsettling silence settled around him. The usual sounds of nature had ceased, replaced only by his own footsteps echoing through the stillness.

As he proceeded, the trees seemed to close in on him, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers.

Strange whispers brushed against his ears, barely audible but unsettling in their otherworldly tone. 

A shiver ran down his spine as he noticed a subtle change in the atmosphere. The once vibrant colors of the forest now appeared muted, as if drained of life.

The leaves rustled strangely, and an occasional gust of chilling wind seemed to whisper his name.

Every step he took felt heavier as if the forest itself resisted his presence. Shadows danced and flickered, forming eerie shapes that seemed to watch him from the corners of his vision.

Suddenly, a low, guttural growl pierced through the stillness, followed by an echoing chorus of haunting howls.

His Aura detector picked up a dozen pings then four dozen, that's when he saw shambling figures shuffling through the trees.

When he saw them he rolled his eyes as zombies appeared, Archer cast dozens of light bolts and sent them flying into the incoming undead.

They fell like hay to the scythe, he kept firing until no more came. He examined the scene and see just over a hundred zombies.

Archer continued walking deeper into the forest in search of the cause of all the shenanigans.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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