A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 178 Alexandria

Mohamet, his daughter, and ten warriors circled Archer and the girls. Sarina approached him with a mischievous smile.

She paused and said, "Your Majesty, we were training when Father received your call, and I came to help."

Archer nodded, feeling his Regeneration take effect, and instantly started to heal his body. Ella, Teuila, and Sera stood prepared for what lay ahead.

Brushing off the dust, he summoned the massive Dragon Slayer sword, gripping it tightly with a big smile, ready for another round.

The Dragon Slayers were bewildered as a group of dragon-kin suddenly materialized, standing between them and the powerful white dragon.

Archer cast Blink, disappearing in an instant and reappearing right in front of Galen. Without wasting a moment, he swung his massive sword with immense force, aiming to strike Galen down.

Galen, recognizing the imminent danger, raised his sword to block the incoming attack. However, the impact of Archer's strike was overwhelming, sending Galen flying through the air.

The sheer strength behind the blow caused the Slayer's leader to crash nearby, leaving him momentarily disoriented and struggling to recover.

As this intense exchange unfolded, reinforcements arrived in the form of Mohamet, Sarina, and the dragon-kin.

Charging into the midst of the Slayer forces, they fought alongside the girls, determined to turn the tide of the battle.

Sarina, who was very skilled with a spear, moved with graceful precision. She swiftly maneuvered through the chaotic battlefield, engaging the Slayers with calculated strikes, exploiting their weaknesses.

Ella covered the girls by unleashing a shower of mana arrows on top of the Slayers to throw them off and allowed her friends to kill them. 

Teuila danced amidst the chaos. She skillfully dodged the attacks, retaliating with deadly precision, killing many of them who dared to draw near.

The dragon-kin, consumed by berserk rage at their king getting harmed, unleashed their primal fury upon the Slayers, tearing through them with ferocious strength, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Meanwhile, Sera bounced around the battlefield like a rabbit, her Infernomancy blazing through the air.

She targeted the Slayers, casting spells that engulfed them in searing flames, causing chaos and panic among their ranks.

While Galen struggled to regain his footing, Archer pressed on, launching a devastating assault on the remaining Slayers.

With a sweeping motion of his weapon, he cleaved through three Slayers, splitting them in half.

Fuelled by his fury, Archer continued his onslaught, swinging his weapon with reckless abandon, taking out numerous Slayers who dared to approach him.

The combined efforts of Archer, Sarina, Ella, Teuila, Sera, and the dragon-kin began to turn the tide of the battle.

Slayers fell, overwhelmed by the unrelenting attacks. Spells clashed, weapons clashed, and dragon-kin roared as they battled for their king.

After an hour of relentless combat against the Slayers, their numbers dwindled until only Galen, their leader, remained.

With a heavy heart, Galen bore witness to the merciless slaughter of his brothers and sisters at the hands of the ferocious dragon-kin.

That's when Archer appeared and swung his sword once again. Galen moved to block, but Archer did something he never expected, he cast an Eldritch Blast and Solar Flare Barrage into Galen's stomach.

The spells connected with the Elite Slayer, sending him flying once more. However, Archer didn't let him land this time.

He swiftly Blinked to Galen and punched him into the ground, creating a crater. As Archer landed, he whispered, "Draconis."

All of his Draconic features manifested as he approached the fallen Slayer. He leaped into the crater and seized hold of Galen tightly.

After giving him a health potion, Archer questioned him extensively and obtained a treasure trove of information. It was revealed that the Slayers' leader, the sage, harbored an intense hatred for dragons.

Additionally, he learned a lot about the Slayer's unique magic abilities and the support they received from the Church of Light.

Another surprising revelation was that Archer's own father had initially assisted the Slayers after the castle attack but had eventually withdrawn his support.

After the interrogation, he forcefully threw the man aside, telling him to relay a message to his leaders: "Tell them to fuck off and leave me alone."

He then approached Mohamet, Sarina, and the dragon-kin, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you for your assistance."

A smile adorned their faces as they bowed their heads in response before returning to their training grounds.

Sarina approached him, grinning mischievously, and whispered in a seductive, "My King, watching you fight greatly excites me. I hope to see more of it in the future and one day fight you myself."

Her words sent a shiver down Archer's spine. She suddenly kissed his cheek lightly and quickly went to join her father, who had a wide smile.

Mehamet tried to hide it by turning his head, but Archer caught a glimpse as they entered the portal. Shaking his head, he muttered to himself while a smile grew on his face, "That girl."

That's when he overheard the girls behind him conversing. "See, Ella, he craves attention," Teuila said, crossing her arms while observing him.

Ella turned to her and replied, "You're right, Teuila. He's a womanizer and seems to revel in it."

Sera narrowed her eyes as she looked at him and inquired, "Who was that woman?"

Though he heard their comments, he chose to ignore them and turned to address the girls. "Alright, let's gather the gold and continue our journey to Alexandria."

The three girls simply stared at him for a moment before getting to work, deciding to keep a close watch on the flirtatious dragon.

Ella watched him as he searched the bodies, silently promising herself, "I'll reveal your true nature soon."

They gathered the spoils and continued their journey toward Alexandria. The setting sun bathed the land in a stunning glow.

After hours of walking, they spotted a distant hill. As they neared the city, the bustling caravan traffic grew.

Finally, they reached the hilltop and beheld a captivating sight—a beautiful city spread out before them. Excitedly, the group hurried toward it, marveling at the breathtaking view.

Before them, the city unfolded like a timeless work of art. Its streets shimmered with vibrant lights and beautiful colored decorations, embodying the essence of an ancient civilization.

Tall buildings showcased intricate carvings and hieroglyphics, narrating tales of the past. Towers and minarets reached for the sky, their elegant spires piercing the heavens.

The cityscape painted a symphony of colors, blending sandstone, ochre, and turquoise in perfect harmony.

Golden accents shimmered in the fading sunlight, casting a warm and welcoming glow over every corner. Melodies from street musicians filled the air, captivating all who wandered the streets.

Fountains graced plazas and squares, their cascading waters bringing respite from the desert heat and a sense of serenity amidst the bustling city.

In the distance, the grand silhouettes of majestic pyramids stood like guardians of wisdom and secrets.

Their magnificence commanded awe and wonder, drawing people closer with anticipation and curiosity for the mysteries they held within.

As night fell, the city transformed into a dazzling display of lights. Lanterns adorned balconies and rooftops, casting a soft glow that danced on the walls and streets below.

Under the starry sky, the city's magic peaked. Whispers of ancient heritage swept through the breeze, stirring the imagination and reminding all of the timeless allure of Zenian.

The group arrived at the front gate, where a few guards stepped forward and addressed them, asking, "What is your purpose here?"

Archer glanced at the guard, noticing his detailed leather armor, designed for both durability and ventilation in hot weather.

Retrieving his medallion, he presented it to the guard, whose eyes widened in shock.

The guard respectfully bowed his head and spoke, "Prince Consort, please allow us to escort you to the imperial palace."

As Archer prepared to reply, he caught the sound of the girls giggling behind him. Ignoring their laughter, he simply nodded at the guard, signaling him to give orders to the rest of the soldiers.

The guard then guided the four into the city, when they entered  they were immediately captivated by the enchanting sight that unfolded before their eyes.

The city sprawled out in all its glory. Vibrant lights illuminated the winding streets, casting a mystical glow upon the surroundings.

Archer noticed that many shops were still open, so he decided to inquire about it from the guard who was walking in front of them.

"Why are the shops still open at this time?" Archer asked.

The guard turned to face him and replied, "Well, the city is always bustling with activity. Many people travel from far to visit here, and the citizens take advantage of that by keeping their shops open for longer hours to maximize their earnings."

Archer nodded in understanding and continued walking. However, his attention was soon drawn to a particular shop that caught his eye.

He veered towards it, which puzzled the guard, but the rest of the group followed suit. Ella was the first to speak up, her curiosity evident in her voice. "Arch, why are we going to a spellbook shop? Don't we already have enough?"

The other two girls eagerly awaited his response, and it didn't take long for him to provide an answer.

"I want to purchase books for our library, so we can have a vast collection of spellbooks that any of us can use at any time," Archer explained.

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