A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 180 Wild People & Waiting [Bonus]

Talila and the caravan were still traversing the Uncharted Beastlands, currently camping by the banks of an unnamed river.

After fending off the Razorclaw attack, they encountered Orcs and Goblins, but easily repelled them.

Talila sat near the campfire, with the moon hanging overhead. Cecelia approached her and asked if she could join the watch.

Talila nodded, unbothered, and Cecelia sat down, initiating conversation. "Tali, do you mind if I join you for the watch?"

Talila welcomed her presence, and the cleric began speaking. "The merchants estimate that we have about three more weeks of travel before reaching Mediterra."

As the two girls sat around the crackling campfire, they marveled at the tales they had heard about the land of Mediterra.

The stories spoke of breathtaking landscapes and people known for their warmth and friendliness.

"I can't wait to see Mediterra," Talila exclaimed, her red eyes shining with excitement. "I've heard the forests are lush and vibrant, with flowers of every color imaginable."

Cecelia nodded in agreement. "Yes, and the cities are said to be grand and filled with art and music. The people there are known for their hospitality. It sounds like a truly enchanting place."

Their conversation was interrupted as Feyra the group's knight, appeared seemingly out of thin air and joined them by the fire.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," she said with a smile. "Mediterra truly is a wonder. I've traveled there before, and the stories don't do it justice."

The night passed by in a pleasant haze of shared stories and laughter. As dawn approached, they rose from their spots, packing up the camp and preparing to continue their journey.

As the caravan set out on the road once again, excitement filled the air. The anticipation of reaching Mediterra fueled their spirits, but suddenly, arrows shot out from the surrounding forest.

Fear rippled through the caravan, but Novius a skilled mage, acted swiftly. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a wall of fire magic expertly stopping the incoming arrows.

Talila swiftly jumped from her horse, reacting quickly as an arrow struck the animal's neck, causing it to collapse.

With her bow at the ready, she promptly released a mana arrow toward the source of the attack.

In that instant, figures emerged from the underbrush, their bodies adorned with animal pelts and possessing haunting red eyes.

They lunged forward, charging toward Talila. Engaging in close combat, she skilfully wielded her short swords, parrying a crude-looking weapon and piercing her blade into the human's neck.

With a forceful kick, she sent him sprawling backward before deflecting a spear thrust, countering with a devastating solar blast aimed at the head of her opponent.

Talila and the caravan found themselves surrounded by the wild humans, their red eyes glowing with intensity.

With a shared understanding, they formed a tight-knit circle, ready to face their attackers head-on.

Talila gracefully spun her blades, her movements fluid and precise. She darted forward, engaging the wild humans with a combination of swift strikes and agile dodges.

Her blades found their mark, felling one foe after another.

Beside her, Novius unleashed a torrent of fire magic. Arcane flames engulfed his hands as he conjured fiery projectiles, each one finding its target with deadly accuracy.

The wild humans howled in pain as they were consumed by the blazing inferno.

Darius, the lion demi-human, waded into the fray with brute strength. His fists struck like thunder, pummeling any wild human foolish enough to challenge him.

Each blow delivered a bone-crushing impact, sending the humans reeling. The knights fought in perfect harmony, their swords weaving an intricate dance of steel.

Their movements were precise and synchronized, creating a wall of flashing blades that few could penetrate.

Cecelia cast her healing spells on the guards who were injured. Together, they formed an impenetrable defense, repelling the attacks of the wild humans with ease.

As the battle raged on, the combined might of Talila, Novius, Darius, and the twin knights proved too much for the wild humans to handle. One by one, their assailants fell to the ground, defeated and subdued.

With the immediate threat quelled, the group took a moment to catch their breath. Sweat dripped from their brows, and their chests heaved with exertion. But their resolve remained unshaken.

"Stay vigilant," Talila called out, her voice resolute. "We cannot let our guard down. There may be more of them lurking in the shadows."

Nodding in agreement, Novius scanned their surroundings, his eyes sharp with focus. Darius cracked his knuckles, ready for another round.

The knights stood side by side, their swords gleaming. From the depths of the forest, the wild humans unleashed a barrage of stones, hurling them at the group with uncanny accuracy.

The projectiles rained down upon them, causing the caravan guards to scatter for cover.

Talila swiftly rolled behind a fallen tree trunk just off the road, narrowly avoiding a barrage of stones that crashed against the bark.I think you should take a look at

She peered out, assessing the situation. She signaled to the others, gesturing to a nearby rock formation.

Novius, his robe billowing in the wind, conjured a protective shield of fire around himself and his companions.

The stones ricocheted off the shimmering barrier, harmlessly falling to the ground. His concentration unwavering, he muttered incantations under his breath, reinforcing the shield.

Darius, undeterred by the onslaught, charged forward. His brawny arms absorbed the impact of the stones, his muscles flexing with each strike.

The twin knights, their swords gleaming with resolve, deflected the stones with masterful precision.

With fluid movements, they batted the projectiles away, their blades a blur of steel. Their synchronized defense formed an impenetrable wall, shielding the group from harm.

With the stone barrage subsiding, the wild humans emerged from the forest once again, their war cries piercing the air. Fueled by desperation, they charged at full speed, their eyes filled with malice.

Talila rose from her cover, her short swords gleaming in the sunlight. She met the onslaught head-on, her blades slashing and parrying with precision.

Her agile maneuvers allowed her to evade the wild humans' attacks while swiftly striking back, leaving a trail of defeated foes in her wake.

Emerging from the brush, the wild assailants relentlessly charged, but the combined efforts of the Sparrows and the caravan guards swiftly subdued them.

After the skirmish, the group regrouped and composed themselves, and pressed onward with their journey.

[Starfall City - Avalon Empire]

Sia received a summons from the Emperor and made her way to the palace. Swiftly riding her Dawnbreaker mount, she traversed the streets with speed and precision.

After a brief ten-minute ride, she arrived at the palace and gracefully dismounted. Sia securely stored her mount in her beast pouch and approached the guards stationed outside.

With a friendly wave, the guards granted her passage, allowing her to enter the palace and proceed toward the Emperor's study.

As she walked, Sia unexpectedly crossed paths with Empress Chloe and Princess Leira. Upon noticing her, both women greeted her with warm smiles.

Sia greeted them in return, offering a respectful bow. "Empress, Princess. How have you both been? Congratulations on your engagement, Princess."

Leira stiffened upon hearing Sia's words and swiftly interjected. "I've been fine, Sia. But I'm not engaged to anyone yet. I haven't even met the boy."

Sia smiled as Chloe joined the conversation. "Now, now, Leira. You may grow fond of the boy once you meet him. Father is planning to invite him to attend the school, promising an exploration of the imperial dungeon and the possibility of marriage. But we shall see what the boy says."

Chloe then turned her attention to Sia and continued speaking. "Your nephew has caused quite a commotion in the south. The latest reports from my spies indicate that he is making his way back home."

Sia's excitement grew upon hearing this, but she composed herself as she had to meet the Emperor.

The three women engaged in conversation for a little while before bidding farewell. Sia proceeded to the study and, upon arrival, knocked on the door.

''Enter.'' A man's voice was heard from the other side.

After a brief moment, Sia opened the door and she stepped inside, offering a respectful bow to the Emperor.

"Your Majesty," Sia greeted, her voice steady and respectful. "You summoned me."

The Emperor, seated behind his grand desk, studied her for a moment before speaking. "Sia, my trusted warrior. I have an important assignment for you. You are to be deployed to the southern duchy of Summerfield."

Sia's eyes widened slightly, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Summerfield, Your Majesty? What is my mission there?"

The Emperor leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "The southernmost castle, Sentinel's Reach, you will be tasked with guarding the vital southern road that passes between the Sunfire Range. It is a strategic location that must be protected at all costs."

Sia nodded, absorbing the weight of her new responsibility. "I understand, Your Majesty. I shall defend the castle and ensure the safety of the road."

The Emperor's expression softened a hint of pride glimmering in his eyes. "I have faith in your abilities, Sia. You have proven yourself time and again. Summerfield is a critical region, and I believe you are the right person for this mission."

He set down the paper he had been holding, a smile on his lips as he spoke. "I have received word that a special someone to you will be appearing in that region within the next year. I believe you would be interested in meeting him."

Sia's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and the Emperor couldn't help but smile. He was well aware of her deep affection for her nephew and knew she would marry him if given the chance.

With a dismissive wave, Emperor Osoric signaled Sia to leave the room. She exited, her mind already set on heading towards the palace entrance to inquire about available Manaships.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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