A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 185 The Grassland Passage

As the four of them sat at the table, Teuila and Sera gazed at the Half-elf, who blushed but avoided making eye contact with her.

Archer observed Ella's reaction and chuckled, finding her extremely adorable. He couldn't believe that she had made the first move last night.

Shaking his head, Teuila broke the silence. "So it's my turn next, then Sera and Nefertiti."

Sera grinned, her red eyes filled with lust as she looked at Archer. He blew her a kiss when he noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes, which made her smile even wider.

Nodding in agreement with the girls' plan, Archer spoke up. "Let's head to the palace so we can get back on the road."

He opened a portal, but before he could step through, Teuila posed a question. "Why don't you just fly home?"

Archer smiled and replied, "I want to explore without drawing more attention. The church is after me, and now they're teaming up with the Dragon Slayers, which makes things even more annoying."

He stretched his neck and continued, "It's one of the reasons why I started concealing my horns and scales. It makes things easier as we travel further north."

The girls agreed that Archer was making the right decision, and they all stood up from the table as Archer opened a portal to the palace entrance.

They entered the portal and arrived outside the palace, where they were guided by a guard who saw them suddenly appear but already knew who they were.

Stepping into the entrance, their eyes widened in amazement. It exuded magnificence from every corner, filling the air with a sense of majesty.

Archer's gaze wandered across the marble floors, admiring the intricate patterns that adorned them.

The high ceilings were decorated with exquisite chandeliers, casting a warm, golden glow that illuminated the entire hall. The walls were adorned with vibrant tapestries, depicting ancient legends and Zenia's history.

Archer admired the grandeur, memories of ancient Egyptian temples filled his mind. The palace's opulent tapestries and lavish decorations evoked images of pharaohs and their majestic palaces.

The girls were equally captivated by the sight. Teuila's eyes widened as she traced the golden embellishments with her gaze.

Sera gently brushed her fingers against the intricately carved pillars, appreciating the craftsmanship.

Ella breathed in deeply, savoring the intoxicating scent of exotic flowers that filled the air. As they were walking along they spotted Nefertiti walking down a hallway looking for someone.

She turned her head towards them, a smile lighting up her face as she walked towards the group. As they walked, Archer overheard Teuila asking Ella a question.

"So Ella, how was it?" Teuila whispered.

She turned to Teuila with a smile and answered, "It hurt, but it also felt amazing. I'm still hurting to be honest."

Sera closed in on the two and joined in the conversation. ''How big was he? He's not small is he.''

Ella giggled before replying to the hyperactive girl. ''It's big.''

Both girls eyes widened, Sera's excitement shone through and Teuila got a worried look on her face but their conversation came to a halt as Nefertiti approached them.

She approached them and addressed Archer, "I've been searching for you. Father wants to have breakfast with you."

Archer nodded, and Nefertiti smiled as she walked beside him, continuing their conversation. As they headed toward the palace's dining room, they engaged in lighthearted small talk.

The hallway was adorned with elegant artwork and intricate tapestries, creating a grand atmosphere.

Emperor Amkhu and Hatshepsut saw the group walk into the room and motioned for them to sit down opposite them.

As the group settled down, Nefertiti gracefully took the seat on Archer's right, with Teuila occupying the seat on his left, having secured their places before Ella and Sera had a chance to claim them.

The two disappointed girls sulked a bit but begrudgingly settled into their seats. Soon after, Amkhu initiated the conversation, breaking the silence.

"So, Archer, how was your sleep?" he inquired, directing his attention toward the young Half-elf.

Archer turned his gaze to his right and found Ella beaming at him, while Sera playfully winked, eliciting a laugh from him.

"It was fine, thank you," he replied, his smile reflecting the warm camaraderie among them.

Amkhu nodded, engaging in a lively chat with Archer for a while. Then, Hatshepsut shifted her focus to Nefertiti, addressing her with a gentle tone. "Nefi, you'll need to attend the academy for another year. That way, you'll be 19 when you finish."

After speaking to her daughter, Hatshepsut turned her attention back to Archer, her eyes brimming with curiosity. "And how old are you, Archer?" she inquired, her genuine interest evident.

Meeting the smiling gaze of the elder woman, Archer responded, "I'm nearly 16."I think you should take a look at

Hatshepsut nodded, processing the information before continuing with a proposition. "If you both agree, when you turn 18 and Nefertiti is 21, the two of you can consider getting married," she suggested, presenting an idea that seemed to hold significance for their future.

Archer glanced to his right and couldn't help but notice the pink-haired Nefertiti, her eyes filled with adoration, gazing at him with affectionate love hearts swirling in her gaze.

He turned back to Nefertiti's mother and nodded, a warm smile spread across the older woman's face.

She leaned over to her elder daughter, Nefertari, and engaged in a lively conversation with her.

Meanwhile, Amkhu addressed Archer once again, saying, "Welcome to the family, Archer. May your marriage with Nefertiti be filled with happiness and love."

He smiled as he heard the Nefertiti talking to Ella and Sera as Teuila spoke to Hatshepsut and Nefertari.

His eyes widened in amazement as maids entered the room, each carrying platters of mouthwatering Zenian breakfast food.

The tantalizing aromas filled the air, making his stomach rumble with anticipation. In front of him, a golden tray held a spread of freshly baked bread, still warm from the oven.

The assortment included fluffy, round pitas, crispy flatbreads, and fragrant sesame-seed-studded loaves.

Besides the bread, there were small bowls filled with vibrant dips and spreads. Archer's gaze was drawn to the rich, earthy hummus, adorned with a drizzle of golden olive oil and sprinkled with paprika.

Next to it, a tangy and vibrant tomato and cucumber salad awaited him, sprinkled with fragrant herbs and a squeeze of zesty lemon.

Another maid approached with a tray laden with delicacies from the empire. The centerpiece was a tray of falafels, golden-brown and perfectly crispy on the outside, with a tender and flavorful interior.

They were accompanied by small bowls of creamy tahini sauce, adding a nutty and tangy complement to the savory bites.

Archer's eyes sparkled with delight as he noticed a platter piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs, seasoned with aromatic herbs and spices.

The eggs were cooked to perfection, their vibrant yellow color promising a delectable and satisfying breakfast.

Nearby, there were bowls of fresh, juicy fruits. The vivid oranges and succulent grapes beckoned him, their sweetness enticing his taste buds.

A refreshing watermelon salad, dotted with cooling mint leaves, completed the fruity ensemble.

As Archer took in the feast before him, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the generosity and attention to detail.

The maids had gone above and beyond to present a breakfast fit for royalty, honoring the traditions of Egyptian cuisine.

With a grateful smile, Archer reached out to sample a bit of everything. The flavors danced on his tongue, each bites a delightful harmony of spices, textures, and freshness.

Once they finished eating Amkhu motioned for Archer to join him in a quiet corner of the palace's grand hall.

He followed, curious about what the Emperor wanted to discuss. As they stood facing each other, Amkhu's expression turned serious.

Amkhu looked at Archer with concern in his voice. "I want to give you some advice about your journey north."

Archer nodded, curious to hear what he had to say. "The Scorching Desert road and the Coastal routes to the north have become very dangerous," Amkhu explained. "A huge sea beast has made the coastal route too risky to take."

Archer's eyes widened in surprise at the news. "However," Amkhu continued, a glimmer of reassurance in his eyes, "there is a safer alternative, the Grassland Passage."

He gestured towards a map he laid out on a table, pointing to a winding path that cut through vast open grasslands.

"This route," he explained, "will take you through the heart of the serene grasslands." Archer studied the map, tracing the route with his finger. The path seemed to offer a direct passage north.

"The route is the safest option at the moment," Amkhu emphasized. "It has been patrolled and guarded by our warriors, ensuring protection against bandits and other dangers."

Archer appreciated Amkhu's concern and nodded gratefully. "Thank you. I will take your advice and take the Grassland Passage."

The Emperor smiled as he reached into a pocket within his robe and pulled out a small, intricately designed amulet.

He extended his hand, offering it to Archer. "This amulet holds the ancient blessings of our empire," Amkhu explained. "Carry it with you on your travels. It will bring you protection and guidance."

Archer took the amulet with a mix of gratitude and thanked the man as they rejoined the group and started talking to them but were interrupted by his advisor Mostafa who rushed up to the Emperor and whispered something in his ear.

Amkhu's face turned white as he listened, after Mostafa was finished he stepped back to let the Emperor think.

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