A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 188 A Greedy Dragon

After finishing his rampage, Archer surveyed the area and noticed several enemy soldiers still lingering.

Without hesitation, he conjured hundreds of Lightning Element Bolts and unleashed them, pursuing the survivors.

The soldiers were swiftly defeated, and Archer huffed as he flapped his wings, soaring towards the Nubia Kingdom.

His greed fueled his desire for their treasure, and he was searching for roads that would toward him to his coveted prize.

Archer spotted a road stretching ahead and eagerly flew towards it. As he approached, he gradually transformed back into his humanoid form but before he did he ate the 131 hearts that Teuil gave him making it easier for himself.

Touching down on the ground, he continued his journey on foot, walking along the road.

Archer's eyes caught sight of a distant caravan making its way toward him, piquing his interest.

Intrigued, he quickened his pace and moved closer. When he reached the caravan, it suddenly came to a halt, and the guards stationed there blocked his path, eyeing him cautiously.

One of the men spoke, stopping Archer. "Boy, where did you come from? And where are you going?"

Archer looked at the man and replied, "I escaped Memphis City before the arrival of the Nubians and Luxorians. I'm heading to my aunt's villa in the Nubian capital. Do you know which way that is?"

The caravan scrutinized the boy's face and sighed, sensing that he wouldn't pose any trouble.

The man nodded and pointed northeast, saying, "Ankara is in that direction. The road ahead splits off in that direction."

Archer nodded with a smile and thanked the man. "Thank you for your help. Have a safe journey."

He walked ahead and followed the road until he came across the turning. Whispers of "Draconis" escaped his lips, causing his Draconis features to emerge, and he took off, flapping his wings to increase his speed.

After a few hours, he arrived outside the city, landing on a high branch and gazing over Ankara, the capital of the Nubia Kingdom.

From his elevated perch, Archer observed the magnificent architecture and bustling streets below.

The city was magnificent, with tall buildings and intricate designs, reminding Archer of the grandeur he had seen in Zenia Empire's cities.

He admired the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, where merchants haggled and exotic spices filled the air.

Thanks to his dragon senses, he could fully appreciate the sights, sounds, and scents around him.

People were coming and going on their wagons, and adventurers were leaving the city on quests.

Ankara's buildings shimmered with vibrant colors, reflecting the golden sunlight from the majestic Nile River.

It had an enchanting allure that reminded Archer of the cities he had visited in the Zenia Empire.

Deep in thought, he contemplated the similarities between Ankara and the cities he had encountered during his travels.

After thinking for a little while he decided to break into the palace after checking his status.


[Experience: 7500/15000]

[Level Up: 164>173]

[SP: 33>51] 

Seeing he leveled up nine times thanks to the undead and soldiers excited him but the thought of getting the Nubian treasure and decided to use his Status Points.

He spent them all on intelligence and checked it. 

[Intelligence: 3900>4410]

Happy with his new intelligence stat, Archer looked towards the city and started to cast Blink to appear on the city walls.

Archer continued using Blink to get closer to the palace that's when he spotted a massive building adjacent to the palace and Blinked on top of it.

From his elevated position, he looked down at the building and observed guards patrolling the courtyard and garden. He searched for a commander among them.

After a short search, he located a commander and blinked behind him. He swiftly grabbed hold of the commander and blinked back to the roof.

The commander was visibly shocked by Archer's sudden appearance. Archer slapped him a few times and demanded, "Where is the king's treasure?"

The man was bewildered by the presence of this random young man and soon grew angry due to the slaps.

However, he summoned one of his claws and raised it threateningly toward the man's eyes.

With his claw raised in a menacing manner, Archer positioned it near the commander's eyes and repeated his demand, "Tell me, where is the king's treasure?"I think you should take a look at

The commander, fear etched across his face, quickly composed himself and replied, "Fine! I'll tell you, just spare me!"

He lowered his claw slightly, maintaining a firm grip on the commander's shoulder. "Speak quickly, or you won't like the consequences."

Taking a deep breath, the commander stammered out his response, "The king's treasure is located in the treasure room, beneath the Great Hall. It's heavily guarded, though. Only the king and a select few trusted individuals have access."

Archer tightened his grip on the commander's shoulder, his eyes narrowing. "How do I gain entry? And don't lie to me."

The commander gulped and answered, "There's a hidden passage in the king's chambers. Behind a bookshelf, there's a lever that opens the way to the treasure room. Only the king knows the exact mechanism."

A cruel smile crept across Archer's face as he contemplated his next move. "You've been helpful. Now, one last thing. Tell me the quickest way to the king's chambers."

The commander, trembling, complied, "Follow the grand staircase in the Great Hall. The king's chambers are at the end of the corridor on the second floor."

Archer released his grip on the commander's shoulder as he smiled and swiftly summoned his tail, using it to swipe the man's leg.

The commander crashed to the floor, and before he could react, Archer stomped on his head, rendering him unconscious.

After dealing with the man, Archer cast Blink and reappeared on the palace walls. He surveyed his surroundings and noticed guards scattered throughout.

Spotting a large room above, he used Blink once again, finding himself inside a weapons storage room.

Archer cautiously approached the door, slowly opening it to peer outside and found it devoid of anyone.

He crept through the castle until he reached the Great Hall, managing to remain undetected until he accidentally stumbled into a guard.

His tail quickly lunged out, piercing the man's throat. The body crumbled to the floor, blood spurting all over the place.

Archer made his way up the stairs and began searching for the king's chambers. He quickly located them.

Entering the room, he scanned for the bookcase. Spotting one, he walked over and grabbed hold of it, flinging it across the room, revealing a hidden door.

Archer swiftly began pounding the wall with punches, kicks, and even spells, causing loud noises to reverberate through the room.

Not even five minutes later, he broke through the stone door, causing rubble to scatter and a cloud of dust to fill the room.

As he heard footsteps approaching the room, Archer turned towards the door while taking a deep breath and unleashed a stream of fire upon it.

After doing that he walked down the stairs and entered a large chamber that had a group of 20 guards stationed inside sitting around tables.

Archer raised his hands, summoning crackling electricity, before casting the Chain Lightning spell.

A bolt of lightning shot out, arcing through the air and striking the first guard, sending a jolt through his body.

The guard convulsed and fell unconscious, but the lightning didn't stop there. It surged to the next guard, catching him off guard and incapacitating him too.

The Chain Lightning spell continued, leaping from one guard to another, each strike knocking them down.

Chuckling, Archer observed as the spell effortlessly neutralized the entire group of guards. The room filled with the sound of bodies hitting the ground and the smell of burnt air.

With the guards taken care of, Archer calmly walked past them, electricity still crackling in his hands. It was a showcase of his formidable powers and a testament to his mage skills.

Approaching the metal door, he summoned his claws, piercing the doors and ripping them off the hinges. He threw the door across the room.

He entered the room, his eyes went wide with awe. Dozens of chests, pouches, and other storage items were filled with gold coins and gems.

As Archer prepared to act, a trap was triggered, releasing a fire spell aimed directly at him. He quickly shifted his body to dodge, but the spell persisted, following his movements.

That's when he cast Cosmic Shield and blocked the attack, dust flew everywhere as his Aura Detector picked up hundreds of pings headed in his direction.

With greedy eyes and slippery hands, he started throwing the chests into his Item Box without stopping until the room was empty.

Archer took out a gold coin and placed it in the center of the room and quickly cast Gate to the tall building outside just as the pings appeared at the top of the stairs.

He stepped through and appeared on the roof as the gate closed behind him, he could feel the amount of chests he threw into the Item Box.

Standing on the roof he saw hundreds of soldiers and mages storming into the palace, so he raised his hand and cast Call Lightning.

Dark storm clouds gathered menacingly above the palace, unleashing thunder and lightning that ravaged the buildings and scorched the ground.

Fires erupted throughout the city, engulfing it in chaos. Archer watched the people start to panic.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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